Defining Genocide

28 10 2023

American streets and college campuses are alive with protesters claiming Israel is committing “genocide” in Gaza. Those who use this word obviously do not know what “genocide” means. Look it up. You will find “genocide” defined by Merriam-Webster as “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.”

If Israel wanted to eradicate the people in Gaza they could have easily done it decades ago. In fact, Israel totally withdrew its security forces, all settlers, and actually destroyed those Israeli settlements so there was nothing for the Israeli civilians to return to Gaza for.

Gaza has NOT been “occupied” by Israel since that time in 2005. Gaza elected Hamas as its governing party immediately after the Israeli withdrawal. It is precisely what the people in Gaza desired; an independent state of self government.

“Genocide”? Israel has demonstrated no desire to eradicate the Arab or Muslim people.

There is no “Palestinian people”. “Palestinian” is a modern political term adopted by political activists forming groups like the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Remember Yassar Arafat? There is no ethnicity or genetic heritage rooting the people to the land-they are Arabs who, for the most part are descended from Egyptian, Lebanese or Jordanian Arab Muslims who moved into the area in the 20th Century to attempt to thwart the migration of European Jewry post Holocaust. (Ask the Jews about genocide.) West Bank was Jordan’s before the “Six Day War” in 1967. After the invasion of Israel by Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, Israel captured all the land west of the Jordan River and has continued to hold it as a “security buffer”. It was during this war that Israel also captured Jerusalem, held the Temple Mount briefly, and then gave it back to the Jordanians to avoid a drawn out, bloody war. The Jordanian Waqf owns it yet today, appointing the Palestinian Authority (PA) administrative authority, while the Israeli Police Force provides security. The PA only allows Muslims to pray on the Temple Mount. Jews and Christians are prohibited from praying there. (However, my friend and I did anyway, knowing that our audience of Muslims don’t realize that Christians can pray to God with their eyes open, carrying on a conversation with God without specific ceremonial physical actions.)

I have walked the streets of Israeli cities. I saw Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Druze living side by

Pro-Gaza Protesters in New York plan to flood Brooklyn this weekend. Photo credit NY Post

side in peace, doing business with each other, employing one another. While Israel may officially be a Jewish state it does not preclude people of other ethnicities, religions, or nationalities. How many Jews do you think live in Gaza City? Baghdad? Tehran? Kandahar? They were either removed, or fled long ago.

If Israel wanted to remove the Arab Muslim population from the land why are they not shelling and preparing to invade West Bank? The answer is the attacks on Israel that butchered civilian mothers, decapitated babies, and slaughtered old people did not come from West Bank. They came from the self governing place called Gaza.

“Genocide”? The Charter of Hamas specifically states the objective of the removal of all Jews and the state of Israel from the map. “From the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean) “Palestine” will be free” means the annihilation of the Jews in the entirety of the land. The “Two State Solution” is not an option for Hamas.

Hamas is the one who builds military complexes in, around, and under hospitals, mosques, and residential buildings, launches unprovoked attacks from those areas and then hides behind their own women and children. Gaza is nothing more than a military base intentionally populated with “innocents” in order to exploit their deaths as shahid “martyrs”in the media against Israel.

Now, you decide who wants to commit genocide.

The Bear, The Dragon, and the Jackals

12 09 2021

The perimeter has been drawn in.

The Bear, the Dragon, and the desert Jackals greedily snarl and consume the discards, the Abandoned and the Betrayed.

Yet the picket line is undefined, unsecured, and the Jester fiddles and mocks his charges with disdain, blaming them for his failures, and gaslighting the Masses.

The Puppeteer smirks behind his facade, as his Minions wait in the wings for the nod to return to their chaotic games in the Town Square. The fruit of his guile ripening in the tribal fields which he once plowed. He patiently awaits a post American world.

War does not cease because you walk away. An unvanquished Tyrant is not content to feed upon your morsels.

The Jackals sleep within your walls. The Bear has entertained your children with song and dance for generations, . And the Dragon deeply inhales the flame of Liberty’s torch, which flickers and smolders.

The blood of tyrants, which once watered the tree of Liberty, now courses through the veins of an Imposter which pretends to be the grandchild of the Founders and the progeny of the Greatest Generation, until the appointed time.

The seven deadly sins; pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth, have had their effect.

Do not be deceived; God is not mocked.

Repent, America, else your destruction is assured.

You are still at War whether you fight or not.

Read the rest of this entry »

The Deadly Bureaucracy

10 07 2021

For at least a century now, the United States has been the leading superpower; both economically and militarily. Since the Spanish American War, the USA has maintained a strong military presence, with few exceptions, in every theater of war we have fought.

Fall of Saigon 40th anniversary
By Radhika Chalasani
April 30, 2015 / 10:44 AM / CBS NEWS
South Vietnamese Marines leap in panic aboard a cutter from an LST in Danang Harbor in Da Nang, Vietnam, April 1, 1975 as they are evacuated from the city, shortly before its fall to the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese…

We occupied the Philippines since 1898, until 1991, and a short few years later were asked to return in light of perceived ChiCom threats in the South China Sea. We still have a major military presence in South Korea, along with Japan (Okinawa) and Germany, where there have been no active military threats for decades.

As the United States walks away from one of the most strategic and hard won military installations ever established, the Taliban ravages the Afghan countryside taking back villages and subjugating people who had experienced a momentary reprieve from raw tyranny, filling the void left by the United States. The schools and infrastructure established with US help, where girls and women were allowed to attend, will be systematically destroyed, and resistance eliminated.

Our cooperators, those Afghan people who aided our forces by providing intelligence, or interpretation, and any ANSF soldiers, trained by, and fighting with the US who resist, or refuse to join the retaking of Kabul, will be killed along with their families. (Terrorists don’t always come directly at you; they threaten your families in order to make you comply.)

This morning I watched an Afghan interpreter who came to the United States after his invaluable service, speak about the failure of American Immigration Bureaucracy. He applied for asylum in 2009, through our embassy in Afghanistan. He was not permitted entrance to America until 2014. He was a true, and dire textbook case for asylum, as his life was in danger. Today there are 2500 Afghan Nationals who allied, worked for, or otherwise assisted the US government over the last 20 years, waiting for an even more ineffective bureaucracy. The Biden administration refuses to allow these people entrance onto American soil until the red tape is all completed. They will most likely be dead by then.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of unidentified migrants flood across our southern border, among which are human traffickers, drug traffickers, cartel members, and cartel conscripts, along with people from all over the world, in an unmitigated humanitarian disaster, where, not only is bureaucracy ineffective, but ICE, CBP and other DHS and law enforcement field officers are ordered to stand down, are reassigned to provide aid and comfort, or release captured subjects into America with little or no expectation those people will ever see the inside of an immigration office.

None of these migrants, or invaders, have ever done one thing for the American People, United States, or it’s Government.

Our installations in Afghanistan are not only security and economic support for Afghan nationals, but the strategic location and proximity to Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan is highly advantageous in monitoring intelligence and the ability to launch counter or defensive operations in any future conflict involving any of those countries. (The Biden’s cozy relationship and lack of criticism of ChiCom dictator Xi, and American Communist organizations like BLM and Liberty Road, who celebrate Communist China openly, leaves fertile ground for conspiracy theories galore.)

It may take a year or two for Kabul/Bagram to fall, but like other Islamo-fascists as well as Communists, the Taliban are very patient. Obviously, it pays off, especially when dealing with a fickle US Government.

Think. What country or people would ever trust the US government to protect them or adhere to treaties or alliances, when American policies change after every election? (American Tribal Natives were only the first to experience this fickle betrayal.) Why should they? Ask the South Vietnamese about the vacuum left by US forces, after our government promised RVN forces full military hardware support upon our departure and it never came. Defunded. Afghanistan is a landlocked country with no infrastructure or mass transportation. There will be no “boat people”.

Saboor was fortunate. He had US military personnel keeping him secure while he waited for US government bureaucracy to process. 2500 of his fellow countrymen are watching that very security force being ordered to abandon Afghanistan, leaving them at the mercy of two merciless foes:

The Taliban, and the United States Immigration Bureaucracy.

You Might be a Progressive….

14 03 2021

You might be a Progressive if you use racist policies to combat racism.

You might be a Progressive if you borrow money from Communist China and give it to organizations that will put it back in your campaign fund.

You might be a Progressive if you solicit some union’s vote, then cut those union jobs and give money to another union.

You might be a Progressive if you think writing checks will fix poverty but killing jobs won’t.

You might be a Progressive if you think you can print unlimited cash knowing you can never pay for it.

You might be a Progressive if you think a “tax the rich policy“ will make the rich pay more taxes.

You might be a Progressive if you teach children that our country hasn’t made any progress.

You might be a Progressive if you think a country without borders can remain sovereign.

You might be a Progressive if you divide people into groups and then tell them their problems are the fault of the other groups.

You might be a Progressive if you think there’s a practical difference between democratic socialism and communism.

You might be a Progressive if communists and socialists fund your campaign.

You might be a Progressive if you think spending money you don’t have makes you more prosperous.

You might be a Progressive if you think spending other people’s money, that they don’t have, makes THEM more prosperous.

You might be a Progressive if your environmental “save the planet” policies destroy the environment.

You might be a Progressive if you believe killing a developing baby Eagle should be illegal but killing a developing baby human should be legal.

You might be a Progressive if you call opposition to Communism, or any other authoritarian ideology, racism.

You might be a Progressive if you think that “From each according to his ability to each according to his need” is a sound economic policy.

In fact, if you call yourself a Progressive you are most likely a Marxist wearing a more polite badge. Self avowed “Progressives” in today’s world are working to enact Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Remember, Vladimir Lenin was a “Democratic Socialist”, who said the end result of Socialism is Communism, because the agenda cannot be achieved without the tyranny of a police state. Why? Because it is unnatural, and counter intuitive.

An authoritarian government can never create a benevolent citizenry. It can only dispossess its citizens to meet its own needs.

Class dismissed.

The Cult of Collectivism

11 03 2021

There is an ideology that has been around in America for a long time now, but has never had the momentum and support from our institutions that it currently enjoys. That ideology is collectivism. It has existed in varying degrees

Karl Marx

around the world in political movements like socialism, communism, and fascism. In its mild form it opposes capitalism, seeks to redistribute wealth, limit private property ownership, all through government regulation. (“Social Justice” is another term that is frequently used by collectivists.) This is “social democracy”. We are becoming very close to that now, if not already there.

Collectivism always puts the group needs before the needs/rights of the individual. The ultimate in a secular collectivist society is Communism, where the government, in the name of “the People”, owns or controls everything from food production to education. It manages information flow through news media, the arts, and academia. The duty of each citizen is to the state. The natural result of this philosophy is the weak perish, and the middle class disappears. The ultimate goal of total equality is nearly met, and for all the rhetoric of “social justice”, well…everyone lives in poverty except the ruling elite. After all, Collectivism is for the mob to appropriate all power to the elite; not for the elite to participate in.

[Islam is another collectivist society in which the rights/needs of the individual are not important, but demands each citizen serve the collective in order to maintain it. The only practical difference between Islam and Communism is that Islam is a theocracy, in which all aspects of life and society are controlled by the ideology, dispensed upon the collective, by the collective, if a theocratic government is not available.  This is why Islam has allied itself with the American Left, a curious alliance indeed.  Again, the middle class is virtually none existent, while the ruling elite prosper.]

America, conversely, was never set up to be collectivist in its ideology.

The founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were designed to protect the rights of the individual from the state. The stark difference from America and the rest of the world is that our Declaration points out that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” [Emphasis added]

See, America was never intended to be a “Top Down” authoritarian government. It is not a Democracy, where the mob rules, but a Representative Republic, governed by law instituted by the People, and Representatives of their own choosing. In the words of Lincoln, “government of the People, by the People, and for the People.”

America has always been about the Liberty of Mankind to choose his own destiny, his responsibility to his God, and his duty to preserve these things for his descendants and his fellow citizens. It has proven that the success of the collective depends upon the liberty of the individual. When the individual is allowed to prosper and flourish, the community prospers together. That was the difference between the early Colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth. Jamestown had been a “collectivist” or communal endeavor in which all property was held in common and all needs came from the common purse, or storehouse. This leads to the “freeloaders” who contribute little or nothing and consume as much as everyone else. Jamestown died. Plymouth began as such but William Bradford recognized the flawed system and allotted a parcel of land to each family to provide for their own needs and any surplus could be sold or given to a neighbor. Capitalism.

It is commonly misunderstood among the “Social Justice” crowd and many average Americans, that charity is squelched by Capitalism. Quite the contrary, capitalism begets charity, especially when the prosperous citizen believes in his Creator and therefore has a sense of duty to his fellow-man which always results in a higher rate of contribution to community than an over reaching government taking from the prosperous and “redistributing the wealth” because the government requires its cut for inefficient administrative bureaucracy.

An authoritarian government can never create a benevolent citizenry. It can only dispossess its citizens to meet its own needs. A benevolent citizenry is created by allowing that society to prosper from within, to the point of plenty, when then by the dictates of conscience, not government, each person may choose charity, thereby raising the standard of living for all. William Bradford proved it out.

The argument could easily be made that “Godless Capitalism” is evil. I would not disagree; but would remind you that “Godless anything” is evil, including Godless Government, Godless Politicians, Godless Education, Godless Finance, and Godless Media. But the striking thing here is this: Those who would decry the evils of “Godless Capitalism” are of the very persuasion that ejected God from our institutions!!

Revolution Requires Chaos

If you haven’t picked up Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” by now, you simply must read it to gather a working understanding of what Barack Obama meant when he declared the “Fundamental transformation of the United States of America”. Professor Barack Obama, our past Chief Community Organizer, taught Alinsky’s methods to his students, and integrated them into his government to a decree that, it would appear, the USA will never recover from.

Alinsky’s fundamental premise is found on page 116, “The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step towards community organization.” He then advises the organizer, When you are labeled an “an agitator, they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict.”(p. 117)

Alinsky only left out one piece of the puzzle. What to do with what you break. Breaking the targeted system is easy; rebuilding something that is productive isn’t. But his acknowledgment at the beginning of the book should have given us a clue. To: “…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

America stands at the most pivotal point in her history since the Kansas-Nebraska Act (which resulted in the Civil War). We are polarized. We are factionalized. Our history has been rewritten to minimize the importance of our Judeo-Christian foundation. Our institutions have been purged of morality that comes from that foundation. Our language is adulterated with vulgarities which are most commonplace in our youth. Our youth have been hijacked by powers that redefine what family is and strip them of any faith in God that was instilled as a child, and replaced with a collectivist philosophy, “from each according to ability, to each according to need”. That’s Karl Marx, by the way. It’s also most of the leadership in the current American Democrat Party, unions, our education system, and the media, and yes, it’s got a root in the Republican ranks as well.

This did not begin with Barack Obama, but it may find success in his puppets. For the last 4 years, the Revolutionaries had a personified objective, a target to rally the followers, most of which are unwitting (Lenin’s term was “Polyezniys” or useful idiots), in Donald Trump. Where, for 8 years, the White House was viewed by the media, and the ranks of the revolutionaries, as an ally, it instantly became “public enemy number one“ while Trump was in residence.

As Alinsky said, “The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the Revolution“.  Covid was a handy crisis to advance the Collective. Trump was handy to deepen the fissures. Uncle Joe is a handy puppet, and when he is used up, Kamala was the consummate choice for a Manchurian Candidate. Susan Rice is currently running things, just in case you hadn’t noticed…

The Historic lesson? Collectivist revolutions always take you farther than you want to go.

The Spiritual lesson? Godless revolutions always lead straight to Hell….

Next: The Cult of Woke

Fear This

11 04 2020


It is the one motivator that easily crosses culture, race, even species. It’s not easy to change the way people think and behave. Except by fear.

Fear is the greatest human emotion and is nearly instantaneous, life altering, and enduring. It has been used by conquering armies, tyrants, and governments across the globe for millennia. It can keep us from success, or drive us to it.

Fear also comes in handy for preserving ones own personal safety, and avoiding that other behavior controlling mechanism, pain. This can be good, and when experienced at a certain intensity, pain can evoke respect for certain situations. I personally have learned, although slowly, that respect for animals that outweigh me 8-10 to 1, can hurt me. Smaller animals with long teeth can also inflict pain, and tiny insects that fly can inflict massive pain.

These experiences have taught me respect for these sources of discomfort; even at times, still evoking enough short lived fear to overcome my waning athletic abilities, in order to avoid broken bones, stitches and assorted contusions.

But I have learned to overcome that initial fear, and practice respect. Fear would dictate that repeated (or even one) encounters with four legged mammals (who, though they may not eat humans, may/have/can still do massive damage to ones earthly abode) could even kill you.

I have also learned that fear will result in one of three responses in both animals and humans:

Fight, Flight, or Freeze (more prevalent in humans than animals). All three may be the correct reaction to preserve ones own safety in a given situation, but all three can also result in injury or death. Paralysis can keep you from being detected by an enemy or predator, but if not controlled (psychological discipline) can more often result in bad outcomes.

I have experienced all three. I have struck out in fear, ran in fear, and frozen in fear.  Paralytic fear that most people experience is social. Stage fright, for instance.  Fear of public humiliation trumps fear of death for many. They would rather be the one in the casket than the one giving the eulogy.

But Fear is not healthy if allowed to govern your life. I’ve been hurt by enough livestock that I could be afraid enough of them to find another career path (or maybe I’m just sadistic, or dim witted). On the other hand, I love what I do; not all cows have tried to kill me. Not all horses have snuck up behind me and grabbed me in his teeth by the shoulder, kicked, stomped, bucked me off, or gotten me hung in a stirrup fighting for my life to get free. Not all bobcats have looked me in the eye and advanced on my position, while standing in full view of him.

How is it then, that I continue in a dangerous career? How is it the fighter pilot continues in a dangerous career? The soldier? The logger? The Law enforcement officer? The Firefighter?  The answer for all is to understand the situation and determine if the risk is worth the potential outcome.

Situational awareness.

Placing ones self in a situation of risk is common, and done by every person every day. Every time you get into any machine for transportation, you are knowingly and willingly placing yourself in a situation that could end your life. Is it necessary? Sometimes, yes, if we want to continue to keep our families economic status viable by going to work to earn a paycheck. Sometimes, no, it’s simply a pleasure, or “non-essential” (to us) trip that will probably result in spending money that will help another person provide economic stability for their own family. (See where I’m going with this?)

Risk assessment.

Is the risk greater than the potential gain? Is the risk of riding a horse, with no prior history of causing injury, getting tangled in brambles and falling, slamming you into the ground resulting in concussion, worth taking? It happened to me. Yes, it’s worth getting back on and riding for another 25 years (and counting).

Is it worth the risk of being bitten by a poisonous snake while hunting morel mushrooms in the woods? You better believe it!

Is it worth the risk of death by crashing from 5 miles high, to get inside an aluminum tube with wings with 100 other people and travel to a vacation paradise?

Is it worth having children at the risk of losing one to SIDS, or some other tragedy? I can’t tell you how much it is worth that risk!

Fear of CV19 is now driving people to do some strange and even dangerous things. I have personally seen people driving, alone, in their car with the windows rolled up, with masks on. In grocery stores folks are hesitant to go down an aisle if someone else is there. Yes, those are small things and I’m not judging; just illustrating how fear is altering behavior.

The Governor of Michigan ordered that residents can leave the state, but can not travel to a second residence within the state.  The fine, $1000.  Also, since you are stuck at home, you can’t go to the store and get gardening supplies in order to plant that garden that will not only help you maintain some sanity and serve as a distraction, but will also feed your family next winter!  Michigan is not alone, as other governors in other states are using draconian and yes, unconstitutional methods of controlling peoples movements, mostly due to fear.

Then there are cases where neighbors are calling authorities on people who are out walking or playing in their own yards. A dad is handcuffed for playing ball in a park with his daughter. Dad and son lifting weights out on the front lawn visited by police after a neighbor called them for “breaking shelter in place”.    I saw a news story this morning about police using drones to monitor people’s outside activities.  It’s getting crazy. People are becoming paranoid.  Ever hear of Gestapo? This kind of fear breaks down trust in a society.

One strength (and, arguably, one weakness) of American society is that we are the most trusting people on the planet. I was told by an Arab once, “You Americans, you trust everyone.”  I’ve spoken with numerous people from Islamic countries, some Muslim, some ex-Muslims, and to a person, they described a level of distrust that caused them to lie and deceive almost incessantly, not just to non-Muslims (permissible), but to everyone because your neighbors may be report you for some infraction of Sharia, or to gain favor of local authorities. One Egyptian woman told me the hardest thing for her after coming to America was breaking her habit of lying. She said she was living in fear constantly. Watch the docudrama “The Stoning of Soroya M” to see how fear and distrust affects a society.

If we allow fear to dictate how we live, we are no longer Free. Life is full of risk! Take the proper precautions, yes, but seriously, shutting yourself inside 4 walls indefinitely, is not physically, or mentally, healthy.

According to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a 1% increase in the country’s unemployment rate is correlated with a 3.6% rise in opioid deaths. That’s just opioids.  Unemployment claims increased to 17 Million from March 15-April 4, up from 280 thousand the week ending 3/14.  It’s my understanding that furloughed workers are not counted in the “unemployed” numbers, as their employers will, through CARE legislation, be helped by the Federal government to pay them.  17 million people, plus furloughed employees, classified as “non-essential”.  What are the emotional and psychological possibilities for increased substance addiction, domestic violence/abuse, increase in crime rates due to either boredom, frustration, or simple desperation to survive?

I recently had a conversation with a close friend who is a retired Army Officer.  He said the civilian population is going to be exposed to and experience PTSD symptoms due to this current situation.  He added, “We need to start talking about this now!”  Indeed.

Fear, if allowed to proliferate, will be the disease that kills America.  It will not be a virus.  The basic premise of the above meme, inspired by the experience of a friend of mine, is already taking place.  Let’s all just calm down.

A very famous American President once proclaimed, “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself!”

Spies, Lies, and Blinded Eyes

27 01 2017

The Roots of Revolution

Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood

“Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; muslim_brotherhood_1 (1)and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.”

A paradigm shift is underway in the United States Government.  The 20 plus year influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on government policy and America’s foreign relations concerning Islam will, most likely, be minimalized or at least go dormant for a few years.  It will not go away.

I have written profusely about the Muslim Brotherhood for the last 7 years on this site.  Since the beginning, I have stressed the general point that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t care who the President of the United States is, as long as they are allowed access to the White House and Capital Hill.

This relationship began during the Clinton administration, grew immensely during the Bush administration, and reached its highest influence under Barack Hussein Obama, who purged all United States government departments of any linkage of terrorism, or subversive activities, to Islam.  This became crystal clear after the release of the report on the Fort Hood jihadi attack when Major Nidal Hassan went active on November 5, 2009, shooting 43 fellow soldiers, killing 13.  He had printed “Soldier of Allah” on his business cards.  Witnesses said he was yelling “Allahu Akbar” while systematically shooting unarmed personnel, until confronted by a female MP Officer who put 3 rounds of 9mm into him, stopping the attack and paralyzing Hassan from the waist down.

Allah must be pleased that his glorious jihadi was thwarted by a lowly woman…

Hassan was never charged with “terrorism” by the US Army.  In fact, from what I’ve seen, officially the US Army has a hard time even mouthing the words “Islamic Terrorism”.  Hassan was convicted of 13 counts of pre-meditated murder, and 32 counts of attempted murder, and currently awaits execution at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.  The report classified the attack as “workplace violence” and no mention of Islam, Jihad, Terrorism, or Muslim was included in the document.

In spite of Hassan’s own actions and concerns voiced by Army personnel for months leading up to the attack, Army officers and their superiors were either not allowed to take action, or were ignored, because of political correctness and the influence of Muslim Brotherhood groups in the United States.


In 1928 the formation of Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun, or “The Muslim Brotherhood” (MB) began a slow, diligent, and determined move by fundamentalist Muslims to influence governments around the world beginning at its birthplace, Egypt. It’s objective, to revive Islam and call Muslims from Jahiliya, “the condition of ignorance”, and re-assert global power and re-establish the Khalifa, that global Caliphate, which was the high point of Islamic civilization from the 7th Century until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI.
There has been a lot of arguing about what the Ikhwan is and what it is not. I prefer to allow it to identify itself. The creed of the Muslim Brotherhood pretty much says it all: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Anything we add to that mission statement is supplemental.

Another point of clarification could be those who are currently and have been involved in the Brotherhood. Besides Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of MB, the chief narrative has come from Seyyid Qutb, author of Milestones, which was intended to be the vanguard document for global Islamic Revival, returning Muslims to a fundamental adherence to the “one true religion of Allah”. Qutb was very disappointed in his fellow Muslims and declared that they had fallen into a state of ignorance not matched since Muhammad himself had pulled the pagan, idolatrous, Arabs out of “jahili” and into the true place of Islam, “Submission” to Allah.

Qutb repeatedly scolds them for succumbing to Western influences of prosperity, nationalism, and capitalism, and reminds them that the collective, that is the “Ummah”, is priority. It is the Muslim’s duty to bring all governments under Islamic control, as one Islamic Nation of Muslims, and in 1965, Seyyid Qutb was executed for sedition against the government of the United Arab Republic of Egypt.  (The Brotherhood had been an outlaw organization ever since, until the United States government backed them in overthrowing the government in “The Arab Spring” of 2011-2012.)

Unholy Alliance

islaminternThe philosophy of “Collectivism” has been a very attractive attribute of Islam to Socialists, Communists, and Progressives everywhere.  This is, at least one of the two apparent reasons for the consent, even the infatuation, of the American Leftists with the Muslim community, and Islam in general.  The “Collectivist” aspect of Islam has brought Socialists and Islam together since the Bolsheviks in Czarist Russia.  A more modern version of this is “Red Shiism”, which was a Marxist/Islamic ideology in Iran leading up to the 1979 Iranian revolution when it was overpowered by the “Black Shiism” of Ayatollah Khomeini.

The Shari’a, that is the legal system which gives Islam its power, is the skeleton and the muscular mechanism upon which hangs the skin that is the façade of “religion”.  You see, Islam is a socio-political ideology with its own jurisprudence.  The directive of the Shari’a, which emanates from the Quran and the Hadith, is a “One World Order” wherein Islam “reigns supreme” (Sura 2:193).  This world conquest is achieved by Jihad, “Holy War” which, as in all warfare, consists of various aspects, or tactics.

Asymmetrical Warfare

Combat is only one aspect of war.  Islam is no stranger to violent actions of Jihad, but has become very adept at other aspects, such as psychological, political, and litigious, and propaganda warfare tactics.  One such tactic deployed by Islam is deception, known as “Taqiyya”.  It allows, even directs Muslims to lie in order to advance Islam.  The most effective jihad in America has been waged in these latter terms.  Islam learned quickly that Americans don’t like it when you blow up people and knock their buildings down.  But they will readily accept a slick talking, soft spoken guy in a business suit who smiles and shakes their hand, and speaks of things like “tolerance” and “peace” and “social justice”, all the while bemoaning the victimology of Muslims as a minority and advocating for civil rights.  (What self-respecting liberal could resist that, right?)

In the Shari’a “peace” can only exist under Islamic rule, where everyone else is “submitted” (the literal meaning of “Islam”).  “Tolerance” is not in the Shari’a lexicon, and will only exist when those being tolerated, Christians, Jews, etc., are properly subjugated.  (Incidentally, the Shari’a does not tolerate atheism, homosexuality, transgenders, adultery, or fornication (all sex outside marriage).  These deserve the same fate as an apostate-one who leaves Islam- which is death, usually by beheading.  This is why Iranian President Ahmadinejad told the UN a few years ago that Iran does not have homosexuals.  They are hung on the public squares.

Every “Social Justice” movement in the world has origins and common purpose in the destruction of Capitalism, the United States of America, and Western Society in general.  It is Marxism which is Anti-Christian, NOT Anti-Religion; Christianity focuses on the rights, liberties and value of the individual!  This is the sole reason for the success and freedom provided by America for so long.

Individuals do not exist in this post-American World; Only the Collective! (Always remember this!!)

This is the main reason for the weird, and seemingly contradictory alliance, between the radical Left and Islam.  One such scenario was recently played out when a Shari’a promoting Muslima, Linda Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York, and an Obama White House “Champion of Change”, was one of four lead organizers of the Women’s March protesting the election of Donald Trump.  Ms. Sarsour, who was also a delegate to the DNC, recently spoke at the 15th annual convention of two Muslim Brotherhood organizations, the Muslim American Society MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) in December.  While there she paused for a photo-op with a Hamas operative Salah Sarsour, who spent time in an Israeli jail for his terror related activities.

This is only the latest example of many where Shari’a promoting Muslims have joined with Leftist organizations, which welcome their support with open arms, to advance the common cause of “social justice”.  It truly represents the principle behind the old Arab proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.   And this is the second reason for the alliance; they have a common enemy.  Sadly, if this is played out to its logical end, the Leftists will ultimately either be converted to Islam, submit as second class citizens (dhimmi) or die.

An Explanatory Memorandum…

…On the General Strategic Goal for the Group.  This document, written in the late 80’s and published in 1991 was found in a FBI raid in 2004 of a mosque leader’s sub-basement.  It lays out the plan for the Ikhwan in North America, specifically, the United States, and from section “One”… establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is”.  Did you catch that reference to Islamic State?  (This is known as Khalifa in Arabic; or “Caliphate”).

The document places major focus on “Settlement”, which can also read “Colonization”.  Section “Three” paragraph 4 reads:

“Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America: The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack…”  (Emphasis added)

It can be demonstrated that many Muslim advisers to the U.S. government are Muslim Brothers or sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood cause. The most prominent Islamic organizations in the United States, with which the U.S. government outreaches, are all controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. These include hundreds of groups, but specifically all of the Islamic organizations working with the U.S. government including, but not limited to:

  • Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) –Also listed as an “un-indicted co-conspirator” in the Holy Land Foundation trial of 2008, the largest terror funding trial in US history.
  • Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) –Un-indicted Co-conspirator, HLF trial.
  • Muslim Student Association (MSA) –The oldest MB organization in the US, founded 1963.
  • Muslim American Society (MAS)
  • Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
  • Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA)
  • North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) –Un-indicted Co-conspirator, HLF trial –Owns nearly all Mosque and real property.
  • International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
  • Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

5 individuals were convicted in 2008 of funneling $12 million to Hamas.  The “Un-indicted Co-conspirator” status is still valid, and exists because the Obama Administration ceased all indictments as soon as he took office in 2009.  There are 300 individuals and additional groups which remain on this list.

What’s the Prognosis?  So asked an old friend.

While the evidence is copious and unmistakable, the United States government has, up until now, completely failed in its role to “Protect and Defend” not only the American people, but the Constitution as well.  There must be no equivocation by mealy-mouthed politicians and bureaucrats when dealing with a foreign ideology which is sworn to subvert the American government, it’s Constitution (Article 6) and conquer its citizens bringing them into subjugation under a tyrannical system posing as a “religion”.  Let there be no doubt; this is the final objective of Islam where ever it is found.  Where there are Shari’a compliant Muslims, there you will find this ideology.  You see, Islam doesn’t care if you convert or not.  But you will submit to the Shari’a.

While the evidence is copious, so then also is the number of those adherents who are doing their duty as laid out in the “Memorandum”.  They are highly organized and dedicated; driven, not by emotions, media, or self interests, or even a single leader, but by an ideology which does not accept defeat, and is very, very patient.

Today’s American People on the other hand are not.  They are polarized, uneducated and ripe; a result of “globalization” and “multi-culturalism” which has left Americans clueless to what America is.  We don’t know our own narrative.  (See previous posts on this point)

Couple all this with the massive crowds who are motivated in opposition of a new President, and those radical Leftists who have been at war with the establishment for several years now, advocating killing cops, burning properties, and targeting people based on their skin color, and you have the makings of a bona fide revolution.  The Left has been looking for this for years, the Jihadi’s live for it, and the emotional crowds will follow along like Vladimir Lenin said they would.  He called them “useful idiots”.  Revolutions get messy.  They are never simple, nor are the lines clear.  The hoards will get out of hand and atrocities happen quickly.

The Remedy?

It may be too late.  A change in the White House is a good start, but Congress is going to have to come along side.  A moratorium on “refugees” from countries that have trained, propagated, and funded the civilization jihad, as well as terrorist activities around the world, is another necessary step.  But the first thing that needs to happen is to classify the Muslim Brotherhood and it’s affiliates as terrorist organizations.  Secondly, the DOJ must begin indictments on that long list of individuals and organizations listed in the aforementioned document.  These subversive groups, MSA, CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, NAIT, and all the rest must be denied access to the government, and all educational institutions in the USA.  Until now, representatives from these Brotherhood groups have been allowed free and unrestricted access to the White House and Cabinet offices, Universities across the country, even have had members appointed to Dept of Homeland Security committees.

As a result, training manuals for the FBI and other security departments have been purged of anything tying any terrorist act to Islam.  Former DHS founding member and intelligence expert Phillip Haney experienced this when he was ordered by his superiors to purge over 700 pages of documentation from the DHS data base making that connection.  His book, “See Something, Say Nothing”, is a tell all, whistleblowing expose in which he explains the process that resulted in redacting information that would have been available on the Boston Bomber brothers and the San Bernardino shooters, possible allowing them to be stopped before their jihad.

What sovereign country continues, no, expedites importation of an ideology which has repeatedly and unabashedly declared war on it, even giving its followers access to the highest positions of power in the land, and in addition to that, turns over editing of security manuals and classified information, policy making, and textbooks for its own school children?  How would the Japanese Empire, the National Socialists (Nazi) of Germany, and militant Communism (at least during the Cold War) have been stopped if these policies were in place then?!


Last Saturday when the newly elected President attended the traditional “multi-faith” services at the National Cathedral, there were two Imam’s who offered prayers.  The first, Mohamed Magid, former president of ISNA, which as revealed previously, the US government has named as a Muslim Brotherhood front group, and is the current lmam of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) mosque complex in Northern Virginia, one of the most Sharia-adherent and jihadist in the country.  The video of this speech has been widely distributed, wherein Mr. Trump is obviously unhappy, and Mrs. Trump is quite upset, to the point that the President thought she was leaving.

The second Islamic prayer was offered by Sajid Tarar, a Pakistani native and naturalized US citizen who created a group known as “Muslims for Trump”, and gave the closing prayer at the RNC convention last summer.  His prayer was the very prayer that is spoken in Arabic by every Muslim who prays in Mosque, known as Al-Fatihah (Exordium).  It is the first Sura of the Quran and all prayer is invalid without it.  It goes like this:  Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe, The Compassionate, the Merciful, Sovereign of the Day of Judgement!  You alone we worship, and to You alone we turn for help. Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, Nor of those who have gone astray.”

First of all, the Shari’a, literally translated, means “the straight path”.

Furthermore,  Islamic scholars and commentaries interpret the three groups of people at the end as: “those favored” – Muslims,  “those who have incurred your wrath”- Jews, “those who have gone astray”- Christians.  Since this was spoken in Arabic, few who were in attendance knew what was being said, and wouldn’t have caught the full meaning anyway.

The Republicans were proud to push to the media that they had “Muslims for Trump” in support back during the Convention.

Just a word to the wise.  Be ye warned:  Do not ever forget “Asymmetrical Warfare”.

Recall Babylon

14 01 2017
A Great Catastrophe
Mrs. Obama said she had “no hope” now that Trump was elected. Millions of snowflakes are bereft that Hillary did not win the election. Many people are so lost in their grief they’ve had to get therapy, join “safe rooms” and drink hot chocolate while petting puppies to give them solace at the loss of the election. Many more are so angry they’re going to actively join in attempts to sabotage the new President, and a lot of these people represent around 90% of the media, many are in elected positions, many more are un-elected bureaucrats, and some are going to be causing havoc in the streets. Many on social media are lamenting they “no longer have a leader”, refuse to accept the new President as legitimate (failing to understand the electoral system which balances elective power), or simply refuse to accept him as President b/c Hillary lost.
I’ve seen talk of impeachment, even before Trump has been inaugurated. Good luck with that. But I would be perfectly happy with a true conservative, Mike Pence in the Oval Office anyway. You won’t like him.turris_babel_by_athanasius_kircher
For those who are so lost and anxious without a “leader/provider”, if the person in the Oval Office is where you find your confidence, your strength, your security and self worth or identity, you have appropriated your faith hope in a power/figure who can do nothing to make you a better person, improve your standing in your community or provide real sustenance for your children or make them better people when they grow up. The only person who can do that is you.
Maybe it’s time everyone started a little self reliance program and quit waiting for government to “fix it”.
When you place all your hopes and securities in one man, I don’t care who he is, you are following the crowds who empowered every dictator in history.  If your happiness, your self esteem, your security in life, is dependent on that special someone in the White House, you are pathetic.
Time to get on with life. Definitely do not turn a blind eye to government, but face the facts, just like I and millions of fellow conservatives faced the fact that Obama won, not once, but twice. Confession: I flew my flag at half mast after Obama won the second time for 3 days. During that time I still went to work, did my job, and loved my family and friends.  No, I didn’t curl up in a ball and cry, or start planning a rebellion, join a riot, organize a protest at the inauguration, threaten to move to Canada, or tell the world how ashamed I was that America had elected a Marxist.
Even after 4 years of proving that he was facilitating Muslim Brotherhood advancement in our own government, and abroad, had ceased indictments of co-conspirators in the largest Islamic terrorism trial in American history, and castrated our Counter Terrorism operations, I still wasn’t “hopeless”, as Mrs. Obama described herself to Oprah Winfrey.
My Hope is placed in the Christ. Not a man, not a political system. Not even in the American People. No greater mistake can be made than to place our great hope and trust in any single man/woman, all of whom are corrupt, sinful and whose “heart is deceitful and desperately wicked’. I actually heard Mr. Obama referred to during his campaign as “savior”, the great “Hope” (his own campaign poster), and supporters of his celebrating that the gas tank would be full, won’t have to worry about paying their bills, because Obama would take care of them.
Reality Check
We are witnessing the disintegration of America as we have known it. We’ve been divided and subdivided for ease of conquest. We are disunited, angry, and polarized like no time since prior to the Civil War. I believe it is the natural progression of any society who rejects truth, visa vi, Biblical Christianity. We are less educated than indoctrinated, less informed than misinformed, and less circumspect than disrespectful, except of those we find who agree with us.
We have been “Community Organized”. Read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” to understand what that means. To quote Alinsky, the “community organizer is an agitator”, who takes advantage of divisions and differences among people to completely separate them from traditional views, beliefs, or practices which unify society in general, in order to remake that society. It’s Karl Marx with a hint of Vlad Lenin.
How has this happened? While visiting my daughter and her husband who now live in the Dallas Metro area, I made an observation, the truth of which I knew cerebrally, but now realized tangibly. Urbanization.
I grew up in a tiny rural Kansas town some cultures would call a village, of 161 people. That’s inside the city limits in 1976. (The surrounding farmers and ranchers also take part in the community) I knew the population count because my grandmother and I took the census from her dining table. We knew everyone who lived there. Yes, everyone knew your business, but everyone also knew when you needed help. It is still that way; a very strong community who takes care of its elders, celebrates their neighbors joys in life and mourns their sorrows, work together and for each other, and exercises individual liberties to the extent the law will allow, yet knows the true sense of “Community” where all hold dear that sense of responsibility for the common good, but the importance of individualism. It’s not heaven, but it’s closer than Dallas.
I think Fort Worth/Dallas is not unlike most other metropolitan areas, maybe just a little more modern than some I’ve been to, at least in the context I am considering. A combined population of over 2 million people who have no real sense of community. People who live in the city have fewer real friends, are active in far less community events, organizations, services or activities. They volunteer less, don’t know their neighbors, and thus are much less likely to participate in their own community. They have little interest in its success and are focused mostly on their own lives and businesses. There is little perceived responsibility to ones neighbor, block, subdivision or suburb/city. I don’t know if it’s always been this way, but I suspect so. (In my opinion this is why church is important as a focal point of “community”. My little hometown has two.)
Humans possess an innate desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. God placed this intrinsic need within us for our own survival, and more importantly to draw us to Him. Like all God given human desires, when perverted they become destructive, both physically and spiritually.
Where there is little or no sense of community, i.e. big cities, there is still that need to belong. You don’t see gangs roaming the streets of Podunk, USA. You don’t find Union halls in Smallville. Per capita fewer will belong to Kiwanis or Lions in Omaha than in North Platte.  
That’s why racially driven revolutionary organizations do better in Houston than in Lubbock. “Community”, like many terms in our American lexicon, has been redefined to represent those who look like you, or hold the same ideology. The classic sense of community, although still thriving in those rural settings, has for the most part gone by the wayside.
Chicago,the stomping grounds of Mr. Alinsky, as every other major urban center, demands more and larger government providing more and more services, and when those are provided the populous demands more, or requires more. Chicago has not had a Republican Mayor since 1869. In fact, fewer than 25% of America’s largest 100 cities have Republican Mayors, and in the top 10 only 1, San Diego. The truth of statements made by our Founders and Statesmen centuries ago are being proved out today:
As Speaker of the House Robert Winthrop (1847) said, “All societies of men must be governed in some way or other. The less they may have of stringent State Government, the more they must have of individual self-government. The less they rely on public law or physical force, the more they must rely on private moral restraint. Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.”
This, I think, is the crux of the issue. We have thrown off our Judeo-Christian moorings, both individually and socially. It is a vicious cycle. I don’t have the answers, I am just making observations. Perhaps this is the natural evolution of society; a reflection of the spiritual condition of mankind which, when concentrated, reveals the true level of depravity.
Recall Babylon. Perhaps we should be prepared to be scattered.

Kansas Legislators Treated to “vacation of a lifetime” by Turkish Advocate Group.

15 10 2016

Over the last several years Kansas Legislators have been among some 6000 American officials and civic leaders treated to expense paid vacations by Turks seeking to gain political favors.

Kansas Legislators among guests of Turkey in 2010:  Rep. Sidney Carlin (center), Rep. Joan Pottorf (4th from r.), Rep. Nile Dillmore (2nd from r.)

Kansas Legislators among guests of Turkey in 2010: Rep. Sidney Carlin (center), Rep. Joan Pottorf (4th from r.), Rep. Nile Dillmore (2nd from r.) Also pictured is Dr. Selahattin Aydin, TCAE (Photo credit, Raindrop Turkish House, Kansas City, Ks.)

According to Sophia Pandya & Nancy Gallagher in their 2012 book “The Gulen Hizmet Movement and Its Transnational Activities”,   “To date more than 6000 Americans have traveled to Turkey at the invitation of Hizmet institutes and have returned to support the activities of the Turkish immigrant circles.”

The typical Gulenist trip is 9-10 days.  The costs reported run from $3400-$9,000.[1] If the average trip runs $5000, Turkish/Gulen organizations have already invested over $30 Million in American politicians from the local, to state, and national levels.  This doesn’t count campaign contributions from these organizations, or individuals within those into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.[2]

This begs the question, “What is Turkey’s interest, or the interest of Gulen organizations in Kansas, the United States, and other Western nations?”  No other foreign national delegation or organization has been so aggressive or shown such interest in Kansas officials.

Consider the following possible answers:

  • Winning the hearts and minds of American officials to favor Turkey friendly legislation
  • Charter Schools – Gain more charters in more states (Already 151 Turkish run charter schools in 26 states) worth millions in taxpayer funding and contracts for foreign based companies.
  • Improved perception of Islam through “Interfaith Dialog” (Another Fethullah Gulen founded institution) by American politicians.  Islam calls it “dawah”, their version of “missionary work”. Gulenists refer to it as “Hizmet”.
  • Advancement of the Islamic settlement strategy outlined in the “Explanatory Memorandum on the Strategic Goal for the [Muslim Brotherhood] in North America”, 1991. (Exhibit 003-0085, US vs. Holy Land Foundation, July, 2007) [3]

Turkish Politics and Kansas Ties

The Turkish Friendship Network Resolution (HR6013) offered on Mar 7, 2012, stated many wonderful things about how Turkey shared the United States interests in “cherishing the universal values of freedom, democracy and human rights…and has demonstrated…tolerance of others in the secular and religious venues…”. These statements are misleading if not blatantly false.  Turkey has faced a number of issues which has kept it out of the European Union, not the least of which is human rights issues, including freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. Furthermore, Turkish journalists have been jailed for speaking out against the current government, which has become increasingly “Islamized” in recent years.[4]

The resolution (6013) began by speaking of Turkey as a “secular…republic“, which, while for the previous 70-80 years it was indeed a secular government, balanced by a secular military which enforced that secularist state, in 2002 an Islamist sympathizing party known as AKP (Justice and Development Party) gained a majority of seats in Parliament, and still holds the majority as well as the Presidency and Prime Ministry.

On Feb. 22, 2010, 49 Turkish Military Officers were arrested, preempting military action that had historically kept the government of Turkey balanced in opposition to Islamists, sending a new message that this government will not tolerate opposition from civilian or military dissidents.  (See this article in Foreign Policy Magazine by Turkish writer Sonar Cagaptay.[5])

The Constitution of The Republic of Turkey may be secular in letter but the government itself is no longer secular in practice.[6]   Researcher Bingul Durbas, PhD researcher for the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, says that “honor killings” in Turkey have risen 14 fold since 2002.[7]

An article by Steven Elwart (The Gulen Movement)[8]gives a good summary of Gulen’s activities in the US revealing that Gulen groups in America such as Raindrop House, have strong ties to AKP politicians in Turkey, and most if not all those Parliament members attending the Turkic-(your state) receptions held in many American cities belong to AKP (Justice and Development Party-a decidedly Islamist majority party in Turkey’s government).

Of late the Turks seem more interested in promoting Azerbaijan than Turkey, perhaps due to a lot of attention Turkey has been getting in the media, concerning not only the Islamization of the government, and it’s slow and tepid response against ISIS, but its own continued human rights violations[9]  that run smack in the face of the “Friendship Resolutions” that are peddled in state houses around the country and are becoming less likely to be received.  It may also run parallel to the Fethullah Gulen’s fallout with the Turkish government [10]  recently, over accusations of “bugging” of government offices resulting in many of his followers in Turkey being arrested, interrogated or imprisoned along with any other journalists who had been criticizing the Erdogen government.

More recently, the alleged “coup” in Turkey has been laid at the feet of Gulen as President Recip Tayyip Erdogen continues his purge of Gulen followers.   The interesting thing is that while the Turkish Delegation in America won’t criticize the Turkish government, they remain in full allegiance to Fethullah Gulen, who owns some 20 media outlets and at least 300 schools inside Turkey, and over 1,000 worldwide.  These institutions inside Turkey have been banned since Erdogen’s purge began.  The “coup” attempt led to 240 deaths in July of 2016.  Since then, Erdogen’s Islamist government has fired 100,000 people and jailed 32,000 in an effort to root out Gulen supporters accused of sedition.  The “coup” has been a prime opportunity for Erdogen to eliminate his chief rival’s support system and consolidate his own power base.  (The two basically want the same thing, a caliphate, but Erdogen felt threatened by Gulen’s huge support mechanism and popularity, so he had to be rendered a non-threat.  If there is to be a caliphate absorbing post-Assad Syria, Iraq, and whatever else comes together, Erdogen wants to be the Sultan.  Swirling allegations of Gulen being used by CIA[13] to effect a change in the attitudes of the students, particularly in Central and Southern Asia may also be fueling Erdogen’s aggressive actions toward Gulen’s massive network.)  Erdogen has also begun to attack Gulen schools around the world as terror cells, and has, once again appealed to President Obama to extradite Gulen.  He has filed a formal complaint with the Texas Education Agency against Harmony Public Schools, and asked education officials in California and Texas to investigate any schools tied to the Gulen organizations.

The Gulen School network, known as Hizmet (Service), has flourished in the United States
since Gulen’s arrival in 1999.  Names like Harmony Public Schools, Horizon Academy, Frontier, Daisy, Magnolia, and a plethora of other unimposing, monikers take in the Hizmet schools.  The largest, Harmony, has over 45 charter schools in the state of Texas alone.  So far, there are none in Kansas, although they are in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Colorado.


Fethullah Gulen

These charters are publicly funded with tax dollars, and have been subject to FBI investigations, continuous audits, and several school closures due to illegal mishandling of funds. Contracts to build schools usually go through Cosmos Foundation and are awarded to Turkish construction companies.  In the two year period from 2009 to 2011, six charter school contracts worth over $50 million were given to a new company called TDM and one other.  TDM was only one month old when awarded its first charter school contract worth over $8 million.[12]

Besides the huge contracts going to foreign companies, faculty is being brought in from Turkey on H1B1 visas, because the administrators claim there are no qualified American teachers.  Thousands of Turkish teachers have been rotated through this program, some whose English is unintelligible, as revealed in a CBS 60 Minutes segment by Leslie Stahl in 2012[14].  This particular individual was hired to teach English.  This appears to be a money maker for the Hizmet as well, since the Turkish teachers, well paid, are required to give large percentages of their salaries back to the organization [Sometimes 40-50%].  (State auditors in Ohio found that a number of schools had “illegally expended” public funding to pay legal, immigration, and air-travel fees for nonemployees and retained teachers who lacked proper licenses. Audited records from the Horizon Science Academy in Cincinnati in May 2009 also say that “for the period of time under audit, 47 percent (nine of 19) of the school’s teachers were not properly licensed.”)[11]

Gulen network groups like Raindrop Turkish House and Turquoise Council of American Eurasions (TCAE) continue their public relations campaign on the local and state level throughout the United States.  Award dinners and breakfasts will continue to be held to stroke public servants from the city council to the fire department, from the local library to the university deans.  They will continue to walk the halls of the Capital building in Topeka and other states, shaking hands and politicking legislators, winning friends who will carry resolutions, which may eventually lead to binding legislation allowing Harmony or Horizon to build their first charter school in Kansas.  Several Kansas Legislators including Sidney Carlin, Joan Pottorf, Niles Dilmore, James Todd, Chris Steineger, Vern Swanson, and Tom Moxley have already seen the tour of Turkey compliments of their hosts led by Sellahattin Aydin, a regular at Topeka.  Unlike other tours though, the legislators had to pay their own airfare, which would have constituted a “gift” illegal to elected officials.

Kansas Watchdog published an article on May 11, 2010 entitled “Ethics: Legislators cannot pay for Turkey trips with campaign funds”.

                “The Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission in a special teleconference meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon ruled that Kansas legislators could not use their campaign accounts to pay a $1300 portion for a trip to Turkey organized by the Turquoise Council of Americans and Eurasians.
“The Commission could not find a connection between the trip, which was largely for site [sic] seeing, and a legislator’s duties as an elected official.” [1]

[All other expenses inside Turkey were paid by the TCAE, Institute for Interfaith Dialog, and/or affiliates.]

Besides the FBI investigations into the school network, these organizations have been subject to media investigations, including USA Today’s most recent release[15], revealing Congressional ethics violations and irregularities in reporting Congressional travel expenses for those members who took advantage of the offers of travel.

Ultimately, according to some scholars, the Gulen movement is about more than just teaching children.  “The main purpose right now”,  says Dr. Hakan Yavuz, a Turkish-born assistant professor at the University of Utah’s Middle East Center, “is to show the positive side of Islam and to make Americans sympathize with Islam.” [12]












Kansas City School Board Recognizes Special Status for Muslims

5 10 2016

H/T to  CausingFitna and  Creeping Sharia for this information.

The Kansas City School Board of Directors has voted on, and the Chairwoman Melissa Robinson and Superintendent Mark Bidell have signed, a resolution which mirrors the UN Resolution 16/18 and HR 569, a resolution currently in committee in the U.S. House of Representatives.  What the resolution effectively does is elevates the status of Islam, and Muslims, above criticism and challenge, or even questioning, from non-Muslims.

UN 16/18 was formerly known as the “Defamation of Religion”, or more accurately, the “International Blasphemy” law, brought by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), praised by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who promised to extra-legal tactics to implement it in the United States while she was in Turkey, whose government has flipped from a secular format to one which is increasingly Islamic, and continues to purge journalists who are critical of the AKP Sharia driven agenda there.

HR 569, currently in committee and co-sponsored by 145 Democrats, brings 16/18 to the United States. I have written much about this resolution here, and here.

The KC Schools resolution specifically names Muslims, those perceived as being Muslim, and people of color, as being the victims of “an unprecedented backlash” against Muslims since the 9/11 attacks.  The backlash which has never occurred, in spite of the unbroken stream of propaganda from the media on a daily basis about how Muslims are the most persecuted group in America.

The simple fact is, of all religious groups, Jews are still the most victimized.  The FBI reports 62% of anti-Religion hate crimes are against Jews, compared to 11% against Muslims.  While that FBI report is 2012, the latest available in a quick search, the latest data gathered by a media study group shows an uptick in post terror attack of about 17% in the few weeks following 9/11, but dropping back to 10% higher a year later.  That would increase the overall anti-Muslim instances to about 12-13% of all anti-religious hate crimes are against Muslims while not changing the 62% against Jews appreciably.

So where is the “safe-space” resolution for the Jews and the Christians who attend the Kansas City public schools?  Perhaps those families who send their children to those schools should draft an “anti-discrimination” resolution and take it to their school board to get it approved.  Christians and Jews have been criticized, ridiculed, and ostracized for their Creation science beliefs for years.  They’ve also been told to basically keep their mouth shut about moral issues concerning sex and marriage, and stop praying, because it’s a public school and that’s a “violation of separation of church and state”, which doesn’t seem to apply to Muslims.

Below is the text of the KC School district resolution (courtesy CreepingSharia).  Keep in mind that in Islam, any speech or action rejecting, questioning, or challenging Islam, Quran, Hadith, Sharia, or Muslims is considered “violence, bigotry, hate speech” and has even been called “crimes against humanity” or “human rights violation” by Islamic leaders.  Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) coined a term for it: “Islamophobia”.

Condemning violence and hate speech, expressing support for Muslim students and those perceived as Muslims

Adopted by the Kansas City Public Schools Board of Education September 28, 2016

WHEREAS the United States was founded by immigrants, many fleeing religious persecution, who enshrined freedom of religion as one of our nation’s fundamental legal and ethical principles; and

WHEREAS there are more than 3 million Muslims living in the United States today, and approximately 30,000 living in the Greater Kansas City area, making invaluable contributions to our economy, our social and political life, and our culture; and

WHEREAS discrimination on the basis of religion, and against Muslims and those perceived as Muslims in particular, is deeply embedded within our country’s long history of racism and xenophobia; and

WHEREAS there has been an unprecedented backlash since the September 11th attacks in the form of hate crimes and employment discrimination toward Arab and Muslim Americans and those perceived as Muslims; and

WHEREAS Muslims, Muslim Americans, and those perceived as Muslims, are frequently the targets of abusive and discriminatory police practices sanctioned by the state including surveillance in their neighbor hoods and places of worship; and

WHEREAS the recent escalation of hateful rhetoric against Muslims, those perceived as Muslims, immigrants, and people of color is especially harmful to children, as it has a negative impact on their psychological well-being, the health of their peer relationships, and their ability to thrive in school; and

WHEREAS Muslim students, and those perceived as Muslims, across the country have reported instances of bullying and disproportionate school discipline on account of their religion and/or race; and

WHEREAS approximately 653 Kansas City Public Schools’ families have designated Somali, Arabic, and other Muslim languages being spoken in their homes; and

WHEREAS Muslim students in the Kansas City Public school district contribute in numerous ways to the vitality of the learning environment, and
their parents form an integral part of their school communities; and

WHEREAS providing a safe school environment that ensures both the physical and emotional safety of students and staff creates the conditions necessary to foster academic achievement; and

WHEREAS it is the responsibility of schools to educate students about the social, cultural and ethnic diversity of the United States, to promote awareness of a wide range of religious and cultural traditions, and to teach students to think critically about their own biases; and

WHEREAS we, as the leaders of the Kansas City Public Schools have a responsibility to ensure that all of our students are supported in their academic and personal development:

Now therefore be it resolved, that the Kansas City Public Schools

(1) Condemns all hateful speech and violent action directed at Muslims, those perceived as Muslims, immigrants and people of color;
(2) Commits to fostering a school environment that promotes respect for and curiosity about all religions and cultures, affirms the equal humanity of all members of the community, and rejects all forms of bullying and discrimination;
(3) Commits to instituting school policies and setting an educational curriculum that reflects the values expressed in this resolution via training of staff and teachers, the inclusion of diverse resources to supplement in-class curricula, and the creation of safe spaces for students to address school-based bullying.

Who Is Black Lives Matter?

8 08 2016

With Law Enforcement Officers dying in America’s streets, simply for wearing the uniform, we have entered a new era.  While it is reminiscent of the 1960’s-70’s radical revolutionary movement which paralleled, then infiltrated and co-opted a legitimate civil rights movement, this is even more serious, more deadly, and more dangerous than that.  More dangerous in that the radicals have been allowed to infiltrate every institution, and are now in the chief seats of power.  More serious because during the 50’s and 60’s there was legitimate need for civil rights reform in both American society and in government.  More deadly in that the stability of American society has been successfully fragmented over the last 40 years due to multi-culturalism and pluralism, and recently with unchecked immigration policies, and the great “melting pot” of American culture has become a TV dinner, divided, cold, and hardened to critical thinking and introspection.  Particularly, in matters of race relations, the election of our first black President, has resulted in deeper wedges being driven, and some of those by the President himself.  Mind you, it’s not simply because the man happens to have dark skin, but wholly as a result of his ideology which cannot be contained.

For anyone who doubts that ideology is supreme in today’s America, and racism is an over used word which has gotten lost in it’s wreckless and wanton use by demagogues in identity politics, just consider this.  When was the last time anyone in the mainstream media celebrated, or even took seriously, a black (or white for that matter) American man or woman in office or position of influence, who has taken a politically conservative or Christian based moral position on any issue?  Let me name a few: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Ambassador Alan Keyes,  Congressman Lt. Col. Alan West,  Congresswoman Mia Love, Senator Tim Scott, former Congressman J.C. Watts, US Appeals Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown (whom Democrats refused to confirm for 2 years), Professor, author, Thomas Sowell,  Journalist, Professor, author Walter E. Williams, politician and Former Secretary of State Condelleza Rice.   All great conservative Americans of African descent.  Out of the 10 names, I doubt the average person will recognize half of them.  These are all people of great influence due to either elected positions, or hard work and dedication to the betterment of all American society; not just one specific shade of color.  These are the kind of people who, if possible are ignored by media.

Conversely, you will recognize immediately names such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Elijah Cummings, Oprah Winfrey, Louis Farrakhan,  and outlaws like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

The origin of Black Lives Matter


#1)  The hashtag # Black Lives Matter movement was co-founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.  Garza is a Marxist political activist who’s heroes include the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur for her contributions to the “Black Liberation Movement.” Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis  (Communist Party USA and former Black Panther).  Cullors has ties to the 60’s revolutionary terrorist group, Weather Underground, and led 600 Black Lives Matter protesters to Ferguson, MO in 2014 following the death of Michael Brown after he struggle with a police officer trying to take his weapon.  Those protests resulted in 400 arrests, 20 civilian injuries,  37 St. Louis County police officers injured, 12 civilian cars burned, 2 police cruisers burned, and 29 buildings burglarized or vandalized all totaling about $5 Million.


All three BLM founders share a Marxist ideology and work for front groups of the “Freedom Road Socialist Organization” (FRSO), a self proclaimed “revolutionary socialist and Marxist-Leninist organization” which touts itself as a “new Communist movement” with its roots in the
60’s and 70’s revolutionary groups; groups like the League of Revolutionary Struggle, the Revolutionary Union, the Communist Labor Party, the October League, the Communist Workers Party, the Black Workers Congress, just to name a few.  The FRSO website is wide open about its intentions, nothing covert there, and touts Communist revolutionaries including Mao Zedong, arguably the worst mass murderer in history killing 70 million in his takeover of China.

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), is an ANTIFA organization committed to armed conflict, and tribal like enclaves (CHAZ), giving examples of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) anti-state counter groups; Kurdish tribal community resurgence groups like YPG (People’s Protection Unit) and YPJ (Asayis-Internal Security Force) as a model, which set up secure zones requiring checkpoints for entry. RAM is also directly linked to BLM, and holds up as idols the likes of cop killers like aforementioned Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Russel Shoats, Mumia-Abul Jamal.

The additional list of Revolutionary and Racist groups and individuals that BLM is directly, or indirectly associated with includes Open Society Foundations (George Soros), Tides Foundation, Ford Foundation among a long list of others who pump millions of dollars into BLM.

#2) In BLM’s short history they have inspired riots in several US cities, and protests in many more with provocative chants such as “What do we want? -DEAD COPS!! When do we want it? -NOW!!”, and “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ’em like Bacon!!”. “No Justice; No Peace”, just to hit the most popular ones. If there is yet any doubt to the revolutionary intent, check this article published on BLM’s website lamenting the death and celebrating the life of Fidel Castro.

#3)  Every generation has its rebels, but these are being well funded by people like George Soros, who has given over $7 Billion to other radical Leftist groups like: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, aforementioned Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women, and   Soro’s also funded the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri marching for #BLM, who burned those businesses, rioted and created havoc for the entire city, under the false narrative that Michael Brown was an innocent teenage boy who had his hands up and was gunned down in the street by a white racist cop.  Soros and his Progressive friends would like nothing better than to see massive civil unrest in America’s streets. (Ferguson cop Darren Wilson was cleared by the USDOJ after a full civil rights investigation by AG Eric Holder). However, we cannot allow justification of terrorist activities from these revolutionaries any more than we can allow justification for Islamic terrorism. The desired culmination of these efforts will be bloody anarchy which will end in total and complete martial law, and the people will demand it.

#4) The protest in Dallas was indeed peaceful, up until the killing of 5 police officers and wounding 7 more, yet some of the protesters did, and one even confessed afterward on a call in radio program, that he and others had attempted to provoke police officers by various means of disrespectful behavior.

#5)  Just less than 4 hours before the Dallas shooting, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam (an American black cult version of Islam) had posted a call for blacks to rise up in violence against whites saying, “…don’t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong.” “Every damn thing that he got, he got it by being violent — killing people, raping and robbing and murdering. He’s doing it as we speak, and then he has the nerve to come and tell us that violence and hatred won’t get it. Don’t buy that!…He is worthy to be hated.”

The Next Phase 

BLM has recently formed with 30 other member organizations a new, broader organization of groups, and endorsed by another nearly 40 such groups, to form “The Movement for Black Lives” or “M4BL”, which codified it’s platform in conjunction with the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia (2016).  M4BL‘s platform reads like the Communist Manifesto demanding, among other things:  Reparations, consisting of not just full and free access to all public education facilities including colleges and universities, but make it a “Constitutional Right“, not just for American blacks but for “all undocumented” as well as “formerly and currently incarcerated” and full retroactive forgiveness of all student loans, and a “guaranteed minimal livable income“.

M4BL goes on in their demands to “Divest-Invest“, in which funds for policing/incarceration would be diverted to education/employment programs.  “Economic Justice” which demands “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth” and a Communistic “End of exploitative privatization of natural resources” and demands “democratic control over how resources are preserved“.  Verbatim it reads:

  • “Because land is treated as a commodity, a minority of wealthy corporations and families disproportionately owns land in the U.S. and the resources on top of it. 60 percent of land is privately owned, with the wealthiest half-a-percent owning 35.6 percent of this land and the wealthiest 10 percent owning nearly 80 percent of it.”

The lost little fact among these stats is the United States Government owns/controls over 1/3 of the land mass of the United States.  That would, I think, fall under the category “democratically controlled”, according to the context of the statements hereto.  This demand is right out of the  Communist Manifesto’s 1st plank of abolishing private property ownership.

The M4BL ‘s “End the War on Black People” plank proclaims “We demand an end to the criminalization, incarceration, and killing of our people.”  This entails and end to capital punishment, “ending the use of past criminal history to determine eligibility for housing, education, licenses, voting, loans, employment, and other services and needs.”  It also requires the “repeal of the 1996 crime and immigration bills, an end to all deportations, immigrant detention, and Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids, and mandated legal representation in immigration court.”

The Progressive Left has successfully used America’s black citizen’s for years.  The BLM movement was fully embraced by the soft Marxist Barack Obama.  His Marxist/Progressive party successor Hillary Clinton would have continued to use these communities and continue to keep them in the bonds of “social justice”, marching and working on behalf of those slave-masters who benefit from the people’s own labor.  

Every inner city social and economic disaster where the poor and oppressed black (and other minority) Americans are continuing to languish is, and has been run by these very Progressives for 50 years. Democrat run cities have had the highest rate of racial unrest, violence, gang warfare, and economic inequality. They continue to run on promises to solve the racial inequities, social injustices, and police reform relative to brutality and profiling, yet those issues are never fully addressed or resolved. The Bolsheviks are in control here.  This entire movement has been initiated by them. They must have victims in order to perpetrate a movement. Identity politics and class warfare has proven effective. Now, the Fascist group ANTIFA (Supposedly “anti-fascist”) and it’s Anarchist, and Communist allies, have actually taken over an entire section of Seattle, Washington, and declared it a new sovereign nation. The existing city government ceded the area, including the Police Headquarters, to the terrorists, who now run armed patrols the area, checking identifications to prove people “belong there”.

But alas, the answer to this entire problem is not political.  It is not finance, education, or government which holds the answer.  The answer to this problem is spiritual.  Until people, black, white, brown, or otherwise get a grasp on who God is and who we are before him, this problem will not find relief.  To the contrary, the very God has warned us that perilous times shall come.  He also warned that nation who does not live by His standard, the Bible, is doomed to fail.

I agree that our country is more corrupt than we would like to admit. We have sown to the wind; now we shall reap the whirlwind. Nothing short of national revival of Biblical proportions will stay this judgement we have brought upon ourselves.  

But the people will not have it.

Guest Column: Khizr Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship

2 08 2016

The Orlando/Pashtun Connection

15 06 2016

By now you may have heard that Omar Seddiqui Mateen frequented the Pulse nightclub, for the past 3 years, according to several regular patrons who said that Mateen was known to be gay.  This has even been confirmed by his wife.   Early Sunday morning, June 12 Mateen declared Jihad and mowed down 103 people, killing 49, at this very club before being killed by police in a gun battle.

Confused?  With Islam’s vehement disgust with homosexuality, and deadly penalties administered according to Sharia in Islamic countries, one may think it very strange, or highly unlikely  for a Muslim to be homosexual.

A few years ago my Marine son volunteered for a tour of duty in Afghanistan; Helmand Province.  His mother and I each sent him letters every week or so, but his communicae to me was always very short emails, usually not more than a line or two, and never more than a paragraph.  One of these emails read something like this; “Dad, you’re not gonna believe this, but every other Haji over here is gay!”

Needless to say, this took me by surprise, as I had been studying Islam for several years, and knew the social/religious standing of such behavior.  I began my research.

Within a short time I came across an “Unclassified Report” from HTT (Human Terrain Team) AF-6 assigned to the 2nd Marines and co-located with British forces in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan.  The report was an eye-opening review of interviews of Afghani’s and British forces as well as Marines who had encountered homosexual and pedophilic behavior in the nationals as well as service men who had been propositioned by Afghani males.  It is known as a report on “Pashtun Sexuality”.  Pashtun is the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan and the second largest in Pakistan.  They ruled Afghanistan for 300 years.

From this report, and other sources, I learned that homosexuality is, and has been a cultural norm in Afghanistan for generations.  Kandahar has been known for centuries as “the sodomy capital of South Asia”, and the natives say that “even the birds fly over Kandahar with one wing; the other covers their posterior”.   Indeed.

When the Taliban took power in the early ’90’s, they publicly executed anyone caught practicing or exhibiting any behavior suspected as homosexuality.  After the United States liberated most of Afghanistan’s major population centers, the tradition made a resurgence.   Young (prepubescent) Afghan males aged 12-14 are the most desirable, and these grow into men who look forward to when they too are old enough to take young boys for their pleasure.  (Incidentally, Islamic texts, many scholars and some poets glorify homosexuality as one of the pleasures reserved for Paradise)  Some Afghan men interviewed in the report said, “You cannot see the women to know if they are beautiful or not; but we can see all the boys, and which ones are beautiful.”

I have since learned that homosexual behavior in other Islamic countries is not uncommon.  For many, as with the Pashtun, the label “homosexual” is denied while the practice is widely accepted.  In those terms, according to the Pashtun, it is a sin “to love a man”, not to use another man for sexual gratification.  A saying goes, “Women are for children, boys are for pleasure”.

As the report indicates, separation from women and not being allowed to even see women, let alone have any type of contact likely causes these young boys to bond more with one another, than even their mother or sisters, being put in the all male Madrassa at age 7.  Women are forbidden to these boys as unclean and disgusting.  This also helps explain the misogynistic attitude of the Pashtun as well as most of Islam toward women.

A US Army medic and “her male colleagues were approached by an Afghan man seeking advice on how his wife could become pregnant.  When it was explained to him what was necessary, he reacted with disgust and asked “How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who Allah has made unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely, this must be wrong.”   -Unclassified Report, Pashtun Sexuality

So what has all this to do with Omar Mateen?


Mateen’s father, Seddique Mir Mateen is an Afghan Pashtun immigrant to the US.  The younger Mateen was born and raised here.  The two attended mosque every Friday in Orlando.

According to this CBS News article:

“Seddique Mateen hosts a program on a California-based satellite Afghan TV station, aimed at the Afghan diaspora in the in the U.S., called the “Durand Jirga Show.”

A senior Afghan intelligence source tells CBS News correspondent Lara Logan that the show is watched by some in people in Afghanistan but the primary audience is ethnic Pashtun Afghans living in the U.S. and Europe….

The Taliban Islamic extremist movement is comprised almost entirely of Pashtuns, and Mateen’s show takes a decidedly Pashtun nationalistic, pro-Taliban slant; full of anti-U.S. rhetoric and inflammatory language aimed at non-Pashtuns and at Pakistan, the source told (Lara) Logan.

The name of the show references the Durand line, the disputed border between Afghanistan and Pakistan that was established in the 19th century by Britain. It has long been at the heart of deep-seated mistrust between Afghans and Pakistanis.

Seddique Mateen once campaigned in the United States for current Afghan President Ashraf Ghani — seen as a moderate leader — who appeared on his program in 2014. But since then Seddique has turned against Ghani in both his broadcasts and numerous videos posted to a Facebook account.

In his Facebook videos, the alleged gunman’s father has often appeared wearing a military uniform and declaring himself the leader of a “transitional revolutionary government” of Afghanistan…”

Who saw that coming?

Allow me to further tie this all together.

So a Muslim who is a homosexual is doomed to Hell.  He is shamed by his family, creating much stress, embarrassment, and tons of guilt.

He continues this behavior, due to perhaps, something which happened to him earlier in life? (Culturally speaking, and purely speculative, of course.)  Perhaps his father’s criticism and affinity for the Taliban further influence Omar.

3 weeks prior to the shooting at Pulse, Orlando’s Husseini Islamic Center was host to an Imam who is known to preach that the most compassionate action toward homosexuals is to execute them.  In fact, the very mosque the Mateen’s attended last Friday was the worship home of another terrorist who blew himself up for the glory of jihad and shahid (martyrdom) in 2014 in Syria.

Now, a shahid, a martyr, in Islam one who dies in jihad against unbelievers, gets instantaneous forgiveness for all his sins, including sodomy.   As soon as the first drop of  the shahid’s blood hits the ground, Allah absolves him of all his sin.  What’s more this is the month of Ramadan.  If a Muslim dies during Ramadan, or on the Haj, it is a much better thing.

Could this have been the answer for a mentally, emotionally disturbed and guilt ridden Omar Mateen?  Did he council with the Imam, his father, or someone from the mosque who advised him of this?  Or did he just connect all the dots himself, and decide that martyrdom would restore his standing in the Islamic community, wipe away the dishonor he had brought to his father, and assure Omar himself a position in the glorious Paradise which rewards those who attain it with endless sensuous virgins and  young boys, along with rivers of wine.  Everything that is officially forbidden on Earth.

But Omar knew he would not die unless someone came to stop him from his deadly work inside the Pulse club that night.  Omar Seddique Mateen called 9-1-1 and told the police what he was doing, even while he was in the process.

I believe Omar Mateen wanted to die shahid.  He would die by “suicide by cop” after punishing the infidel gay community in a glorious gun battle, restoring his honor and that of his father.

The Assassination of Alexander Litvinenko

22 01 2016

Alexander Litvinenko was a former Lt. Col. in FSB (formerly KGB) who defected to United Kingdom in 2000, and was assassinated in 2006 by radiation 220px-AlexanderLitvinenkopoisoning from polonium-210 placed in a cup of tea by former FSB colleagues.

Litvinenko specialized in organized crime which, according to him, crossed over into terrorist activities and events which made the news, such as the 1999 Armenian Parliament shooting killing 8 members including the Prime Minister and the apartment block bombings in 2 Russian cities killing 307 and injuring 1700.  His allegations tied none other than his former KGB superior Vladimer Putin,  to not just the Russian Mafia, but by association to these terrorist activities as well.  He and Putin had a falling out over corruption issues with the newer FSB agency.  (References on Wikipedia given have been taken down by the Russian host)

Litvinenko insisted that FSB had ties to Chechen terrorist events from the Moscow Theater attack in 2002 (170 dead)  to the Beslan School tragedy in 2004 involving 1100 hostages including 777 children which resulted in 385 dead.  He said the Islamic jihadists who perpetrated the attack in Beslan were in FSB custody on previous terrorist or “bandit” activities and “The identities of the terrorists prove 100% the participation of the FSB in the seizure of the school in Beslan” (via ChechenPress)  Litvinenko also said that Al Qaida leader  Ayman al-Zawahiri  was in FSB custody for 6 months from December of ’96 to May of ’97.  Al Zawahiri was then transferred to Afghanistan and soon became Osama bin Laden’s assistant.  Alexander knows the details of this transferral because he was ordered to carry it out clean enough that suspicions of the Communist infiltration would not be aroused.

These assertions by Litvinenko of FSB/KGB connections to Islamic terrorists are not unilateral.  John Schindler is a Professor at the Naval War College; Chair, PfP CT Working Group; Senior Fellow, Boston University, and former NSA & NAVSECGRU.  He authored an article in Business Insider’s Military and Defense section about the “Al Qaida’s Murky Connection to Russian Intelligence“:

Just as important, it is known that Russian intelligence had ties to Islamist extremists in Chechnya long before Zawahiri entered the region. From the early 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian intelligence formed discreet ties with radical Islamists in the Caucasus, including men who would later become leading mujahidin.

In perhaps the best example, Shamil Basayev, the long-serving emir of the mujahidin in Chechnya, was an agent of Russian military intelligence (GRU) in the 1990s. In 1992-93, he and his brother Shirvani fought in Abkhazia against Georgian forces, leading fighters as surrogates for Moscow’s policies in the breakaway region.

Although Basayev was for many years Russia’s most wanted man and alleged to be behind dozens of terrorist attacks on Russian soil, his collaboration with Russian intelligence has long been something of an open secret. Not long before Basayev’s death in July 2006, apparently at the hands of the FSB, a GRU officer cryptically noted to the media, “We know everything about him.”

This is not surprising.  The new documentary film “Agenda 2” brings much of this to light and exposes KGB’s interest in fomenting unrest and anti-American sentiment in the Middle East going clear back to Yuri Andropov, who initiated international left-wing terrorism, and Ion Pacepa Romanian KGB who, together initiated the Soviet Union’s spread of anti-Semitic propaganda throughout the Islamic Middle East, that Israel intended to turn the entire Middle East into a Jewish state, and America was nothing more than a “Jewish fiefdom”.  This campaign began in 1972.  Pacepa defected to the United States in 1978 after receiving the order to kill Noel Bernard, a Jewish Romanian journalist who also ran “Radio Free Europe”.  Pacepa did not want his daughter to remember him as a killer so in a last-minute decision, defected.  Nicholai Ceausescu gave that order, and was ultimately deposed and executed due to Pacepa’s defection, and subsequent authoring of “Red Horizons“.  Ceausescu, years previous, had told Pacepa of 10 world leaders which KGB had conspired to assassinate; among them was John F. Kennedy.

After Pacepa’s defection, he was given two death sentences by Romania and Ceauşescu decreed a bounty of two million dollars for his death. Yassar Arafat and Muamar Ghaddaffi added another million each.  Today Pacepa is a columnist for PJ Media and writes periodic articles for other conservative publications.

However, the beast that was poked by Pacepa and Andropov 45 years ago has become ravenous and has successfully become the monster which will take the enemies of Communism and Islam to the ground.  The successful infiltration and re-education of America’s institutions, from the media, to academia, churches and government, and the spawning of social and civil organizations modeled to carry the false “Social Justice” ideology which is always used by Communism and Islamism to tear down the existing governments, is becoming so very apparent.  The alliances between the Progressive American Left (Communist) and the  Islamists seems to be a suicide pact for the Progressives, as, indeed, the very things Progressives profess to champion; civil rights, environmentalism, homosexuality and “marriage equality”, open and promiscuous sexual activity, are all repugnant to Islam and frequently targeted for harsh punishment, even death.

“This proves the Left will use any means necessary to destroy their two greatest enemies: Christianity and Freedom.  They no more care about Muslims, the poor, women, blacks, the environment, or the children, than they do about an unborn baby’s right to life, a Christian’s right to free speech,  or a balanced budget.  It is all a lie.” – (Curtis Bowers, former Idaho legislator, producer of Agenda/Agenda 2)

It is said by Alexander Litvinenko’s widow that he converted to Islam on his deathbed.  When he told his father this news, his response was simply, “Well, at least you’re not a Communist”.  I find this very curious.

In practicality, Islam and Communism are twins, sired by the same father.

Sometimes things are not what they appear to be.

UPDATE: HR 569- Special Status for Muslims Bill

7 01 2016

***LATEST UPDATE BELOW as of Sept 10,  2016***
(Scroll down to see latest sponsor update)

Last December I published “Freedom of Speech: The Continued Assault on America’s Most Precious Liberty” which discussed the dangerous aspects of the bill giving special status/protection to one religious group.  I published the entire text of the bill (without the list of sponsors)  in that article- If you have not read it yet, you can see it here —

According to  the House Resolution which will give Muslims special status against “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric” has gained many new co-Sponsors, all Democrats.  This makes 145 co-Sponsors, all Democrats.

The bill is still in Judiciary Committee, which is comprised of 23 Republicans (including Louis Gomhert, Trey Gowdy, and Steve King) and 16 Democrats (including Hank Johnson, who thought the island of Guam would capsize with so many military personnel and equipt, and Sheila Jackson Lee).

Here is a link to the entire text of the bill in pdf itself so you can see the entire list of the original sponsors and download for your own use:

This bill is an American Muslim version of UN Resolution 16/18, a bill pushed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which represents the 56 Islamic nations around the world.  Hillary Clinton stumped for it at Ankara, Turkey, while Sec of State.

HR 569 specifically names Muslims as a special class, worthy of protection from “bigotry or hateful rhetoric”.  “Hateful rhetoric” is a subjective term and can mean anything, including criticism of Islam, and in the Shari’a “bigotry” can be something as simple as rejection of Islam itself, which is an offense to Muslims according to the Sharia, and justifies jihad.  We are seeing the results of this manifested in European countries today.  I do not ever recall a House Resolution which gives special preference to Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or any other religious group.  It is outrageous!

We hear the propaganda from the media on a daily basis about how Muslims are the most persecuted group in America.  The simple fact is, of all religious groups, Jews are still the most victimized.  The FBI reports 62% of anti-Religion hate crimes are against Jews, compared to 11% against Muslims.  While that FBI report is 2012, the latest available in a quick search, the latest data gathered by a media study group shows an uptick in post terror attack of about 17% in the next few weeks, but dropping back to 10% higher a year later.  That would increase the overall anti-Muslim instances to about 12-13% of all anti-religious hate crimes are against Muslims while not changing the 62% against Jews appreciably.

This pro-Muslim bill is most likely being peddled by Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood organization who has had incredible influence on the Democrat Party members and some Republicans.  They have free access to the White House and continue to have “preferred” status at WH events.  CAIR is still listed as a “co-conspirator” in the 2008 terrorist funding trial, where several of its members were convicted and are currently in prison.   The indictments ceased when Mr. Obama took office.

Contact your Representative as well as the House Judiciary Committee members which you will find at this link: .

Tell them to stop HR 569 in Committee.

New Post


LATEST UPDATE as of 9/10/16:  Most recent Additional Co-sponsor:  Garamendi, John [D-CA3] (joined May 23, 2016)

Updated 5/17/2016  NEWEST Additional Co-sponsors are:
Foster, Bill [D-IL11]  Capuano, Michael [D-MA7]  Adams, Alma [D-NC12]  Graham, Gwen [D-FL2]   The Resolution now has 144 cosponsors (144 Democrats, 0 Republicans)

Updated on 4/28/16 -Newest additional Co-sponsors are:  Rep. Pete Aguilar [D-CA31] ,   Rep. Susan Davis [D-CA53] , Rep. Mark DeSaulnier [D-CA11] , Rep. Tulsi Gabbard [D-HI2] . The resolution now has 140 cosponsors (140 Democrats,  0 Republicans).

Updated on 4/22/16:  HR 569 now has 136 Democrat sponsors (No Republicans to date). Latest additions include the following Representatives:  Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick [D-AZ1] , Rep. David Scott [D-GA13],  Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY16] Clarke, Yvette [D-NY9] ,  Hoyer, Steny [D-MD5] , Kind, Ron [D-WI3] , Nolan, Richard [D-MN8] , Levin, Sander [D-MI9] , O’Rourke, Beto [D-TX16] , Visclosky, Peter [D-IN1],   Beatty, Joyce [D-OH3]

Update 2/3/16:  HR 569 now has 125 Democrat sponsors (No Republicans to date) Latest additions include the following Representatives:  Rep. Janice Hahn [D-CA44]Rep. John Lewis [D-GA5],  Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR3] Rep. Nita Lowey [D-NY17] ,  Rep. Sean Maloney [D-NY18],  Rep. Grace Napolitano [D-CA32] , Rep. Donald Norcross [D-NJ1],  Rep. John Sarbanes [D-MD3]< /a>Rep. Jackie Speier [D-CA14]Rep. Timothy Walz [D-MN1].

Update 1/20/16 :  There are now 115 Democrat sponsors on HR 569 (No Republicans to date).  New additions include:  Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]  Rep. Juan Vargas [D-CA51]  Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman [D-NJ12]  Rep. Tony Cárdenas [D-CA29]  Rep. Donald Payne [D-NJ10]  Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL1]   Rep. Nydia Velázquez [D-NY7]  Rep. Elijah Cummings [D-MD7]  Rep. Lois Frankel [D-FL22]  Rep. Kathleen Rice [D-NY4]

Previous additions (1/11/16) include Rep. Suzanne Bonamici [D-OR1] , Rep. Ben Luján [D-NM3] , Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY10] , Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA40] , Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS2] ,  Rep. Chaka Fattah [D-PA2] , Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA18] ,  Rep. Hakeem Jeffries [D-NY8] ,  Rep. Ann Kuster [D-NH2] ,  Rep. Rick Larsen [D-WA2] , Rep. Brenda Lawrence [D-MI14] , Rep. Ted Lieu [D-CA33] ,  Rep. Robert “Bobby” Scott [D-VA3] ,  Jared Huffman, D-CA; Steve Israel, D-CA; Alan Lowenthal, D-CA; Michelle Luian Grisham, D-NM;  James McGovern, D-MA;  Seth Moulton, D-MA; Patrick Murphy, D-FL; Raul Ruiz, D-CA;  Louise Slaughter, D-NY; Adam Smith, D-WA.


Freedom of Speech – The Continued Assault on America’s Most Precious Liberty

31 12 2015

ontheriseHouse Resolution 569 was introduced into the United States House of Representatives on December 17, 2015.  It will be part of the legislation reviewed by Congress in 2016.  Just to give you a peek at the language included, here is the introduction, right off the top of the bill:

“Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.”

Well, I think “violence” against anyone is already condemned and considered a crime under existing legislation across the land.  “Bigotry and hateful rhetoric” has been the target of lawsuits, city ordinances, statutory law, and social pressure for generations now.  So why do we need more legislation on the books condemning these behaviors and crimes against anyone?  Of any religion? Race? Creed?

The U. S. Dept of Justice defines “hate crimes” as:  “the violence of intolerance and bigotry, intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.”  41 states and the District of Columbia have laws against “hate crimes” on their books.  These gist of these laws is that the penalty for committing a crime against a random victim is not as bad as for a crime against someone who has been targeted for one of the above reasons, which presupposes then the victim of a “hate crime” is hurt more than your average run of the mill victim.  Seriously, an assault victim bleeds just as much whether the perp has chosen them because of a “hate” reason or an economic one, or for for whatever reason.  A murder victim is just as dead whether chosen for the color of their skin or for the car they were driving, or the money in their pocket.  Dead is dead, and the murderer is still a murderer and will spend the rest of their miserable lives in prison or be executed.  As you can tell, I struggle with the logic of “hate crimes”.

Be that as it may, the fact remains there are plenty of laws on the books that address the issue for all victimized people, regardless of race, religion, etc.

But the point of this bill is this:  Muslims are a special class of people, worthy of much higher standards of protection than, say, Jews, Christians, or Buddhists, Sikhs, or atheists.

Rep. Don Beyer, 8th Dist VA. Via Wikipedia

So where does this idea come from?  Well, I can tell you this much.  It wasn’t the brainchild of Virginia Representative Don Beyer (D), sponsor of HR 569, who just happens to represent Virginia’s 8th Congressional District, which just happens to include the city of Falls Church, which just happens to be the location of the Dar al Hijra Islamic Center.  This is the mosque, you may remember, where several of the Sept 11th hijackers attended, where Anwar al-Alawki was the Imam (before he fled to Yemen where a US drone took him out), and Major Nidal Hassan attended prior to his Jihad on Fort Hood.  Dar al-Hijra just happens to be the mosque co-founded by Ismail Elbarasse, whose basement was a storage hold for a plethora of documents seized by the FBI in 2004, among which was the document known as the “Explanatory Memorandum for the Strategic Goal for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America”.  This was one of the documents entered as evidence in the largest terrorism funding trial in US history.  The mosque itself appears to have a long history of Islamic extremist  and terrorist ties.

But, yet, even so, the Dar al-Hijra (“Land of Migration“) mosque is not the origin of HR 569.

HR 569 is but a mirror image of UN Resolution 16/18, which was formerly known as the “Defamation of Religion”, or more accurately “The International Blasphemy” law.   The goal specifically in HR 569 is to stop any criticism of Islam or anyone or anything Islamic.  This has been the steady mantra in the Islamic groups ever since President Obama stated in the UN General Assembly “The future must not belong to those who would slander the prophet of Islam.”

Muslims encourage stifling of free speech

Muslims encourage stifling of free speech

That statement was like blood in the water for sharks.  It followed the White House propaganda line concerning the Benghazi affair where Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans were murdered by Islamic Terrorists.  Muslim groups in the UN as well as around the country called for illegalizing criticism of Islam.  The Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City posted a link on its own website to a petition for a “law against insulting one’s religion”.

Obama was echoed by the likes of Pakistani President Zardari who said, “The international community must not become silent observers and should criminalize such acts that destroy the peace of the world and endanger world security by misusing freedom of expression.”  In other words, violence on the part of Muslims around the world must be expected when someone criticizes Islam or the prophet Muhammad, and it is the critic’s responsibility, not the violent Muslim’s.

That same chorus was joined by the newly elected Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi of Egypt, and then Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said it was time to put an end to the protection of Islamophobia masquerading as the freedom to speak freely.  Turkey’s President Erdogen called Islamophobia “a crime against humanity”.

These officials were inside the UN in New York promoting their speech killing rhetoric while outside on the street and around the nation protestors were echoing the same thing, demanding the criminalization of free speech.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton co-chaired an international conference in 2011, applauding the adoption of UN Resolution 16/18, and promised to apply pressure at home in the United States to suppress Islamophobia.

UN Resolution 16/18 is the work of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the largest special interest group in the world and second largest governance body compared to the UN itself.  OIC, funded largely by Saudi Arabia, represents 56 (Syria was 57) Islamic states throughout the world in their common interest of advancing the cause of Islam, which includes establishing the Sharia worldwide.  OIC has been a subject of previous posts on this blog. For more information on OIC click here.  The term “Islamophobia” was coined by OIC and propagated by CAIR, and has become part of the lexicon used to silence critics of Islam.  (OIC’s inferred definition of “Islamophobia” does not mean ‘fear of Islam‘ as the word suggests; rather ‘critical of, unaccepting or hostile to Islam in any way‘.)

Obviously then, the OIC, by way of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), is behind HR 569.

CAIR was at the forefront immediately following the recent San Bernardino jihad (which left 14 dead and 22 wounded) and, according to Investors Business Daily, “running interference” between investigators and witnesses and suspects”.

“As medics were still removing bodies from the mass shooting, CAIR rushed to assemble a bizarre press conference, letting the media ask questions of Farook’s brother-in-law before the FBI had a crack at him.” – (H/T IBD read more here)

CAIR remains on the FBI’s “bad boy list”, and has been denied delisting by Federal Court as an ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ in the largest terror funding trial in US history in 2008 – Un-indicted because the current administration suspended all previous indictments concerning that trial.  CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood organization and has been proven to have direct connections to HAMAS.

CAIR was  proactive and led the narrative in the San Bernardino jihad about the concern of “backlash” against Muslims.  Less than 2 days later, the US Atty General was leading the charge on CAIR’s behalf stating her greatest fear was not terrorist attacks, but retaliatory acts of violence against Muslims.  She went on, while addressing a Muslim gathering, to include “rhetoric and bigoted actions” in her list of prosecutions under way.

CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood and all its affiliates are having great success formulating or perpetuating the narrative.  Something tells me that “rhetorical terrorism” is a term that will be used by more than those spoiled little socialistic college students on college campus’ this fall.  While they’ve been looking for a “safe space” from “impactful” words, the Islamists have been working to outlaw them.

Stephen Coughlin, expert in Sharia and Islamic terrorism, and past consultant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Daily Caller this:

“Over the last few years, major left-wing and Islamists organizations have been working diligently to reframe free speech in an oppositional narrative that distinguishes sanctioned speech, designated free speech, from hate speech in a long-term campaign to brand nonconforming speech as hate speech that is at first to be ridiculed and then criminalized”. (Read more Daily Caller)

Read that again.  Major Coughlin has summarized the entire Progressive playbook into one paragraph.

HR 569 in the US Congress has little chance of passing even if it gets out of Judicial Committee.  And it’s a resolution, not statute (Not that resolutions are not important and formative).  However, the really scary thing is it does have 82 Co-Sponsors, all Democrats.  82.  [UPDATED 2/3/16:  HR569 now has 125 Democrat co-sponsors.  For more updated info see here.]

You can download the entirety of HR 569 here complete with sponsors names, or see the text below.  It’s not long and I promise it will raise your blood pressure!

RESOLUTION Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States. HRES 569– Whereas the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and rhetoric have faced physical, verbal, and emotional abuse because they were Muslim or believed to be Muslim;

-Whereas the constitutional right to freedom of religious practice is a cherished United States value and violence or hate speech towards any United States community based on faith is in contravention of the Nation’s founding principles;

-Whereas there are millions of Muslims in the United States, a community made up of many diverse beliefs and cultures, and both immigrants and native-born citizens;

-Whereas this Muslim community is recognized as having made innumerable contributions to the cultural and economic fabric and well-being of United States society;

-Whereas hateful and intolerant acts against Muslims are contrary to the United States values of acceptance, welcoming, and fellowship with those of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

-Whereas these acts affect not only the individual victims but also their families, communities, and the entire group whose faith or beliefs were the motivation for the act;

-Whereas Muslim women who wear hijabs, headscarves, or other religious articles of clothing have been disproportionately targeted because of their religious clothing, articles, or observances; and

-Whereas the rise of hateful and anti-Muslim speech, violence, and cultural ignorance plays into the false narrative spread by terrorist groups of Western hatred of Islam, and can encourage certain individuals to react in extreme and violent ways:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives—  expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes; (2) steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;
(3) denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;
(4) recognizes that the United States Muslim 12 community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;
(5) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;
(6) urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and
(7) reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.

Well…isn’t that special…?  I’m not even gonna unpack that sucker!!!

***For Updates on HR 569 click here.***

3 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Islam

18 12 2015

Many Americans still are confused about Islam, thanks to propaganda from Muslim Brotherhood organizations like CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA, Muslim Students Assn, etc.

This video says in 9 minutes what I’ve been saying the last 9 years.  Take a look!

The Myth of “Self Radicalization” and the Fallacy of “Radical Islam”

4 12 2015

This article is a repost from 2 years ago.  I have edited and updated it slightly.  It is as much, if not more relevant today. -DTN

Media Trilobites and government officials continue to bump into each other, feeding on nonsensical buzz words that become trendy for a few weeks and are eventually absorbed into the pop culture lexicon.  These phrases or terms may lie dormant for ages until suddenly they’re on every television commentator’s lips.  If we can’t find a word in the English language to spin up to instant glory, we’ll borrow one from another language.  Al Gore did just that when he described himself as having “gravitas” during his run for the White House. Nearly instantaneously, every talking head in the country was using the heavy Latin word, until finally Chris Mathews commented that Barack Obama’s gravitas caused a tingle to run up his leg.  It kinda lost its punch after that.

But the real point here is the incessant blathering about “self radicalized” terrorists, specifically the brothers Tsarnaev, better known as the Boston Bombers, who were responsible for nearly 270 maimed, wounded, or dead, and now the “San Bernadino Terrorists”who have now been proven to be fundamentalist Muslims and are celebrated as “Shahid” (martyrs) around the globe.  They were not “violent extremists”.  They were Mujahideen, “soldiers of Allah”, on jihad.

Disregarding the obvious elephant in the room, both the government and the media, began hunting for fleas and swatting at gnats.  “Whatever could be the reason for this horrendous tragedy?”  In the Boston Bombing case the story line continued for hours into days that this had to be the work of some “right wing extremists”, and even the President floated a hint or two about April 15th being “tax day”, of course insinuating it was a right-wing tax protest, obviously connected to the Tea Party.

Even before the victims at San Bernadino were removed from the horrific scene of the attack, commentators, reporters and officials were forming a narrative of “3 White Males dressed in military fatigues and body armor“.  Many of the reporters were hoping they were White Supremist’s, not even holding out the possibility of a terrorist attack.  In fact, there seemed to be a refusal to even consider the possibility of the shooters having any ties to Islam, continuing, like CNN’s Harry Houck and law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes, to speculate “right-wingers” were most likely the culprit; Fuentes surmising it to be “an anti-government domestic militia group”. [H/T Newsbusters]

After all, there have been so many “right wing” attacks – Like the first bombing of the World Trade Center back in ’93; no wait, that was Islamic jihad.  Oh, like the 911 attacks when Tea Party members flew passenger airliners into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and were headed for the White House; oh…sorry, those were Islamic jihadist hijackers. Well, like the DC Snipers who terrorized the city for 3 weeks in 2002; no wait, they were Islamic also.  Well then there was the White Supremacist, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who killed one soldier and wounded another in front of the recruiting office in Arkansas in 2009; sorry, again Islamic jihad.

Well…there are so many events that are known to have connections to “conservative right wing Christian radicals” such as: The Fort Hood Massacre when that Christian shooter yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he gunned down 40 people, killing 13.  The 2009 Riverdale New York bomb plot planned by 4 radical Tea Party grandma’s, the Times Square Bomber who had his SUV full of propane tanks and fireworks (surely some redneck like Larry the Cable Guy), the “Fort Dix Six”, the “Underwear Bomber”, the “Shoe Bomber”, etcetera ad nauseam.

My, my, what could it be? What ever could it be that is initiating all these attacks and plots?

[According to this Congressional report, there have been well over 60 successful, attempted, or plotted Islamic Jihad Terrorist attacks on US soil between 9-11-2001 and Jan of 2013.]

Of course, most of these were played off as “Lone Wolf” scenarios where the terrorist was “self-radicalized”.

Listening to all the ‘crack investigative reporters and hard-hitting journalists’, one could come to the conclusion that these guys just must wake up one morning and “self-radicalize” deciding today is a good day to kill some people’.

This term is a copout for lazy journalists and downright deceiving when used by anyone.  A person cannot “self-radicalize” any more than “self-socialize”.  There must be a cause, a mentor, or an ideology that brings a person to the point that he is willing to, no, compelled to kill random people that he doesn’t even know.

That mentor, in many cases, is a spiritual leader.  That cause, or ideology, which is that rather enormous and obnoxious “elephant in the room” that none of the trilobites are willing to discuss?  Islam.

Forget Islam as a Religion

The sooner Americans refuse to continue accepting Islam as a viable and peaceful “religion” and begin to view it as the sociopolitical ideology that it truly is, the greater the possibility the America will survive its onslaught.

The root problem for America is not that Islam has come to colonize her, which it has, but the fact that we have allowed “multi-culturalism” (immigration without assimilation) and “pluralism” (all cultures, ideologies, realities are equal) to progress unchecked resulting in a “balkanized” or “tribal” society wherein competing ideologies are viewed as co-equal.  Not all ideologies are conducive to civilized society, nor are they consistent with the basic premise of freedom, as established in America’s founding documents.

If I were to try to convince you that Germany’s National Socialism (Nazism) is a peaceful ideology that was hijacked by a few “self radicalized” individuals, resulting in the holocaust, you’d laugh in my face.  Well, that’s a pretty good comparison: You have a ‘prophet’ by the name of Hitler who sought to consolidate power under a banner of a unified ideology by clearing the field of competing ideologies, and went to war in order to stoke the economy and gain control of more land area.  Had Muhammad access to German weapons of mass destruction he would certainly not have hesitated to use them.   Hitler’s Holocaust resulted in an estimated 11 Million deaths, many of which were communist (because Karl Marx was Jewish), mentally or physically handicapped, Jehovah’s Witness, homosexual, or Christian leaders such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer who refused to place their names upon the “Aryan Clause” and become “Reich Churches” to do the bidding of the “almighty Fuhrer”.   But his “Final Solution” for 6 million Jews had already been proven and prescribed by Islam’s prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula 1400 years prior in places with such names as Banu Quaraysa and Khaybar, where Muhammad slaughtered unarmed male prisoners and enslaved the girls, and women, finally appropriating all Jewish property to Muslims.

Both economies required perpetual war.  (The fundamental Islamic world view is “Dar al-Islam” or Dar al-Harb: The world is divided and you either dwell in the “House of Islam”, where Islam rules, or you dwell in the “House of War” and are subject to Jihad.)

Both ideologies have religious overtones (Hitler was worshipped and given a godlike status).  Both ‘prophets’ were consumed with power.  Both cultures fostered distrust and suspicion (Gestapo was everywhere and anyone who challenged the Prophet was dealt with harshly.)  Both Nazism and Islam are fundamentally racist.   Neither can compete philosophically with opposing values, absent of an oppressive legal system or war.

Consider the following argument:

“Well, you know those “Brown Shirts” are really not as bad as the SS or Gestapo.  Now those SS are some evil dudes.  SS are the real “radical” Nazi’s.  The Brownshirts might beat you up but those SS will kill you!  We really need to reach out to those individuals and find out why they hate us so much.  But most of the Nazi’s are moderate.  They aren’t violent at all.  Sure, they go to the rallies where Hitler is speaking, but they’re just normal folks like you and me!  They want the same for their families as we all want.  Yeah, Nazism is actually a very patriotic and peaceful ideology, it’s just been hijacked by some radicals who seek to politicize it, and destroy property and kill people and take their property in the name of this peaceful movement.” 

Well, as you can see this defense of Nazism just doesn’t fly!  Ironically, this is the exact apologetic defense that Islam gets from not only the American mainstream media, but from our government as well!

“Self Radicalization”

This term makes about as much sense as “Obamacare”.  An individual who is willing to commit a violent act of mass murder and mayhem in the name of his god, or any other cause, is soaked in an ideology which is taught or programmed into a person’s psyche.  That ideology doesn’t simply spawn in the mind of the perpetrator.  It comes from someone else, whether through print or other media; from a teacher, guide or mentor.  But the term “self radicalize” is specifically designed to deflect attention from that aforementioned ‘elephant’ sitting in the middle of the room.

Islam is that ideology and it can be taught by other people or the documents themselves, the Koran, Hadith, and countless commentaries and books of Islamic scholars (such asSeyyid Qutb) may be read and studied by the individual, even to the point of the student acting upon those teachings.  Tamerlan Tsarnaev did not “self-radicalize” anymore than Nidal Hasan or Osama bin Ladin.  He was taught.  He was taught the purest form of Islam, the Fundamentals of Islam. He believed it, he consumed it, and finally it consumed him.  His actions were based on his faith in his Scriptures (Koran), his prophet (Muhammad), and his god (Allah).

“We Love Death more than You Love Life”

The first victim of Islam is the Muslim.  Islam is, as I have pointed out before, a Great Black Beast.  It will consume everyone in its path if left unchecked, until finally there is no competing religion or ideology permitted.  There is a creed that surfaces occasionally when studying the Islamic culture which is so shaped by the obligatory act of jihad: “We love death more than you love life.” It has been a part of Islam since its earliest doctrines were formulated during that period immediately following Muhammad’s death in 632 (AD). This is that age of Islamic conquest the four “Rightly Guided Caliphs”, It is used by Hamas in their propaganda media.  It was recently used in a letter to the British government by six terrorists who pleaded guilty of planning an attack on the EDL last year.   It was repeated by the Madrid terrorists and actually earned a slide in a power point presentation by Nidal Hassan prior to his jihad attack which resulted in 13 dead and 32 wounded at Fort Hood, Texas. Islam is the largest death cult in the world. Those countries and regions where Islam rules unchecked are anything but bastions of freedom.

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) came up with a new word in order to try to embarrass and defeat anyone who opposes Islam.  They have been quite successful in defining the Islamic narrative in the United States.  That word is “Islamophobia”. The goal is to paint opposition to Islam as bigoted, racist, and xenophobic.  It doesn’t stick.  Sorry CAIR, I am not afraid of Islam, I am not a racist, nor am I a bigot.   But I will tell you what true “Islamophobia” is.  Just as the word says, “Fear of Islam”.  But CAIR has misplaced the word.

Islamophobia is when a free press self-censors for fear of offending Muslims and consequential retribution from Islam.

Islamophobic is a government which refuses to name the enemy in a war which has been declared on the United States of America by the collective ideology called Islam, for fear of political influence of CAIR, ISNA, ICNA among Islamic organizations, and fear the Saudi’s will pull out of Wall Street and crash our economy.

Islamophobic is a White House which is more interested in “winning the hearts and minds” of a sworn enemy than defeating him, while Islamic groups like CAIR and the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) filter every training manual and terrorism report issued by the Pentagon.

Islamophobia is when a military acquiesces to the demands of that same sworn enemy to deny Christian or Jewish religious ministry to its own soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen on sovereign soil of our military bases in Afghanistan, but allows an Imam to pray over our dead SEAL’s at Baghram AFB, damning their souls in the name of Allah.

Islamophobic is a President who is more interested in punishing the producer of a two-bit video “slandering the prophet” than he is about punishing those who murdered 4Americans in Benghazi, Libya in a jihad attack, for fear that he will lose the upcoming election if he offends Muslims.

Islamophobia is an Attorney General who vows to prosecute those who say anything critical of Islam.  THAT, my friends is “Islamophobia”.

In the words of Billy Vaughn, father of Aaron Vaughn, one of 26 Navy Seals killed in the “Extorsion 17” helo crash in Wardok Province in 2012, “When you hide the truth, you become part of the lie.”

Americans must face the truth.  We have allowed our government and our media to hide the truth. We have hidden our own faces from the truth.  The ideology that is Islam is fundamentally, and diametrically opposed to America and all that she stands for.

Victory for Freedom of Speech

2 11 2015
On Wednesday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals completely reversed a lower court’s decision and ruled in favor of Evangelical Christians who were arrested for disturbing the peace at the 2012 Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan.  The Christians had bottles, eggs, and other items hurled at them by Muslims for publicly preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  A short video of this episode can be found here.
During this festival, a group of Muslims approached the Christians and asked to hear about the Gospel. The Christians obliged and began sharing about the Bible, Jesus, and their faith.  Other Muslims became angry and assaulted the Christians for their speech.  The police ended up arresting the Christians, not the Muslims.
The case, Bible Believers v. Wayne County, was brought by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) on behalf of the Christians.
On August 27, 2014, a divided, three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit dismissed the civil rights lawsuit, finding the violent response of the Muslim hecklers justified the Wayne County sheriffs’ order to the Christians they would be arrested for disorderly conduct if they did not leave the festival area.
Yesterday, the Sixth Circuit ruled in favor of the Christians on every issue, completely reversing the lower court opinion, and directing the court to enter judgment in the Christians’ favor.
In its decision, the Sixth Circuit ruled the County and the two Deputy Chief defendants were liable for violating the Christians’ First Amendment rights to free speech and the free exercise of religion, and for depriving the Christians of the equal protection of the law. The court ruled the individual defendants did not enjoy qualified immunity, and the County was liable as a municipality for the constitutional violations.
In its opinion, the Sixth Circuit stated, in part:
“In a balance between two important interests-free speech on one hand, and the state’s power to maintain the peace on the other-the scale is heavily weighted in favor of the First Amendment. . . . Maintenance of the peace should not be achieved at the expense of the free speech. The freedom to espouse sincerely held religious, political, or philosophical beliefs, especially in the face of hostile opposition, is too important to our democratic institution for it to be abridged simply due to the hostility of reactionary listeners who may be offended by a speaker’s message. If the mere possibility of violence were allowed to dictate whether our views, when spoken aloud, are safeguarded by the Constitution, surely the myriad views that animate our discourse would be reduced to the standardization of ideas by the dominant political or community groups. Democracy cannot survive such a deplorable result.
“When a peaceful speaker, whose message is constitutionally protected, is confronted by a hostile crowd, the state may not silence the speaker as an expedient alternative to containing or snuffing out the lawless behavior of the rioting individuals. Nor can an officer sit idly on the sidelines-watching as the crowd imposes, through violence, a tyrannical majoritarian rule-only later to claim that the speaker’s removal was necessary for his or her own protection.”
In short, this was a complete victory for the Constitution and for all freedom-loving Americans who enjoy the protections of the First Amendment.
The AFLC is first and foremost a public interest litigation firm, which aggressively seeks to advance and defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage in courts all across our Nation.  The AFLC’s mission is to fight for faith and freedom through litigation, education, and public policy programs.
A short video detailing AFLC’s mission and accomplishments can be seen here.
AFLC is comprised of attorney Robert Muise, a combat veteran Marine Officer and expert in Constitutional law, and attorney David Yerushalmi, one of the nation’s most knowledgeable attorneys on national security, Constitutional law, as well as Sharia (Islamic Law).
AFLC states on their website:  “The strength of our Nation lies in its commitment to a Judeo-Christian heritage and moral foundation and to an enduring faith and trust in God and His Providence. AFLC seeks a return to America’s founding commitment to receive God’s continued blessing to preserve the soul of this great Nation.”
This ruling demonstrates there are still bastions of sanity in the American judicial system where liberty under law still reigns in America, and where judges committed to justice win over the progressives trying to destroy our nation.
Let us celebrate this significant victory today and raise a glass to the courage of the Americans who withstood the attack, the AFLC for its work to defend our liberties, and the Court for doing what it should always do – rule judiciously.
John Guandolo, UTT

The Satanic Alliance: Marxism, Islam and Privileged Hatred

26 10 2015


Islamic Marxism, Islamic Socialism, seems to be a contradiction of terms.

Be NOT Deceived!  THIS has been an allied movement for a long time in the US and for generations around the world!

THIS is why the Progressives/Socialists/Marxists find kindred purpose with the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood groups such as CAIR, MSA, ICNA, ISNA, MPAC, and etc. ad nauseam.  Every “Social Justice” movement in the world has origins and common purpose in the destruction of Capitalism, the United States of America, and Western Society in general.  It is Anti-Christian, not Anti-Religion; Christianity focuses on the rights, liberties and value of the individual!  Individuals do NOT exist in this post-American World; Only the Collective!

Familiarize yourselves with “Sustainable Development”, “Sustainability”, “Sustainable Growth”; it is found in the UN (Marxist from its roots) agenda known as “Agenda 21”.  New buzz words encompassing this belief include, 20/20, 20/30, 20/50, “Smart Growth”, and “Smart Growth Corridors”, all coming to a city council near you!

In the following video, watch for phrases like: “Social Justice”, “Socialist”,  “Justice”.  This phraseology is straight out of the Communist Manifesto!

Pay Attention!  The world has already changed and America is now Ahmerikah!

(More on this subject to come)