Memorial Day: Remember Them

27 05 2018

Leavenworth, KS, National Cemetery

Memorial Day: It isn’t about the government. It’s not about a President, or a Party. It’s about “Them”; They who have preceded us, and inspire us to
measure up. To Them.

The endless rows of white stones and mausoleums command the heights of former battlefields and sprawl across the rolling course of green, under the cobalt space which beckons the occupants, and comforts those eyes who behold the wonder and contemplation of a grateful and humble people.

Those who fail to simply stand for a few minutes in the presence of self sacrifice, and listen, and feel, the proud and reverent spirit that hovers over and among these places of hallowed memorial, who never feel the moist fog rise up in the eye, will never know what it truly means to be an American.

I salute thee, Oh valiant Ones, who ‘saw the elephant’, felled the giants, charged into the Angle, bled on the Poppy Fields, drowned in the icey Seas, scaled the jagged Cliffs under enfilade fire, and plunged into darkness unknown.

Never shall I forget Ye who sweated and bled in the Jungles, choked in the Desert Sands, froze in the Chosin, watched as Saigon fell behind you, served your shipmates in death rites, and were felled by the sniper’s round at Fallujah.

Nor will I ever forget you, who survived the battle, carried those scenes your entire life, sharing only a few, and finally found rest after a lifetime of continued service to your country and those around you.

This I promise.

Never Forget. Them.



4 responses

27 05 2018
Stop Public Enemy #1 CAIR is Hamas

Once again you’ve eloquently conveyed what most of us veterans and purposefully patriotic civilians deeply feel so well. Now that is an example of truly ” served with honor and distention” not subversive rhetoric,obfuscation and treasonous propaganda media,historians and political largess laments at best and non soldiers, Birddog boy of cowardice recently and an atrocity perpetuated on the brave Vietnam veterans,perjury and obstruction decades ago to senate subcommittees John Backstabbing Kerry misfeasance before malfeasance against it. Having grown up in the cold war as baby boomers and glued to the nightly body count shocked and praying no news is good news for a five year old knowing air force officers devastating knock on the door ” we regretfully must inform you Captain Lane serving in Thailand and II corps was mortally wounded near Cambodia

27 05 2018

Thank you, sir. These things are so near and dear to us, they cannot help but we’ll up and surface at times like these.

27 05 2018

Very nice Kirk. Stan would like this.

29 05 2018
Larry Fischer

You are indeed a wordsmith who exhibits a conscience and values withheld from many citizens these days.

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