
14 04 2022

The “University” used to be a place where young people of a wide “diversity “ came together for advanced college education and exposure to ideas and culture different from their own, resulting in a “universal” experience, and ideally, a better understanding of those diverse ideas, philosophies, and cultures.

Not so, anymore.  

Leftist ideologies have permeated the institutions of higher education and transformed the university campus into a place of intolerance and indoctrination; a “boot camp” sort of training ground for revolutionaries and culture warriors, who refuse to even allow a diversity of ideologies, or opinions who may not “toe the line” with their own radical ideology.  

In the name of “tolerance” and “social justice”, diversity of political philosophies or opinions, and divergent views, shall not be tolerated!

Former U. S. Congressman, and Lt. Col. (Ret) Alan West, and former head of Texas GOP, had to be escorted by police off the campus of the University of Buffalo last night, where he had been invited to speak to students by a conservative student organization.  

Alan West was born in a “blacks only” hospital in 1962, in an era when black students had to be escorted ONTO college campuses for their own safety, and was the first black Congressman elected from Florida since Reconstruction.  

His speech at UoB was “America is not Racist”, and he was addressing American exceptionalism, when the Marxist founded ‘Black Lives Matter’ “protestors” disrupted the event demanding West, chanting “No justice, no peace” and “We want West”.  (Probably lucky for them no one was able to lay a hand on him!).

The young lady, Therese Purcell, Pres. of Young Americans for Freedom, at whose invitation West was on campus, was chased and threatened, locking herself in a men’s bathroom fearing for her life, and calling 911, after being pursued by a mob yelling for her “capture”.  West was taken off campus by police.

West’s message of overcoming racism was not to be tolerated.

Dr. D. James Kennedy once said “The last great virtue of a dying society is ‘Tolerance’.”

Tolerance itself, it appears, is Dead.

Where Are We and How Did We Get Here?

29 03 2020
I keep hearing, “When this is over….” or “When we get back to normal…”
I may have even uttered this myself a time or two.
There will come a time, when regular folk decide the risk to “breaking the shutdown” outweighs the benefits of not passing a virus. We’ve been passing viruses amongst ourselves for thousands of years, but this one, it has been deemed as the “mother of all viruses” which will dwarf all pandemics heretofore.
No event in American History has led us to take the measures we are currently imposing, nationwide, whether upon ourselves, or by mandate from a government authority. Not the Revolutionary war, not the Civil War (when the Constitution was suspended and Martial Law declared), not WW1, the Great Depression, Spanish Flu, Pearl Harbor and WW2, not 9-11, H1N1, or MERS.
Nothing even comes close to what we’re doing now.
When this Covid 19 pandemic, becomes endemic (it’s never going away, folks) and is routinely passed among us, just as the flu has been for centuries, we will, as a population, have built up what is being called “herd immunity” by journalism and medical professionals. That is, a natural immunity acquired from exposure by either vaccine, or by viral contact.
So then, what happens when the next “pandemic” occurs? (And there will be another! There always is.)
Precedence, people.
Precedence has been set.
“Normalcy” of January 2020 is never to be seen again.
So what are we bowing down to?
Are we going to shut down everything every time this Covid virus comes back around? Will we cower in our homes when the next foreign biological threatens us? Can a periodic shutdown of our economic engine be endured and restarted repeatedly? Every year?
Economics doesn’t work like a car engine…Fire it up at will when I want it, and turn it off when I don’t need it. It’s more like the old steam locomotive: Fill the boiler with water, fill the furnace with fuel, light the fire and wait for hours until steam pressure builds, add more fuel to the fire, watch the water level and make sure you have a water tank somewhere along your road to pick up more water and fuel for the fire. It’s a process.
How long until the busted economy causes ill health to our health care system, and our citizens, whether by lack of proper nutrition, lack of medicine, or by increased substance abuse, criminal activity, domestic violence, or all the above?
How long?
Are you ready for the answer?

Lady Justice is Stripped of Her Blindfold and Vetted for Ideology

5 10 2018

The following entry is not a DTN original, but we are pleased to include it here.

The Author, pseudonym Publius Cato Minor, occasionally addresses current events from a career military background and resides somewhere in the outback of the Great American Northwest…

-“You’re guilty, well I think it’s you.”blindfolded lady with sword in right hand held vertically down to floor, and a set of balance scales in her left hand held neck high

“You were in the same house as a punch bowl in 1982 and, because… I said so!”

Or as James Carville observed in Defense of Bill Clinton that it’s amazing what happens when you drag a $20 bill through a trailer court. Looks like Avenatti has a few spare $20s, huh. I’m just sayin………..

Back when Peter Strzok was being grilled in the House over his credibility and integrity. One of the Republican members of the panel commented that there was no reason to believe his oath because he had betrayed and lied to his wife in the high profile adulterous relationship with Lisa Page. The observation was on the order of you betrayed and lied to your wife, so why should we believe you? All of the allegations against him were documented and he and Page had both acknowledged the affair and their behavior. The Democrats were outraged and called for censure.

So along come the confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh. Clearly unfounded allegations against Kavanaugh are placed and the Democrats change directions and demand to convict even in the absence of evidence of anything.

I suppose that it is worth noting to people who have turned themselves into everyone they hated in high school (50 years later!) that we are blessed with the diligence of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse for revealing that Kavanaugh and a couple of his school “buds” wrote some silly comments in a yearbook about farting. They also drank beer!

Kinda wish things were going differently for Dr. Ford, but the truth is that there is no evidence of her allegations (or those of the others). Furthermore, whether or not anyone likes the statute of limitations, it precludes anything being done about this in terms of criminal charges. The fact is that Ford’s (and the others’) allegations against Kavanaugh are allegations of felony acts. The lawyers who enabled her in this embarrassment should be disbarred for malfeasance.

There is a truth that must be considered closely by all: The law is and must remain absolutely cold-blooded. Any effort through law that attempts to grant more weight or advantage to one over another destroys the law in general. Once you go there, you have no right to stop and the end state is chaos. The political weaponization of the law is a travesty that promotes that degeneracy.

It is disturbing that the entire notion that an allegation alone is proof has been seen throughout history. Summary executions were conducted in the streets of Germany if a person was thought to be less than loyal to the Reich. It was seen in the Spanish Inquisition and in the fall of Rome and literally throughout history and continues today. No proof was, or is, needed for anything. Our system is supposedly better than that. It requires evidence for allegation and proof through the evidence of guilt before conviction.

I for one do not give a damn who believes what or who finds whom “credible.” No one asked any of these people what they believe or what their opinion is regarding anything and that’s because it doesn’t matter because THEY don’t matter. The only thing that does matter is that there is no evidence of anything and so there is no suggestion of guilt ANYWHERE!

Understand one thing very clearly regarding an investigation: If there is no evidence of the legitimacy of an allegation, there is no investigation. I’ve been involved in a few of these. You don’t investigate a person. You investigate evidence. The evidence details the event and identifies the people involved. If you have no evidence you have nothing.

The most dangerous aspect of this entire matter is that the people are actually considering that opinion and even partial memory is the equivalent of evidence. Proof of guilt is becoming a matter of opinion.

Caution: When you go there, you have no rights.-

The Revolution has Begun

24 02 2017

This post was originally published in 2012 by the title “The Coming Revolution”. Updates have been added where appropriate.

I have said for 20 years that the next American Revolution or Civil War will be started by the Left. Today, more than ever, that belief has solidified and is fast becoming apparent. In February of 2012 I wrote: “In my opinion, the next elected President will either be George Washington or Joseph Stalin. In surveying the field of candidates at this point, I see no George Washington. However, “Joe” could already be in office and consolidating his power.”

George was not to be found in 2016 either. However, the candidate chosen was definitely not in the mold of the sitting President, or any preceding for that matter, and a result of a cumulative effort by media, an embedded Leftist agenda in government, education, and party elites continuing the move toward collectivism in the United States of America.

The Bolsheviks are inside the gates and the near objective is the death of “capitalism”. In 2012 Occupy Wall Streeter’s (OWS) were chanting for the death of capitalism. (Heck, they were chanting for the deaths of CEO’s, cops, and tea partiers, with some of them advocating the return of the guillotine.)

In 2014 this movement was transferred to another radical group founded by Marxist revolutionaries, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, which they called #Black Lives Matter. Garza is a Marxist political activist who’s heroes include the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur. Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis (Communist Party USA and former Black Panther). Cullors has ties to the 60’s revolutionary terrorist group, Weather Underground, and led 600 Black Lives Matter protesters to Ferguson, MO in 2014 following the death of Michael Brown after he struggle with a police officer, trying to take his weapon. (For an itemized account of the resulting $5 Million in damage click here.)

All three BLM founders share a Marxist ideology frsologoand work for front groups of the “Freedom Road Socialist Organization” (FRSO), a self-proclaimed “revolutionary socialist and Marxist-Leninist organization” which touts itself as a “new Communist movement” with its roots in the 60’s and 70’s revolutionary groups; groups like the League of Revolutionary Struggle, the Revolutionary Union, the Communist Labor Party, the October League, the Communist Workers Party, the Black Workers Congress, just to name a few. The FRSO website is wide open about its intentions, nothing covert there, and touts Communist revolutionaries including Mao Zedong, arguably the worst mass murderer in history killing 70 million in his takeover of China.  (To read more on this and related organizations click here.)

But do not be mistaken. This movement is not about race. It is pure ideology. Without a victim class, real or perceived, revolutions can’t get off the ground, and if victims cannot be found, they will be produced.

In 2015 the revolution moved to the university campus.  Disruptions occurred in a highly organized manner at most major colleges, all with the same theme of “social justice”,  removal of law enforcement, and other demands including the suppression of open debate.  Freedom of speech died on the American college campus.

While the movement is reminiscent of the 1960’s-70’s radical revolutionary movement which paralleled, then infiltrated and co-opted a legitimate civil rights movement, this is even more serious, more deadly, and more dangerous than that.  More dangerous in that the radicals have been allowed to infiltrate every institution, and are now in the chief seats of power.  More serious because during the 50’s and 60’s there was legitimate need for civil rights reform in both American society and in government.  More deadly in that the stability of American society has been successfully fragmented over the last 40 years due to multiculturalism and pluralism, and with unchecked immigration policies over the last few years.  The great “melting pot” of American culture has become a TV dinner, divided, cold, and hardened to critical thinking and introspection, and identity politics rules the day.

History proved the Bolsheviks to be mere pawns in the eventuality of Stalin’s rise to power against even Lenin’s wishes, and many of them perished in Stalin’s “purges”.


There is an ideology that has been around in America for a long time now, but has never had the momentum and support from our institutions that it currently enjoys. That ideology is collectivism. It has existed in varying degrees around the world in political movements like socialism, communism, and fascism. In its mild form it opposes capitalism, seeks to redistribute wealth, limit private property ownership, all through government regulation. (“Social Justice” is another term that is frequently used by collectivists.) This is “social democracy”. We are becoming very close to that now, if not already there.

Collectivism always puts the group needs before the needs/rights of the individual. The ultimate in a secular collectivist society is Communism, where the government owns or controls everything from food production to education. It manages information flow through news media, the arts, and academia. The duty of each citizen is to the state. The natural result of this philosophy is the weak perish, and the middle class disappears. The ultimate goal of total equality is nearly met, and for all the rhetoric of “social justice”, well…everyone lives in poverty except the ruling elite.

Islam is another collectivist society in which the rights/needs of the individual are not important, but demands each citizen serve the collective in order to maintain it. The only practical difference between Islam and Communism is that Islam is a theocracy, in which all aspects of life and society are controlled by the ideology, dispensed upon the collective, by the collective, if a theocratic government is not available.  This is why Islam has allied itself with the American Left, a curious alliance indeed.  Again, the middle class is virtually none existent, while the ruling elite prosper.

America, conversely, was never set up to be collectivist in its ideology. The founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were designed to protect the rights of the individual from the state. The stark difference from America and the rest of the world is that our Declaration points out that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” [Emphasis added]

See, America was never intended to be a “Top Down” authoritarian government. It is not a Democracy, where the mob rules, but a Representative Republic, governed by law instituted by the People, and Representatives of their own choosing. In the words of Lincoln, “government of the People, by the People, and for the People.”

America has always been about the Liberty of Mankind to choose his own destiny, his responsibility to his God, and his duty to preserve these things for his descendants and his fellow citizens. It has proven that the success of the collective depends upon the liberty of the individual. When the individual is allowed to prosper and flourish, the community prospers together. That was the difference between the early Colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth. Jamestown had been a “collectivist” or communal endeavor in which all property was held in common and all needs came from the common purse, or storehouse. This leads to the “freeloaders” who contribute little or nothing and consume as much as everyone else. Jamestown died. Plymouth began as such but William Bradford recognized the flawed system and allotted a parcel of land to each family to provide for their own needs and any surplus could be sold or given to a neighbor. Capitalism.

It is commonly misunderstood among the “Social Justice” crowd and many average Americans, that charity is squelched by capitalism. Quite the contrary, capitalism begets charity, especially when the prosperous citizen believes in his Creator and therefore has a sense of duty to his fellow-man which always results in a higher rate of contribution to community than an over reaching government taking from the prosperous and “redistributing the wealth” because the government requires its cut for inefficient administrative bureaucracy.

An authoritarian government can never create a benevolent citizenry. It can only dispossess its citizens to meet its own needs. A benevolent citizenry is created by allowing that society to prosper from within, to the point of plenty, when then by the dictates of conscience, not government, each person may choose charity, thereby raising the standard of living for all. William Bradford proved it out.

The argument could easily be made that “Godless Capitalism” is evil. I would not disagree; but would remind you that “Godless anything” is evil, including Godless Government, Godless Politicians, Godless Education, Godless Finance, and Godless Media. But the striking thing here is this: Those who are decrying the evils of “Godless Capitalism” are of the very persuasion that ejected God from our institutions!!

Revolution Requires Chaos

If you haven’t picked up Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” by now, you simply must read it, although it will nearly be a review of the last 8 years. Professor Barack Obama, our past Chief Community Organizer, taught Alinsky’s methods to his students. Alinsky’s fundamental premise is found on page 116, “The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step towards community organization.” He then advises the organizer, When you are labeled an “an agitator, they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict.”(p. 117)

Alinsky only left out one piece of the puzzle. What to do with what you break. Breaking the targeted system is easy; rebuilding something that is productive isn’t. But his acknowledgment at the beginning of the book should have given us a clue. To: “…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

America stands at the most pivotal point in her history since the Kansas-Nebraska Act (which resulted in the Civil War). We are polarized. We are factionalized. Our history has been rewritten to minimize the importance of our Judeo-Christian foundation. Our institutions have been purged of morality that comes from that foundation. Our language is adulterated with vulgarities which are most commonplace in our youth. Our youth have been hijacked by powers that redefine what family is and strip them of any faith in God that was instilled as a child, and replaced with a collectivist philosophy, “from each according to ability, to each according to need”. That’s Karl Marx, by the way. It’s also most of the leadership in the current American Democrat Party, unions, our education system, and the media, and yes, it’s beginning to take root in the Republican ranks as well.

This did not begin with Barack Obama, and it will not end now that he is out of office.   The Revolutionaries now have a personified objective, a target to rally the followers, most of which are unwitting (Lenin’s term was “Polyezniys” or useful idiots), in Donald Trump.  Vehement protests, fear-mongering, political stonewalling and talk of impeachment within the first 5 weeks is a harbinger for the next four years, unless the unthinkable were to happen, (i.e JFK), and don’t think it is not being discussed in the ranks of the revolution.   Where just a few short months ago, the White House was viewed by the media and the ranks of the revolutionaries as an ally, now it is “public enemy number one“, and if you thought it was popular to protest the Bush administration, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.   It’s already become the new American pastime.  (Hearken back to the Tea Party demonstrations against Obama’s policies, and anyone who protested then was simply a “racist”.  Now, just as with Bush, it’s “patriotic“.)

Even if they were to be successful in removing Mr. Trump from the White House, Mike Pence, a true conservative and a highly principled man, would make an excellent President, but the Revolutionaries won’t like his policies any better than Trump’s. They haven’t stopped to consider that, but it doesn’t matter.  As Alinsky said, “The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the Revolution“.  There is blood in the water, and the frenzy has begun.

Yes, Mr. Obama, I believe you have “fundamentally transformed America”. Made good on that campaign promise. But you can’t take all the credit yourself.  It’s been in the works for a long time.

The Historic lesson? Collectivist revolutions always take you farther than you want to go.

The Spiritual lesson? Godless revolutions always lead straight to Hell….

Where are you George?

Who Is Black Lives Matter?

8 08 2016

With Law Enforcement Officers dying in America’s streets, simply for wearing the uniform, we have entered a new era.  While it is reminiscent of the 1960’s-70’s radical revolutionary movement which paralleled, then infiltrated and co-opted a legitimate civil rights movement, this is even more serious, more deadly, and more dangerous than that.  More dangerous in that the radicals have been allowed to infiltrate every institution, and are now in the chief seats of power.  More serious because during the 50’s and 60’s there was legitimate need for civil rights reform in both American society and in government.  More deadly in that the stability of American society has been successfully fragmented over the last 40 years due to multi-culturalism and pluralism, and recently with unchecked immigration policies, and the great “melting pot” of American culture has become a TV dinner, divided, cold, and hardened to critical thinking and introspection.  Particularly, in matters of race relations, the election of our first black President, has resulted in deeper wedges being driven, and some of those by the President himself.  Mind you, it’s not simply because the man happens to have dark skin, but wholly as a result of his ideology which cannot be contained.

For anyone who doubts that ideology is supreme in today’s America, and racism is an over used word which has gotten lost in it’s wreckless and wanton use by demagogues in identity politics, just consider this.  When was the last time anyone in the mainstream media celebrated, or even took seriously, a black (or white for that matter) American man or woman in office or position of influence, who has taken a politically conservative or Christian based moral position on any issue?  Let me name a few: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Ambassador Alan Keyes,  Congressman Lt. Col. Alan West,  Congresswoman Mia Love, Senator Tim Scott, former Congressman J.C. Watts, US Appeals Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown (whom Democrats refused to confirm for 2 years), Professor, author, Thomas Sowell,  Journalist, Professor, author Walter E. Williams, politician and Former Secretary of State Condelleza Rice.   All great conservative Americans of African descent.  Out of the 10 names, I doubt the average person will recognize half of them.  These are all people of great influence due to either elected positions, or hard work and dedication to the betterment of all American society; not just one specific shade of color.  These are the kind of people who, if possible are ignored by media.

Conversely, you will recognize immediately names such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Elijah Cummings, Oprah Winfrey, Louis Farrakhan,  and outlaws like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

The origin of Black Lives Matter


#1)  The hashtag # Black Lives Matter movement was co-founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.  Garza is a Marxist political activist who’s heroes include the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur for her contributions to the “Black Liberation Movement.” Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis  (Communist Party USA and former Black Panther).  Cullors has ties to the 60’s revolutionary terrorist group, Weather Underground, and led 600 Black Lives Matter protesters to Ferguson, MO in 2014 following the death of Michael Brown after he struggle with a police officer trying to take his weapon.  Those protests resulted in 400 arrests, 20 civilian injuries,  37 St. Louis County police officers injured, 12 civilian cars burned, 2 police cruisers burned, and 29 buildings burglarized or vandalized all totaling about $5 Million.


All three BLM founders share a Marxist ideology and work for front groups of the “Freedom Road Socialist Organization” (FRSO), a self proclaimed “revolutionary socialist and Marxist-Leninist organization” which touts itself as a “new Communist movement” with its roots in the
60’s and 70’s revolutionary groups; groups like the League of Revolutionary Struggle, the Revolutionary Union, the Communist Labor Party, the October League, the Communist Workers Party, the Black Workers Congress, just to name a few.  The FRSO website is wide open about its intentions, nothing covert there, and touts Communist revolutionaries including Mao Zedong, arguably the worst mass murderer in history killing 70 million in his takeover of China.

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), is an ANTIFA organization committed to armed conflict, and tribal like enclaves (CHAZ), giving examples of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) anti-state counter groups; Kurdish tribal community resurgence groups like YPG (People’s Protection Unit) and YPJ (Asayis-Internal Security Force) as a model, which set up secure zones requiring checkpoints for entry. RAM is also directly linked to BLM, and holds up as idols the likes of cop killers like aforementioned Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Russel Shoats, Mumia-Abul Jamal.

The additional list of Revolutionary and Racist groups and individuals that BLM is directly, or indirectly associated with includes Open Society Foundations (George Soros), Tides Foundation, Ford Foundation among a long list of others who pump millions of dollars into BLM.

#2) In BLM’s short history they have inspired riots in several US cities, and protests in many more with provocative chants such as “What do we want? -DEAD COPS!! When do we want it? -NOW!!”, and “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ’em like Bacon!!”. “No Justice; No Peace”, just to hit the most popular ones. If there is yet any doubt to the revolutionary intent, check this article published on BLM’s website lamenting the death and celebrating the life of Fidel Castro.

#3)  Every generation has its rebels, but these are being well funded by people like George Soros, who has given over $7 Billion to other radical Leftist groups like: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, aforementioned Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women, and Moveon.org.   Soro’s also funded the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri marching for #BLM, who burned those businesses, rioted and created havoc for the entire city, under the false narrative that Michael Brown was an innocent teenage boy who had his hands up and was gunned down in the street by a white racist cop.  Soros and his Progressive friends would like nothing better than to see massive civil unrest in America’s streets. (Ferguson cop Darren Wilson was cleared by the USDOJ after a full civil rights investigation by AG Eric Holder). However, we cannot allow justification of terrorist activities from these revolutionaries any more than we can allow justification for Islamic terrorism. The desired culmination of these efforts will be bloody anarchy which will end in total and complete martial law, and the people will demand it.

#4) The protest in Dallas was indeed peaceful, up until the killing of 5 police officers and wounding 7 more, yet some of the protesters did, and one even confessed afterward on a call in radio program, that he and others had attempted to provoke police officers by various means of disrespectful behavior.

#5)  Just less than 4 hours before the Dallas shooting, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam (an American black cult version of Islam) had posted a call for blacks to rise up in violence against whites saying, “…don’t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong.” “Every damn thing that he got, he got it by being violent — killing people, raping and robbing and murdering. He’s doing it as we speak, and then he has the nerve to come and tell us that violence and hatred won’t get it. Don’t buy that!…He is worthy to be hated.”

The Next Phase 

BLM has recently formed with 30 other member organizations a new, broader organization of groups, and endorsed by another nearly 40 such groups, to form “The Movement for Black Lives” or “M4BL”, which codified it’s platform in conjunction with the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia (2016).  M4BL‘s platform reads like the Communist Manifesto demanding, among other things:  Reparations, consisting of not just full and free access to all public education facilities including colleges and universities, but make it a “Constitutional Right“, not just for American blacks but for “all undocumented” as well as “formerly and currently incarcerated” and full retroactive forgiveness of all student loans, and a “guaranteed minimal livable income“.

M4BL goes on in their demands to “Divest-Invest“, in which funds for policing/incarceration would be diverted to education/employment programs.  “Economic Justice” which demands “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth” and a Communistic “End of exploitative privatization of natural resources” and demands “democratic control over how resources are preserved“.  Verbatim it reads:

  • “Because land is treated as a commodity, a minority of wealthy corporations and families disproportionately owns land in the U.S. and the resources on top of it. 60 percent of land is privately owned, with the wealthiest half-a-percent owning 35.6 percent of this land and the wealthiest 10 percent owning nearly 80 percent of it.”

The lost little fact among these stats is the United States Government owns/controls over 1/3 of the land mass of the United States.  That would, I think, fall under the category “democratically controlled”, according to the context of the statements hereto.  This demand is right out of the  Communist Manifesto’s 1st plank of abolishing private property ownership.

The M4BL ‘s “End the War on Black People” plank proclaims “We demand an end to the criminalization, incarceration, and killing of our people.”  This entails and end to capital punishment, “ending the use of past criminal history to determine eligibility for housing, education, licenses, voting, loans, employment, and other services and needs.”  It also requires the “repeal of the 1996 crime and immigration bills, an end to all deportations, immigrant detention, and Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids, and mandated legal representation in immigration court.”

The Progressive Left has successfully used America’s black citizen’s for years.  The BLM movement was fully embraced by the soft Marxist Barack Obama.  His Marxist/Progressive party successor Hillary Clinton would have continued to use these communities and continue to keep them in the bonds of “social justice”, marching and working on behalf of those slave-masters who benefit from the people’s own labor.  

Every inner city social and economic disaster where the poor and oppressed black (and other minority) Americans are continuing to languish is, and has been run by these very Progressives for 50 years. Democrat run cities have had the highest rate of racial unrest, violence, gang warfare, and economic inequality. They continue to run on promises to solve the racial inequities, social injustices, and police reform relative to brutality and profiling, yet those issues are never fully addressed or resolved. The Bolsheviks are in control here.  This entire movement has been initiated by them. They must have victims in order to perpetrate a movement. Identity politics and class warfare has proven effective. Now, the Fascist group ANTIFA (Supposedly “anti-fascist”) and it’s Anarchist, and Communist allies, have actually taken over an entire section of Seattle, Washington, and declared it a new sovereign nation. The existing city government ceded the area, including the Police Headquarters, to the terrorists, who now run armed patrols the area, checking identifications to prove people “belong there”.

But alas, the answer to this entire problem is not political.  It is not finance, education, or government which holds the answer.  The answer to this problem is spiritual.  Until people, black, white, brown, or otherwise get a grasp on who God is and who we are before him, this problem will not find relief.  To the contrary, the very God has warned us that perilous times shall come.  He also warned that nation who does not live by His standard, the Bible, is doomed to fail.

I agree that our country is more corrupt than we would like to admit. We have sown to the wind; now we shall reap the whirlwind. Nothing short of national revival of Biblical proportions will stay this judgement we have brought upon ourselves.  

But the people will not have it.

The Assassination of Alexander Litvinenko

22 01 2016

Alexander Litvinenko was a former Lt. Col. in FSB (formerly KGB) who defected to United Kingdom in 2000, and was assassinated in 2006 by radiation 220px-AlexanderLitvinenkopoisoning from polonium-210 placed in a cup of tea by former FSB colleagues.

Litvinenko specialized in organized crime which, according to him, crossed over into terrorist activities and events which made the news, such as the 1999 Armenian Parliament shooting killing 8 members including the Prime Minister and the apartment block bombings in 2 Russian cities killing 307 and injuring 1700.  His allegations tied none other than his former KGB superior Vladimer Putin,  to not just the Russian Mafia, but by association to these terrorist activities as well.  He and Putin had a falling out over corruption issues with the newer FSB agency.  (References on Wikipedia given have been taken down by the Russian host)

Litvinenko insisted that FSB had ties to Chechen terrorist events from the Moscow Theater attack in 2002 (170 dead)  to the Beslan School tragedy in 2004 involving 1100 hostages including 777 children which resulted in 385 dead.  He said the Islamic jihadists who perpetrated the attack in Beslan were in FSB custody on previous terrorist or “bandit” activities and “The identities of the terrorists prove 100% the participation of the FSB in the seizure of the school in Beslan” (via ChechenPress)  Litvinenko also said that Al Qaida leader  Ayman al-Zawahiri  was in FSB custody for 6 months from December of ’96 to May of ’97.  Al Zawahiri was then transferred to Afghanistan and soon became Osama bin Laden’s assistant.  Alexander knows the details of this transferral because he was ordered to carry it out clean enough that suspicions of the Communist infiltration would not be aroused.

These assertions by Litvinenko of FSB/KGB connections to Islamic terrorists are not unilateral.  John Schindler is a Professor at the Naval War College; Chair, PfP CT Working Group; Senior Fellow, Boston University, and former NSA & NAVSECGRU.  He authored an article in Business Insider’s Military and Defense section about the “Al Qaida’s Murky Connection to Russian Intelligence“:

Just as important, it is known that Russian intelligence had ties to Islamist extremists in Chechnya long before Zawahiri entered the region. From the early 1990s, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian intelligence formed discreet ties with radical Islamists in the Caucasus, including men who would later become leading mujahidin.

In perhaps the best example, Shamil Basayev, the long-serving emir of the mujahidin in Chechnya, was an agent of Russian military intelligence (GRU) in the 1990s. In 1992-93, he and his brother Shirvani fought in Abkhazia against Georgian forces, leading fighters as surrogates for Moscow’s policies in the breakaway region.

Although Basayev was for many years Russia’s most wanted man and alleged to be behind dozens of terrorist attacks on Russian soil, his collaboration with Russian intelligence has long been something of an open secret. Not long before Basayev’s death in July 2006, apparently at the hands of the FSB, a GRU officer cryptically noted to the media, “We know everything about him.”

This is not surprising.  The new documentary film “Agenda 2” brings much of this to light and exposes KGB’s interest in fomenting unrest and anti-American sentiment in the Middle East going clear back to Yuri Andropov, who initiated international left-wing terrorism, and Ion Pacepa Romanian KGB who, together initiated the Soviet Union’s spread of anti-Semitic propaganda throughout the Islamic Middle East, that Israel intended to turn the entire Middle East into a Jewish state, and America was nothing more than a “Jewish fiefdom”.  This campaign began in 1972.  Pacepa defected to the United States in 1978 after receiving the order to kill Noel Bernard, a Jewish Romanian journalist who also ran “Radio Free Europe”.  Pacepa did not want his daughter to remember him as a killer so in a last-minute decision, defected.  Nicholai Ceausescu gave that order, and was ultimately deposed and executed due to Pacepa’s defection, and subsequent authoring of “Red Horizons“.  Ceausescu, years previous, had told Pacepa of 10 world leaders which KGB had conspired to assassinate; among them was John F. Kennedy.

After Pacepa’s defection, he was given two death sentences by Romania and Ceauşescu decreed a bounty of two million dollars for his death. Yassar Arafat and Muamar Ghaddaffi added another million each.  Today Pacepa is a columnist for PJ Media and writes periodic articles for other conservative publications.

However, the beast that was poked by Pacepa and Andropov 45 years ago has become ravenous and has successfully become the monster which will take the enemies of Communism and Islam to the ground.  The successful infiltration and re-education of America’s institutions, from the media, to academia, churches and government, and the spawning of social and civil organizations modeled to carry the false “Social Justice” ideology which is always used by Communism and Islamism to tear down the existing governments, is becoming so very apparent.  The alliances between the Progressive American Left (Communist) and the  Islamists seems to be a suicide pact for the Progressives, as, indeed, the very things Progressives profess to champion; civil rights, environmentalism, homosexuality and “marriage equality”, open and promiscuous sexual activity, are all repugnant to Islam and frequently targeted for harsh punishment, even death.

“This proves the Left will use any means necessary to destroy their two greatest enemies: Christianity and Freedom.  They no more care about Muslims, the poor, women, blacks, the environment, or the children, than they do about an unborn baby’s right to life, a Christian’s right to free speech,  or a balanced budget.  It is all a lie.” – (Curtis Bowers, former Idaho legislator, producer of Agenda/Agenda 2)

It is said by Alexander Litvinenko’s widow that he converted to Islam on his deathbed.  When he told his father this news, his response was simply, “Well, at least you’re not a Communist”.  I find this very curious.

In practicality, Islam and Communism are twins, sired by the same father.

Sometimes things are not what they appear to be.

What Is Natural Law?

15 12 2015

Judge Andrew Napolitano explains where Rights emanate from and how the Natural Law spoken of in the Declaration of Independence, is the bulwark against Tyranny.  He also gives a dire warning to the youth of America.

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen united States of America:

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the declaration_stone_thumb_295_dark_gray_bgopinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”


Watch Judge Napolitano’s speech:

Exchanging Freedom for Equality

30 11 2015

Lenin, Jefferson, Alinsky and Tocqueville

“The end of Socialism is Communism” – Vladimir Lenin

“Polyezniy Idiot” or “Useful Idiot”:  A term coined by Vladimir Lenin to describe Westerners who blindly support Communism.

The Utopian dream of “total equality” is the crux of Communism and the fuel of revolutions for time eternal.  It also totally discounts the fallen nature of mankind.

Image via Wikipedia

Image via Wikipedia

 Even if total political, social, and economic equality were possible to achieve, there would be those among us whose intellectual capacity, initiative and/or talents, overshadow the rest of us.  Total equality is not achievable.

Cries of “Social Justice” and “Black Lives Matter” echo in protests on college campuses and street protests around the country, largely emanating from “polyezniy idiots” who are not only ignorant to why they are protesting, but worse yet, ignorant to what the Great American Idea is; that being that all men are created equal before the law and are free to pursue a life of liberty and happiness.

“Pursue” that is.  It’s not guaranteed.  One’s own success depends upon his own desires, dreams, and abilities.  The role of the government, as originally established, is to guarantee that each individual is protected under the law so that he may be free to pursue his own place in society.  The success of the individual lies within his own limitations (everyone has them), abilities, and desires to overcome and/or apply those.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…”- Declaration of Independence

All men are created equal being endowed by God with certain “unalienable rights”.  (Cannot be given or taken by any government, king, or tyrant.)  Among those rights are “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”. (No one has a right to deprive you of life, liberty, or things pursuant to your happiness (exploitation of ones own talents, legal/moral pursuance and acquisition of wealth and property- both physical and intellectual, living a life of liberty according to ones own choosing which does not infringe upon or require subsidization from ones neighbor.)  You are not guaranteed success in these endeavors.  You are a sovereign individual among fellow sovereign individuals, to pursue your own success.  You are also free to fail.  And most times failure precedes success.  Failure will aid success in the future if the individual learns from the experience.  But he must be allowed to fail.  (The same goes for businesses; no one is “too big to fail”.)

[Individualism as opposed to Egotism according to Tocqueville:  Individualism is a mature expression which disposes each member to sever himself from the masses into a smaller circle of family and friends leaving society at large to itself.  Egotism is a passionate and exaggerated love of self, which leads a man to connect everything with his own person, and to prefer himself to everything in the world.]

Are the militant demands for “Equality” that bombard us on every front today a natural result of liberty in the scheme of societal evolution?  As liberty is acquired and handed down, equality in everything becomes more and more desired, even when unattainable.  Do you really want “total equality”?

A friend recently turned me on to the French writer, political thinker, and historian, Alexis D’ Tocqueville who came to America in 1845 and studied the new nation for several months.  I’ve carelessly perused some of his quotes in the past, but never really read him. My loss.  He was a contemporary of Karl Marx.  His work “Democracy in America” is his observation of the American people, their virtues and faults, their strengths and weaknesses as well, and commentary on those concerning man in general.  His remarks about liberty compared to equality are worth considering (especially in the context of my last post about “Campus Capers”).  He writes:

“There is, in fact, a manly and lawful passion for equality that incites men to wish all to be powerful and honored. This passion tends to elevate the humble to the rank of the great; but there exists also in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to attempt to lower the powerful to their own level and reduces men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality with freedom … But liberty is not the chief and constant object of their desires; equality is their idol.” -[Democracy in America, 1847, Book 2, Ch. 1]

Saul_AlinskyIt is my contention that most of these protesters are a product of a progressive/marxist education system which is designed, not to promote freedom and responsibility, but to incite a revolutionary mindset which demands “social justice” not to elevate those who “have not”, but to reduce those “haves” to a common misery, always assuming those who “have” gained by immoral means.  This is the practical result, and as Saul Alinsky wrote, “The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the Revolution.”

Again, Tocqueville:

“Democratic nations are at all times fond of equality, but there are certain epochs at which the passion they entertain for it swells to the height of fury. This occurs at the moment when the old social system, long menaced, completes its own destruction after a last intestine struggle, and when the barriers of rank are at length thrown down. At such times men pounce upon equality as their booty, and they cling to it as to some precious treasure which they fear to lose. The passion for equality penetrates on every side into men’s hearts, expands there, and fills them entirely. Tell them not that by this blind surrender of themselves to an exclusive passion they risk their dearest interests: they are deaf. Show them not freedom escaping from their grasp, whilst they are looking another way: they are blind – or rather, they can discern but one sole object to be desired in the universe…”

“I think that democratic communities have a natural taste for freedom: left to themselves, they will seek it, cherish it, and view any privation of it with regret. But for equality, their passion is ardent, insatiable, incessant, invincible: they call for equality in freedom; and if they cannot obtain that, they still call for equality in slavery. They will endure poverty, servitude, barbarism – but they will not endure aristocracy. This is true at all times, and especially true in our own. All men and all powers seeking to cope with this irresistible passion, will be overthrown and destroyed by it. In our age, freedom cannot be established without it, and despotism itself cannot reign without its support.” -[Ibid]

I am finding Tocqueville to be fascinating and quite prophetic.  His insight was incredible.  He called socialism a “new form of slavery” in 1848.  But my current pondering continues to be this startling matter of preferring equality to liberty.  Indeed, I believe it to be irrefutable.  The Bolsheviks are among us.  Dear God, we raised them…


Campus Capers and Cacophony: Inside the Student Protests

23 11 2015

After 2 weeks of Protests on college campuses around the country, the movement continues to grow.  There are signs that the protests are not “copy-cat” or coincidence, but a concerted and well planned effort by a revolutionary element yet to be positively identified.  Incuded in this article is a first hand report from inside one Student Senate meeting this last week which will reveal much of what is taking place on universities around America.


Notice the clenched fist symbol used in Communist revolutionary expression since the Bolsheviks.

Beginning at University of Missouri in early November, that protest finally culminated on November 16th with the resignation of President Tim Wolfe and Chancellor Bowen, over lack of response to alleged racial concerns in U of M.  Missouri Governor Jay Nixon followed this with a statement that it was “necessary step toward healing and reconciliation”.

In quick succession, protests were felt in major universities across the United States:

Occidental College in Los Angeles – Student protestors occupy an administration building for a week.  14 demands are made by a student group called “Oxy United for Black Liberation”.  Demand #9 is that campus police immediately discontinue wearing bullet proof vests.  # 10 is “Immediate removal of LAPD’s presence on campus”.  President Veitch says there is no way all their demands can be met.  Protestors call for his resignation and he agreed to do so.

Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York – Organizers “People of Color” call for “radical/transformative change in governance and structure at Ithaca College” and demand the resignation of President Tom Rochon.  On Nov. 10th Rochon announced a new position of Chief Diversity Officer, a position which Oxy obviously already has.

Amherst College – As a response to the UM protests some students held signs that lamented the “death of free speech” and “All Lives Matter”.  That was simply so harsh that a group known as the “Amherst Uprising” listed 11 demands, among which requires President Biddy Martin issue a statement saying that Amherst does “not tolerate the actions of student(s) who posted the ‘All Lives Matter’ posters, and the ‘Free Speech’ posters.”  In addition, the “Uprising” demands the people behind the “free speech” fliers be required to go through a disciplinary process as well as “extensive training for racial and cultural competency.”  After all, we can’t actually have students thinking they have freedom of speech on college campuses now can we?

Yale – Students protest an alleged “White girls only” fraternity party. The party is under investigation but evidence is not substantive enough to confirm any “racial profiling” by the frat brothers, although it is suspected they were screening for attractiveness, no matter the race or ethnicity (imagine college boys doing that).

One Yale faculty member was “protested” due to a failure to remember someone’s name and an email that his wife had sent to the dorm where they serve as “Masters”.  Nicholas Christakis was surrounded by students calling for his resignation and screaming, “Why the f*** did you accept the position?”  The email questioned why there was a need to warn and protect students from culturally insensitive Halloween costumes—a response to a set of guidelines sent by Yale’s Intercultural Affairs Committee.

“If you don’t like a costume someone is wearing, look away, or tell them you are offended. Talk to each other. Free speech and the ability to tolerate offence are the hallmarks of a free and open society,” Mrs. Christakis wrote.  My sentiments exactly!

But not to the modern “Revolutionary” on American college campuses.

Claremont McKenna College – Junior class President Kris Brackman resigns her office after a photo of her and other students in Halloween costumes was circulated and posted by someone taking offense at the “racially insensitive” costumes of two of the girls in the picture with Brackman.  (Wearing ponchos, sombreros and fake mustaches).   In her resignation letter Brackman accepts full responsibility for her “offense”:

“As a bystander I did not assertively speak out against the costumes, despite knowing that they were disrespectful,” she wrote. “Even worse, I associated myself with the offensive message by willingly standing in a photo with the costumes … I am regretfully sorry to have been associated with this harmful incident, and after thoughtful consideration I have decided to leave my position as the Junior Class President.”

This wasnt’ enough and the College Dean, Mary Spellman also stepped down after 6 years.

University of Kansas – All four state universities in Kansas- Wichita State, Emporia State, Kansas State, and University of Kansas have all experienced some form of protest in the last few days.  We will take a closer look at “Rock Chalk Invisible Hawk”(RCIH), the group protesting at KU.

The protests at KU erupted on Nov 11 when the Chancellor held a townhall meeting to discuss the University of Missouri events.  RCIH interrupted the forum, taking the stage holding signs supporting Mizzou and protesting various issues, including at least one which read “Black Lives Matter”.   The crowd reportedly became caustic, at times yelling over Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little, in the packed out Student Union.  RCIH also carried signs which enumerated 15 demands, some of which Kansas University has no jurisdiction over, such as re-opening an investigation into a homicide from 1970 of a 19 year old Black student.  Another demand included increasing the number of “undocumented students” on campus.  (My head is beginning to hurt).

RCIH took note of two students, the Student Body President and Vice President, when they did not stand to show unity with the protestors.  That failed action singled them out for brutal social media coverage and accusations of racism and insensitivity.  Yes, they are white.  President Jessie Pringle, VP Zach George, and a third student, Chief of Staff Adam Moon may face impeachment proceedings now, as they refuse to resign, even after they signed a written statement formalizing support for “Black Lives Matter”.

“Rhetorical Terrorism”

A few days ago a friend attended the Student Senate meeting at KU on November 18th.  She is a professional, and took meticulous notes, and has been releasing related materials ever since.  The following commentaries are excerpts from her report:

People don’t realize how far this social justice/political correctness agenda has gone. I didn’t realize it until last night! I am frightened in a way I haven’t been before. And nobody is offering me a “safe space” where I can “breathe” and have “my humanity affirmed“. [Italicized are recurring terms which are often mentioned in these meetings.]

There was talk about ally vs accomplice. Those white students who spoke in support of RockChalkInvisibleHawk (RCIH) could be called an “ally” but only if persons of color (more than one) granted them that status. That comes directly from KU OMA (office of multicultural affairs) which previously had a workshop on how to be an ally.

I was disappointed in the responses of the three officers who didn’t resign and are now under the impeachment process. It was sheer self-flagellation. Profuse apologies for not giving multicultural students what they need and ruining their experience at KU (which experience is to provide “learning, self-exploration and above all enjoyment“).  The officers want everyone to come together, to restructure the senate, additional appointed senate seats, mandatory “cultural competency training“, cap election spending (and possibly minority coalition subsidies), address the retention rate,…

Changes will include international students and gender neutral language. Adam Moon had said something about the “normal freshman experience’ and a representative of the International Students Association got up and asked why he “called international students abnormal. You said normal freshman…why are we abnormal?” When [Moon] denied that he called them abnormal, she told him he needed “to watch his rhetoric“.
Someone asked if requiring “students of color” be on the election commission and that was affirmed as a possibility. In other words, quotas.
There was a lot of questions about how to make sure those who have gone through cultural competency training are actually competent and if not deemed competent, how they could be removed.  Stephon Alcorn (black senator) said that “all students have a right to inclusion and success“.
“Rhetorical terrorism” — as in, what you said just made me feel unsafe; therefore, you have terrorized me with your words.
If there was something said or a question asked that they didn’t like, they would say “Impact”. If the speaker would say, that’s not my intent, the response was “I don’t care what your intent was, you have impacted me.”
Dr. Andrea Quenette Asst Professor of Communications used “rhetorical terrorism” and denied institutional racism.  RCIH has published an open letter calling for her resignation based on insensitive and racist remarks in a classroom discussing the current issues.  She insists that her motives were not discriminatory and now fears for her job, because she voiced that she doesn’t see racism on the KU campus and used the “n-word” in a frank discussion about race, stating she has never seen that word spray painted on the walls.
Intimidation was strong. The meeting chair (who did a great job) kept having to take a motion to extend the speakers’ time. The first couple of times the votes were “Yay” and a few “Nays” until Omar (RCIH student)  got up and exclaimed that if you don’t want to have questions and allow them to speak “then there’s the door”.  After that, all extensions of time were unanimous. At one point, while the RCIH were standing up front talking about their demands, they said “and if you don’t like this or vote against it”, “We see you. Don’t think we don’t see you“.
Folks, this type of intimidation tactics are classic Saul Alinsky style, “ridicule is man’s most potent weapon”, “pick the target, freeze it and personalize it”.  Also, “power is not what you have, it’s what the enemy thinks you have”.   These people have been trained.  It is concerted and highly organized.  These few colleges are not the entirety of this effort. It is nationwide.
The following short video is a great illustration of what we are seeing take place on our universities across the country, right now.  Watch this, Please!

The Satanic Alliance: Marxism, Islam and Privileged Hatred

26 10 2015


Islamic Marxism, Islamic Socialism, seems to be a contradiction of terms.

Be NOT Deceived!  THIS has been an allied movement for a long time in the US and for generations around the world!

THIS is why the Progressives/Socialists/Marxists find kindred purpose with the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood groups such as CAIR, MSA, ICNA, ISNA, MPAC, and etc. ad nauseam.  Every “Social Justice” movement in the world has origins and common purpose in the destruction of Capitalism, the United States of America, and Western Society in general.  It is Anti-Christian, not Anti-Religion; Christianity focuses on the rights, liberties and value of the individual!  Individuals do NOT exist in this post-American World; Only the Collective!

Familiarize yourselves with “Sustainable Development”, “Sustainability”, “Sustainable Growth”; it is found in the UN (Marxist from its roots) agenda known as “Agenda 21”.  New buzz words encompassing this belief include, 20/20, 20/30, 20/50, “Smart Growth”, and “Smart Growth Corridors”, all coming to a city council near you!

In the following video, watch for phrases like: “Social Justice”, “Socialist”,  “Justice”.  This phraseology is straight out of the Communist Manifesto!

Pay Attention!  The world has already changed and America is now Ahmerikah!

(More on this subject to come)

2nd clipping from “Revealed Faith of the Founders”

18 09 2015

While America has a plethora of problems, politically, morally, and spiritually, the fundamentals are not among them. It was not always so; America’s virtue was the dominate governing quality of her people and that virtue, according to the Founders, their contemporaries, and observers such as Alexis D’ Tocqueville, was the direct result of an overwhelming and inherent belief in a Creator God who was Supreme Judge of nations and individuals, and as such, every person was accountable for his/her own actions, which not only resulted in self-government, but was the very framework upon which the Founding Fathers hung the Constitution.

The Judeo-Christian ethic, as taught by the Bible, was not only the impetus for the idea that “All men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”, but was considered as absolutely necessary to maintain a free and civil society.

…Cleon Skousen published “Naked Communist” in 1958 wherein he summarized the 45 objectives of Communism within the United States of America as detailed in Congressional reports and writings of ex-Communists. Today every one of those goals has been met. They attack the very heart of the American ideal, Virtue.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch”.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of ‘separation of church and state’.

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man”.

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture”… [p. 248-49, The Naked Communist, Skousen]

Progressivism, brought into the main arteries of modern culture of America by Saul Alinsky (Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are both disciples), is a barely more subtle approach to raw Communism, and has its roots in Karl Marx, Fredrick Engels, and Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, which was the seed of Communism.

The strategy to accomplish this is expedited by drawing into question the character of the American Founders (29 & 30) and their motives, demoralizing modern Americans and leaving them feeling betrayed by their heroes, believing they have been misled by their parents, teachers, and institutions. Progressivism, while claiming the high moral ground, takes advantage of the human condition, (the fallen nature of Mankind) and focuses entirely on the faults of those they oppose, justifying their own lusts and proclivities, while passing judgement on their enemies.

The Founders, above most, if not all their successors theretofore, were fully aware of this condition and placed their highest priority on keeping government from interfering with the vital task of imparting virtue, and spiritual accountability to Almighty God, to every generation of American, namely through the Judeo-Christian scriptures- the Bible.

Upon this cornerstone rests the entirety of American culture and virtue, and subsequently, the success of the “experiment” of self-government…

Read More…Here

The Dualistic Dilemma

12 07 2015

Guest Column by Jana Rea

When I was a kid, if I said something about God, people would ask me if I wanted to be a missionary. A neighbor friend once told me I should be a nun. That unsolicited advise puzzled me then, but now I understand it: Relegate the ‘religious’ to a profession so they stay put in a tidy place where ‘normal’ people don’t have to bother with the “Thees, Thy’s and Therefore’s” of dealing with a Presumed Presence from Whom we would rather keep a comfortable distance unless we need something. Let the religious do their bit while the rest of us live in the real world. The Real World. And what, pray tell, is that exactly?

I didn’t know it then but I had been subtly introduced to dualism—the assumed disparity between the seen and the unseen, between faith and reason–a kind of mental construct that assigns categories to our efforts to grasp Reality. Life assumptions—like dualism can go undetected until a conflict, or irony opens them for full view.

Recently I read an article about a movement in Australia to call the world to pray for America. The press release from the National Day of Prayer, Australia read:

“We in Australia believe it is our turn to bless the nation of America and pray for healing for the USA through prayer and fasting according to II Chronicles 7:14. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II.”

About the same time, a friend loaned us a copy of a self-published compilation of Kingdom Stories; The Life and Labors of Rev. G.V. Albertson (Copyright 1935 by Ruth Hill, Boston Ma). A cowboy turn preacher is a fascinating coming-of-age account that gives color and context to the territory days in ‘Bleeding Kansas’ and early settlements in Oklahoma. It is a personal narrative that reveals the hardness of life that forged the characters of our mid western fore bearers. From one chapter, “ Ill shoot the Preacher”, the author writes,

Many of this generation, hearing the gospel from fine cushioned pews, and enjoying most conventional up-to-date services, could scarcely be made to comprehend the hard beginnings of many of our churches a generation ago and particularly of some of the 2200 that have been founded by Sunday School Missionaries on the frontier . . . Good people who had taken homes there had to be most watchful for property and life; . . . all manner of crimes were being enacted. With those who stood for law and order, the Sunday School Missionary under took to build up a church. (p. 68)

While I work with our son on the renovation of a tiny house in East Lawrence, my husband oversees the building of a school in Africa as a volunteer. Continents apart, our very real worlds could not be more different. I order tile from a warehouse; a contractor measures for kitchen cabinets with special compartments for spices, trash and recycle. Meanwhile Ed admires African workers who pat down the hand-mixed pavers into the earth for the classroom floor; a wall shelf is a luxury and an unexpected convenience. The slow and steady work of missionaries is opening new opportunities and casting doubt on the efficacy of witch doctors for relief from sickness or demons. Demons–now there is a worldview indicator word!

Whether on another continent or during an earlier era, what determines this fundamental difference, besides geography and genetics? In these three cases a Judeo/Christian worldview has taken root or is taking effect; the result permeates every aspect of society—family, economy, and the judicial system. Justice in the Wild West was settled in the streets until law and order was established by a Biblical moral code. African villages under the tribal influence of ancestral loyalties and Islamic customs in some places are yielding to the good news of the God of the Bible. Industry replaces dependency so the disinherited wives and children have a livelihood; education is made affordable and opens doors to new futures for the young. America’s foundation was firmly Judeo/Christian. The unprecedented prosperity that resulted propelled prosperity else where, like Australia.

Ironically, it is not the foreign fields at risk now—it is the homeland of America. Our dualism has finally dealt us a dilemma. We have politely excised our religion out of our public square and left chards where once there was a vibrant fountain. Thankfully the mission fields in Africa and Australia and church plants of yesterday are now returning the favor by praying for America. So what does that say of our maturity, our supposed progress? It sounds more like a civilization in its dotage than its vigor. There is something very full circle or ironic about the pairing of these accounts– this frontier account of fledgling churches that became the root system of communities for generations while the fruit of their labor spread into foreign fields now offering solace to our morally bereft nation.

You have to wonder how did we get here. Critical thinking and self-examination are casualties of a culture that prefers delusions for now then simply pass the nonsense on to the next generation as they observe it practiced by us. And practice it we have. And do. Our dualism is so perfected we stay on cue, going from church to club to work to party to home and hearth and never realize how compartmentalized we have become. Split.

What is it if not schizophrenic to assert “In God We Trust” but refuse to acknowledge Him publicly or privately as the Giver of all of our Nation’s bounty? Or refuse to recognize that the Founders were devoutly determined to invoke God’s favor and did everything necessary to set their lives in agreement with His revealed Word. Divorcing sacred from secular by insisting that politics and religion cannot co-exist does not alter reality. It does however reveal the modern fault line in the American mind. However, I do believe that this split in consciousness is amendable. Where there is a will to examine one’s belief systems and make changes where necessary.

Dietrich Bonheoffer wrote, “All things appear as in a distorted mirror, if they are not seen and recognized in God.”

In Jesus Christ the reality of God has entered into the reality of this world. The place where the questions about the reality of God and about the reality of the world are answered at the same time is characterized solely by the name: Jesus Christ. God and the world are enclosed in this name . . . we cannot speak rightly of either God or the world without speaking of Jesus Christ. All concepts of reality that ignore Jesus Christ are abstractions. As long as Christ and the world are conceived as two realms bumping against and repelling each other re, we are left with only the following options. Giving up on reality as a whole, either we place ourselves in one of the two realms, wanting Christ without the world or the world without Christ—and both cases we deceive ourselves . . . There are not two realities, but only one reality, and that is God’s reality revealed in Christ in the reality of the world. Partaking in Christ, we stand at the same time in the reality of God and in the reality of the world the reality of Christ embraces the reality of the world in itself. The world has no reality of its own independent of Gods’ revelation in Christ . . . [T]he theme of two realms, which has dominated the history of the church again and again, is foreign to the New Testament. (Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas, pg469)

Biblical support is easy to find. Colossians 1:15-20.

What governs moral law whether in remote villages, the Old West or ‘progressive’ American cities? Whether codified or not, what places a schematic in place that explains the cause and effect of human behavior within the known universe? The worldview of the inhabitants. But dualism renders it blurry.

It is time as a nation to realize that the foundation of our county and the subsequent buildings upon it are grossly incongruent. Never before has it been as obvious. There is nothing faulty with the foundation. It is brilliant. But over time we have allowed slip shod construction and derelict leaders to occupy prominence, preeminence over our Constitution and our conscience until our national contract is in shreds.

Wherever there is a virtue, there is a counterfeit.

Socialism pretends to correct American individualism with collectivism, which of course has been tried and failed and yet under the current administration has been resurrected with new meanings to our lexicon of trusted words like ‘Hope’ and Transformation, all of which peddle the deranged ideology of Saul Alinsky, exalted to czar status empowering governmental mandates from every agency; all substitutes for what God had in mind:

“Love God with all your heart and strength and mind and your neighbor as yourself.” It has been called the Golden Rule but it is much more than that because it is predicated on self-love. That only happens by first acknowledging God the Creator, Sustainer and Giver of life thus giving Him the proper honor. Then in gratitude we live as stewards of a world we did not make and do not own. Agenda 21 is the pretender of this virtue as it doesn’t recognize the proper created order and seeks to demonize ‘Man’ as the persecutor of the Earth and all the species in it. For sustainability, only an “all- wise world order” would be able to control the evil capitalists who seek profit at the expense of undeveloped counties. The problem is— who gets to make the rules in the New World Order? I hope no one I see on the world stage. No person, because human nature is not trustworthy. Government was instituted to keep human nature in check. The bigger government gets, the more humans can mess it up. It becomes a god and functions like a tyrant. God, not government rights all relationships. Self-governance precedes generosity and ethics.

It has always been about worldview, which asks the big philosophical questions of the individual and society: What is the nature of Reality? (Metaphysics), How can we know it? (Epistemology) How then shall we live? (Ethics) You would think in a university town the residents would have the tools for critical thinking but when slow cooked in the toad water of liberalism, it has fallen prey to a ploy of social justice and redistribution. Of course justice matters. But defining justice is a prerequisite to a workable solution. Muslims and Christians are worldviews apart on definitions of that word. Let’s not pretend.

In an America that is being ‘fundamentally transformed, reduced to the diminished and awkward role of a “Post-America World” player, I have dusted off my textbooks on Western Civilization which is clearly out of vogue as the current President was photographed carrying a book with that title to and from Air Force One—his free ride. Recently published textbooks enhance the view of Islam and minimize Christianity as a persecutor of all things Islamic; our universities are substituting Western Civilization with Middle Eastern Studies. To appeal the Middle Eastern dollars of course and sell our soil and soul! There is nothing more important now than a coherent worldview and to be able to articulate it. Right now we are not a melting pot, we are a cacophony of chaos due to implode.

The Judeo/Christian worldview was fundamental to the shaping of our government. Man, left to himself will corrupt, pervert and mask his intention to do so as long as possible to hold power until tyranny is inevitable. Education cannot redeem– government doesn’t succor the soul. It is not the socialist worldview nor is it the Islamist worldview that founded this country—it was the Biblical worldview.

Not long ago I was asked, “Has the Douglas County Republican Party become too religious? ”

I love the question. A perfectly legitimate one and deserves a well-reasoned answer. But before that, I need to ask questions.

What is meant by the word “religious”? The term usually has connotations of the moralistic. So if by the question they intend to ask, is it proper for a political party to assert that we live in a moral universe? I reply, Yes. And is that assertion necessary to the scope of the Republican Platform? Again I say, Yes.

If by ‘religious’ they are asking, are we promoting one religion over others, I would ask which religion is foundational to our Republic? Is it Hindu, Islam, Rastafarian Atheism, Secularism? None of the above. Only the Judeo/Christian Bible is quoted more than any other source in our founding documents. Judaism gave us the Law; Christianity gives us the only One who was able to keep it, revealing the true nature of God and paid the penalty we deserve. The Founders celebrated this. Allusions and overt references in their writings are unmistakable to the literate. Therefore when George Washington pens words like:

“… Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties move men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation deserts the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. What ever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

(George Washington excerpted from Farewell Address 1796)

I would ask, are we then being too religious to recall, to recite and to seek to reinstitute them? I think not. In fact I would go so far as to say, we utterly fail without them. John Adams says it better than I:

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

(John Adams, in a letter to the officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, on October 11, 1798)

The question itself is very revealing about the American mind—it is incredibly dualistic. When we assert a belief but subvert it in word or in practice that mind is divided and integrity is at risk. If faith does not permeate all of life it is infantile at best. The unexamined mind leads to unexamined groupthink and so goes society. The only remedy is the entrance of an objective Truth and the hard work of self-examination for a unity of mind and spirit. But that of course begs the question of a spiritual dimension to our existence.

So I would ask, if the questioner is a Republican by affiliation? If so, how do they ignore the fundamental premises of the Republican Platform? If the questioner is of the Democrat party, then I understand the disassociation from God. It is systemic. Sporting a collage of contradictory worldviews is not open-minded liberalism –it is maniacal schizophrenia. We are way past resuming the integrity of our thought, word and deed as a Nation.  We must exhume rather than resume.

The confusion I have felt for the better part of 8 years is how to invest my life energy, how to live faithfully when every system in our society is teetering toward collapse. I have chosen to stand squarely on the Republican platform admitting no contradiction to my worldview. I have chosen to stand in a political field erstwhile it questions the viability and relevance of faith; I have chosen Christianity while that faith field in practice often dismisses the immediate or ultimate benefit of the political endeavor. I must somehow find those contradictions illogical as did Dietrich Bonheoffer, whose integrity inspires me in these days.

In the meantime, the Judeo Christian worldview is on the public scaffold. Adherents may follow. However, the God of all Time and all nations will not be mocked and laughs at the derision of Man. Psalms 2. He would shepherd the fatherless and the widow at the very end of all time, and draw nearest to the broken-hearted. Psalms 145. Eventually we will no longer see darkly through the dust of dilemmas but clearly when we see Him face to face. II Corinthians 13:12, Psalms 17:15.

Until then, Reality begs for participants.

Federal Over-reach Part 2: Bundy Ranch Commentary

19 04 2014

Quite a few friends and acquaintances have been asking for my take on the Bundy Ranch controversy in Nevada.  I have reserved much response until I felt I could express an honest and educated opinion.   I’ve read a lot of reports, watched a few video reports, and since I don’t get Fox News I haven’t seen much reporting on television that I can depend on to give any kind of honest critique that isn’t skewed by a pro-Obama, pro-Progressive ideology.  Today an article came across my screen that helped clarify the situation for me.  Even though I am “Johnny Come Lately” to the discussion, here goes!

As you know, the BLM backed down from a 2 week long standoff with the Bundy Family and a crowd of protesting supporters, some armed, some unarmed.  I was

Standoff in Nevada: Bundy supporters vs. BLM Rangers via Human Events

personally relieved to hear this news.  I really did not expect the Feds to de-escalate the situation.  Here we are burgeoning on the anniversary dates of Waco, Columbine, and the Oklahoma City bombing.  The recent KKK lunatic who attacked the Jewish Center’s in Kansas City, attempting to kill Jews and killing 3 Christians instead, has now added to the “weirdness” of April, not to mention Adolph Hitler’s birthday and Earth Day.  It would have been true to form had a backfiring truck engine, or an accidental weapon discharge initiated a massacre, similar to Wounded Knee.  Of course, as Senator Harry Reid cautioned, This ain’t over.  He is right about that.  But thankfully, a potential powder keg was diffused.

Speaking of Harry Reid, there are all kinds of strange ties and accusations flying about concerning his interests in the Bundy case.  Most of those ties lead to Chinese interests.  The Communist China energy giants China Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and Sinopec have already bought large interests in almost 28 million acres of US petroleum development, all since Obama took office, reversing a Bush administration policy blocking China based on national security concerns.  (For reference that is half the size of the state of Iowa!) Chinese corporation ENN Energy Group, an alternative energy giant, is connected to a solar panel farm in Clark County Nevada, the same county as the Bundy Ranch, but not the same property.  Harry Reid’s son happens to work for ENN Energy.  (More on the Reid/China connection here at WND and this YouTube video)

Then there’s Reid’s connection to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  Former staffer for Harry Reid is Neil Kornze, now the head of BLM.  At the ripe age of 35, he has spent his career in government since college, probably never getting any dirt on his shoes.  None of this really bodes well for Harry.

My real concern is that the BLM, supposedly an environmental impact and administrative management office, is hiring contractors to confiscate private property (cattle) when they are not trained or equipped to manage or provide for the health and welfare of those cattle causing many of them to die (reportedly young calves were separated from their mothers during the gathering, mostly by helicopters), and shooting others outright.  Add to that the deployment of paramilitary spec-ops type “Rangers” who are directly employed by BLM, for the purpose of enforcement against private citizens.  (The Rangers were deployed before the militia or the crowd of protesting supporters arrived).

In a recent letter, dated April 15, and addressed to the President of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Director of the BLM, Texas Congressman Steve Stockman challenged the Administration, citing US Code that the BLM has no authority “to assume peremptory police powers, that role being reserved to the States” and that the federal government must “seek assistance from local law enforcement whenever the use of force may become necessary.”  Rep. Stockman goes further pointing out that it appears the the Secretary of the Interior has violated federal law by by-passing the local law enforcement offices.  Read Stockman’s letter here.

Whether Bundy is guilty of trespass, failure to pay fees, or whatever, this obvious over-reach by a federal administrative office seeking to enforce law by use of deadly force, or “peremptory police powers”, is very, very, dangerous.   The BLM spent over $3 million on the Bundy standoff.  According to documentary film-maker Dennis M. Lynch, he has not seen this much firepower deployed on the Southern border where drugs and people are routinely smuggled across.   “I never see the M-16’s down on the border stopping the drugs, and the terrorists, and the day laborers coming through on BLM property,” he says in this video.  Please watch it.  The BLM spent over $3 million on air and ground resources to lock down a piece of ground the size of Delaware.  This to confiscate 400 cattle with a current estimated value of about $350K which they then released.

Commentator Dana Loesch had this to say (via Human Events story “Cowmaggeddon“):

Dana Loesch also says mainstream media reporting about the immediate cause of the government’s futile cattle roundup is incorrect, as Cliven Bundy has not categorically refused to pay grazing fees:

“Those who say Bundy is a “deadbeat” are making inaccurate claims. Bundy has in fact paid fees to Clark County, Nevada in an arrangement pre-dating the BLM. The BLM arrived much later, changed the details of the setup without consulting with Bundy — or any other rancher — and then began systematically driving out cattle and ranchers. Bundy refused to pay BLM, especially after they demanded he reduce his [herd]’s head count down to a level that would not sustain his ranch.

Bundy OWNS the water and forage rights to this land. He paid for these rights. He built fences, established water ways, and constructed roads with his own money, with the approval of Nevada and BLM. When BLM started using his fees to run him off the land and harassing him, he ceased paying. So should BLM reimburse him for managing the land and for the confiscation of his water and forage rights?”

Then you can throw in a term called “prescriptive rights” and it is possible that Bundy may have a legal position that BLM is afraid of, according to this story on Benswaan.com.  According to Todd Devlin, a Montana rancher, and county commissioner with real working contacts in the Dept of Interior having taught workshops for the agency in the past, prescriptive right is similar to an easement across another property owner in order to access yours. I’ll let you read Ben Swaan’s story for yourself to understand it better.  Devlin also said the amount owed by Bundy is probably closer to $200K than the $1.1 million that BLM wants, which most likely is comprised of penalties and fines for trespass cattle.  Devlin went to BLM to find out why they weren’t using other channels to work with Bundy.  He said the logical and conventional means of collecting such debt is to place a lien on the cattle.  This will prohibit the sanctioned owner from selling the cattle. It’s kind of like the IRS garnishing your paycheck, or the bank imposing a lien on your car.  When asked why the BLM hadn’t placed a lien on the cattle in question, they responded, “We hadn’t thought of that…” But they are considering it now.


I won’t even go into the “Free Speech Zones” that were cordoned off by BLM for the express purpose and intent of containing the citizens who were exercising their right of grievance against the government in a peaceful protest.  Silly me.  I thought America was a “free speech zone”…


Obama is not a Muslim; He is a Progressocom

21 02 2013

H/T wnd.com

I continue to see and have good, well-meaning folks come up to me and talk about President Barack Obama being a Muslim.  I have many close friends, and faithful readers, who also believe that he is Muslim.   It is invariably a topic that comes up during the discussion time when I speak on the subject of Islam.  I have studied this issue quite in depth and have come to the following conclusions.

Technically, by parentage, Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim because in Islam if your father is Muslim, you are Muslim. It’s just the opposite of Judaism where if your mother is Jewish then you are Jewish. That makes sense because Islam, contrived by Satan himself, inverts everything.

You see,  according to the fundamentals of Islam, Allah is not simply another name for God such as YHWH, Hashem, Elohim, Adonni for the Jew, or Jehovah, Creator, Almighty, or Yeshua or Jesus for the Christian, or follower of Christ.  The character traits are different for Allah, than for the Creator God of many Names.  The difference is really quite simple:  Creator God of the Bible/Tanakh is the God of Light, Love and Life.  His “type” in Scripture is the Sun, “the Bright and morning Star”, Giver of Life, God of grace and redemption.  Allah is the god of Darkness, Damnation, and Death.  His “type” is the Moon, the Ruler of Darkness, Dictator of Law (Sharia) and purveyor of Death.

Bush ICWDC AwadCAIR Sept17

Pres. Bush with Nihad Awad and others at Islamic Center of Washington, DC, 9/17/01. National Archives Photo

However, technicalities aside, Obama is not a practicing Muslim. He is not a Christian either, though he does profess to be so. Neither do I believe him to be a Muslim practicing Taqiyya, or deception, in order to advance Islam.  (Taqiyya is a tactic used where lying is permitted, even commanded, in order to advance the cause.)

Yes, I know that much of the Islamic world believes he is Muslim.  Many Americans believe he is a Muslim and this story about Obama’s “shahada” ring from World Net Daily gives a convincing argument.  Further, I do agree that he seems to favor Islam in both his foreign and domestic policies.  [However, in all fairness, his policies dealing with Islam, both at home and abroad, are not unlike his predecessor, George Bush’s. I remember post 9-11 that President Bush was the one who said that Islam was a peaceful religion that had been hi-jacked by extremists.  (That statement was the impetus which prompted me to begin my study of Islam.)  In fact, it was President Clinton, (not Thomas Jefferson) who held the first White House Iftar Dinner to celebrate Ramadan. Bush continued that tradition, bringing more importance to it in the aftermath of 9-11.]

No, Barack Obama is neither Christian or Muslim. Those both require faith in a deity more powerful than one’s self. He is a Narcissist and believes that he, Barack Obama, is the smartest, most eloquent, and best looking guy in whatever room he occupies.

He is a Marxist, no doubt. As such, he is atheist, which is at odds with Islam or Christianity in any form, his ring notwithstanding.  As a Marxist, he believes that Socialism/Communism will work – it just hasn’t been tried by the right people yet. He, and his Progressive/Socialist/Communist (ProgresSoComs) cronies are the “right people”.

Saul Alinsky is the closest thing to deity that this man trusts in. Alinsky’s tactics of smash and burn down the status quo and all supporting structures, divide and conquer, and politics of personal destruction, is not much different from the Islamic tactic of Jihad.  The end justifies the means.

The basic principal of Socialism/Communism is redistribution of wealth, with the governing power in the hands of a very few elite. For this reason Muslims vote Democrat.  Fear of the governing structure, and intimidation, along with hyperbolic misinformation are used as tools to keep people divided and ensure they will not unite against the authority, whether that authority is Islam or any other authoritarian governmental structure.  The old Arab proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, is brought into play.

This is why Barack Obama has allied himself with Islam. The principals are parallel. The tactics not dissimilar. The objective is the same.  The only practical difference is that Islam is “Theistic” wherein they believe they are on a mission from a god. Obama and his fellows believe the state is god. Both entities are fundamentally at odds with America as she has historically existed. This is what Obama meant by “fundamentally transforming America.” Both parties want America to fall. Both parties believe after it does, they will be able to overcome their expedient ally.

It would be interesting to know who will win in this scenario – Obama and the Progressocoms, or Islam.   Nevertheless, I hope I do not see it…

Death of a Nation

13 11 2012


The United States  has, since it’s inception of a common government, hosted political views that weren’t always in unison.  The Founders were seldom in agreement about how and what type of government to establish, and the very fact that it took 6 years to ratify a Constitution following the 8 year War of Independence, is testimony to the process and debate between men who were independent thinkers.  While the Founders may have been polarized politically at times, they were mostly if not nearly unanimously in agreement that Mankind was beholden, and responsible, to a Creator God for his actions in this life.  They also understood the gravity of their moment in the history of Mankind and what it would mean to posterity.  They fully comprehended, as John Jay said, “The Americans are the first people whom Heaven has favored with an opportunity of deliberating upon and choosing the forms of government under which they should live.”  

Noah Webster wrote, “When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers, just men who will rule in the fear of God. The preservation of government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty; if the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made, not for the public good so much as for selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws.”  [Noah Webster, History of the United States (New Haven: Durrie & Peck, 1832), pp. 336-337, �49.] (http://www.wallbuilders.com/libissuesarticles.asp?id=80)

This was the regulating factor alleviating the political polarization of early America.  This concept is readily availed within the opening and closing paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence and in the numerous documents and letters forged by those that we call “The Founders“.

How to kill a Giant…

The United States of America has, without question, been the single most powerful Nation the world has ever seen.  No military force ever fielded could have successfully invaded and taken this country by armed conquest.  No philosophy or ideology conceived or contrived has been able to break this Union of States or the American Spirit, which has bound her people with one resolve.  The ability of her people to assimilate into the great American “melting pot”, each culture of origin of her immigrants brought a flavor of their homeland which served to enhance, but not overpower, the uniqueness of what the entire world has aspired to, and what we have known simply as “America”.

America is not an empire; the concept is not temporal but spiritual; its very essence of greatness has been borne by an idea which has become but a whisper for fear of it vanishing.  No nation, kingdom, or empire ever ascended to such heights of glory and power as the United States of America, and yet afforded or preserved her citizens such individual rights and liberties.  This is the beauty and singular ideal that has separated America from all other countries and empires and kingdoms of the world; yes even for all of human history!

Until now.

…Divide and Conquer

What has become of America? How have we become such a balkanized, polarized, divided population?  We are not even an “American people” any longer.  The great melting pot of assimilation has become a TV dinner, cold and segregated lest any segment of our society actually merge with another.  The push for “Multi-Culturalism” and “Pluralism” have resulted in the exact opposite of the promised outcome.  We are more racially divided, our immigrants do not seek to assimilate into American language or culture and pretty much demand that we allow them to retain a separate community, culture and language, and if we ask them to come join us we are labeled as racist, xenophobic, hateful bigots.

There was a time, in fact up until recently, that immigrants to this country raised their children here to assimilate into American Society, insisting they learn the language and culture, and become American.  I personally know one such family who came here from Southeast Asia, narrowly escaping the Communist “cleansing” (genocide), which swept unbridled through the region post US/Vietnamese involvement, with the shirts on their backs and lost many family members on the way out.   These friends speak their language of origin in the home and as far as I know stick to a traditional diet in the home. (It is awesome Asian food!) I once asked the father why the elders of the family have Lao names and all the children have American names.  His answer was profound. “We were born in Laos. We have Lao names. Our children were born in America; they are Americans. They have American names.”  (Not once did he utter “Asian-American”.)  The children, all equally bilingual, are productive and vivacious young citizens who are happy to be Americans, cognizant of the American ideal, fully assimilated, yet retain a uniquely Laotian influence, while working hard to provide for themselves.  My friends do not demand that they be given special recognition, special rights, or that the rest of America make provision for them.

Modern America is the only nation in the world that acquiesces to, and encourages such nonsense, and our governmental policies ensure that these divisions are kept in place and those lines of separation remain clear. Why?

The answer is very simple: a divided people are much easier to control than a united one.  It’s classic Saul Alinskey- Create a state of chaos by overloading the system.  Use the politics of personal destruction to embarrass your enemy and exploit their own human faults.

If politicians can keep us labeled as “African-Americans, Native Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-American, and now even sexual preference merits the designation “Gay-Americans”.  (I remember when just about everyone I knew were “gay” because we were happy about most things in life.) Now I am hearing the term “Muslim-American” so now we can be further divided by our religion.  I have noticed, however, that when the media, or politicians, use these pandering terms it is never to integrate any people group with another, but to differentiate between people groups.  This type of labeling does nothing to unite or integrate society, but has a divisive connotation and serves to further fracture our society.  It is no accident.

I have no problem with people celebrating their heritage; I like to experience “cultural diversity” as well as the next person.  But while all people are created equal, and should be treated as equal, not all ideas are. This is why “Pluralism” is a failure.

Pluralism assumes that all religions are equal and that each is as valuable as the next.  The fact is, all religions, ideologies, cultures, and political systems are not equal.  Such equity would naturally require “Moral Relativism”. Moral Relativism which does not contrast by judgement of good and evil, also doesn’t differentiate between Adolph Hitler and Mother Theresa.   Definitively, (if that is “morally relatively” possible!) there is no absolute truth, no right or wrong, and we should all tolerate, if not embrace, any behavior of others no matter how destructive, even when we find it objectionable or wrong.  Oh, wait…hmm…sounds familiar doesn’t it?

The Last Great Virtue

“Tolerance” and apathy have been called “the last great virtues of a dying society”(Aristotle).  By tolerating evil whether it be in the form of “religion”, ideology, or culture, America has allowed it’s greatest legitimate virtue of a free and open society, to become the very avenue by which the enemy has gained access.  The cancers of tolerance and apathy have metastasized.

The very laws of nature demand and demonstrate truth.  An acorn always becomes an oak tree; it can’t decide it is going to be different than all the other acorns, and grow into a maple tree.  A stalk of wheat cannot bear a head of rice.  A kangaroo cannot eat a dingo, and a dingo cannot nest in a tree.  A bird cannot breathe water, and water always seeks its own level.  Failure of a wildebeest to exercise caution at the watering hole can result in being eaten by crocodile or lion.  Such are the laws of nature, set in place by nature’s God.

The Laws of Nature and Nature’s God have been a template for mankind since the beginning.  Unyielding and absolute truth tempered by the merciful character of God as set forth in the Bible, set the parameters for a civil and just human government, and when these boundaries are breached, chaos follows.  Thomas Jefferson referred to this template in The Declaration of Independence, and men like John Locke and William Blackstone, both scholars in law and Scripture, influenced the thinking of America’s founders, so much so, that the type of government created was so unique that it has been referred to as “The American Experiment” for nigh onto 250 years now.

This experiment commands the vigilance of an attentive people, so that “government of the People, by the People, and for the People, shall not perish from the Earth”.  That was the nature of the experiment, and a failure by the People to attend to those requirements has resulted in what seems to be impending doom.  When Benjamin Franklin was asked by a citizen just after the Constitution was ratified, “Well Doctor, what have we got; a Republic or a Monarchy?”  “A Republic,” answered Franklin, “If you can keep it.”

George Washington said, “Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.”  He also warned against government expansion, “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force.  Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.” Or in more contemporary language, “government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take everything you have.”

We seem to have lost our Republic, Mr. Franklin.

Ever Get Lectured by a Teenager!??!

7 10 2012

Yes, there is hope for the Future of America!

The Coming Revolution

8 02 2012

I have said for 15 years that the next American Revolution or Civil War will be started by the Left.  Today, more than ever, that belief has solidified and is fast becoming apparent.  I will go further and say this, February of 2012: In my opinion, the next elected President will either be George Washington or Joseph Stalin.  In surveying the field of candidates at this point, I see no George Washington.  However, “Joe” could already be in office and consolidating his power.

The Bolsheviks are inside the gates and the near objective is the death of “capitalism”.  Occupy Wall Streeter’s (OWS) are chanting for the death of capitalism.  (Heck, they’re chanting for the deaths of CEO’s, cops, and tea partiers, with some of them advocating the return of the guillotine.)  However, history proved the Bolsheviks to be mere pawns in the eventuality of Stalin’s rise to power against even Lenin’s wishes.  Although Lenin was a Marxist Bolshevik, he was not the authoritarian figure that Stalin sought to be and became after Lenin’s health declined.


There is an ideology that has been around in America for a long time now, but has never had the momentum and support from our institutions that it currently enjoys. That ideology is collectivism. It has existed in varying degrees around the world in political movements like socialism, communism, and fascism.  In its mild form it opposes capitalism, seeks to redistribute wealth, limit private property ownership, all through government regulation.    (“Social Justice” is another term that is frequently used by collectivists.) This is “social democracy”.  We are becoming very close to that now, if not already there.

Collectivism always puts the group needs before the needs/rights of the individual.  The ultimate in a secular collectivist society is Communism, where the government owns or controls everything from food production to education.  It manages information flow through news media, the arts, and academia.  The duty of each citizen is to the state. The natural result of this philosophy is the weak perish, and the middle class disappears. The ultimate goal of total equality is nearly met, and for all the rhetoric of “social justice”, well…everyone lives in poverty except the ruling elite.

Islam is another collectivist society in which the rights/needs of the individual are not important, but demands each citizen serve the collective in order to maintain it. The only practical difference between Islam and Communism is that Islam is a Theocracy, in which all aspects of life and society are controlled by the ideology, dispensed upon the collective, by the collective, if a theocratic government is not available. In Islam, once again, the ideal governmental system is a Theocracy in which the authoritarian government is Islam. Again, the middle class is virtually none existent, while the ruling elite prosper.

America, conversely, was never set up to be collectivist in its ideology.  The founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were designed to protect the rights of the individual from the state.  The stark difference from America and the rest of the world is that our Declaration points out that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers  in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” [Emphasis added]

See, America was never intended to be a “Top Down” authoritarian government. It is not a Democracy, where the mob rules, but a Representative Republic, governed by law instituted by the People, and Representatives of their own choosing.  In the words of Lincoln, “government of the People, by the People, and for the People.”

America has always been about the Liberty of Mankind to choose his own destiny, his responsibility to his God, and his duty to preserve these things for his descendants and his fellow citizens.  It has proven that the success of the collective depends upon the liberty of the individual. When the individual is allowed to prosper and flourish, the community prospers together.  That was the difference between the early Colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth. Jamestown had been a “collectivist” or communal endeavor in which all property was held in common and all needs came from the common purse, or storehouse.  This leads to the “freeloaders” who contribute little or nothing and consume as much as everyone else. Jamestown died.  Plymouth began as such but William Bradford recognized the flawed system and allotted a parcel of land to each family to provide for their own needs and any surplus could be sold or given to a neighbor.  Capitalism.

It is commonly misunderstood among the OWS crowd and many average Americans, that charity is squelched by capitalism.  Quite the contrary, capitalism begets charity, especially when the prosperous citizen believes in his Creator and therefore has a sense of duty to his fellow man which always results in a higher rate of contribution to community than an over reaching government taking from the prosperous and “redistributing the wealth” (as Mr. Obama would say) because the government requires its cut for inefficient administrative bureaucracy.

An authoritarian government can never create a benevolent citizenry.  It can only dispossess its citizens to meet its own needs.  A benevolent citizenry is created by allowing that society to prosper from within, to the point of plenty, when then by the dictates of conscience, not government, each person may choose charity, thereby raising the standard of living for all.  William Bradford proved it out.

The argument could easily be made that “Godless Capitalism” is evil.  I would not disagree; but would remind you that “Godless anything” is evil, including Godless Government, Godless Politicians, Godless Education, Godless Finance, and Godless Media.  But the striking thing here is this: Those who are decrying the evils of “Godless Capitalism” are of the very persuasion that ejected God from our institutions!!

Revolution Requires Chaos

If you haven’t picked up Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” by now, you simply must read it, although it will nearly be a review of the last 3 years.  Professor Barack Obama, our Chief Community Organizer taught Alinsky’s methods to his students.  Alinsky’s fundamental premise is found on page 116, “The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step towards community organization.”  He then advises the organizer, When you are labeled an “an agitator, they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict.”(p. 117)

Alinsky only left out one piece of the puzzle. What to do with what you break.  Breaking the targeted system is easy; rebuilding something that is productive isn’t.  But his acknowledgment at the beginning of the book should have given us a clue.  To: “…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

Speaking of Amahdinejad, the President of Iran has agreed with Alinsky that chaos is the way to get things done and he plans to instigate enough chaos to wake up the 12th Imam, so that Islam can enter its global glory.  Striking similarities here, if you ask me.

America stands at the most pivotal point in her history since the Kansas-Nebraska Act (which resulted in the Civil War).  We are polarized.  We are factionalized.  Our history has been rewritten to minimalize the importance of our Judeo-Christian foundation. Our institutions have been purged of morality that comes from that foundation. Our language is adulterated with vulgarities which are most commonplace in our youth.  Our youth have been hijacked by powers that redefine what family is and strip them of any faith in God that was instilled as a child, and replaced with a collectivist philosophy, “from each according to ability, to each according to need”. That’s Karl Marx, by the way.  It’s also most of the leadership in the current American Democrat Party, unions, our education system, and the media.

Chaos? I fear there will be more than anyone wants to see very soon.

Yes, Mr. Obama, I believe you have “fundamentally transformed America”. Made good on that campaign promise, “yes you did”, but you can’t take all the credit yourself. It’s been in the works for a long time.

The Historic lesson?  Collectivist revolutions always take you farther than you want to go.

The Spiritual lesson?  Godless revolutions always lead straight to Hell….

Where are you George?

Social Justice: A Key Philosophy of Islam

5 10 2011

What do Islamists, Socialists, Communists, Progressives and Greens all have in common?  The ideal of “Social Justice”.

This Utopian philosophical mainstay has been around for quite a while and had its modern roots in the “Social Gospel” espoused by the Episcopalian Church in the early 20th century.  Other similar variant philosophies such as “Liberation Theology” have come out of religious ideologies taught by Roman Catholic clergy in Latin America which merged Marxism with theological teachings of Utopian objectives.   The United Methodist Church has fully embraced “Social Justice” as one of its “Methods”, citing “It is a governmental responsibility to provide all citizens with health care.”    (Even the Green Party movement has as one of its “four pillars”, social justice as a basic tenet.)  I don’t recall Jesus Christ ever admonishing the government of Rome to provide social services to its subjects.  He did however, admonish His followers to provide for the poor…of their own initiative, not by compulsory government intervention.

Post Millennialism is an extra-Biblical doctrine in Christendom which says that in order for Jesus to return to Earth, Mankind must cleanse the world of all the social evils that plague the planet.   In other words, when we get it right, He will return.  Human nature is, of course, antithetical to that objective in light of the fact that all humans are sinful creatures; thus the need for redemption from the curse of death, visa vi the Savior.  Post-Millennialism is indeed an ingenious method to distract  “Christian” religious organizations who have “left their first love” and become diverted from proclaiming the Gospel of Christ to a lost and sinful world. It is a theological seed-bed for “Social Gospel” which is strictly a works based religious theology.  To quote Adrian Rogers, it is “religion working to make the world a better place to go to Hell from.”

The Social Gospel was the root of “Progressivism” in early 1900’s US politics, which became more Leftist each time it “reformed”.  Included in that early movement were names like Teddy Roosevelt,  Woodrow Wilson, FDR.

Socialists of the same era included Upton Sinclair, founder of the ACLU and California candidate for governor who wrote,

“The American People will take Socialism, but they won’t take the label. I certainly proved it in the case of EPIC. Running on the Socialist ticket I got 60,000 votes, and running on the slogan to “End Poverty in California” I got 879,000.”

Another noteworthy name in American Progressive/Socialist politics is Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood and advocate of eugenics who was cited by Nazi’s at the Nuremberg Trials as foundational in developing their own programs of genocide and sterilization.  Planned Parenthood annually awards recipients worthy of her memory. Recipients include names such as Jane Fonda, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Ted Turner.

Today, Progressives are a large part of both the Green and Democrat parties, while raw Socialists, Marxists, Anarchists, and Communists pretty much make up the remainder of the two.  Just my opinion…(Heck, progressives are entrenched in the Republican Party as well. We call them “Moderates”.)

Today’s proponents of Social Justice are a mix of religious zealots, atheistic Leftist elites, and a smattering of environmentalist activists (most of these would qualify as religious zealots).  It is an ideology which has infiltrated American institutions from the schoolhouse, to the mainstream churches, to the media.

“Social justice” is one of the core values of Fethullah Gulen’s “Turkish Movement”.  The not so “moderate” Muslim Brotherhood also espouses social justice as a core value.  Stands to reason as this is one of the key principles of Islam.

You see in Islam, just as in Socialism, Progressivism, and Communism, it is the government’s/ruler’s responsibility to redistribute resources from those who have, or produce them, to those who have not.  As Marx put it, “From each according to his ability to each according to his need.”

Yes, “social justice” translates as “income and/or property redistribution”.   Now you know why Muslim’s vote Democrat.

This serves to explain the “unholy” alliance that has been made between the Left and Islamic activists in the West, especially in Canada and the United States.  The shared ideologies of  “solidarity”, “social justice,” and a common desire to smother capitalism and a free and open society, have consolidated the opponents of traditional American values into a deadly and powerful force that has found refuge in the highest offices in the land.

Aside from the long list of administrative appointments that our current President has given in sensitive positions (such as Department of Homeland Security) to at least one self-styled Communist, at least 3 Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, at least one open proponent of Sharia Law, and at least one documented socialist, (Not an exhaustive list, mind you; just a cursory perusal of Administration Staff) a recent poll indicates an overwhelming approval of the Obama Presidency among America’s Islamic community.

Pew Research Center released its latest polling data showing vast differences between the average American citizen and Muslim’s (American) satisfaction with the President.  Whereas in 2007, President Bush’s approval among U. S. Muslims was 15% and 69% disapproved, the 2011 data showed that only 14% disapproved of President Obama while an overwhelming 76% approved.

As Pew said in its own report, “Muslim-Americans clearly see a friend in Obama.”  You can read the Wall Street online article titled, “A Muslim President, After All”.  This is quite revealing in light of the Gallup approval rating for Obama at 42%, the lowest among Americans since he took office, with a disapproval rating of 50%.  His approval rating among American blacks (I refuse to hyphenate Americans) has dropped in the last 5 months from 83% to 58%, 18 points lower than that of America’s Islamic community.

So how is that religions and political ideologies that are so antithetically opposed to one another, such as Islam and atheistic Communism (or Progressivism) can cooperate so fully in their  political endeavors?   These forces have been at bloody odds for generations.

The “End Game” for both is the same.  There is an old (supposed) Arab proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend“.  This is a doctrine that has been implemented by military powers throughout history and has been used by most.  The Western Alliance and Russia both used each other to defeat the Nazi’s in WW2.  It is no strange tool to politics.  In fact, it is nearly a prescribed strategy in politics.

The interesting thing about this modern scenario in America, is each ideological group believes they will come out in control in the end.  The basic premise is use the others to my advantage until our common enemy is vanquished, then I can overpower the other interests. It is classic Saul Alinsky.   The Leftist Elite are so arrogant, they believe they can “be nice” to Islam and help/use Islam to subvert the American system and culture, and afterward; when the objective is reached and America is “Fundamentally transformed” (as Mr. Obama so eloquently put it) then Islam will politely co-exist with the Socialists.  Laughable…

Every good Islamist and those who know Islam understand that “co-existence” is not in the Quranic vocabulary.  But the arrogance of the godless Humanists brings a strong delusion which renders the mind incapable of basic reasoning skills and the natural instinct of survival.  The principle of Abrogation, taught by Muhammad and attested to in Quran, does not allow Islam to “co-exist” with any government, culture, or religion. It must, by its very nature, dominate.

Someone is going to be very disappointed in “the enemy of his enemy” after the objective is accomplished.  There is no dhimmitude status afforded atheists.  There is no tolerance for intellectual dissension.  Only conversion or death.

Social Justice? To the Leftist Elite it’s a Utopian pipe dream.  To Islam? It is prescribed by Sharia. One needs only examine those countries where Sharia is enforced to see what a Utopian lifestyle is available there.  Iran, Saudi Arabia, Somalia…

Social Justice indeed.

I guess it depends on who is “defining the narrative”…Keep in mind the Islamic narrative in the United States is currently being defined by CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Euramerika: Part 1; Statesman, Stupid, or Suicidal?

5 03 2010

This article first published Dec. 8,2009 under title of:

Statesmen, Stupid, or “Suicidal”

Revised March 1, 2010 and included as first in a series of articles entitled “Euramerika”.

I heard a radio talk show host a few months ago talking about the Liberals “End Game”. The question was, “What is their end game”? I thought about that for a while and I will share a few of those thoughts in this article…

The first nature of a politician is to compromise. Sometimes it is necessary in order to get legislation passed; perhaps as a politician you don’t get everything you wanted in a bill, but after wrangling and lots of discussion you decide that you can support the amendments of the opposition in order to pass a bill that contains the basics that you were in favor of for the benefit of your constituents. Consensus always comes by compromise. This is inherently how politics works, like it or not.

The second nature of a politician is self preservation. One cannot compromise too much without risking the support of the constituency in the next election. Very few individuals in the political realm will act without considering these consequences.

Then, on occasion in history, we have seen in a politician real statesmanship. That is, a wisdom and understanding of when compromise is acceptable in achieving a goal for “the greater good”, and when compromise is detrimental to society. When the dust settles, (perhaps years later) the statesman is vindicated and even though his constituency as well as many colleagues may have opposed him at the onset, he’s hailed a hero.  This type of politician, a true statesman, only comes along once every other generation or so. These would be men such as the American Founders.  Winston Churchill also comes to mind along with Abraham Lincoln, Calvin Coolidge and Margaret Thatcher. (I suppose I should say ‘Statesperson’ to be PC, but that’s another article.) I would even go so far as to throw Ronald Reagan in that classification, just as a recent example, though some of my readers may not agree. (Too bad, it’s my article and I have no pretense of being an “objective journalist”!)

My conundrum is, across the current political landscape, identifying the goal of the players;  “The end game”? What is the ultimate objective? My opinion…

I believe we are at a point in history in America that has been long awaited by some for perhaps as long as 100 years. The “Progressive Movement” that was so much of who Woodrow Wilson was, has come to the point of balance that is very near tipping. Once that balance shifts, there will be no return to America as we have known it. Perhaps it already has.

What possesses a politician to oppose his constituents on a matter? Statesmanship?  Yes, at times that has been the case. But have we suddenly morphed scores of new statesmen from formerly career politicians? I shall withhold my full reaction to that question at this juncture. Suffice to say, Not!

So if not ‘statesmanship’, then what, ‘stupidity’? Perhaps…“Stupid is as stupid does” you know. But I find it hard to believe there are that many stupid people who could get elected.

So if not statesmanship or stupidity, then what? Suicide? Now there’s a real possibility. Just think of them as “suicide voters”. The empire of Japan brought us the “Kamikaze”, the suicide pilot. Islam has brought us the “suicide bomber”. Now the Progressive movement has brought to America the “suicide politician”!

Does anyone really believe that if this Congress continues to act against their constituents’ loud opposition to the “Bailouts”, “Stimulus”, “ObamaCare”, and “Cap and Trade” that they can stand for re-election this year? Seriously, it is as if the mission of the legislation has become the objective and the people nothing more than a means to fulfill the objective. Not by consent of course, but as the piggy bank. (I believe it was Mrs. Thatcher who said, “The trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other peoples’ money.”)

But that doesn’t work either. It goes against the second nature of preservation for a politician to sacrifice everything for nothing. However, there may be a few who could be persuaded by their leadership that their “run is done” anyway, and others may be “persuaded” to get on the bandwagon or suffer the (scandalous) consequences. (Reminiscent of the Gestapo of the 3rd Reich)

Then there is the true believer, the martyr, the “Jihadi warrior” who truly supports the objective. They are the leadership and faithful believers who march lock step toward the objective, no matter the price, some even believing that the rewards will be “Paradise” or at least a political payback or immunity. (Sorry boys, no 72 black-eyed virgins; only Nancy Pelosi!)

The objective?

Consider “Dissolution”. In order to “fundamentally change” anything you must change the fundamentals. That is, completely dissolve what you want to replace and begin again. It is a tactic that has been used by Revolutionaries for centuries.

Columnist Mark Steyn began his November 23 column “Happy Warrior” in National Review magazine by quoting the famous German poet and playwright, Bertolt Brecht, who after the East German uprising in 1953 wrote this: “Would it not be easier for the government to dissolve the people and elect another?”

Dissolve the people…yeah, that could work…like through pluralism, secularism, revisionist history, open borders, affirmative action, Darwinism, reparations, and class warfare!  The rules as well as the objective, the “end game”, were established a hundred years ago! A brief study of Woodrow Wilson reveals a philosophy akin to Karl Marx. Wilson with no help from the US Congress, was key in forming the League of Nations, later to become the UN. We all know what a smashing success that utopian idea has become.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Candidate Barak Obama did say he wanted to “fundamentally change America”.  I concede that we do have some problems, but the fundamentals are not among them. In fact, the problems we have are due to leaving the fundamentals behind and pursuing something that doesn’t exist, making it up as we go.

Obama also referred to himself, as have others such as Senator Clinton, as “Progressive” after the model of Woodrow Wilson and FDR. He then declared, “Our time has come!” Who’s time has come? “Ours” as in America’s, or “Ours” as in Progressives. Or was he speaking to someone else?

Brecht was of course, a Marxist. We call them “Progressives” today in Euramerika.