Guest Column: Khizr Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship

2 08 2016

The Orlando/Pashtun Connection

15 06 2016

By now you may have heard that Omar Seddiqui Mateen frequented the Pulse nightclub, for the past 3 years, according to several regular patrons who said that Mateen was known to be gay.  This has even been confirmed by his wife.   Early Sunday morning, June 12 Mateen declared Jihad and mowed down 103 people, killing 49, at this very club before being killed by police in a gun battle.

Confused?  With Islam’s vehement disgust with homosexuality, and deadly penalties administered according to Sharia in Islamic countries, one may think it very strange, or highly unlikely  for a Muslim to be homosexual.

A few years ago my Marine son volunteered for a tour of duty in Afghanistan; Helmand Province.  His mother and I each sent him letters every week or so, but his communicae to me was always very short emails, usually not more than a line or two, and never more than a paragraph.  One of these emails read something like this; “Dad, you’re not gonna believe this, but every other Haji over here is gay!”

Needless to say, this took me by surprise, as I had been studying Islam for several years, and knew the social/religious standing of such behavior.  I began my research.

Within a short time I came across an “Unclassified Report” from HTT (Human Terrain Team) AF-6 assigned to the 2nd Marines and co-located with British forces in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan.  The report was an eye-opening review of interviews of Afghani’s and British forces as well as Marines who had encountered homosexual and pedophilic behavior in the nationals as well as service men who had been propositioned by Afghani males.  It is known as a report on “Pashtun Sexuality”.  Pashtun is the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan and the second largest in Pakistan.  They ruled Afghanistan for 300 years.

From this report, and other sources, I learned that homosexuality is, and has been a cultural norm in Afghanistan for generations.  Kandahar has been known for centuries as “the sodomy capital of South Asia”, and the natives say that “even the birds fly over Kandahar with one wing; the other covers their posterior”.   Indeed.

When the Taliban took power in the early ’90’s, they publicly executed anyone caught practicing or exhibiting any behavior suspected as homosexuality.  After the United States liberated most of Afghanistan’s major population centers, the tradition made a resurgence.   Young (prepubescent) Afghan males aged 12-14 are the most desirable, and these grow into men who look forward to when they too are old enough to take young boys for their pleasure.  (Incidentally, Islamic texts, many scholars and some poets glorify homosexuality as one of the pleasures reserved for Paradise)  Some Afghan men interviewed in the report said, “You cannot see the women to know if they are beautiful or not; but we can see all the boys, and which ones are beautiful.”

I have since learned that homosexual behavior in other Islamic countries is not uncommon.  For many, as with the Pashtun, the label “homosexual” is denied while the practice is widely accepted.  In those terms, according to the Pashtun, it is a sin “to love a man”, not to use another man for sexual gratification.  A saying goes, “Women are for children, boys are for pleasure”.

As the report indicates, separation from women and not being allowed to even see women, let alone have any type of contact likely causes these young boys to bond more with one another, than even their mother or sisters, being put in the all male Madrassa at age 7.  Women are forbidden to these boys as unclean and disgusting.  This also helps explain the misogynistic attitude of the Pashtun as well as most of Islam toward women.

A US Army medic and “her male colleagues were approached by an Afghan man seeking advice on how his wife could become pregnant.  When it was explained to him what was necessary, he reacted with disgust and asked “How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who Allah has made unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely, this must be wrong.”   -Unclassified Report, Pashtun Sexuality

So what has all this to do with Omar Mateen?


Mateen’s father, Seddique Mir Mateen is an Afghan Pashtun immigrant to the US.  The younger Mateen was born and raised here.  The two attended mosque every Friday in Orlando.

According to this CBS News article:

“Seddique Mateen hosts a program on a California-based satellite Afghan TV station, aimed at the Afghan diaspora in the in the U.S., called the “Durand Jirga Show.”

A senior Afghan intelligence source tells CBS News correspondent Lara Logan that the show is watched by some in people in Afghanistan but the primary audience is ethnic Pashtun Afghans living in the U.S. and Europe….

The Taliban Islamic extremist movement is comprised almost entirely of Pashtuns, and Mateen’s show takes a decidedly Pashtun nationalistic, pro-Taliban slant; full of anti-U.S. rhetoric and inflammatory language aimed at non-Pashtuns and at Pakistan, the source told (Lara) Logan.

The name of the show references the Durand line, the disputed border between Afghanistan and Pakistan that was established in the 19th century by Britain. It has long been at the heart of deep-seated mistrust between Afghans and Pakistanis.

Seddique Mateen once campaigned in the United States for current Afghan President Ashraf Ghani — seen as a moderate leader — who appeared on his program in 2014. But since then Seddique has turned against Ghani in both his broadcasts and numerous videos posted to a Facebook account.

In his Facebook videos, the alleged gunman’s father has often appeared wearing a military uniform and declaring himself the leader of a “transitional revolutionary government” of Afghanistan…”

Who saw that coming?

Allow me to further tie this all together.

So a Muslim who is a homosexual is doomed to Hell.  He is shamed by his family, creating much stress, embarrassment, and tons of guilt.

He continues this behavior, due to perhaps, something which happened to him earlier in life? (Culturally speaking, and purely speculative, of course.)  Perhaps his father’s criticism and affinity for the Taliban further influence Omar.

3 weeks prior to the shooting at Pulse, Orlando’s Husseini Islamic Center was host to an Imam who is known to preach that the most compassionate action toward homosexuals is to execute them.  In fact, the very mosque the Mateen’s attended last Friday was the worship home of another terrorist who blew himself up for the glory of jihad and shahid (martyrdom) in 2014 in Syria.

Now, a shahid, a martyr, in Islam one who dies in jihad against unbelievers, gets instantaneous forgiveness for all his sins, including sodomy.   As soon as the first drop of  the shahid’s blood hits the ground, Allah absolves him of all his sin.  What’s more this is the month of Ramadan.  If a Muslim dies during Ramadan, or on the Haj, it is a much better thing.

Could this have been the answer for a mentally, emotionally disturbed and guilt ridden Omar Mateen?  Did he council with the Imam, his father, or someone from the mosque who advised him of this?  Or did he just connect all the dots himself, and decide that martyrdom would restore his standing in the Islamic community, wipe away the dishonor he had brought to his father, and assure Omar himself a position in the glorious Paradise which rewards those who attain it with endless sensuous virgins and  young boys, along with rivers of wine.  Everything that is officially forbidden on Earth.

But Omar knew he would not die unless someone came to stop him from his deadly work inside the Pulse club that night.  Omar Seddique Mateen called 9-1-1 and told the police what he was doing, even while he was in the process.

I believe Omar Mateen wanted to die shahid.  He would die by “suicide by cop” after punishing the infidel gay community in a glorious gun battle, restoring his honor and that of his father.

Obama is not a Muslim; He is a Progressocom

21 02 2013


I continue to see and have good, well-meaning folks come up to me and talk about President Barack Obama being a Muslim.  I have many close friends, and faithful readers, who also believe that he is Muslim.   It is invariably a topic that comes up during the discussion time when I speak on the subject of Islam.  I have studied this issue quite in depth and have come to the following conclusions.

Technically, by parentage, Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim because in Islam if your father is Muslim, you are Muslim. It’s just the opposite of Judaism where if your mother is Jewish then you are Jewish. That makes sense because Islam, contrived by Satan himself, inverts everything.

You see,  according to the fundamentals of Islam, Allah is not simply another name for God such as YHWH, Hashem, Elohim, Adonni for the Jew, or Jehovah, Creator, Almighty, or Yeshua or Jesus for the Christian, or follower of Christ.  The character traits are different for Allah, than for the Creator God of many Names.  The difference is really quite simple:  Creator God of the Bible/Tanakh is the God of Light, Love and Life.  His “type” in Scripture is the Sun, “the Bright and morning Star”, Giver of Life, God of grace and redemption.  Allah is the god of Darkness, Damnation, and Death.  His “type” is the Moon, the Ruler of Darkness, Dictator of Law (Sharia) and purveyor of Death.

Bush ICWDC AwadCAIR Sept17

Pres. Bush with Nihad Awad and others at Islamic Center of Washington, DC, 9/17/01. National Archives Photo

However, technicalities aside, Obama is not a practicing Muslim. He is not a Christian either, though he does profess to be so. Neither do I believe him to be a Muslim practicing Taqiyya, or deception, in order to advance Islam.  (Taqiyya is a tactic used where lying is permitted, even commanded, in order to advance the cause.)

Yes, I know that much of the Islamic world believes he is Muslim.  Many Americans believe he is a Muslim and this story about Obama’s “shahada” ring from World Net Daily gives a convincing argument.  Further, I do agree that he seems to favor Islam in both his foreign and domestic policies.  [However, in all fairness, his policies dealing with Islam, both at home and abroad, are not unlike his predecessor, George Bush’s. I remember post 9-11 that President Bush was the one who said that Islam was a peaceful religion that had been hi-jacked by extremists.  (That statement was the impetus which prompted me to begin my study of Islam.)  In fact, it was President Clinton, (not Thomas Jefferson) who held the first White House Iftar Dinner to celebrate Ramadan. Bush continued that tradition, bringing more importance to it in the aftermath of 9-11.]

No, Barack Obama is neither Christian or Muslim. Those both require faith in a deity more powerful than one’s self. He is a Narcissist and believes that he, Barack Obama, is the smartest, most eloquent, and best looking guy in whatever room he occupies.

He is a Marxist, no doubt. As such, he is atheist, which is at odds with Islam or Christianity in any form, his ring notwithstanding.  As a Marxist, he believes that Socialism/Communism will work – it just hasn’t been tried by the right people yet. He, and his Progressive/Socialist/Communist (ProgresSoComs) cronies are the “right people”.

Saul Alinsky is the closest thing to deity that this man trusts in. Alinsky’s tactics of smash and burn down the status quo and all supporting structures, divide and conquer, and politics of personal destruction, is not much different from the Islamic tactic of Jihad.  The end justifies the means.

The basic principal of Socialism/Communism is redistribution of wealth, with the governing power in the hands of a very few elite. For this reason Muslims vote Democrat.  Fear of the governing structure, and intimidation, along with hyperbolic misinformation are used as tools to keep people divided and ensure they will not unite against the authority, whether that authority is Islam or any other authoritarian governmental structure.  The old Arab proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”, is brought into play.

This is why Barack Obama has allied himself with Islam. The principals are parallel. The tactics not dissimilar. The objective is the same.  The only practical difference is that Islam is “Theistic” wherein they believe they are on a mission from a god. Obama and his fellows believe the state is god. Both entities are fundamentally at odds with America as she has historically existed. This is what Obama meant by “fundamentally transforming America.” Both parties want America to fall. Both parties believe after it does, they will be able to overcome their expedient ally.

It would be interesting to know who will win in this scenario – Obama and the Progressocoms, or Islam.   Nevertheless, I hope I do not see it…

Lowe’s Home Improvement Pulls Ad: CAIR Retaliates!

21 12 2011

Sharia continues its methodical creeping progression across the American landscape.  Lowe’s was a major sponsor for a program on “The Learning Channel” called “All American Muslim“, featuring a “reality show”of five Muslim families in the Dearborn, Michigan area.  When the company pulled their advertising spots, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) launched a retaliatory public relations campaign against it, charging bigotry and discrimination against Muslims.

Lowe’s was not the only advertiser who pulled ads from supporting the show., an internet travel agency, along with over 80 other companies have pulled advertising, according to the Florida Family Association website. FFA stated it will no longer give names of those who stop their ads because of threats and intense scrutiny by opponents.

CAIR was listed as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial, the biggest terrorist funding trial in American history. CAIR funneled money for jihad into groups such as HAMAS.  CAIR is also a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate.

Not only CAIR, (or maybe at their behest?) several elected officials weighed in on the decision by Lowe’s, the second largest home improvement chain in the country.  That’s right, California state Senator Ted Liu along with Michigan state Representative Rashida Tliab, and U.S. Representative John Conyers,  responded by condemning Lowe’s action as “un-American“, and “naked religious bigotry” as well as, giving in to demands of a group of hateful bigots.  These were soon joined by celebrity experts on cultural affairs such as hip hop artist Russell Simmons and actor Kal Penn, and of course the cacophony of liberal bloggers and objective media such as Huffington Post, Washington Post, New York Magazine, and NPR to decry the bigotry of Lowe’s and anyone else who would dare to retreat from sponsoring what some deem to be pro-Islamic propaganda or anyone else would so much as express any honest examination of Islam or opposition to it’s legal system.

Want some honest objectivism?  I want to know where was CAIR when Lowe’s discriminated against an employee who wore a pin declaring, “It’s called Christmas, for Christ’s sake!”  Where were the politicians and media elite’s, the self appointed guardians of free speech, the high and mighty celebrities who stood up on behalf of the cashier who worked for this obviously bigoted capitalistic giant?

Hmm…I guess it’s only bigotry and discrimination WHEN THE FAITH OPPOSED IS ISLAM!!

CAIR is apparently the legal arm of the Muslim Brotherhood as evidenced in the rash of lawsuits brought by that organization.  It remains to be seen if they will file against Lowe’s; lately just the presence of CAIR on scene is enough to bring good dhimmi’s in line.

Just what is the objective of CAIR?  In the words of  Omar Ahmad, the Co-Founder of CAIR and former Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP),  the directive to Muslims living in America is this:  “Those who stay in America should be open to society without melting, keeping Mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam. If you choose to live here, you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam … Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scrupture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

Of course, you won’t be seein’ that on “All American Muslim”.

Dhimmitude: The state of submission to Islam by voluntary acquiescence  to avoid criticism of anything or anyone Islamic.

By the way, you can go here to sign a petition supporting Lowe’s decision to exercise it’s freedom to run it’s own business. I did.

Pamela Geller Under Attack

16 08 2011

Once again I find it necessary to include an article that I have not written on this site. Pamela Geller is one of the foremost voices educating America of the impending dangers of Islamization throught her blog which I have listed on my blogroll since the inception of this site.

This letter comes from another great voice for America, David Horowitz.

A woman of extraordinary courage and vision is under attack.

Pamela Geller, who was awarded last year by the Freedom Center for her courage in the war against tyranny, is the target of a $10 million intimidation lawsuit designed to silence, once and for all, one of America’s most vibrant voices speaking out in defense of the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and the equality of rights of all people.

And it’s all because she rushed to the defense of a young girl in fear for her life.

In July 2009, a seventeen-year-old girl named Rifqa Bary ran away from her home in Ohio, saying that her father threatened to kill her upon discovering that she had converted from Islam to Christianity. There followed a bitter custody battle: Rifqa fought hard to stay out of her parents’ home while the Islamic supremacists such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) did all they could to force her to go back. Due in large part to Pamela Geller’s efforts, the Islamic supremacists lost, and Rifqa remained free and able to exercise her freedom of conscience. But now the losers are determined to exact revenge upon the freedom fighter who protected Rifqa from harm.

Omar Tarazi, the lawyer for the parents of Rifqa Bary, is suing Pamela for ten million dollars for libel, for things she wrote in good faith about the case at her acclaimed and award-winning blog The great lawyer David Yerushalmi is representing Pamela Geller in this frivolous lawsuit, and he is generously donating his time and expertise pro bono. Nonetheless, Pamela’s ancillary legal expenses relating to this suit are spiraling. The Freedom Center has offered to help raise the funds needed for her legal defense. That means we need to raise a minimum of $30,000 in the next 48 hours to cover the first set of legal fees. Will you help us?

Please follow this link right away to make a generous tax-deductible contribution to the Freedom Center Legal Defense Fund, so we can continue to support Pamela.
The Left and its Islamic supremacist allies are waging a full-throttle campaign against the freedom of speech. This campaign takes many forms: obscene and unfounded charges of “Islamophobia” and “hate speech,” demonization and character assassination in the mainstream media, and — in this case — legal intimidation. The objective is always the same: to silence activists like Pamela Geller who dare to tell the truth about the Islamic threat to the West. This push will only become stronger now in the aftermath of the tragedy in Norway, for which Pamela has been unfairly blamed. In the eyes of the Left and the Islamic supremacists, Pamela has committed Orwellian “thought crime,” and for that she must be punished.

But Pamela Geller will not be deterred. She is publishing a new book for grassroots activists, Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. She is traveling to Israel in August to dedicate the Aqsa Parvez Memorial Grove for victims of honor killing — the first-ever recognition by anyone in the West that this practice is wrong and that freedom-lovers intend to resist it. She is also planning another rally for freedom at Ground Zero this September 11, after holding two rallies there attended by tens of thousands last year. She will continue to fight for justice and human rights in the court of public opinion and in the actual courtroom where this outrageous lawfare attack is being mounted.

The Freedom Center will not allow the Left and the Islamic supremacists to stigmatize truth-tellers like Pamela as “Islamophobes.” That’s why I’m asking you to help us build up our legal defense fund for the witch-hunt against Pamela Geller. So will you stand with the Freedom Center to support Pamela by making an immediate donation of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to our legal defense fund?

If the Left and its Islamic allies succeed in silencing this heroic advocate for freedom, they will have won a tremendous victory in their ongoing campaign to outlaw all criticism of Islam, and thereby render us mute and defenseless in the face of the advancing jihad.

They must not succeed. And with your support, they will not.


David Horowitz
President & Founder

P.S. The Freedom Center’s Legal Defense Fund is footing Pamela Geller’s legal fees, and I urgently need your help to raise $30,000 in the next 48 hours to cover the first bill. Will you help us out by making an immediate tax-deductible contribution of $25, $50, $100, $250 or more?

New Khilafah!

30 03 2011

Make way for the “New Caliphate” that is currently being set up right before our very eyes! If you have been living in the Outback somewhere and haven’t yet learned the term “Caliphate”, just think of it as an Islamic Pope which not only rules the religion but all Islamic politics as well. It is a complete governing system by which the successors of the “Prophet Muhammad” went forth conquering and then ruling in the name of Allah, “The Compassionate, the Merciful”.

In past articles we have discussed how the Muslim Brotherhood is moving to accomplish this goal. Just one more time I will briefly review:

The last Caliphate was seated in Istanbul, Turkey for 400 years during the Ottoman Empire, until just after World War 1 when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led the Turkish Revolution and abolished the highest Islamic clerical position in the world in 1924. He desired to strip Islam of the political stranglehold it had on the Muslim people, specifically the Turks, in order to bring his new civilized Republic roaring into the 20th Century. He reformed everything from government and education, to women’s rights and fashion, promoting modern Western style clothing as a means to modernize the psyche of the people. His success was magnificent, although not un-opposed. There was even an assassination attempt on him. Undaunted, Kemal continued his policy of denying Islam a political seat at the table of government. This division remained successful until the Islamist Movement within and from outside Turkey succeeded in getting a toehold in government once again with the formation in 2001 of the AKP (party) which has been steadily gaining in elections ever since. In fact, the two top officers in government, the President, Abdullah Gul, and the Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogen are both members of the AK Party.

Recent events in Egypt have initiated talks between Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood and the Turks. In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood have been in talks with many groups in many states throughout the region. The Brotherhood’s long and patient, growing presence in Egypt and neighboring countries is beginning to pay dividends for those Islamic Revolutionaries who have long dreamed of re-establishing the Caliphate.

Anyone who has walking around sense has been aware that if the Brotherhood was not completely responsible for the Egyptian revolt, they were certainly in support and cunningly working into position to co-opt the movement. All the West was touting the successful toppling of the dictator Mubarak, and completely oblivious to the designs of the Brotherhood. Most still are.

So to dispel any doubt that my cynicism is unfounded, take a look at this article in the Jerusalem Post quoting the new Egyptian Foreign Minister as saying that Iran should not be regarded by Egypt as an enemy state. He went on to add that Hezbollah is part of the political fabric of Lebanon and that communication between Hezbollah and Egypt is welcomed. For the first time in history you have Sunni Islam working with Shia Islam for a common objective!

Hamas in the “Palestinian” West Bank of Israel is also a Muslim Brotherhood group. In fact, during those years of every Egyptian President since Nassar, the Brotherhood members pursued by government for sedition found safe haven in Gaza and West Bank where they continued their jihad.

So what about Tunisia, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Bahrain? One by one these nation states are being re-organized. Why? Simply this: In order for these Islamic states to be “united”, or pulled together in an Islamic Federation, their irreligious authoritarian style governments must be broken down. What kind of Federation? Khalifa, of course.

The Caliphate is a requirement of Islam, particularly as we draw closer to the “coming of the Mahdi”. (Shia Islam calls him the Twelfth Imam.) This “Messianic” figure in Islamic theology will come to Earth during a time of unprecedented chaos, which must be brought about by a final push of Islamic domination of the entire world. The Mahdi will come and establish his position and go forth conquering the Earth for Islam, stamping out all other religions. In fact, Isa, the Muslim “Jesus” according to Hadith and Islamic scholars, will return and actually kill the Jews and Christians who refuse to follow the Mahdi. Isa will be, essentially the greatest military general in Islamic history. The Mahdi, upon his appearance, will lead a great army of Muslims on Jerusalem and set up his government from the Temple Mount, which of course used to be the site of the Jewish Temple and is now occupied by two mosque’s: The Al Aqsa Masjid and the more recognized Dome of the Rock. The Mahdi will appear riding upon a white horse and Islamic scholars insist the prophecy of Revelation 6:2 (yes, of the New Testament, no less!) is of the Mahdi himself.

Well, my Muslim Bible scholar friends, this prophecy is of the coming of a major figure indeed. However, this fellow is…well…the Antichrist! [There are many Islamic prophecies that line up perfectly with the Bible, only the characters are exactly the opposite. Walid Shoebat has done a lot of work on this topic and a book by Joel Richardson entitled “Islamic Antichrist” will pull it all into context for anyone interested.]

So you see, both Shia (Iran) and Sunni Islam share a common belief in the coming of a great “Messianic” character which will be the greatest leader the world has ever seen. He will complete the unification of the Islamic world and lead the extermination of Judaism and Christianity, paganism, and atheism for ever and finally, Allah’s religion will reign supreme, as the Koran calls for. The final Khalifate.

What’s that? You say you don’t believe in prophecy? Well, no matter…the Muslims do…

The Patience of the Muslim Brotherhood: “Community Organizers”

18 02 2011

As we watch events unfold in the Middle East, more information is coming to light about events leading up to the Revolution in Egypt. While there are many factors to consider, including the obvious that Mubarak was not too concerned with the economic welfare of his country or the Egyptian people, there has been a constant throughout the history of Egypt for over 80 years now. One thing that Mubarak was concerned about was the growing power of an outlaw group which has always had the Egyptian government in its sights.

In 1928 the formation of Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun, or “The Muslim Brotherhood” (MB) began a slow, diligent, and determined move by fundamentalist Muslims to influence governments around the world beginning at its birthplace, Egypt. It’s objective, to revive Islam and call Muslims from Jahiliya, “the condition of ignorance”, and re-assert global power and re-establish the Khalifa, that global Caliphate, which was the high point of Islamic civilization from the 7th Century until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI.
There has been a lot of arguing about what the Ikhwan is and what it is not. I prefer to allow it to identify itself. The creed of the Muslim Brotherhood pretty much says it all: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Anything we add to that mission statement is supplemental.

Another point of clarification could be those who are currently and have been involved in the MB. Besides Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of MB, the chief narrative has come from Seyyid Qutb, author of Milestones, which was intended to be the vanguard document for global Islamic Revival, returning Muslims to a fundamental adherence to the “one true religion of Allah”. Qutb was very disappointed in his fellow Muslims and declared that they had fallen into a state of ignorance not matched since Muhammad himself had pulled the pagan, idolatrous, Arabs out of “jahili” and into the true place of Islam, “Submission” to Allah.

Qutb repeatedly scolds them for succumbing to Western influences of prosperity, nationalism, and capitalism, and reminds them that the collective, that is the “Ummah”, is priority. It is the Muslim’s duty to bring all governments under Islamic control, as one Islamic Nation of Muslims, and in 1965, Seyyid Qutb was executed for sedition against the government of the United Arab Republic of Egypt.

The interesting thing about Egypt is its own Constitution declares in Article Two that Islam is the official religion of the land, and that all laws must be in compliance with Islamic Jurisprudence, i.e. Sharia Law. Ever since Egypt gained its independence from Great Britain, the Islamists have struggled to gain power and hold the government in compliance with their own Constitution.

President Gamal Nassar (1954-1970) allied himself with the Soviets during the Cold War in exchange for military aid and power guarantee. He was brutal to the MB and those not executed were jailed indefinitely. Anwar Sadat succeeded Nassar in 1970 after Nassar died, and began moving away from Soviet allegiance and courted the United States, instituting Western style capitalist economic policy, encouraging foreign and private investment.

In 1973 Sadat tried to recover the Sinai, which Nassar lost in the ’67 war, but was again defeated by Israel. Finally, Anwar Sadat was successful politically in regaining Sinai in exchange for a formal peace treaty with Israel in March 1979. This made him famous in the world scene, winning the Nobel Peace Prize, but also got Egypt ejected from the Arab League of Nations.

The MB had been severely held in check by Sadat, but this treaty with Israel would cost Sadat his life. A MB operative within the Egyptian Army gunned down Sadat and several other Egyptians along with foreign dignitaries from many countries, including the US, during a military review in 1981. Wounded in that attack by MB was one Hosni Mubarak.

In spite of Mubarak’s persecution of the Ikhwan, they have steadily gained power politically and socially across Egypt, making hay with Mubarak’s poor economical policies, until currently at least 20% of the population identify themselves directly with the MB. That’s over 16 million people…

In a short recount of current events concerning MB, recent facts reported by Florida Security Council show that changes within MB’s leadership may have accelerated the events unfolding in Egypt.

Muhammad Badie, a lifelong associate and leader within MB was actually imprisoned with Seyyid Qutb in 1965, and served 9 years of a 15 year sentence before being released. Badie married the daughter of a Brotherhood pioneer named Mohamed Ali Alshenawy, who also served life in prison, avoiding a death sentence given in 1954.

On 10/10/2010 Dr. Muhammad Badie issued a declaration of jihad on the US and Israel. In December the uprising in Tunisia began. January 8th, 2011, Al Ahzar University at Cairo’s Dr. Imad Mustafa issues a statement legalizing “offensive jihad” against all governments which resist Islamic rule, visa vi Sharia law. On 1/16/2011Badie was selected as MB Supreme Spiritual Guide. Within days the first protests began in Cairo. There have been repeated calls by the MB to eliminate Sadat’s treaty and attack Israel.

As we continue to monitor events in the region, Tunisia and Egypt are being joined by Yemen, Jordan, and Bahrain, with Saudi Arabia becoming very concerned. Just today, Friday February 18th, a new face not seen in Egypt for 40 years has emerged from Qatar. MB’s own Yussaf al-Qaradawi makes his return appearance as a new spiritual leader, dubbed Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, in Egypt. He is much more charismatic than Badie (not replacing Badie as “Supreme Spiritual Guide”) and has the potential of emulating the very charismatic Ayathollah Khomeni of Iran in 1979.

As I have reported last year, Turkey is currently being Islamized, dropping its long standing alliance with Israel, and has been entering talks with Muslim Brotherhood representatives as well.

A new day is indeed dawning in the Islamic world. In a matter of just a few weeks we shall see where all this is leading. Western media is still euphoric; spouting “democracy for everyone!” while misunderstanding that democracy in other Islamic revolutions has led to places like Iran, and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein regime.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what they are going to enjoy for dinner…One other thing. Keep your eye on Turkey.

Muslim Brotherhood: What You Need to Know

4 02 2011

“Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood

Although I have always posted original material on this site (with the exception of the Flt. 93 Page) I am going to break with that policy concerning this post. The information is invaluable and timely.

A couple of years ago I was privileged to become acquainted with two men who inspired me to begin educating people on the real threat of Islam to America. John Guandolo, former FBI agent, was one of those men. He encouraged me to find the information for myself and cross check it with what I already knew. John is now Vice President, Strategic Planning, for SEG. He has since changed venues and taken a bit more visible role, appearing on many programs continuing to bring needed information to an increasingly curious public.

John recently sent me a link to this document which discusses everything I began to put forth into an article for this site, and with his permission and full blessing I am pleased to bring you this information. It follows in its entirety:

Current Events: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement in Egypt 2 February 2011

In light of recent events in Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, and elsewhere, it is important to understand that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is at the root of these events, and is simply following their strategic plan. The Global Islamic Movement (led by the MB) is now seizing power in these countries according to their World Underground Movement Plan (see below). What we are witnessing in Egypt is simple to understand when done so in light of the Brotherhood’s stated objectives, documents, and the writings/speeches of their key leaders.

These are the facts surrounding the events in Egypt that may be helpful in understanding what is actually happening there:

· The Muslim Brotherhood was created in Egypt in 1928 as a global revolutionary Sunni Islamic Movement to re-establish the Global Islamic State (Caliphate) under which Shariah (Islamic Law) is the law of the land
· All authoritative Islamic Law mandates Muslims to wage “Jihad” – only defined in Islamic Law as “warfare against non-Muslims” – until the world is claimed for Islam
· The MB’s Creed is: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.”
· The Muslim Brotherhood has published strategic documents detailing how they infiltrate societies and replace the governmental systems (non-adherent Islamic systems and non-Muslim governments) with Shariah (Islamic Law)
· The MB’s document, “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan” defines five (5) phases of the MB’s infiltration into a society:
o I. Discreet / Secret establishment of elite leadership
o II. Gradual appearance on the public scene & utilizing various public activities
o III. Escalation phase, prior to conflict/confrontation with rulers, utilizing mass media
o IV. Open public confrontation with the government through political pressure approach
o V. Seizing power to establish the Islamic Nation
· In October 2010, the international leader (Supreme Guide) of the MB, Mohammed Badie, accused Arab & Muslim regimes of not following Islamic Law, and called for Jihad against Israel & the U.S.
· On January 8, 2011, Dr. Imad Mustafa (Al Azhar) issued a fatwa calling for “offensive jihad”
· January 15, 2011: Tunisia in turmoil as the President flees
· January 24, 2011: Protests break out in Egypt
· February 2, 2011: Jordan’s King fires his Cabinet following public protests
· February 2, 2011: Yemen’s President Saleh says he will step down in 2013
· The “unrest” in Egypt is being orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood
· Egypt is in Phase 5 of the MB’s Plan
· The Muslim Brotherhood’s overt/violent operation in Egypt seeks to replace the current government with one which will fulfill the MB’s objective – to ensure the full implementation of Shariah (Islamic Law) in Egypt
· In 1980, the Egyptian Constitution was amended to make Shariah (Islamic Law) the primary source of legislation in Egypt, therefore, Egypt is already an Islamic State
· The greatest friction point between the MB and the Mubarak regime has been the regime’s failure to support the full implementation of Islamic Law in Egypt per the Constitution
· Senior U.S. leadership has stated Egyptians “want what we want.” Western media portrays the demonstrators in Egypt as people who want “democracy” and “freedom.” The Egyptians themselves, however, overwhelmingly support Shariah, and many support terrorist organizations (see below)
· A 2010 Pew Research Poll revealed the following about Egyptians views:
o 95% believe Islam should play a “large role in politics”
o 49% believe Islam only plays a “small role” in Egypt today
o 84% believe apostates from Islam should face the death penalty
o 82% believe adulterers should be stoned
o 77% believe thieves should be flogged or have their hands cut off
o 54% believe men and women should be segregated in the work place
o 49% have a favorable opinion of Hamas
o 30% have a favorable opinion of Hizbollah
o 20% have a favorable opinion of Al Qaeda
· The aforementioned poll indicates a vast majority of Egyptians do not, in fact, believe in Western principles of individual liberties, human rights, or governance.
· Egypt is a member of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the second largest international body in the world – the UN is the largest. The OIC member states include all 57 Islamic States in the world, including Egypt
· The OIC officially served the “Cairo Declaration” to the UN in 1993 which specifically defines “Human Rights” as those rights defined by “Shariah”

Critical Linkage: It can be demonstrated that many Muslim advisors to the U.S. government are Muslim Brothers or sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood cause. The most prominent Islamic organizations in the United States, with which the U.S. government outreaches, are all controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. These include hundreds of groups, but specifically all of the Islamic organizations working with the U.S. government including, but not limited to:

o Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
o Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
o Muslim Student Association (MSA)
o Muslim American Society (MAS)
o Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
o Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA)
o North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)
o International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
o Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

This document is meant to put the current events around the world in a new light for those who read it. What we are witnessing may be the overt revolutionary overthrow of governments around the world by the International Muslim Brotherhood and their collaborators. This is the same Muslim Brotherhood advising the U.S. National Leadership and our National Security apparatus on how to respond to the events in Egypt and elsewhere.

This document was prepared by John Guandolo, Vice President, Strategic Planning, SEG

You can also listen to a short interview with John here.

Intellectuals, Jihad, Abrogation, and Dhimmi’s

8 12 2010

Intellectuals abound. Oh yes, they are everywhere. They think of themselves as, perhaps agnostic, atheistic, or secular. The thing about these “intellectuals” that I find so very humorous is these very individuals who perceive themselves as “broadminded” and “tolerant” are the most narrow minded and intolerant creatures when it comes to things they have no real knowledge of, specifically spiritual matters, or more generally “Religion”. Furthermore, what really amazes me, is in spite of their unbelief or even disdain for “religion”, they do not cease from embracing and even defending the most oppressive of all these; Islam.

As I observe the commentary from the “intellectuals” something becomes very clear: It isn’t simply that they defend and embrace Islam, but the fervent hatred with which they address and refer to Christianity and Christians. Never mind that the entirety of Western society has its basis in the Judeo-Christian ethos; if it is Christian it must be evil. If it is anti-Christian it must be good. (It isn’t yet politically correct to slander Jews in America. Jews aren’t Christians and therefore do not yet warrant the same vitriol.) Isaiah 5 speaks of those calling “evil good and good evil.” Romans puts it, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”

Education does not equal intelligence; nor does knowledge equal wisdom. Education is simply information transfer and knowledge is the retention of that information. Intelligence is the capacity to process that information. But wisdom… Wisdom is spiritual.

Wisdom is that rare quality of discernment which guides the proper dispensation and application of knowledge. You cannot obtain wisdom from instructors; worldly wisdom comes only from objective assessment of world experience. Likewise, godly wisdom comes from experiencing God. Therefore, the “intellectual” has placed himself at an obvious disadvantage when assessing things of a spiritual or religious nature.

Many critics throw out the “Crusades” as proof that Christianity is just as wicked as any other religion. Then also, terms like “Christian terrorist” when referring to people like Scott Roeder, (murderer of the abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller) or Timothy McVeigh, convicted of the Oklahoma City bombing. These are used in order to deflect criticism of Islamic terrorism or try and make the point that Islamic terrorists are but an extreme element and Christianity has its own terrorists. (You can hear this on any radio talk show or website which discusses Islam.)

I would never stoop to defend or justify any murderer nor advocate any such actions of these criminals as justified on any political or religious basis. I have previously set forth my argument for evaluating a religion according to its own founding documents or scriptures. (See Fundamentals)

Admittedly, there have been some horrendous things done throughout history in the name of Christianity. Not only to Muslims, but more-so to Jews and to Christians who refused to acquiesce to Papal authority. However, such an act that is done under the banner of “Christianity” by an individual, group, government or even a church, is not found as a directive in Christian scripture. Therefore, the responsibility lies not at the feet of the religion, but squarely upon those who perpetrated the acts. Nowhere will you find a scriptural reference to the man Jesus commanding an earthly army or admonishing his followers to advance Christianity or any religion by the sword.

Islam on the other hand, has instructions given for jihad, holy war, in the Quran. It is very specific in who and how to kill unbelievers and apostates. In fact, it warns against refusing to make war upon the unbelievers, and advises Muslims not to befriend non-Muslims. If you question the definition of ‘jihad’ look no further than Shari’a itself*. The first line (o9.0) reads: “Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion…” There are nearly 8 pages of instruction on how to conduct jihad, its Quranic justification, its obligatory character, the objectives of jihad, the spoils of war, and so on. In all those pages only one line states of the “greater jihad”, the inner struggle, “it is the spiritual warfare against the lower self”. This latter definition is the one given for Western consumption. *[Reliance of the Traveller: A Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law]

Jihad is justified when Islam is insulted. To insult Islam one needs to do no more than reject it. Sharia requires that an invitation to Islam is given to non-Muslims. If rejected, this is seen as an offence to Islam and consequently justifies jihad as a “defensive” action. Medieval Islam had reached the zenith of its empire by jihad. History has shown it will only co-exist long enough to re-arm, regroup, and gain strategic advantage. Once it has the advantage, the battle continues.

There also seems to be some confusion among those “intellectuals” about history, some citing jihad as a response to the Crusades.

For context here is the historical timeline: Judaism founded by the Hebrews circa 1400 BC. Jesus Christ crucified 33 AD and Christianity founded by Jews in 1st Century in Jerusalem. Roman Church established 325 AD by Constantine. Mohammad gets his first vision in 610 AD establishing Islam and dies in AD 632. Islam conquers from Central Asia across North Africa and by 750 AD has advanced into France where it is finally stopped at Tours. (The Crusades to reclaim Jerusalem for Rome would not be declared for another 300 years.)

The establishment of the historical timeline is significant in understanding Islam today. There is a principal, a law established in Quran known as “Abrogation”. This single word and principal is perhaps the most important tenet in Islam.

Quran is very unique among the texts of ‘revealed religion’, in that it invokes this principal known as “abrogation”. That is to say, “the latter annuls the former”. In other words, the earlier peaceful revelations to Mohammad are abrogated by the later, more violent revelations. Mohammad was quite a peaceful and affable individual early in his ministry, but after the Meccans put out a warrant on him he fled to Medina, where he gained strength militarily. Mohammad began raiding Meccan caravans as retribution. Eventually, this violence increased culminating in a war which the ‘Prophet’ was victorious being personally militarily involved.

This law of “abrogation” is discussed in Quran concerning the disclosure of Sura’s to Mohammad as a progression of revelation, bringing Mohammad and his Companions from point A to point B slowly and in stages. This is the model set forth by Islamic scholars for the strategy of covering the entire world with the cloak of Islam. You see, the historical ‘revealed religions’ occur sequentially. First came Judaism, then came Christianity, and finally comes Islam. Islam teaches that each successive religion abrogates the former until Islam reigns supreme, and without opposition. So much for “co-existence”.

To my “intellectual” friends I would simply impart this fair warning: Christians and Jews are known in Al Quran as “People of the Book”. Once conquered, if they do not choose to convert to Islam, these are afforded the status of “Dhimmi” if they agree to submit to the authority of Islam and pay the Jizya (poll tax). Dhimmi must acquiesce to Muslims in everything and have no equity with Muslims. Atheists and pagans are offered no such clemency. There is only conversion or death. There is no tolerance for “intellectual dissention”.

Please do not simply dismiss this information. Do some reading to see if it isn’t so. The current narrative is being written by Islam. It cannot be trusted. Never forget the Islamic doctrine of “abrogation”.

I do not advocate bigotry toward Muslims; only understanding that Islam is antithetical to the American system of government, to the Judeo-Christian ethos, to liberty and choice, and equality before the law. Islam has its own socio-political system which emanates from Shari’a. It is not simply a “religion”.

Prove me wrong.

The Great Black Beast

14 11 2010

The first victim of Islam is the Muslim.

September 11, 2001

Islam is a great black beast that engulfs everything in its path, shutting out the light of reason. It buries people under a system of control which allows no freedom of thought, debate or criticism. Islam cannot stand up against any questioning of its authority; this is precisely the reason that it reacts swiftly and sometimes violently when challenged. In fact, the more control Islam has over a society the more violent the response to a challenge of its authority.

You will note that those nations whose government allows Sharia (Islamic Sacred Law) to be the law of the land, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Kuwait, UAE, and Yemen, just to name a few, are among the most oppressive societies in the world, especially to Muslim women. Many other countries which have a dual system in which Muslims are permitted to use Sharia courts to determine legal or social matters, may not be constitutionally ruled by Sharia, but in all practicality use self imposed Sharia. These would be countries such as Somalia, Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Again, not exactly bastions of freedom and tolerance.

These countries which embrace Sharia are known for harsh punishments and swift judgments. A small boy may have his hand slowly crushed while driven over by a car for stealing a piece of candy. He is fortunate. If he was of age, his hand would be cut off. A young teenage woman who is raped by her cousin must produce four male witnesses to testify on her behalf that she was not compliant in the sexual act; otherwise she may very well be stoned to death for adultery. In some cases, her own family will execute her for “dishonoring” the family.

Worldwide there are 5,000 of these “Honor Killings” every year, most of which are performed by immediate family members. In the United States alone there have been at least 19 documented honor killings since 1989. In Irvine, Texas, 2008 Amina and Sarah Said were two beautiful teenage girls whose father shot them both at point blank range in the back seat of his car and left them to bleed to death. Why? They were “behaving like western girls”. He was never apprehended. Noor Almaleki, 20, died in November, 2009 after she and her boyfriend’s mother were run over by her father in a Peoria, Ariz., parking lot. The father was dishonored because she rejected her marriage in Iraq. Palestina Isa, 16, of St. Louis, MO was brutally stabbed to death by her father while her mother held her down and repeatedly said, “Die my daughter, Die”! Her crimes? She had taken a part time job and was spending time with an African-American boy.

Public stoning, burning or even beheadings have been known across the Islamic world, for what sometimes amounts to a false accusation of adultery by someone in the community. Pick up a DVD of “The Stoning of Soraya M.” and witness a true story of a divorce seeking Persian who brings false charges of adultery against his wife when she refuses his demands. In typical Sharia fashion, under direction of the local Imam, she is convicted, bound, and buried from her waist down. Each villager throws a stone until she is dead. Many of these types of barbaric executions of violators of Sharia are captured on video and are done in a ritualistic fashion amounting to nothing less than human sacrifice.

What is it that can move a Palestinian mother to wrap a cellophane bag around her own daughters head while she sleeps, and slice her wrists with a razor? In West Bank, the village of Abu Qash, 17 year old Rofayda refused to commit suicide after her brothers raped and impregnated her. So her 43 year old mother waited until she went to sleep and killed her in order to restore the “family’s honor”. The execution of her sixth born child took 20 minutes, confessed Amira Qaoud. Fatima, 9, the youngest surviving child said, “My mother did this because she does not want us to be punished by people. I love my mother much more now than before.” Stunning!

The Palestinian media is fraught with images of young children 3 to 5 years old being taught to repeat songs and phrases, such as “Kill the Jew” and “Death to Israel”. They are taught from the earliest ages to hate Israel and America, and that, as former terrorist Kamal Saleem says his mother taught him, “My son, when you kill a Jew your right hand will glow with glory before Allah.” A cartoon ‘Mickey Mouse’ type character leads children in singing songs that refer to Jews as “pigs and monkeys” and reinforce the rhetoric that it is glorious to kill Jews, if even by suicide bombing.

How can this be? What can possess parents to teach their children that the highest calling they could ever aspire to is to die “Shahid”, a martyr in the cause of advancing the religion of Allah? This is insanity.

Avi Lipkin, well known author and speaker, has written several books on the subject. He rightly identifies Islam as a religion of insanity. It consumes people to the point they can no longer enjoy life and are obsessed by death. As the infamous Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan, expresses in his power point presentation given at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2007, “We love death more than you love life”. Islam is the largest death cult in the world. When you have Islamic leaders like Iran’s Ahmadinejad, who has time and again threatened Israel’s very existence, who believes that he is the predecessor to the Twelfth Imam and in order to hastened the Imam’s return from the cave, must create chaos in the Earth, now the world has a problem.

Ok, so now I can hear my critics saying, “These are extremists! They do not represent the true Islam!” To you I simply say, “Read the books of Islam.” Then read my previously written article on this site entitled “Fundamentals”. What the world is witnessing today is Islam is returning to its foundations. Seyyid Qutb called for it nearly 50 years ago. The current “Century of Islam” is upon us. It began in 1979 on November 20, the New Year 1400 on the Islamic calendar. This is the time designated for Islam to conquer the entire Earth. For you Bible scholars it is the beast of the Revelation.

The ironic phenomena occurring in the Islamic world is the startling number of Muslims converting to Jesus Christ! They are coming by the tens of thousands out of the great black beast and into the light of Truth. Muslims who have become disillusioned and disgusted with the unbearable burden of Islam are calling out to God, and He is answering.

Sheik Ahmad Al Khatani, president of The Companions Lighthouse for the Science of Islamic Law in Libya, recently lamented in an interview on Al Jazeera TV that there are 16,000 Muslims in North Africa converting to Christianity every day! Reports from all across the Islamic world are coming that Muslims are seeking truth in earnest and are receiving visions and dreams of Jesus Christ by the thousands!

Up until now I have regarded the Islamic invasion of America as evil and very dangerous. While I still believe that the system of Islam is evil and very dangerous, I now look at it as an opportunity. Listen to me well: Islam is evil, Muslims are not evil. Muslims are victims! Islam, the beast, consumes people who have a God given thirst for Him. When the truth of God is absent or forbidden the human spirit is nevertheless famished for spiritual fulfillment and a reason for existence. It will accept whatever is offered; sometimes having no choice. Islam is not a choice for millions upon millions of people; It is foisted upon them. It is the only thing allowed in many places, saturating the media, culture, music, and traditions so much so that everything you see, touch, smell, hear, and even think is limited to Islam. The deeper one gets into it, the less light is available to illuminate and expose the lie. Most Muslims are not Muslim by choice, even if they profess to be. They are subject to the heaviest and most restrictive religious cult in the world.

No, Muslims are not the enemy! Islam is the enemy. If this “religion” is allowed to continue creeping across America, America too will find itself bound in the shadow of the Great Black Beast.

To Define the Enemy You Must Know Him

11 11 2010

No other war in history has been met by such an imbecilic response as the Jihad America finds itself in. In order to survive a nation must be willing to identify and then subsequently meet the enemy on the battlefield using tactics that are effective enough to thwart the enemy attack. Unless and until the enemy is identified there is no hope for victory. Just ask Thomas Jefferson, who so often is hailed as owning a Koran. He read it in order to know and understand the enemy he was facing in the “Barbary Pirates” who were ravaging trade ships in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic coasts of Spain and Africa. Then he sent the Marines to the “Shores of Tripoli”. Jefferson did not try to negotiate with the “Musselmen” (then popular term for “Muslim”). He met them according to their own terms. No more piracy from that source for many years.

Colonel Allen West defines the enemy in this video while the rest of the panel would rather be para-sailing. Check it out:

(Courtesy of The Hudson Institute’s Reclaim American Liberty Conference)

What is the Muslim Brotherhood up to in the United States?

20 10 2010

Take a look. High profile American Islamic groups raise big bucks for terrorist organizations HAMAS, Hezbollah. This video posted on YouTube by jmarkcampbell. H/T jmark

Communist Invasion or Islamic Colonialism?

1 10 2010

Sometime in the future the morning headline reads:

“America Invaded: New Totalitarian Government Established”

As you read the story that follows, you learn that Communists from America’s old arch nemesis, Russia have been successfully infiltrating American institutions for the last 30 years. The “invasion” was not the expected typical military type where the Red Army poses an amphibious assault accompanied by paratroopers, air strikes and hoards of infantry and hardware. No this invasion has been much more covert; so much so that the American public has even assisted the enemy in achieving a stealth invasion and consequent subversion of existing government and society.

Slowly, and steadily, agents were strategically placed in American media that were sympathetic to the Communist cause, and given orders to influence and subvert all information to enhance the public view of Communism on news and entertainment venues throughout the land. Leadership positions inside trade unions, civic organizations, and sports clubs had been infiltrated by dues paying members whom no one ever suspected of having subversive ideologies contrary to the American way of life. The United States Government played an impressive role in bringing these agents inside by issuing thousands of work and student visas to applicants from countries under Communist rule. Many never reported to class.

They were even allowed under American law to establish nonprofit organizations to propagate their message and raise funding and recruit new members for foreign military operations that would endanger Americans and our allies, both at home and abroad. These organizations brandish such titles as: “Communist Students of America (CSA)”, “North American Communist Trust” (NACT), “Communist Society of North America”(CSNA), and “Communist American Youth Association” (CAYA). These were but a few of the groups under the umbrella of the Communist Brotherhood, a known terrorist organization bent on spreading communism across the world and bringing the entire globe under Communist rule.

Government offices, departments and bureau’s, as well as private corporations, had been unwittingly hiring employees and contractors whose intended purpose was to infiltrate and network inside these institutions in order to bring them under control of the Party. Anyone who objected or tried to inform the public of what was happening was instantly relegated by the media to the “fringes” and labeled “Commiephobes”. Even the American military had been infiltrated by these tactics as peer pressure and fear of losing pensions, and positions kept officers and supervisors from exposing these Communist agents, even though they were openly propagating Communist ideology in briefings and classrooms.

Academic centers from major universities right on down to the elementary grade schools had been encouraged by the Department of Education, teachers unions and text book publishers to teach students the virtues of Communism while ignoring the human rights violations that perpetuate the reality of Communist run states. Many teachers and classrooms had been invited by local Communist Party leaders to bring students to participate in educational activities at known Communist education centers, which introduced them to the Communist ideology and invited the students to actually take part in some of the activities reserved strictly for Party members, including learning the credo of all faithful Party members. All the while, the message to the students is the superiority of Communism and the inferiority of all other forms of government.

“How could this have happened?” you ask yourself, stunned to find armed guards standing on your very own neighborhood street corner. Martial law has been declared and you awoke this morning to the brand new Peoples Republic of Amerika.

Sound ludicrous?

Of course. Everyone knows that Americans would never stand by and let Communists infiltrate and subvert our society and government, yes even help them by encouraging fellow Americans to “accept and tolerate” the Communist propaganda perpetrated throughout our media. Neither would our citizens, under the guise of “pluralism”, accept the indoctrination of our students and children as an “alternative belief system” through our schools. The moment parents witnessed their 5th grader reciting the Communist Manifesto and pretending to be Karl Marx or Joe Stalin, the local school board would be inundated with angry complaints demanding this ideology be stripped from the curriculum. (Well… one would hope this would be the case.)

However, this is precisely what has happened and is happening at this very moment. With one minor difference. Go back and read the “fictional” story and substitute the word “Communist” with the word “Islam” or Muslim”. Now it is no longer fictional. It is fact.

Islam has been infiltrating America for 30 years at every level. And while we have not yet awaken to find ourselves living under Sharia Law, that morning may not be far off.

It is fact that Islam has made deep inroads into American society via every major facet of culture, finance, education and government, as well as religion. We now see mainstream Protestant churches welcoming Islamic clerics for “interfaith dialogue” with their congregants. Mostly, “interfaith dialogue” is a euphemism for “Islam speaks, Christians listen”. A historic Christian church in Denver, CO added a Shiite Muslim cleric to their staff in 2004, to head up their “Abrahamic Initiative”, while maintaining his position as head of the Islamic Center of Ahl Al-Beit in west Denver. Huh?

Sharia compliant finance is fast becoming a standard policy of major banks and corporations worldwide. The White House just recently brought in a “White House Fellow”, Samir Ali, who has been working for the law firm Hogan Lovells – which claims to have advised on more than 200 Islamic finance transactions with an aggregate deal value in excess of $40 billion. Her duties in the Department of Homeland Security, according to the White House website: “She is responsible for counseling clients on mergers & acquisitions, cross-border transactions, Shariah-compliant transactions, project finance and international business matters. During her time with Hogan Lovells, she has been a founding member of the firm’s Abu Dhabi office.”

Other Obama Administration appointees include: Rashaad Hussain, Special Envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference (the worldwide Islamic religion’s delegation to the United Nations); Kareem Shora, Advisory Council, DHS; Dalia Mogahed, Advisor to the President on issues facing the Muslim Community in the United States (an outspoken proponent of Sharia Law); Arif Alikhan, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development, DHS.

In Fort Hood, Texas, the political correctness in the US Army became obvious as Major Nidal Hasan declared jihad and killed 13 soldiers and wounded 43 more in the name of Allah, “the Beneficent, the Merciful”. Hasan had been speaking and telegraphing his future actions for months. While stationed outside Washington he attended the well known Dar al-Hijra (Land of Migration) Mosque, in Falls Church, VA. In 2007, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, he gave a presentation entitled, “The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military”, in which he laid out the problems and misgivings of Muslims in the American military of the United States deploying Muslims to fight Muslims. He went on to quote both Koran and Hadith passages which instruct Muslims to fight non-Muslims and bring them under submission of Islam. On his slide number 48 he says, “We love death more then (sic) you love life”. His recommendation was this, “Department of Defense should allow Muslim Soldiers the option of being released as “Conscientious objectors” to increase troop morale and decrease adverse events.” (Nidal Hasan) [Emphasis added] After the shooting, several reports surfaced about people who voiced concern, or noticed these signs, and yet nothing was done for fear of “rocking the boat”.

[Out of this tragic loss of our noble soldiers, who perished under enemy fire (IMO), comes one small shred of satisfaction: Hasan, the great mujahidin, was not permitted the status of martyrdom, rejected by Allah, and taken down by an infidel woman nearly half his size, who pumped 3 rounds into him before he could shoot himself or anyone else. He will not walk again and faces the death penalty. Poetic justice indeed.]

Islamic network organizations abound in the US of which many have been tied to recruiting and financing terrorism. They enjoy the status and protections under American law as “charitable”, “research”, and “civil rights” organizations yet have the unified goal of replacing American law with Sharia, and thus the destruction of the United States as we have known it. These groups are as follows: MAYA (Muslim Arab Youth Association), AIG (American Islamic Group), ICW (Islamic Cultural Workshop), CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), AMC (American Muslim Council), ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America), MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council), AMA (American Muslim Alliance), ISNA (Islamic Society of North America). These groups and many more are part of an umbrella group known as “Muslim Brotherhood” or “The Ikwan”.

Steven Emerson, perhaps America’s foremost authority on Islamic Terrorism, authored “American Jihad-The Terrorists Living Among Us”, in which he exposes these groups and their ties to Al-Qaida, HAMAS, Hizballah and Islamic Jihad, all four terrorist groups which are present in many cities across the United States. For instance, HAMAS is active in Kansas City, Dallas, Tucson, LA, New York, and Houston. Al Qaida is active in Ft. Lauderdale, Boston, Columbia, MO, and Arlington, TX. These groups are not new; many have been here dating back to the 1970’s.

Something that is fairly new is the appearance of charter schools sponsored or administrated by more benign Islamic groups. Many of these non-militant groups are of Turkish origin and can be traced to Fethullah Gulen, a Turk who lives in Saylorsburg, PA. Students receive a well disciplined education in the sciences and the arts, and also a generous dose of Islamic indoctrination. Many of these schools receive Federal money. Mr. Gulen can be associated with at least 85 of these charter schools in the United States. He is known here as an educator, and philanthroper, but in Turkey, he is known as the single most powerful influence pushing the historically secularized Turkish government toward Islamization. He escaped Turkey in 1998, fleeing to the US, avoiding charges of sedition against the government of Turkey. In 2002, the FBI was pressing to deport him, but the Bush administration stopped the process. Mr. Gulen has enjoyed the admiration of three US Presidents to date, and has been key in establishment of, not only Islamic charter schools, but aided by the Bush administration, the “Institute for Interfaith Dialogue” as well as a myriad of other groups such as “Raindrop Turkish House”, “Turquoise Council of American-Eurasians”(TCAE), The Gulen Institute, Atlas Foundation, and EbruTV. These organizations all form intercultural relationships with key American administrators, businesses, government offices on all levels, legislators, and civil services.

The formal description in Islam is “Dawa”. This is basically “peaceful jihad”. The strategy is this: Americans reject violent jihad (terrorism). However, they do seem to have great respect for smiling gentlemen in business suits from cultures and societies other than their own. The ultimate objective is the same as the jihadi’s, only the means are different. Establishment of Sharia, and the “Global Ummah” (Islamic community).

Another method that seems to be gaining popularity is unabashed barging into the public school system through textbooks which contain heavy Islamic influenced propaganda extolling the virtues of the “one true religion” and barely a passing mention to Christianity and Judaism.

If that isn’t bold enough take a look at this video in which a Massachusetts public school classroom was invited for a “field day at the Mosque” and then invited to pray with the Muslims.

Still not convinced? Go back to sleep. The morning paper will be on your doorstep…

Of Mosque’s and Men: “Unmosqueing” the Cordoba Initiative

12 08 2010

By now certainly you have heard of the controversial Mosque planned to be built next to the site that America has come to know simply as ‘Ground Zero’, the place where once stood the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Time for a history lesson.

Islamic conquest has been marked through history by construction of a new mosque or conversion of an existing building into a Mosque.

The very first mosque was actually Muhammad’s house in Medina, which also serves as his burial site and is now incorporated into a sprawling structure known as The Mosque of the Prophet. Muhammad established this mosque, also his home, basically as a point of reference to encourage his Companions and subsequently his Medinan converts to unity in prayer to Allah and a community relations and command center. It was established in 622 and served as the beachhead of Muhammad’s wars on the Meccan’s and the Jews. It is considered the second most sacred site of Islam.

The second mosque was the Kaaba, the black “Cube” at the center of the pavilion of the Grand Mosque in Mecca. This is the most sacred site of Islam, and preceded the establishment of Islam by Muhammad in 610 AD. The Kaaba was believed to be built by Abraham and Ishmael, and until Muhammad conquered Mecca and ‘cleansed’ the Kaaba, it housed 360 idols which were worshipped by the Arab tribes. They all prayed to their own god by facing Mecca and their idols. Muhammad destroyed all the idols and re-dedicated Kaaba as a house of Islamic worship only. For the last year and a half (since his ‘Night Journey’ to Jerusalem) Muhammad had ordered Muslims to pray facing Jerusalem (as did the Jews of the area). From this day forward all Muslims were to face Mecca and marked the victory of Islam over paganism in Arabia.

The huge structure surrounding the Kaaba was begun as a modest wall, serving as a Mosque, shortly after the Muslims took Mecca. It was updated and expanded for 1400 years, and took its present shape in the 1960’s under a $4 billion contract awarded by King Faisal to one Mohammed bin Laden, father of Osama, a close personal friend to the royal family.

As Islamic conquest began to rapidly increase after the death of Muhammad in 632 pressing up into the Byzantine and Persian empires, as new territory North and East became secured, the growing Islamic armies turned West. One by one, Byzantine strongholds in Lower Egypt fell until finally the coastal capital city of Alexandria, with her universities and its famous library was sacked and burned.

The new Egyptian capital city of Al-Fustat was built at the head of the Nile Delta where the modern city of Cairo sits. The center of Al-Fustat was the first mosque on the continent of Africa in 642 AD claiming not only Egypt, but would be, in essence, the launching point for the thrust across Northern Africa for the sake of spreading the religion of Allah. This historic mosque was named for the commander of the Army of Islam, Amr ibn al-As and is known as the Mosque of Amr.

The next mosque of historical significance to be built was Al-Aqsa Mosque, or “the farthest Mosque” along with “The Dome of the Rock”, built on the most holy site of Judaism, the Temple Mount. This hilltop was the site of the first temple built by King Solomon immediately after the death of his father King David, 1000 BC. This temple was destroyed by the Babylonians circa 586 BC. After 70 years in captivity the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland and rebuild their Temple. This “Second Temple” was renovated and stood until 70 AD when it was completely and utterly razed by the Romans. True to the prophecy of Jesus Christ there was “not one stone left upon another”. All that remained and yet remains today is the Western Wall, the “Wailing Wall” which is merely a huge retaining wall built to stabilize the mountain and create a level top for the Temple.

“The Dome of the Rock” houses the rock known as the “Foundation Stone” according to Jewish tradition upon which Adam, Cain, Abel , and later Noah offered sacrifices. It is also thought to be the altar upon which Abraham was going to offer Isaac in obedience to the test of God, as well as the rock upon which Jacob slept as he dreamed of the angels descending and ascending the ladder. This is also the stone identified in the Bible upon which David offered his sacrifice after purchasing the land there used as a threshing floor for the future temple. This stone, according to Jewish scholars, is where the Ark of the Covenant rested in the First Temple, the Holy of Holies.

Muhammad said he was taken there by Ul-Baruq, the winged horse, where he prayed and then stepped upon the stone ascending into the ‘7th Heaven’ to receive a message from Allah. After Muhammad’s death, many years later, Caliph Umar was led to the site and told of its significance and a fence was erected around it. The Dome of the Rock was then built in 690AD, almost 60 years after Muhammad died. The Dome was engineered using the same basic measurements as the nearby Church of the Holy Sepulcher built in 326 AD by Constantine.

The Mosque, a separate structure opposite the Dome of the Rock, was first erected by Umar prior to the construction of the Dome and has undergone many reconstructions since. The entire complex covers the 35 acres atop the Temple Mount and testifies to the perceived Islamic superiority over both Judaism and Christianity.

[Consequently, as you can see, the succession of history shows that Jerusalem, built by the Jews around the crown jewel of Judaism, the Temple, was well established for nearly 1700 years before any Islamic presence. Islam was even preceded in Jerusalem by original Christianity by over 600 years, and the Roman Catholic presence which built the several churches and shrines, had been there for over 360 years prior to the first Islamic structure appearing. Crusades notwithstanding, the Temple Mount continues to be claimed by Islam.]

Not far away from Jerusalem to the northeast stands the Grand Mosque of Damascus. This was a Roman Catholic basilica which even still today, houses a shrine containing the (supposed) head of John the Baptist. Incidentally, it also housed the head of Husayn, Muhammad’s grandson, which he lost in the First Fitna (Islamic civil war resulting in Shia and Sunni) as well as the heads of all the other rebels killed and executed at Karbala.

Initially, Muslim conquest of Damascus in 634 did not affect the church and a mosque was added to the south side of it, but Caliph Al-Walid converted the entire structure to a mosque in 706 AD. Al-Walid fostered a building program across the rapidly expanding Islamic empire which changed the architectural look of nearly every city conquered. The Grand Mosque of Damascus was the central structure in the city that was the seat of the Umayyad Caliphate for a hundred years.

In 711 Muslim forces crossed the Strait of Gibralter and invaded Western Europe conquering most of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) before being stopped. Cordoba was built by Rome as an important port city around 150 BC. Being located many miles up the navigable Guadalquivir River, it was a key agricultural and strategic location with access to the heartland of the Iberian Peninsula. As the capital city of the Roman Province of Hispania, it was known as a thriving cultural center producing philosophers such as Seneca the Younger and the great orator Seneca the Elder, as well as poets like Lucan.

The “Cathedral of our Lady of the Assumption” was built by the Visigoth’s around 600 AD overlooking the river and the magnificent Roman bridge spanning it. After the Islamic armies penetrated and conquered most of the peninsula, Emir Abd ar-Rahman I purchased the church from the conquered and now dhimmi (submissive) Visigoth’s and reworked the building naming it the Aljama Mosque. Over the next two hundred years of ongoing updates and new construction it became the Great Mosque of Cordoba. This was declared the new capital of the Ummayad Caliphate by Rahman after he fled Damascus, being overthrown by the Abbassid rebels in 750 AD. The next two hundred years in Spain are what is today known in the West as the “Golden Age of Islam”.

The Jews actually did fare better in dhimmitude under the Caliph than under the Visigoth and Roman Catholic rule. Why? The Arabs were a long way from home and needed a cooperative population in order to establish a new beachhead in Western Europe. The Jews had been in Iberia since long before Christ and had suffered persecution by whomever happened to govern, but persecution under Roman Catholic rule was particularly intense. The Quran has passages that make allowances for Jews and Christians who submit and pay the jizya (poll tax for non-Muslims) to be treated decently as long as they remain subservient. This is why Rahman purchase the church instead of simply take it by force. He needed friends among the Infidels. There are Jewish historical records showing that all the great advances made in the sciences during this period which have been claimed or credited to Islam were actually done by Jewish scholars under Islamic rule.

Cordoba quickly became one of the largest cities in the world was believed at one point in the late 900’s to be the largest city of Europe. It maintained its cultural status and at this point boasted the largest library in the world. It was known as one of the most advanced places in the world, not only in culture, but politically, and economically.

[While Cordoba was the gem of the Islamic world, at least west of the Nile, for a couple of hundred years it became the victim of politics and bad blood between Muslim rulers and the Caliphate was moved to Seville and the infighting continued. I suspect that much of the internal problems stemmed from the lifestyles of many of the Muslim Rulers. In my research for this article I discovered that the second Caliph of Cordoba was homosexual and had an exclusively all male harem. Al Hakam II only brought in a female concubine in order to produce for him an heir. Another known bisexual was Al Mutamid ibn Abbad who killed his own lover, the Muslim poet, Ibn Ammar. Al Mutamid was himself known as a great Arab poet and the last King of Seville in Al Andalus.]

Cordoba was finally taken during the long process known as Reconquista, which ended in 1492 at Granada. The Great Mosque was recaptured in 1236 and rededicated as a church, however all the Mosque’s ornate architecture and artwork was left intact. Today it serves as both an active church and a museum.

So what is the purpose of this history lesson?

In Islam, nothing is done by coincidence and everything in the culture, including many dates, names, locations, etc. are symbolic in nature. Islam is very mindful of historic events and places high value in recognizing these and passing it’s traditions on to the next generation. It is this highly regarded value that motivates Islam to perpetrate it’s own culture upon not only it’s vanquished foes, but also uses the cultural aspect of Islam to penetrate host cultures in an effort to supplant the host culture. It has been happening in European countries for many years now, and has been quite successful in creating inroads into other aspects of the host society.

Therefore, we cannot ignore the blatant selection of the name of the “mosque and cultural education center” planned to be built just a few hundred feet from the gaping hole in the surface of Manhattan Island where the Twin Towers stood. The World Trade Center had been known as the center of commerce and finance, not only of the United States but of the free world.

The Cordoba Initiative, as the proposed project is known, commemorates by name the very point of conquest in the Iberian Peninsula, from which was intended to be launched the conquest and conversion of Western Europe. The distance from Arabia, the Frankish Armies, the Pyrenees Mountains, and perhaps the immaturity of the new Islamic religion, all served as major obstacles in that military endeavor, so the focus of the Caliphate was to transform Cordoba into an irresistible cultural and economic center. It was indeed.

The historical “modus operendi” is established. The importance of historical continuity is understood. The intent of Cordoba Initiative, based upon historical behavior, and the fundamental objective of Islam to dominate every society in the world, is obvious. Put pretty names on it, profess benign intent, and feign surprise and dismay to the visceral rejection by freedom loving Americans.

Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, we are onto you. Salam.

The Imam? Oh, that’s another article…

Walid Shoebat defines Islamic Movement in America

11 06 2010

I have written in “Kansas Jihad” and “Turkish Connection” about Islam infiltrating the United States. The goal is establishment of Sharia-Sacred Islamic Law. Now hear a former Muslim and Palestinian Terrorist explain it.

Protected “Hate Speech”

15 05 2010

If this had been a Christian advocating and supporting genocide against Muslims, it would have been on every major network that evening and every daytime show all week. Startling double standard.

H/T to my friend, Enzo for heads up on this.

Turkish Connection III (Final installment)

12 05 2010

Author’s Note:  This installment will conclude the series “Turkish Connection”. If you have not followed the series, or recently read the previous posts, you may want to review them prior to reading this one.  I hope to pull it all together in this final article of the series.

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, beginning in the late 1980’s and officially ending in 1991, the tide of Islam has become a tsunami in those old southern Soviet Provinces.  The societies from the Central Asian provinces of the Eastern Caspian Sea area including Kazakhstan to the Iranian border across the Caucusas Region and even up into Southern Russia, to the Eastern European Balkans have all become increasingly Islamized since the release of the Iron Fist of Communism. Communism is atheistic in its ideology and disallows the open and free practice of any religion by anyone of even nominal political persuasion, thus excluding entire communities from any socio-political participation. In order to hold office, you had to belong to the Communist Party, and therefore could not openly practice any religious faith. In Communism the state is God.

Don’t misunderstand. There were always Muslims practicing Islam in those regions. But just as Christians, Jews, or any other religious group, they were forced underground or treated as subjects.  That along with Soviet government keeping the peace at the muzzle of a rifle served to quell any aspiring Jihadists from acting on their “spiritual” impulses.  This part of the world was behind the Iron Curtain until the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan brought American media attention to the area. You may recall the United States was involved by proxy in Afghanistan vs. USSR much in the same way USSR was supporting North Vietnam against the US. Some say, arguably, that this helped to create the Afghanistan the US finds itself involved in today. Others say, equally as arguable, that this helped facilitate the breakup of the USSR and the end of the Cold War and Communist control of most of Eurasia.

With the newfound freedom of religious expression it was only natural that Islamic ideology filled much of the void left by Communism in these countries. No one hates atheism more than Muslims. In fact, generally speaking, Islam will tolerate Jews and Christians (as dhimmi’s) above Atheism.  This underlying Islamic faith which has been the underpinning of Central Asian culture for Millennia, was finally cut loose, coincidentally, just about a decade after the Islamic Revolution of the late 1970’s which drew the attention of the world.  The result, as we have witnessed, has been an Islamic revival and the beginning of the Third Jihad.

Ezekiel chapters 35-39 of the Bible describes the nation of Israel being revived by the gathering of Jews from “out of all countries” and brought into their “own land” where “they shall dwell in the land that [God has] given unto Jacob, my servant.” Jacob is also known as “Israel”.  Specifically, chapter 38 speaks of a great battle in which the enemies of Israel ally together with one common purpose which is to annihilate Israel. (This is not Armageddon which comes at a later time. I would recommend this essay on the subject by Jennifer Rast entitled, “The Coming War of Gog and Magog, an Islamic Invasion?” at Contender Ministries.)

Those countries and regions known by names of ancient patriarchal founders such as:  Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, Togarmah, and Persia, are all to the North and East of Israel. Today they are known as Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Southern Russia, and Persia which included Iraq, Iran and most of the Caspian “Stani” countries as well. Ethiopia, and Libya will join in the attack, which in that day included Egypt.

What have all these countries in common? You know the answer: “…Islam”.

The Arabians (Sheba and Dedan) will stand by and be critical, but not actually do anything (Ez. 38:13), which they have been known to do in recent events and will be joined by “Tarshish with all the young lions” (Western Europe and progeny) in their observant criticism of the invaders.

As indicated, the desired outcome is the “Final Solution” to the Israel problem. Ever since 1947, when Israel was revived as a nation state, Islamic nations and Jihadi’s everywhere have vowed to “drive the Jews into the Sea” or “Wipe Israel off the map”.

Iran’s President Ahmadinejad has preached it.  Hamas, Al Fatah, Hizbullah and many other Islamist groups rally around the mantra along with every Islamic government in the world. Now a continuous media campaign from the Islamic perspective has had an effect on the Western mind, convincing many that the Jews are squatters, and it seems that many countries in the West are asking themselves, “Why do the Jews have to live there, anyway?”

So where does America fit into this scenario? Well, prophecy buffs and Bible scholars have been trying to figure that out for some time now.  I will refer you back to my lead in question of this series:  Will Turkey replace Israel as America’s chief ally in the Middle East?

While radical Islam has declared open jihad on the West, killing people with suicide bombers, rockets, airplanes, Kalashnikov’s, and butcher knives, moderate Islam has been practicing stealth jihad with much greater success.  The birth rate in the Muslim community alone is fast changing the face of Modern Europe.  Compound this with increased Muslim immigration from Islamic homelands to non-Islamic based societies and the result will be a changed culture.  It is happening here in America. Any time you have mass immigration without assimilation into the host society you have an invasion. No longer a “melting pot” where incoming immigrants become Americans, we are now witness to a new colonization of America. These colonists come from south of the border and east of the Atlantic. They speak Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Bosnian, Somali, Punjabi, and Urdu.

You may know some of them. They might drive your taxi, sell you gasoline, or tutor your college student. They may landscape your lawn, roof your house, or sell you a car. These colonists might buy a run down property and build a magnificent new mosque. Or perhaps build a charter school and teach your grandchild the superiority of Islam over all other faiths.  He may be your doctor’s new PA, or the new county administrator at the Courthouse.  He may be a really nice guy, a family man, and honest as the day is long. There may be nothing openly threatening at all, but barriers are being broken down and prejudices are falling by the wayside.  “I know this guy. He’s a Muslim and he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” That’s probably true.

The Turkish gentleman, Fethullah Gulen, is accomplishing more through public relations, education, politics, and a friendly handshake than all the Al Qaida and Taliban warriors combined.  But, the common purpose of all of Islam is to dominate the world and re-establish the Caliphate.

The main problem we face in America is not the masked jihadi, but the ignorance of Americans toward Islam. Smiling Muslims in business suits are not the problem. Uneducated Christians and ignorant Americans are the problem. We are so naive to believe the rest of the world thinks like we do. We believe that if we compromise with Islam, “live and let live”, then Islam will reciprocate. Why? Because that’s the American way.

No. Islam does not reciprocate. Islam does not compromise and will not co-exist.  Islam is antithetical to everything that America stands for.  There is no concept of personal liberty in Islam. Freedom is understood as submission. Islam is “Allah’s true religion” and by its very title demands “submission”.

Islam does not care by what method it succeeds, but it will succeed in conquering the globe. Even Muslims have no choice in the matter; Islam must dominate.


If the United States government continues to alienate Israel, those who seek Israel’s destruction will perceive it as an opportunity to strike without repercussions from the US. If the US government continues its courtship of Turkey at Israel’s expense, then Turkey may well become that chief ally. If that materializes, then the United States of America will be either directly or indirectly involved in that great battle described in Ezekiel.  In case you’re wondering the outcome read chapter 39. It takes Israel seven months to bury the dead and clean up the destruction God brings upon her attackers.

Muslim Demographics: The Islamic Tidal Wave

3 05 2010

Posted on YouTube by friendofmuslim

Turkish Connection II

26 04 2010

Based outside Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, Fethullah Gulen has established numerous institutes and forums around the United States. The Fethullah Gulen Community (FGC) is very active in Turkey and the United States as well as many other countries. He is listed by the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre as number 13 of 500 of the world’s most influential Muslims.  If you do a Google search on him, you get well over a million results.

Gulen is the driving force behind Turkey’s “Justice and Development Party (AKP) which is transforming society and politics in Turkey at this very minute.  Both current Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tyyip Erdogen and President Abdullah Gul, a former Welfare Party member, are AKP members of which Erdogen is the chairman.  The AKP succeeded the Islamic Welfare Party (RP) which was broken up and banned by the government in 1998 for violating the constitution’s secularism principles. That’s when Fethullah fled to the US. He seems to have more power than ever now that AKP has become the elected majority party in Parliament  in 2007.

The Turkish military has always been used as the tempering factor in preserving the secularization of the government.  In February of 2010, forty nine officers were arrested on allegation of plotting a coup against the government. These included top brass, both retired and active duty generals and admirals, and other high level commanders. They were accused of planning to bomb historic mosques in Istanbul and shoot down its own planes in order to justify the coup, as laid out in a 5,000 page memo produced by their accusers.

When Soner Cagaptay, author and Director of the Turkish Research Program at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, asked a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey for his views on this news, the ambassador thought the scenario was ridiculous. (See Cagaptays article at Foreign Policy magazine) It has become unpopular if not dangerous to verbalize opposition to the AKP or Fethullah Gulen in Turkey.

A BBC News website article about this “Ergenekon” conspiracy quotes Turkish news investigator Irfan Bozan for NTV News channel out of Istanbul as saying, “I think the government moved now to dirty these people’s names and reputations. It’s a warning that they’re under watch.” Bozan believes this is an attack on those who are anti-government.

Back in the United States, Gulen seems to be as available to high level American political and civic leaders as they are to him.  The Gulen Institute, Institute of Interfaith Dialog, Turquoise Center, and more locally the Raindrop Turkish Houses, along with others either directly or indirectly affiliated with Gulen have, as their apparent mission, to seek out leadership positions and officials at all levels of government and shape bonds of friendship and trust by providing a myriad of social functions from breakfasts to award dinners, to summit meeting with dignitaries and civil servants alike. One of the frequent provisions to these folks is the all expense paid trip to Turkey for the official and family members for a vacation of a lifetime. Some elected Kansas legislators recently returned from one such junket.

On the world stage, the Institute has hosted many high profile names such as James Baker, Kofi Annan, Madeline Albright, and received praise from Bill and Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and others.

FGC built and runs hundreds of schools and seven universities around the world. Just one phalanx of what is known as “education jihad”, these schools mainly focus on secondary and college level students, imposing and inciting discipline and good social order, (that’s all good, but…) all the while extolling the virtues of the Islamic religion. This is a calculated effort and will indeed have huge effects on American culture and society in a generation or two. There are currently 130 such schools inside the United States.

As one peruses the websites of the many FGC organizations, a few familiar phrases begin to surface. (Much like the new media these days seem to capture and repeat the same phrase or word such as “gravitas” over and over again.) I have heard these same phrases begin to emerge in just the last two or three years.

For example, “Social justice” is a phrase that began to get a lot of ‘speak’ leading up to and during the last Presidential election cycle and has been used by progressives since Woodrow Wilson. It is an ideology which has infiltrated American institutions from the schoolhouse to the church to the media. “Social justice” is one of the core values of Fethullah Gulen’s “Turkish Movement”. Stands to reason as this is one of the key principles of Islam. In case you’ve been living in the trunk of a Hemlock tree, “social justice” translates as “income and/or property redistribution”. How about that for a revelation? Now you know why Muslim’s vote Democrat.

Another phrase that is used continuously is “Interfaith Dialogue”. This one began to get air during the Bush administration post 9-1-1. In 2002 the Institute of Interfaith Dialog was established by Turkish Americans to “eliminate or reduce false stereotypes, prejudices and unjustified fears through direct human communication. Toward these goals the Institute organizes academic and grass roots activities such as conferences, panels, symposia, interfaith family dinners and cultural exchange trips. Many participants of the Institute’s activities are inspired by the discourse and pioneering dialogue initiatives of the Turkish Muslim scholar, writer and educator Fethullah Gulen.  Headquartered in Houston, Texas, the Institute has branch offices in five states and representatives throughout the South-Central United States.” (direct quote from IID website)

I have realized that this phrase “interfaith dialog” almost always translates, “Christians and Jews must accept the fact that Islam is the superior faith”.

More to come…

Milestones in review

26 01 2010

I recently read the book Milestones by Seyyid Qutb.  He is considered by some to be the father of the modern Islamic revolution.

Milestones was written from an Egyptian prison in 1964. Qutb had spent 2 years in America several years prior, and reported that his prejudices had been confirmed concerning American depravity. America was ripe for the picking.

Qutb’s book wasn’t his first, or his longest work, but perhaps Milestones has had the most impact on the modern world. Although some attribute the modern “Islamic Revolution” to this book, that was not exactly the outcome that Qutb desired.

Actually, Islamic Revival was his desire and purpose. Milestones was to be the “vanguard” publication to accomplish this[p. 12]. By initiating a revival of Islam among those who profess it, the natural outcome would then be an alteration of the course of human history. Revolution would not be necessary, but world conquest would be at hand. Revival of the fundamentals of Islam within the culture itself would make Islam irresistible in both principle and on the battlefield. A revived and truly Muslim population in the cause of Allah would be invincible.

Islam had, according to Qutb, become compromised by moderates and liberals (Muslim) who, for various reasons, embraced Western Culture and prosperity. Obviously the development of Middle Eastern oil fields was responsible for most of this merging of the two worlds, and the petro-dollar brought an ancient culture roaring forward into the industrialized 20th century with so much speed, there was no time for gradual adaptation. Yet today, there is a stark contrast within these countries, and without the petro-dollar they would shrivel back into the desert survivalist culture of a mere century ago.

Seyyid was disturbed by the fact that Muslims, during the first half of the 20th Century, were with a few exceptions, content to “live and let live”, professing Islam while immersed in ‘Jahili’ (the state of ignorance of guidance of Allah) culture. A Muslim should withdraw from all Jahilayyah relationships and become joined completely to Islam just as Muhammad and the Companions had disavowed all ties to polytheism and its adherents. A Muslim cannot be true Muslim, submitted to Allah, and retain any ties to non-Islamic influences. Qutb laments, “This is why the true Islamic values never enter our hearts, why our minds are never illuminated by Islamic concepts, and why no group of people arises among us who are of the caliber of the first generation of Islam.” He then adjures, “We must return to that pure source from which those people derived their guidance…[their]concepts of…the universe, the nature of human existence…Our aim is first to change ourselves so that we may later change the society…this system which is fundamentally at variance with Islam…”

Qutb’s call to all Islam was a return to Fundamentalism, that being the founding principles of Islam. This “revival” within Islam would then lead to political reformation in Islamic countries, bringing to bear those governments which had established within their own constitutions; that Islam is the official state religion and Islamic jurisprudence (Shari’a) is the law of the land. This move to “right” Egypt’s secularized government along with his fellow members of “Muslim Brotherhood” is the reason he was imprisoned and consequently executed by “The Arab Republic of Egypt” in 1966.

Egypt was but one of the Islamic Republics which had not implemented Shari’a as enumerated in its own constitution. Turkey is the most widely known which has managed, even today, to maintain a modicum of separation (though currently very tenuous) between religion and state; for practical purposes a secularized government. The United States has, in fact, assisted in the establishment of two of the latest Islamic Republics of the world; Iraq and Afghanistan, complete with constitutions which name Islam as the official religion.

Seyyid Qutb goes on in Milestones to express disdain for Muslim apologists who insist that “Jihad” is simply defensive war [p. 61, 62].  He refers to them as “defeatists” [p. 57], and explains that Jihad is the means by which to establish the Divine Law (Shari’a) [p. 62, 63].  Jihad, according to Qutb as well as Koran, is offensive action that “tries to annihilate all those political and material powers which stand between people and Islam…It is not the intention of Islam to force its beliefs on people, but Islam is not merely ‘belief’.”[p. 61] Then he clarifies, “…in an Islamic system there is room for all kinds of people to follow their own beliefs, while obeying the laws of the country which are themselves based on the Divine authority (Shari’a).” [p. 61]

In other words, you can believe whatever you want, but you will live according to Shari’a Law. This is the mission of Islam defined: Not to convert the entire world to Islamic belief; but to bring the entire world under submission to Shari’a, or Islamic Law. [p. 58]

Muslims are not to commit allegiance to a nation or state or geographic area. Neither is a Muslim bound by any commitment or loyalty or oath to non-Muslims. Only to Allah does one claim or pledge allegiance.  Only through Islam is any relationship, contractual or filial valid. “A Muslim has no country except that part of the earth where the Shari’a of [Allah] is established and human relationships are based on the foundation of relationship with [Allah]; a Muslim has no nationality except his belief, which makes him a member of the Muslim community in Dar ul Islam; a Muslim has no relatives except those who share the belief in [Allah]…” [p. 108, 109]

Dar ul Islam is the “house of Islam” which “is that place where the Islamic state is established and the Shari’a is the authority…” The rest of the world is the “house of war” or Dar ul Harb. “A Muslim can have only two possible relations with Dar ul Harb: peace with a contractual agreement [hudna or truce], or war.” [p. 118]

Seyyid further explains, “But any place where the Islamic Shari’a is not enforced and where Islam is not dominant becomes [Dar ul Harb]”. [p. 124]

In the closing paragraphs of Milestones, Qutb conjures macabre images referring to his title, “This intricate point requires deep thought…to whatever country or period of time they belong; for this guarantees that they will be able to see the milestones of the road clearly and without ambiguity, and establishes the path for those who wish to traverse it to the end…Then they will not be anxious, while traversing this road ever paved with skulls and limbs and blood and sweat, to find help and victory…” [p. 158]

This book, the “vanguard” of modern Islamic Fundamentalism, written in 1964 has inspired Jihadists, Mujahidin and Shahada (“martyrs” aka suicide bombers) for 45 years. Seyyid Qutb is considered Shahid by fundamentalist Muslims around the world. I have read several books from and on Islam and would recommend Milestones as essential reading for one who desires to understand the purpose and designs of modern Islam and the resolve of Islamic fundamentalists.