The Bear, The Dragon, and the Jackals

12 09 2021

The perimeter has been drawn in.

The Bear, the Dragon, and the desert Jackals greedily snarl and consume the discards, the Abandoned and the Betrayed.

Yet the picket line is undefined, unsecured, and the Jester fiddles and mocks his charges with disdain, blaming them for his failures, and gaslighting the Masses.

The Puppeteer smirks behind his facade, as his Minions wait in the wings for the nod to return to their chaotic games in the Town Square. The fruit of his guile ripening in the tribal fields which he once plowed. He patiently awaits a post American world.

War does not cease because you walk away. An unvanquished Tyrant is not content to feed upon your morsels.

The Jackals sleep within your walls. The Bear has entertained your children with song and dance for generations, . And the Dragon deeply inhales the flame of Liberty’s torch, which flickers and smolders.

The blood of tyrants, which once watered the tree of Liberty, now courses through the veins of an Imposter which pretends to be the grandchild of the Founders and the progeny of the Greatest Generation, until the appointed time.

The seven deadly sins; pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth, have had their effect.

Do not be deceived; God is not mocked.

Repent, America, else your destruction is assured.

You are still at War whether you fight or not.

Read the rest of this entry »

The Deadly Bureaucracy

10 07 2021

For at least a century now, the United States has been the leading superpower; both economically and militarily. Since the Spanish American War, the USA has maintained a strong military presence, with few exceptions, in every theater of war we have fought.

Fall of Saigon 40th anniversary
By Radhika Chalasani
April 30, 2015 / 10:44 AM / CBS NEWS
South Vietnamese Marines leap in panic aboard a cutter from an LST in Danang Harbor in Da Nang, Vietnam, April 1, 1975 as they are evacuated from the city, shortly before its fall to the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese…

We occupied the Philippines since 1898, until 1991, and a short few years later were asked to return in light of perceived ChiCom threats in the South China Sea. We still have a major military presence in South Korea, along with Japan (Okinawa) and Germany, where there have been no active military threats for decades.

As the United States walks away from one of the most strategic and hard won military installations ever established, the Taliban ravages the Afghan countryside taking back villages and subjugating people who had experienced a momentary reprieve from raw tyranny, filling the void left by the United States. The schools and infrastructure established with US help, where girls and women were allowed to attend, will be systematically destroyed, and resistance eliminated.

Our cooperators, those Afghan people who aided our forces by providing intelligence, or interpretation, and any ANSF soldiers, trained by, and fighting with the US who resist, or refuse to join the retaking of Kabul, will be killed along with their families. (Terrorists don’t always come directly at you; they threaten your families in order to make you comply.)

This morning I watched an Afghan interpreter who came to the United States after his invaluable service, speak about the failure of American Immigration Bureaucracy. He applied for asylum in 2009, through our embassy in Afghanistan. He was not permitted entrance to America until 2014. He was a true, and dire textbook case for asylum, as his life was in danger. Today there are 2500 Afghan Nationals who allied, worked for, or otherwise assisted the US government over the last 20 years, waiting for an even more ineffective bureaucracy. The Biden administration refuses to allow these people entrance onto American soil until the red tape is all completed. They will most likely be dead by then.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of unidentified migrants flood across our southern border, among which are human traffickers, drug traffickers, cartel members, and cartel conscripts, along with people from all over the world, in an unmitigated humanitarian disaster, where, not only is bureaucracy ineffective, but ICE, CBP and other DHS and law enforcement field officers are ordered to stand down, are reassigned to provide aid and comfort, or release captured subjects into America with little or no expectation those people will ever see the inside of an immigration office.

None of these migrants, or invaders, have ever done one thing for the American People, United States, or it’s Government.

Our installations in Afghanistan are not only security and economic support for Afghan nationals, but the strategic location and proximity to Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan is highly advantageous in monitoring intelligence and the ability to launch counter or defensive operations in any future conflict involving any of those countries. (The Biden’s cozy relationship and lack of criticism of ChiCom dictator Xi, and American Communist organizations like BLM and Liberty Road, who celebrate Communist China openly, leaves fertile ground for conspiracy theories galore.)

It may take a year or two for Kabul/Bagram to fall, but like other Islamo-fascists as well as Communists, the Taliban are very patient. Obviously, it pays off, especially when dealing with a fickle US Government.

Think. What country or people would ever trust the US government to protect them or adhere to treaties or alliances, when American policies change after every election? (American Tribal Natives were only the first to experience this fickle betrayal.) Why should they? Ask the South Vietnamese about the vacuum left by US forces, after our government promised RVN forces full military hardware support upon our departure and it never came. Defunded. Afghanistan is a landlocked country with no infrastructure or mass transportation. There will be no “boat people”.

Saboor was fortunate. He had US military personnel keeping him secure while he waited for US government bureaucracy to process. 2500 of his fellow countrymen are watching that very security force being ordered to abandon Afghanistan, leaving them at the mercy of two merciless foes:

The Taliban, and the United States Immigration Bureaucracy.

Memorial Day: Remember Them

27 05 2018

Leavenworth, KS, National Cemetery

Memorial Day: It isn’t about the government. It’s not about a President, or a Party. It’s about “Them”; They who have preceded us, and inspire us to
measure up. To Them.

The endless rows of white stones and mausoleums command the heights of former battlefields and sprawl across the rolling course of green, under the cobalt space which beckons the occupants, and comforts those eyes who behold the wonder and contemplation of a grateful and humble people.

Those who fail to simply stand for a few minutes in the presence of self sacrifice, and listen, and feel, the proud and reverent spirit that hovers over and among these places of hallowed memorial, who never feel the moist fog rise up in the eye, will never know what it truly means to be an American.

I salute thee, Oh valiant Ones, who ‘saw the elephant’, felled the giants, charged into the Angle, bled on the Poppy Fields, drowned in the icey Seas, scaled the jagged Cliffs under enfilade fire, and plunged into darkness unknown.

Never shall I forget Ye who sweated and bled in the Jungles, choked in the Desert Sands, froze in the Chosin, watched as Saigon fell behind you, served your shipmates in death rites, and were felled by the sniper’s round at Fallujah.

Nor will I ever forget you, who survived the battle, carried those scenes your entire life, sharing only a few, and finally found rest after a lifetime of continued service to your country and those around you.

This I promise.

Never Forget. Them.

The Assassination of Alexander Litvinenko

22 01 2016

Alexander Litvinenko was a former Lt. Col. in FSB (formerly KGB) who defected to United Kingdom in 2000, and was assassinated in 2006 by radiation 220px-AlexanderLitvinenkopoisoning from polonium-210 placed in a cup of tea by former FSB colleagues.

Litvinenko specialized in organized crime which, according to him, crossed over into terrorist activities and events which made the news, such as the 1999 Armenian Parliament shooting killing 8 members including the Prime Minister and the apartment block bombings in 2 Russian cities killing 307 and injuring 1700.  His allegations tied none other than his former KGB superior Vladimer Putin,  to not just the Russian Mafia, but by association to these terrorist activities as well.  He and Putin had a falling out over corruption issues with the newer FSB agency.  (References on Wikipedia given have been taken down by the Russian host)

Litvinenko insisted that FSB had ties to Chechen terrorist events from the Moscow Theater attack in 2002 (170 dead)  to the Beslan School tragedy in 2004 involving 1100 hostages including 777 children which resulted in 385 dead.  He said the Islamic jihadists who perpetrated the attack in Beslan were in FSB custody on previous terrorist or “bandit” activities and “The identities of the terrorists prove 100% the participation of the FSB in the seizure of the school in Beslan” (via ChechenPress)  Litvinenko also said that Al Qaida leader  Ayman al-Zawahiri  was in FSB custody for 6 months from December of ’96 to May of ’97.  Al Zawahiri was then transferred to Afghanistan and soon became Osama bin Laden’s assistant.  Alexander knows the details of this transferral because he was ordered to carry it out clean enough that suspicions of the Communist infiltration would not be aroused.

These assertions by Litvinenko of FSB/KGB connections to Islamic terrorists are not unilateral.  John Schindler is a Professor at the Naval War College; Chair, PfP CT Working Group; Senior Fellow, Boston University, and former NSA & NAVSECGRU.  He authored an article in Business Insider’s Military and Defense section about the “Al Qaida’s Murky Connection to Russian Intelligence“:

Just as important, it is known that Russian intelligence had ties to Islamist extremists in Chechnya long before Zawahiri entered the region. From the early 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian intelligence formed discreet ties with radical Islamists in the Caucasus, including men who would later become leading mujahidin.

In perhaps the best example, Shamil Basayev, the long-serving emir of the mujahidin in Chechnya, was an agent of Russian military intelligence (GRU) in the 1990s. In 1992-93, he and his brother Shirvani fought in Abkhazia against Georgian forces, leading fighters as surrogates for Moscow’s policies in the breakaway region.

Although Basayev was for many years Russia’s most wanted man and alleged to be behind dozens of terrorist attacks on Russian soil, his collaboration with Russian intelligence has long been something of an open secret. Not long before Basayev’s death in July 2006, apparently at the hands of the FSB, a GRU officer cryptically noted to the media, “We know everything about him.”

This is not surprising.  The new documentary film “Agenda 2” brings much of this to light and exposes KGB’s interest in fomenting unrest and anti-American sentiment in the Middle East going clear back to Yuri Andropov, who initiated international left-wing terrorism, and Ion Pacepa Romanian KGB who, together initiated the Soviet Union’s spread of anti-Semitic propaganda throughout the Islamic Middle East, that Israel intended to turn the entire Middle East into a Jewish state, and America was nothing more than a “Jewish fiefdom”.  This campaign began in 1972.  Pacepa defected to the United States in 1978 after receiving the order to kill Noel Bernard, a Jewish Romanian journalist who also ran “Radio Free Europe”.  Pacepa did not want his daughter to remember him as a killer so in a last-minute decision, defected.  Nicholai Ceausescu gave that order, and was ultimately deposed and executed due to Pacepa’s defection, and subsequent authoring of “Red Horizons“.  Ceausescu, years previous, had told Pacepa of 10 world leaders which KGB had conspired to assassinate; among them was John F. Kennedy.

After Pacepa’s defection, he was given two death sentences by Romania and Ceauşescu decreed a bounty of two million dollars for his death. Yassar Arafat and Muamar Ghaddaffi added another million each.  Today Pacepa is a columnist for PJ Media and writes periodic articles for other conservative publications.

However, the beast that was poked by Pacepa and Andropov 45 years ago has become ravenous and has successfully become the monster which will take the enemies of Communism and Islam to the ground.  The successful infiltration and re-education of America’s institutions, from the media, to academia, churches and government, and the spawning of social and civil organizations modeled to carry the false “Social Justice” ideology which is always used by Communism and Islamism to tear down the existing governments, is becoming so very apparent.  The alliances between the Progressive American Left (Communist) and the  Islamists seems to be a suicide pact for the Progressives, as, indeed, the very things Progressives profess to champion; civil rights, environmentalism, homosexuality and “marriage equality”, open and promiscuous sexual activity, are all repugnant to Islam and frequently targeted for harsh punishment, even death.

“This proves the Left will use any means necessary to destroy their two greatest enemies: Christianity and Freedom.  They no more care about Muslims, the poor, women, blacks, the environment, or the children, than they do about an unborn baby’s right to life, a Christian’s right to free speech,  or a balanced budget.  It is all a lie.” – (Curtis Bowers, former Idaho legislator, producer of Agenda/Agenda 2)

It is said by Alexander Litvinenko’s widow that he converted to Islam on his deathbed.  When he told his father this news, his response was simply, “Well, at least you’re not a Communist”.  I find this very curious.

In practicality, Islam and Communism are twins, sired by the same father.

Sometimes things are not what they appear to be.

Sins of The Fathers – Purged by Fire

5 02 2015

As the Media Trilobites once again flounder about trying to bring their version of the “news” to the viewer, the coverage of the latest big event involving the Islamic State, the media are stumbling all over themselves bringing their profuse apologetic narrative to a fever pitch, which coincides perfectly with President Obama’s narrative that “ISIS is not Islamic!!”


The execution by burning alive of Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh, 26, by the Islamist “Islamic State”, has been hijacked by those who would rather “use a crisis” to further their own agenda.  That young man is the same age as my own son (a USMC Sergeant), and the pilot died in the service of his King and country, fighting an enemy who will, if not stopped, take not only Syria and Iraq, but also Jordan, just as they will Saudi Arabia and the rest.  The pilot, while himself a Muslim, is considered apostate, and was fighting in the service of an Apostate King, in the eyes of the Islamic State and Caliph Al-Baghdaddi.

Apologists all over the news networks, both British and American, spent seldom mentioned this story without profusely making the point that “There is no mention in Islam for this kind of barbarity!” “This is proof that ISIS is not Islamic!”  Al Jazeera English even joined in the chorus with an editorial from a California State University professor calling ISIS a “nihilistic death cult acting in the name of Islam…”  Shoot, I’ve been calling Islam a death cult for years.

It seems that with every savage instance of Islamic Terrorism, from 911 up to every sordid beheading video that IS releases, the media is more concerned about a “potential backlash against Muslims”, than the butchery itself!  The “Backlash” that never happens!  Perhaps those Muslims who may be concerned about becoming a victim of a “backlash” might want to be more concerned about the butchers because the Caliph looks upon any Muslim who desires to integrate into Western Society and enjoy its freedoms, as one of two things: Apostate, which according to Sharia “deserves to die”, or Jahili, which is a back-slidden Muslim, and if non-repentant, also may die.

Muslim Brotherhood‘s own Seyyid Qutb writes all about this Jahili in his “Milestones“, the vanguard publication for the modern Islamic Revival, published 1965.  Qutb explains that Muslims must repent and remove themselves from that Jahiliyyah (a state of ignorance) leadership which has enticed Muslims into submitting to earthly, man-made rules and rulers, instead of submitting to Allah by means of following his laws (Sharia).  This theological doctrine is the root of everything we are witnessing in the Islamic world today.

Muslims are not to commit allegiance to a nation or state or geographic area.  (This is why there is little or no national loyalty in Islam.) Neither is a Muslim bound by any commitment or loyalty or oath to non-Muslims. Only to Allah does one claim or pledge allegiance.  Only through Islam is any relationship, contractual or filial valid.  Qutb writes,

“A Muslim has no country except that part of the earth where the Shari’a of [Allah] is established and human relationships are based on the foundation of relationship with [Allah]; a Muslim has no nationality except his belief, which makes him a member of the Muslim community in Dar ul Islam; a Muslim has no relatives except those who share the belief in [Allah]…” [p. 108, 109]

In the closing paragraphs of Milestones, Qutb conjures macabre images referring to his title:

This intricate point requires deep thought…to whatever country or period of time they belong; for this guarantees that they will be able to see the milestones of the road clearly and without ambiguity, and establishes the path for those who wish to traverse it to the end…Then they will not be anxious, while traversing this road ever paved with skulls and limbs and blood and sweat, to find help and victory…” [p. 158]

The Trilobites were finding “scholars” and “experts” wherever they could drag them out to reassure that “burning a human is not acceptable in Islam”.  They continued this for hours, expressing “how barbaric” this mode of execution is, and this is proof that ISIS is not Islamic.  Really?  Is it more barbaric than sawing a mans head off with a dull knife?!

Burning is indeed not only an accepted means of execution, it has a history in some Islamic applications.  Apostacy is an especially grievous sin against Islam, and in 1400 years there has never been an Islamic society which has not enforced the capital laws against leaving Islam for another religion, or no religion at all.  You see, Sura (Quran) 2:256, “There is no compulsion in religion…”  is abrogated by 9:29, commanding to fight non-muslims until they are subdued (dhimmi).

The Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL) is ruthlessly following the model of Islamic conquest that was practiced by Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s (the prophet) top lieutenant and most trusted friend.  He gave his young 6 yr old daughter Aisha to Muhammad to wife, making him the prophet’s father-in-law, and was Muhammad’s first convert outside the family.  Immediately after Muhammad’s death in 632 AD, the tribes began to quit Islam, becoming apostates, and refusing to pay the zakat (required alms of Muslims).  Abu Bakr thus became the 1st Caliph and began a systematic military campaign that swept across the Arabian Peninsula, known as the Ridda Wars, or the Wars of Apostacy.  Within 2 years he had put down or executed those Muslims who refused to pay, even though they practiced the prayers, referring to them as apostate because they failed to practice all 5 pillars of Islam.  Therefore their blood was on their own hands.

In a letter sent out to the various apostate tribes, Abu Bakr warned that, “the Apostle of Allah…struck whoever turned his back to him until he came to Islam, willingly or grudgingly.”  And then that, Allah had called him (Abu Bakr) ” to fight those who deny Him“, and that Abu Bakr “will not spare any of them he can gain mastery over, but may burn them with fire, slaughter them by any means…take women and children…nor shall he accept from anyone anything except Islam.” Within 2 years Abu Bakr had brought the “apostate” tribes back under his rule, and had sent his generals to conquer the Sassanids (Persians) in Iraq and Persia.  This was a very speedy and overwhelming conquest in which Khalid’s light cavalry could swoop down on a city and own it before the indigent armies could respond.  The Caliph then declared Jihad against the Byzantine Christians.

Abu Bakr only ruled for a bit over 2 years and was the 1st of the “Four Rightly Guided Caliphs”, the other 3 of which led short, bloody reigns as well.  These “Four Rightly Guided Caliphs” were all personal companions of Muhammad’s, and are yet today highly revered as men who closely followed in the steps of Muhammad.

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, via Wikipedia

It is no accident that the current Caliph took this name – Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  This man holds a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Baghdad and has been supervising and enforcing the Sharia since the mid-2000’s.  He is indeed an expert on Islamic Law (Sharia).  His job as Caliph is to punish apostates and carry jihad to non-believers who refuse to embrace Islam.  If you deny this, you deny 1400 years of history.  You have to be an imbecile to refuse to make the connection of true Islamic doctrines and theology to fundamentalist Islamic militant groups such as IS.

However, we are dealing with the Trilobites; a media organism who has no knowledge or desire to investigate history beyond their last bowel movement, which is incidentally about the same consistency of what they report. Jordan’s military, just like Saudi Arabia, exists pretty much to keep the Royal Families safe.  Hardcore movements against Islamic State are not going to be part of the program for either country.  Jordan may divide shortly with a lot of internal upheaval and Saudi will be soon to follow.  The military for both of these countries are paper tigers, perhaps Jordan’s a little tougher.

Any true security or stabilization in the region is going to have to come from one of 3 sources: USA, Israel, or Russia.  President Obama isn’t interested, despite the fact that Jordan is probably the most moderate Arab country in the region, obviously the most stable and is a pretty good ally to Israel.  Obama keeps throwing up a straw man argument that it’s either continue our ineffective airstrikes or send in 300K ground troops, and that’s not an option of his.  He will give aid but no Middle Eastern leader trusts him now anyway, enough to depend on him.

Israel knows it is the ultimate target and continues to monitor the progress of IS and has attacked positions in the Golan area of Syria/Lebanon.  Saudi Arabia is depending more and more on Israel for its own security and Jordan is working with Israeli military also.

Yep, it’s gonna get pretty sporty…

Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border

29 08 2014

The Following article from Judicial Watch comes on the heels of President Obama saying he doesn’t “have a strategy for ISIS yet”. –

JW- AUGUST 29, 2014
Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued. Agents across a number of Homeland Security, Justice and Defense agencies have all been placed on alert and instructed to aggressively work all possible leads and sources concerning this imminent terrorist threat.

Specifically, Judicial Watch sources reveal that the militant group Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) is confirmed to now be operating in Juarez, a famously crime-infested narcotics hotbed situated across from El Paso, Texas. Violent crimes are so rampant in Juarez that the U.S. State Department has issued a number of travel warnings for anyone planning to go there. The last one was issued just a few days ago.

Intelligence officials have picked up radio talk and chatter indicating that the terrorist groups are going to “carry out an attack on the border,” according to one JW source. “It’s coming very soon,” according to this high-level source, who clearly identified the groups planning the plots as “ISIS and Al Qaeda.” An attack is so imminent that the commanding general at Ft. Bliss, the U.S. Army post in El Paso, is being briefed, another source confirms. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) did not respond to multiple inquiries from Judicial Watch, both telephonic and in writing, about this information.

The disturbing inside intelligence comes on the heels of news reports revealing that U.S. intelligence has picked up increased chatter among Islamist terror networks approaching the 13th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. While these terrorists reportedly plan their attack just outside the U.S., President Obama admits that “we don’t have a strategy yet” to combat ISIS. “I don’t want to put the cart before the horse,” the commander-in-chief said this week during a White House press briefing. “I think what I’ve seen in some of the news reports suggest that folks are getting a little further ahead of what we’re at than what we currently are.”

The administration has also covered up, or at the very least downplayed, a serious epidemic of crime along the Mexican border even as heavily armed drug cartels have taken over portions of the region. Judicial Watch has reported that the U.S. Border Patrol actually ordered officers to avoid the most crime-infested stretches because they’re “too dangerous” and patrolling them could result in an “international incident” of cross border shooting. In the meantime, who could forget the famous words of Obama’s first Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano; the southern border is “as secure as it has ever been.”

These new revelations are bound to impact the current debate about the border crisis and immigration policy.

(Click here for original article – H/T

Veterans Day Montage 2013

11 11 2013

To the Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States, I salute you!

H/T Western Journalism and NRANews

Navy SEAL Team 6 Families Need Answers

10 07 2013

This is old news, but people I bring it up to are short on information concerning this event.

Details are sorely lacking concerning call sign “Extortion 17”, the ill-fated mission where a Chinook helicopter was shot down with 38 personnel on  August 6, 2011, while coming into a “hot” landing zone where an Army Ranger unit had been engaged in a firefight for over 3 hours.  Extortion 17 was over a year prior to the scandalous cover-up of events surrounding Benghazi, Libya, where 4 more Americans were killed by a terrorist attack at the American Consulate.  Unlike Benghazi, there were no survivors of the shoot-down and subsequent crash.  However, the Benghazi witnesses have yet to be asked to provide any accounts for that attack, and there are so many holes in the “official” report from the US Military on Extortion 17, that the families are demanding a Congressional inquest.  The 1250 page report was published and then quickly pulled offline and Military personnel were requested to retrieve the CD version from the families, but “declined to avoid suspicion.”  These excerpts from Human Events gives a brief backdrop for the video.

‘ “On May 3, 2011 Vice President Joseph R. “Joe” Biden Jr., leaked confidential information to the media that jeopardized the lives of all Navy SEALs and their families,” said Karen L. Vaughn, mother of deceased U.S. Navy SEAL Aaron C. Vaughn…

“Aaron, who was a member of SEAL Team Six, was aboard the doomed CH47-D Chinook helicopter,” she said…

A former team leader at SEAL Team Six who spoke to Human Events under the condition of anonymity said, “There is no question that Biden’s outrageous bragging outed the operators of SEAL Team Six. By throwing the spotlight on the Team, he put lives in jeopardy. The SEALs on Extortion One-Seven paid the price.”

All passengers on board were killed which included 22 American special operations personnel, three members of the U.S. Air Force, five Army National Guardmen and Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan commandos and one Afghan interpreter.

Biden publicly confirmed that it was SEAL Team Six, who raided and killed Osama Bin Laden just two days prior, Vaughn said. “My son called to tell me there was chatter about revenge.”

The vice president’s outburst is unacceptable, she said. “Biden created a media circus surrounding a highly secretive team. He should be in prison for high crimes and treason.”

In this “short version” 13 minute video you will see some of the parents of our lost SEAL’s and the accompanying troops and helicopter crew at a press conference held on May 9, 2013.  You can watch the full 3 hour press conference here at Trentovision where you will see people like Col. Allen West, Rep. Louis Golmert, Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, along with many other retired military, US Representatives, and many of the parents of the men KIA in this mission.  The government response to their questions is an outrage.

As the father of a U. S. Marine who has served with honor in Afghanistan, I can assure you that if my son had died there I would not rest until I knew all the facts surrounding his loss.  These families deserve better than what this Government has provided them.  Watch this video and come to your own conclusion.  H/T Western Center for Journalism

SEAL Team Six Coverup


Barack Obama: Foreign Policy Disaster

1 07 2013

Just a short two years after President Obama stepped into Egypt’s political theater supporting the ousting of Hosni Mubarak, his choice for President of Egypt is now being asked to leave.

Exactly a year ago the President called the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate, Muhammed Morsi, to congratulate him on his win in the election replacing former President Mubarak.  Mubarak was no friend to the Muslim Brotherhood, same as his predecessors dating back to Nassar who actually had Brotherhood members arrested, executed, or run out of Egypt after their failed attempt to assassinate him.  Anwar Sadat was not so lucky, being killed by Brotherhood members within his own army in 1981.

Yesterday, June 30, estimated “millions” of Egyptians flooded the streets of Cairo and other cities to tell Morsi to “Get Out”.  This follows a year of increasing Islamist governmental oppression foisting Sharia Law upon the citizens of Egypt and failure to improve economic conditions, and persecution of those who speak out against Islamism including the Coptic Christians, secularists, and “moderate” Muslims alike.  At the time of this writing there were 7 dead, 253 injured in Sunday’s rallies, and protesters had set the MB Headquarters afire, while President Obama has steadily increased Brotherhood access to American Government agencies since his own election in 2008.

Obama, along with most of the Western media dhimmi’s, where touting the “Arab Spring” of 2011 as the new era of freedom, giving both moral support and/or military aid to the

H/T @skytwitius via twitter

Protesters in Egypt 6/30/13 H/T @skytwitius via twitter

likes of Islamist MB groups in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Yemen, Bahrain, etc.  Egypt is perhaps the most strategic nation due to proximity to Israel and the Suez Canal, and has, since Anwar Sadat, been an ally to the US.  The people of Egypt may be rethinking that association now in light of the fact that Barack Obama has become the first American President in history to support an Islamist government regime for Egypt.

The now laughable “Red Line” threat to Syria and ensuing policy there has led to further erosion of American standing in the Middle East.  Now the US Government (including Dem/Rep Congress) is on record as supporting and arming Islamist radicals who butcher their foes like pigs and eat their organs raw, and beheading others including a Catholic Priest.  Not sure how we got to the point that the Russian President Vladimer Putin is questioning the American choice to support such barbarism, giving our arch-rival the high moral ground on the global stage.  I do not advocate supporting Assad but since we waited so long to see where the Muslim Brotherhood was going to be on Syria, can’t we just stay the hell out of one of these?  Israel can take care of itself, and would probably feel much more secure with out this Administration constantly creating “situations” for them.  We already have a thousand Marines in Northern Jordan as “advisers” and Obama just recently deployed 400 US Army troops to Egypt, trained in “riot control”.  The US has an additional 400 troops in Turkey manning Patriot missile batteries along the Syrian border.

Just a few days ago Turkey’s PM Erdogen pulled the rug out from under the Obama plan to channel weapons through Turkey to the Syrian rebels by shutting that corridor down.  Erdogen told Obama he was afraid of retribution from the Russians if he continued to allow aid to the Syrian Rebels.  From DEBKAfile:

“Until now, the Erdogan government was fully supportive of the Syrian opposition, permitting them to establish vital command centers and rear bases on Turkish soil and send supplies across the border to fighting units. He has now pulled the rug out from under their cause and given Assad a major leg-up

This about-turn is a strategic earthquake – not just in terms of the Syrian war but also for the United States and, as time goes by, for Israel too.”

Iraq has devolved into Shia vs. Sunni sectarian violence since US withdrawal, leaving its government questionable.  We will be completely withdrawn from Afghanistan by the end of next year, currently holding “talks” with Taliban leaders there.  Are we that naive to believe the Taliban will simply put their AK’s down and leave the villagers to go back to growing poppies?  (Sometimes I think the reason we invaded Afghanistan was to get the product from those poppies and distribute it to Washington.  They sure act like they’re stoned out of their gourds up there!) Saudi Arabia now has free access to any airport in the US; Unlimited flights with DHS deferring to the Saudi government to screen those travelers to the US.

Today, since the “Arab Spring” began, the Muslim Brotherhood has gained control of much of North Africa, bringing their chartered goal of the “Khalifa” (Islamic Caliphate) much closer to fruition.  MB continues its efforts in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria, working toward the caliphate.  Turkey’s Islamist AKP (Justice and Development Party) Government wants the Caliphate, which until 1922 had been held by the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) for 500 years.  The Saudi’s want the Caliphate, which according to Sharia Law is the common directive to every Muslim.  The Saudi King, after all, is charged with advancing the Islamic religion to the world. He is the keeper of the faith and protector of the Kaaba, in Mecca, the most holy site in Islam.  The Saudi Flag bears the “Shahada” declaration of faith, “There is but one god Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet” along with the sword of Islam.

For all practical purposes, it would appear that the US President also wants the caliphate.  Vladimer Putin, however, does not want the caliphate.  He understands that a unified Islamic Caliphate will command the petroleum reserves of the entire Middle East, not to mention strategic and commerce lanes.  He also understands that Syria is the keystone in forming that confederacy.  And don’t forget Iran!

Will the Syrian civil war ultimately lead to Russia becoming militarily engaged bringing Iran and Turkey against Israel, at the end of the day?

This chessboard is looking more like Ezekiel 38 every day.  Is this American President helping to bring it?

His policies are setting the Middle East on fire.

The Myth of “Self Radicalization” and the Fallacy of “Radical Islam” – Part 2 of “Jihad? No Jihad Here…”

10 05 2013

Media Trilobites continue to bump into and feed each other nonsensical buzz words that become trendy for a few weeks and are eventually absorbed into the pop culture lexicon.  These phrases or terms may lie dormant for ages until suddenly they’re on every television commentator’s lips.  If we can’t find a word in the English language to spin up to instant glory, we’ll borrow one from another language.  Al Gore did just that when he described himself as having “gravitas” during his run for the White House. Nearly instantaneously, every talking head in the country was using the heavy Latin word, until finally Chris Mathews commented that Barack Obama’s gravitas caused a tingle to run up his leg.  It kinda lost its punch after that.

But the real point here is the incessant blathering about “self radicalized” terrorists, specifically the brothers Tsarnaev, better known as the Boston Bombers, who are responsible for nearly 270 maimed, wounded, or dead.

Disregarding the obvious elephant in the room, both the government and the media, began hunting for fleas and swatting at gnats.  “Whatever could be the reason for this horrendous tragedy?”  The story line continued for hours into days that this had to be the work of some “right wing extremists”, and even the President floated a hint or two about April 15th being “tax day”, of course insinuating it was a right-wing tax protest, obviously connected to the Tea Party, just like so many other terrorist related events have been linked to them.  Like the first bombing of the World Trade Center back in ’93; no wait, that was Islamic jihad.  Oh, like the 911 attacks when Tea Party members flew passenger airliners into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and were headed for the White House; oh…sorry, those were Islamic jihadist hijackers. Well, like the DC Snipers who terrorized the city for 3 weeks in 2002; no wait, they were Islamic also.  Well then there was the White Supremacist, Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, who killed one soldier and wounded another in front of the recruiting office in Arkansas in 2009; sorry, again Islamic jihad.

Well…there are so many events that are known to have connections to “conservative right wing Christian radicals” such as: The Fort Hood Massacre when that Christian shooter yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ as he gunned down 40 people, killing 13.  The 2009 Riverdale New York bomb plot planned by 4 radical Tea Party grandma’s, the Times Square Bomber who had his SUV full of propane tanks and fireworks (surely some redneck like Larry the Cable Guy), the “Fort Dix Six”, the “Underwear Bomber”, the “Shoe Bomber”, etcetera ad nauseam.

My, my, what could it be? What ever could it be that is initiating all these attacks and plots?

[According to this Congressional report, there have been well over 60 successful, attempted, or plotted Islamic Jihad Terrorist attacks on US soil since 9-11-2001.]

Of course, most of these were played off as “Lone Wolf” scenarios where the terrorist was “self-radicalized”.

Listening to all the ‘crack investigative reporters and hard-hitting journalists’, one could come to the conclusion that these guys just must wake up one morning and “self-radicalize” deciding today is a good day to kill some people’.

This term is a copout for lazy journalists and downright deceiving when used by anyone.  A person cannot “self-radicalize” any more than “self-socialize”.  There must be a cause, a mentor, or an ideology that brings a person to the point that he is willing to, no, compelled to kill random people that he doesn’t even know.

That mentor, in many cases, is a spiritual leader.  That cause, or ideology, which is that rather enormous and obnoxious “elephant in the room” that none of the trilobites are willing to discuss?  Islam.

Forget Islam as a Religion

The sooner Americans refuse to continue accepting Islam as a viable and peaceful “religion” and begin to view it as the sociopolitical ideology that it truly is, the greater the possibility the America will survive its onslaught.

The root problem for America is not that Islam has come to colonize her, which it has, but the fact that we have allowed “multi-culturalism” (immigration without assimilation) and “pluralism” (all cultures, ideologies, realities are equal) to progress unchecked resulting in a “balkanized” or “tribal” society wherein competing ideologies are viewed as co-equal.  Not all ideologies are conducive to civilized society, nor are they consistent with the basic premise of freedom, as established in America’s founding documents.

If I were to try to convince you that Germany’s National Socialism (Nazism) is a peaceful ideology that was hijacked by a few “self radicalized” individuals, resulting in the holocaust, you’d laugh in my face.  Well, that’s a pretty good comparison: You have a ‘prophet’ by the name of Hitler who sought to consolidate power under a banner of a unified ideology by clearing the field of competing ideologies, and went to war in order to stoke the economy and gain control of more land area.  Had Muhammad access to German weapons of mass destruction he would certainly not have hesitated to use them.   Hitler’s Holocaust resulted in an estimated 11 Million deaths, many of which were communist (because Karl Marx was Jewish), mentally or physically handicapped, Jehovah’s Witness, homosexual, or Christian leaders such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer who refused to place their names upon the “Aryan Clause” and become “Reich Churches” to do the bidding of the “almighty Fuhrer”.   But his “Final Solution” for 6 million Jews had already been proven and prescribed by Islam’s prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula 1400 years prior in places with such names as Banu Quaraysa and Khaybar, where Muhammad slaughtered unarmed male prisoners and enslaved the girls, and women, finally appropriating all Jewish property to Muslims.

Both economies required perpetual war.  (The fundamental Islamic world view is “Dar al-Islam” or Dar al-Harb: The world is divided and you either dwell in the “House of Islam”, where Islam rules, or you dwell in the “House of War” and are subject to Jihad.)

Both ideologies have religious overtones (Hitler was worshipped and given a godlike status).  Both ‘prophets’ were consumed with power.  Both cultures fostered distrust and suspicion (Gestapo was everywhere and anyone who challenged the Prophet was dealt with harshly.)  Both Nazism and Islam are fundamentally racist.   Neither can compete philosophically with opposing values, absent of an oppressive legal system or war.

Consider the following argument:

“Well, you know those “Brown Shirts” are really not as bad as the SS or Gestapo.  Now those SS are some evil dudes.  SS are the real “radical” Nazi’s.  The Brownshirts might beat you up but those SS will kill you!  We really need to reach out to those individuals and find out why they hate us so much.  But most of the Nazi’s are moderate.  They aren’t violent at all.  Sure, they go to the rallies where Hitler is speaking, but they’re just normal folks like you and me!  They want the same for their families as we all want.  Yeah, Nazism is actually a very patriotic and peaceful ideology, it’s just been hijacked by some radicals who seek to politicize it, and destroy property and kill people and take their property in the name of this peaceful movement.” 

Well, as you can see this defense of Nazism just doesn’t fly!  Ironically, this is the exact apologetic defense that Islam gets from not only the American mainstream media, but from our government as well!

“Self Radicalization”

This term makes about as much sense as “Obamacare”.  An individual who is willing to commit a violent act of mass murder and mayhem in the name of his god, or any other cause, is soaked in an ideology which is taught or programmed into a person’s psyche.  That ideology doesn’t simply spawn in the mind of the perpetrator.  It comes from someone else, whether through print or other media; from a teacher, guide or mentor.  But the term “self radicalize” is specifically designed to deflect attention from that aforementioned ‘elephant’ sitting in the middle of the room.

Islam is that ideology and it can be taught by other people or the documents themselves, the Koran, Hadith, and countless commentaries and books of Islamic scholars (such as Seyyid Qutb) may be read and studied by the individual, even to the point of the student acting upon those teachings.  Tamerlan Tsarnaev did not “self-radicalize” anymore than Nidal Hasan or Osama bin Ladin.  He was taught.  He was taught the purest form of Islam, the Fundamentals of Islam. He believed it, he consumed it, and finally it consumed him.  His actions were based on his faith in his Scriptures (Koran), his prophet (Muhammad), and his god (Allah).

“We Love Death more than You Love Life”

The first victim of Islam is the Muslim.  Islam is, as I have pointed out before, a Great Black Beast.  It will consume everyone in its path if left unchecked, until finally there is no competing religion or ideology permitted.  There is a creed that surfaces occasionally when studying the Islamic culture which is so shaped by the obligatory act of jihad: “We love death more than you love life.” It has been a part of Islam since its earliest doctrines were formulated during that period immediately following Muhammad’s death in 632 (AD). This is that age of Islamic conquest the four “Rightly Guided Caliphs”, It is used by Hamas in their propaganda media.  It was recently used in a letter to the British government by six terrorists who pleaded guilty of planning an attack on the EDL last year.   It was repeated by the Madrid terrorists and actually earned a slide in a power point presentation by Nidal Hassan prior to his jihad attack which resulted in 13 dead and 32 wounded at Fort Hood, Texas. Islam is the largest death cult in the world. Those countries and regions where Islam rules unchecked are anything but bastions of freedom.

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) came up with a new word in order to try to embarrass and defeat anyone who opposes Islam.  They have been quite successful in defining the Islamic narrative in the United States.  That word is “Islamophobia”. The goal is to paint opposition to Islam as bigoted, racist, and xenophobic.  It doesn’t stick.  Sorry CAIR, I am not afraid of Islam, I am not a racist, nor am I a bigot.   But I will tell you what true “Islamophobia” is.  Just as the word says, “Fear of Islam”.  But CAIR has misplaced the word.

Islamophobia is when a free press self-censors for fear of offending Muslims and consequential retribution from Islam.

Islamophobic is a government which refuses to name the enemy in a war which has been declared on the United States of America by the collective ideology called Islam, for fear of political influence of CAIR, ISNA, ICNA among Islamic organizations, and fear the Saudi’s will pull out of Wall Street and crash our economy.

Islamophobic is a White House which is more interested in “winning the hearts and minds” of a sworn enemy than defeating him, while Islamic groups like CAIR and the OIC (Organization of Islamic Conference) filter every training manual and terrorism report issued by the Pentagon.

Islamophobia is when a military acquiesces to the demands of that same sworn enemy to deny Christian or Jewish religious ministry to its own soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen on sovereign soil of our military bases in Afghanistan, but allows an Imam to pray over our dead SEAL’s at Baghram AFB, damning their souls in the name of Allah.

Islamophobic is a President who is more interested in punishing the producer of a two-bit video “slandering the prophet” than he is about punishing those who murdered 4 Americans in Benghazi, Libya in a jihad attack, for fear that he will lose the upcoming election if he offends Muslims.  THAT, my friends is “Islamophobia”.

In the words of Billy Vaughn, father of Aaron Vaughn, one of 26 Navy Seals killed in the “Extorsion 17” helo crash in Wardok Province in 2012, “When you hide the truth, you become part of the lie.”

Americans must face the truth.  We have allowed our government and our media to hide the truth. We have hidden our own faces from the truth.  The ideology that is Islam is fundamentally, and diametrically opposed to America and all that she stands for.

What Does Marxism Look Like? Retired Green Beret Lt. General knows

23 03 2012

In this video entitled “Marxism in America” General Jerry Boykin discusses his background and training in understanding Marxist insurgencies and how current government actions parallel Marxist tactics.

To Pee or Not To Pee…Men and War

20 01 2012

I can’t stand it any longer! Four Marines relieve themselves on dead enemies that had been killing and maiming their buddies, and by the media and Pentagon leadership’s reaction you’d think there were implications on par with My Lai. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was “totally dismayed”. Really Leon Panetta? “Utterly deplorable”?!

How about this for “utterly deplorable”: The butchering of American GI’s on the streets of Mogadishu in 1993 by beheading and evisceration after being wounded and bludgeoned to death, then dragging the bodies through the streets of the city, while children dance and laugh, and women and men alike sing victory songs to Allah. Not deplorable?

Or perhaps the two 101st Airborne soldiers captured and brutally tortured and finally gutted and beheaded in Yousifayya, Iraq in 2006, all captured on video for the viewing public by the barbarian AQ pukes who then take two other American boys KIA and tie them to IED booby traps on the road to the other bodies. This incident was hardly mentioned in the media, let alone by any government officials at the time.

If that’s not “deplorable” enough Leon, how about Daniel Pearl, the civilian journalist who’s head was hacked from his bound body while his gurgling screams were drowned by his own blood. As Daniel struggled against his murderers they read from the Quran and chanted praises to Allah. Is that deplorable?!

I am amazed that the United States Government can still raise a volunteer force of the best fighting men and women in the world in light of the fact that their government officials may or may not have their backs. Now that’s “utterly deplorable”!

One specific instance that comes to mind is the bloody battle that 4 Navy SEALS who were on a surveilience mission in Afghanistan and were discovered by two Afghan goat herders. The SEALS knew if they released the herders, they were sure to bring the Taliban on them. However, if they did harm to them, their own government would crucify them. The SEALS chose to take on hundreds of Taliban rather than a civilian government who doesn’t understand war. Three of the four SEALS never came home and Marcus lives the life of a “Lone Survivor”. “Deplorable”?

War is war. It is not a football game where the rule book is enforced by umpires, close calls are reviewed in the instant replay booth,  and afterward we all shake hands and go home. The object of war is to kill the enemy and break his stuff until he quits trying to kill you. Human emotion and frustration during war sometimes drives civil people to do things that society may view as unacceptable, at least under normal conditions. How “civilized” is war anyway? It is indeed “utterly deplorable”.

Lt. Colonel Allen West, now Representative in the US Congress, suggests the Military handle the affair as follows:

“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.

“As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”

To Col. West I say, “Kudos”!

To a government who cannot decide if their paid military should be allowed to fight a war to a victorious end and are not willing to identify the enemy, I say this: “If our cause is not just, then get my son the hell out of Afghanistan!”

To my Marine son and his buddies I say this: “Semper Fi my brave boys; your politicians may be weak, but your people are strong!” Oooraah!

P.S. Here is a photo of a pose that General George S. Patton struck as he crossed the Rhine river, showing the Fuhrer what his thoughts were at the time. The following Patton quote was to Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force: “…I have just pissed into the Rhine River. For God’s sake, send some gasoline.”

Dedicated to Those Who Gave All

30 05 2011

I wrote this poem many years ago after taking my family to visit the portable version of the Vietnam Memorial Wall which was visiting our town. It is called the “Moving Wall” because it is portable. However, it was emotionally one of the most ‘moving’ experiences of my life. Even though these verses were inspired by those valiant Americans whose names are engraved on that black wall, it is nonetheless a tribute to each and every person who has ever died in the service of our country. When this was written, my son whom I mentioned was about 6. He is now a 25 year old United States Marine Corps Reserve, and an Afghan vet.   He is my hero.

The Wall

I saw your name the other day
While reading the local news.
It said you played a good ball game,
Your last year, and you’ve paid your dues.

I saw your name then sometime later,
Graduation day had come.
You walked up proud and took the scroll
That your hard work had won.

I saw your name in another season
And smiled to myself as I read
Of a young married couple just starting out
With a promise and dreams ahead.

I saw your name a few months later
But this time it worried me.
Your name, and others, on a long list
Training for war overseas.

I saw your name and uttered a prayer
For you and your young family.
I knew of your character and duty-bound love
For country, for God, and for me.

I saw your name and thought of your father
Who fought in another time.
And he, just like you, hated to leave
His wife, and new son behind.

I saw your name just yesterday
And my heart broke as mist filled my eyes.
You were killed with some buddies while out on patrol
Where many a good young man dies.

I saw your name again just today
And all of your comrades’ as well,
Where flags fly high and monuments stand
With more stories than words can tell.

I saw your name on a glossy black wall
And as my throat became tight,
My chest swelled slightly with pride for a man
Who thought freedom was well worth the fight.

I saw your name in the deep black reflection
of the face of my dearest young son,
And prayed he would never be called on to go,
But would cherish the liberty won.

I saw your name and wondered just how
I might thank your family,
For sacrifice made for people unknown,
As well as my family, and me.

I saw your name and thought that perhaps
Despite lack of glory and fame,
It may be enough to think of you now,
And tell them that I saw your name.

Copyright (All rights Reserved)

I Won’t Ask; They’ll Still Tell!

29 01 2011

The ongoing debate on the “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell” policy of the Pentagon has ended with the President signing into law the repeal of a policy instituted by President Clinton. This came in the waning days of a lame duck Congress which knew they had to pass the law before the new Congress came in. Now homosexuals are not only permitted, but encouraged to join the ranks of the military.

After a quick check via Google, a United Nations website,, netted some startling statistics. In North America, parts of Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and most of Europe, 70% of all AIDS cases are transmitted by male on male intercourse. As many as 56% of those are suspected of bisexual activity, which then calculates into 39 of 100 women engaging in intercourse with bisexual men can be exposed to HIV. The remainder of cases are attributed mostly to injection drug use .

The average life expectancy of a homosexual male is early 40’s. Not only does HIV/AIDS weigh in heavily but a myriad of other sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) create health problems along with drug usage, which more often than not is a factor. It is a very destructive lifestyle and when Kinsey was doing his infamous sex studies, less than 1% of his homosexual men were 60+. A 2008 published study shows the overwhelming majority of deaths in homosexual men occur between ages of 25-45.

A man for whom I have a great deal of respect is a retired Lt. Colonel, US Army who served 26 years including Vietnam, where he was Special Forces, wounded in combat and treated other wounded soldiers in combat. Dr. Rich Kiper recently wrote some editorial letters and an article expressing his outrage over the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and with his permission, the following is a graphic excerpt of one of those articles from “Pioneer Pathways”:

“Few members of Congress have served, and even fewer have combat experience…I believe there is no understanding of what occurs on a battlefield. Hence, they and the public, view the gay issue only in terms of some bogus civil right rather than the life-and-death matter that it actually is.

I want to be clear that I am speaking only from my personal experience. My experience was that I was wounded in a fight where my unit took over 50% casualties-fortunately no deaths. It was terrifying and chaotic. Back then there were no such things as rubber gloves for the medics or anyone else. It was a situation where the medic was treating a lot of people and was being assisted by those who were able to do so, all the while fighting..for our lives. I find it hard to imagine that, even if the medic had had enough rubber gloves, that he would have been able to change them between every wounded soldier. I am not trying to be dramatic; that was the way it was and Congressmen and women and many liberal military-hating so-called journalists don’t have a clue about such situations, or if they do simply don’t give a —-

Now, what if a wounded soldier were gay? With blood all over, with bare hands, with wounded soldiers bandaging wounded soldiers, blood is going to be mixed. What if that gay soldier is HIV positive? How many other soldiers could be infected by his blood? Does anybody give a damn? Apparently not the Congress; not the media; and not the American people because they certainly did not raise a major outcry against repeal.

A sucking chest wound inflicted by a bullet is not uncommon in combat. It is necessary to get the chest cavity sealed as quickly as possible. Ideally, the person treating the wound will have rubber gloves. What if none are available? If the wounded soldier is known to be gay, someone has to make a decision whether to use his hands to cover the bullet hole while applying a dressing, or letting the guy die. What member of Congress is willing to make that choice? I have seen traumatic amputations in combat. There is a great deal of blood. The first reaction is to wretch. Apparently the idiots that voted for repeal of the gay ban actually believe that it is possible to treat that wound without getting the blood on oneself. In another fight I had a medic give mouth to mouth to a soldier who was mortally wounded to try to sustain him long enough to be med-evac’d. How much of his blood did my medic ingest? Apparently the 315 medical doctors in the House and Senate who voted for repeal have a good answer to how future medics will provide similar treatment to gay soldiers. Again, the choice – treat the gay soldier and possibly die yourself, or don’t treat him and let him die.

What if the medic is gay and is treating the wounded although wounded himself? Or has cut himself while taking care of the wounded? I guess for the gay rights advocates it will be perfectly acceptable for him to infect wounded soldiers, because, after all, the gay person is a repressed minority so cannot be condemned for anything.

How does this sorry bunch called Congress propose to prevent an HIV positive person from being in the situation in which I found myself? Will everyone have to undergo HIV testing? How often based on the incubation rate? We know damn well there will be no requirement that only gay soldiers get frequent testing because that would be discriminatory. Better to let a gay soldier go untested than have a heterosexual soldier die after being infected…

How about the Congress simply decree that gay soldiers may not serve in combat units? Therefore, gay soldiers will have the least amount of risk for being wounded. Just let heterosexuals face the bullets and the RPGs so tainted blood will not be an issue. I would not be surprised if some moron in Congress actually proposes that.

…the ones who pay the price are not the bastards who voted for it, but the soldiers and the families who volunteered to serve the nation. This vote has the potential to devastate the military. …10%-15% of the military say they will get out. If that happens we will be in an extremely serious situation.”

Dr. Kiper’s graphic and impassioned argument does indeed give one much to think about and although he also addressed the moral/Biblical view, this is an aspect of the argument most never think about.

But this issue is not only front and center in Washington, but many city councils are being forced by the gay lobby to address the issue of special rights for homosexuals and codification of the lifestyle. One of these is Manhattan, Kansas where the Council recently narrowly passed an ordinance that would wage heavy fines upon any business or landlord’s discretion in hiring or housing homosexuals.

The move was hotly debated within the community, with anyone who took a Biblically based moral stance being labeled as “homophobic, hateful, bigots”. It is remarkable that, when activists have only emotional arguments with few or no facts, they quickly digress into name calling, hissing, and shouting.

I enjoined in the written debate and was soon told that since Christians were supposed to love everyone those opposing the ordinance were hypocrites. Then, that Jesus never spoke out or taught against homosexuality, and the Old Testament passages referring to it were null and void since Jesus cancelled out the Law. These arguments are often used as ‘proof’ that Jesus never condemned homosexuality and thus Christians, who refer to the Bible when opposing these types of moral issues, are just wrong.

Ok, a Biblical response:

Firstly, Jesus Himself declared in Matthew 5:17-18 that He did not come to destroy the Law and the Prophets (Old Testament) but to fulfill it. Then He goes on to say that until ‘heaven and earth pass’ not even a punctuation mark will be changed in the Law till it is fulfilled. He further states that if you break one commandment you have broken them all. Not only the actual doing of the thing but the very thought of the sin is enough to condemn you. “If you look upon a maid to lust after her, you have committed adultery in your heart already.”

[The New Testament begins at the ‘death of the Testator’, Christ, according to Hebrews and every estate judge in the land. Jesus walked the Earth in an Old Testament economy. Yeah, I know…it’ll take a minute to grasp that one!]

As a matter of fact, Jesus does speak against fornication (sexual intercourse outside of marriage) which includes not only homosexual activity, but also heterosexual intercourse, pedophilia, incest, bestiality and so forth. While Jesus does not specifically name “homosexuality”, but neither does he specifically name “incest, pedophilia, or bestiality”. Does lack of specific mention codify or legitimize sexual intercourse with a minor child or animal, or even necrophilia (with the dead)? I would hope that you would agree that it doesn’t.

I would allow that certain individuals may have a predisposed propensity for homosexual attraction, but so do pedophiles, and zoophiles. Alcoholics also have a predisposed propensity for their weakness. If these could not be controlled there would be no “sober” alcoholics, just as there would be no “former” homosexuals. Obviously there are many who have overcome these predispositions.

The question of sexuality is not even necessarily a simple “religious” question concerning morality but is as much a scientific or biological question and environment plays a huge role in development. What is the purpose of copulation in nature? In nature every species “mates,” only at specific times, for one purpose: Propagation of the species. Ours is the only species that is capable of spontaneous copulation, or “recreational” intercourse (for mutual pleasure), propagation of the species notwithstanding, and the only one equipped to look into the eyes of our mate while engaged. (The Bible says the eyes are the window to the soul; thus for humans, sex is a spiritual act/communion as well.)

Nonetheless, the baser “natural” lust of mankind, becomes tempered by morality; a philosophical if not religious attitude that contains our urges, lest we succumb to our “desires” in every public venue. So then, there are advantages to societal limitations (moral guidelines, if you will) on what behavior is ‘acceptable’ and where, especially when you consider public viewing of these activities, age of consent (pedophilia), interspecies copulation (bestiality) and so on. Everyone lives according to someone’s morality, even if they claim to be amoral. Society demands it.

The logical conclusion to the matter is that open sexual activity which is harmful to society therefore is, and must be regulated; if not by law, then at least by some moral principle which has been established by that society in order to maintain a social order which will preserve and propagate the society. Read Greek and Roman history to see examples of great societies which fully and openly embrace homosexuality to understand the effect it has.

The real problem here is not even that LGBT’s want to do what they do, but demanding that the rest of society embrace or condone it. I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your bedroom. I just don’t want government telling me I have to embrace it by providing you that bedroom to do it in. That infringes upon my Constitutional rights, which are in fact apparent, and lacking no uncertainty.

Hearkening back to “What would Jesus Do?” I can’t help but pose the thought that those practicing homosexuality and refuse the call of Jesus to “go and sin no more” are no different than those people with any other sin, be it another “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, or the pride of life”. God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Experiencing God is not just for the afterlife; it is for this life. This is the “abundant life” that Jesus spoke of.

A person who refuses reconciliation with God either thinks himself too great, or God too small.

To Define the Enemy You Must Know Him

11 11 2010

No other war in history has been met by such an imbecilic response as the Jihad America finds itself in. In order to survive a nation must be willing to identify and then subsequently meet the enemy on the battlefield using tactics that are effective enough to thwart the enemy attack. Unless and until the enemy is identified there is no hope for victory. Just ask Thomas Jefferson, who so often is hailed as owning a Koran. He read it in order to know and understand the enemy he was facing in the “Barbary Pirates” who were ravaging trade ships in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic coasts of Spain and Africa. Then he sent the Marines to the “Shores of Tripoli”. Jefferson did not try to negotiate with the “Musselmen” (then popular term for “Muslim”). He met them according to their own terms. No more piracy from that source for many years.

Colonel Allen West defines the enemy in this video while the rest of the panel would rather be para-sailing. Check it out:

(Courtesy of The Hudson Institute’s Reclaim American Liberty Conference)

Second Verse

6 06 2010

Former Marine was to ask a question. No one was ready for what he did…

H/T to