Defining Genocide

28 10 2023

American streets and college campuses are alive with protesters claiming Israel is committing “genocide” in Gaza. Those who use this word obviously do not know what “genocide” means. Look it up. You will find “genocide” defined by Merriam-Webster as “the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.”

If Israel wanted to eradicate the people in Gaza they could have easily done it decades ago. In fact, Israel totally withdrew its security forces, all settlers, and actually destroyed those Israeli settlements so there was nothing for the Israeli civilians to return to Gaza for.

Gaza has NOT been “occupied” by Israel since that time in 2005. Gaza elected Hamas as its governing party immediately after the Israeli withdrawal. It is precisely what the people in Gaza desired; an independent state of self government.

“Genocide”? Israel has demonstrated no desire to eradicate the Arab or Muslim people.

There is no “Palestinian people”. “Palestinian” is a modern political term adopted by political activists forming groups like the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Remember Yassar Arafat? There is no ethnicity or genetic heritage rooting the people to the land-they are Arabs who, for the most part are descended from Egyptian, Lebanese or Jordanian Arab Muslims who moved into the area in the 20th Century to attempt to thwart the migration of European Jewry post Holocaust. (Ask the Jews about genocide.) West Bank was Jordan’s before the “Six Day War” in 1967. After the invasion of Israel by Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, Israel captured all the land west of the Jordan River and has continued to hold it as a “security buffer”. It was during this war that Israel also captured Jerusalem, held the Temple Mount briefly, and then gave it back to the Jordanians to avoid a drawn out, bloody war. The Jordanian Waqf owns it yet today, appointing the Palestinian Authority (PA) administrative authority, while the Israeli Police Force provides security. The PA only allows Muslims to pray on the Temple Mount. Jews and Christians are prohibited from praying there. (However, my friend and I did anyway, knowing that our audience of Muslims don’t realize that Christians can pray to God with their eyes open, carrying on a conversation with God without specific ceremonial physical actions.)

I have walked the streets of Israeli cities. I saw Jews, Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Druze living side by

Pro-Gaza Protesters in New York plan to flood Brooklyn this weekend. Photo credit NY Post

side in peace, doing business with each other, employing one another. While Israel may officially be a Jewish state it does not preclude people of other ethnicities, religions, or nationalities. How many Jews do you think live in Gaza City? Baghdad? Tehran? Kandahar? They were either removed, or fled long ago.

If Israel wanted to remove the Arab Muslim population from the land why are they not shelling and preparing to invade West Bank? The answer is the attacks on Israel that butchered civilian mothers, decapitated babies, and slaughtered old people did not come from West Bank. They came from the self governing place called Gaza.

“Genocide”? The Charter of Hamas specifically states the objective of the removal of all Jews and the state of Israel from the map. “From the river (Jordan) to the sea (Mediterranean) “Palestine” will be free” means the annihilation of the Jews in the entirety of the land. The “Two State Solution” is not an option for Hamas.

Hamas is the one who builds military complexes in, around, and under hospitals, mosques, and residential buildings, launches unprovoked attacks from those areas and then hides behind their own women and children. Gaza is nothing more than a military base intentionally populated with “innocents” in order to exploit their deaths as shahid “martyrs”in the media against Israel.

Now, you decide who wants to commit genocide.

The Cult of Collectivism

11 03 2021

There is an ideology that has been around in America for a long time now, but has never had the momentum and support from our institutions that it currently enjoys. That ideology is collectivism. It has existed in varying degrees

Karl Marx

around the world in political movements like socialism, communism, and fascism. In its mild form it opposes capitalism, seeks to redistribute wealth, limit private property ownership, all through government regulation. (“Social Justice” is another term that is frequently used by collectivists.) This is “social democracy”. We are becoming very close to that now, if not already there.

Collectivism always puts the group needs before the needs/rights of the individual. The ultimate in a secular collectivist society is Communism, where the government, in the name of “the People”, owns or controls everything from food production to education. It manages information flow through news media, the arts, and academia. The duty of each citizen is to the state. The natural result of this philosophy is the weak perish, and the middle class disappears. The ultimate goal of total equality is nearly met, and for all the rhetoric of “social justice”, well…everyone lives in poverty except the ruling elite. After all, Collectivism is for the mob to appropriate all power to the elite; not for the elite to participate in.

[Islam is another collectivist society in which the rights/needs of the individual are not important, but demands each citizen serve the collective in order to maintain it. The only practical difference between Islam and Communism is that Islam is a theocracy, in which all aspects of life and society are controlled by the ideology, dispensed upon the collective, by the collective, if a theocratic government is not available.  This is why Islam has allied itself with the American Left, a curious alliance indeed.  Again, the middle class is virtually none existent, while the ruling elite prosper.]

America, conversely, was never set up to be collectivist in its ideology.

The founding documents, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were designed to protect the rights of the individual from the state. The stark difference from America and the rest of the world is that our Declaration points out that “all men are created equal” and are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” [Emphasis added]

See, America was never intended to be a “Top Down” authoritarian government. It is not a Democracy, where the mob rules, but a Representative Republic, governed by law instituted by the People, and Representatives of their own choosing. In the words of Lincoln, “government of the People, by the People, and for the People.”

America has always been about the Liberty of Mankind to choose his own destiny, his responsibility to his God, and his duty to preserve these things for his descendants and his fellow citizens. It has proven that the success of the collective depends upon the liberty of the individual. When the individual is allowed to prosper and flourish, the community prospers together. That was the difference between the early Colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth. Jamestown had been a “collectivist” or communal endeavor in which all property was held in common and all needs came from the common purse, or storehouse. This leads to the “freeloaders” who contribute little or nothing and consume as much as everyone else. Jamestown died. Plymouth began as such but William Bradford recognized the flawed system and allotted a parcel of land to each family to provide for their own needs and any surplus could be sold or given to a neighbor. Capitalism.

It is commonly misunderstood among the “Social Justice” crowd and many average Americans, that charity is squelched by Capitalism. Quite the contrary, capitalism begets charity, especially when the prosperous citizen believes in his Creator and therefore has a sense of duty to his fellow-man which always results in a higher rate of contribution to community than an over reaching government taking from the prosperous and “redistributing the wealth” because the government requires its cut for inefficient administrative bureaucracy.

An authoritarian government can never create a benevolent citizenry. It can only dispossess its citizens to meet its own needs. A benevolent citizenry is created by allowing that society to prosper from within, to the point of plenty, when then by the dictates of conscience, not government, each person may choose charity, thereby raising the standard of living for all. William Bradford proved it out.

The argument could easily be made that “Godless Capitalism” is evil. I would not disagree; but would remind you that “Godless anything” is evil, including Godless Government, Godless Politicians, Godless Education, Godless Finance, and Godless Media. But the striking thing here is this: Those who would decry the evils of “Godless Capitalism” are of the very persuasion that ejected God from our institutions!!

Revolution Requires Chaos

If you haven’t picked up Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” by now, you simply must read it to gather a working understanding of what Barack Obama meant when he declared the “Fundamental transformation of the United States of America”. Professor Barack Obama, our past Chief Community Organizer, taught Alinsky’s methods to his students, and integrated them into his government to a decree that, it would appear, the USA will never recover from.

Alinsky’s fundamental premise is found on page 116, “The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step towards community organization.” He then advises the organizer, When you are labeled an “an agitator, they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function—to agitate to the point of conflict.”(p. 117)

Alinsky only left out one piece of the puzzle. What to do with what you break. Breaking the targeted system is easy; rebuilding something that is productive isn’t. But his acknowledgment at the beginning of the book should have given us a clue. To: “…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer.”

America stands at the most pivotal point in her history since the Kansas-Nebraska Act (which resulted in the Civil War). We are polarized. We are factionalized. Our history has been rewritten to minimize the importance of our Judeo-Christian foundation. Our institutions have been purged of morality that comes from that foundation. Our language is adulterated with vulgarities which are most commonplace in our youth. Our youth have been hijacked by powers that redefine what family is and strip them of any faith in God that was instilled as a child, and replaced with a collectivist philosophy, “from each according to ability, to each according to need”. That’s Karl Marx, by the way. It’s also most of the leadership in the current American Democrat Party, unions, our education system, and the media, and yes, it’s got a root in the Republican ranks as well.

This did not begin with Barack Obama, but it may find success in his puppets. For the last 4 years, the Revolutionaries had a personified objective, a target to rally the followers, most of which are unwitting (Lenin’s term was “Polyezniys” or useful idiots), in Donald Trump. Where, for 8 years, the White House was viewed by the media, and the ranks of the revolutionaries, as an ally, it instantly became “public enemy number one“ while Trump was in residence.

As Alinsky said, “The issue is never the issue; the issue is always the Revolution“.  Covid was a handy crisis to advance the Collective. Trump was handy to deepen the fissures. Uncle Joe is a handy puppet, and when he is used up, Kamala was the consummate choice for a Manchurian Candidate. Susan Rice is currently running things, just in case you hadn’t noticed…

The Historic lesson? Collectivist revolutions always take you farther than you want to go.

The Spiritual lesson? Godless revolutions always lead straight to Hell….

Next: The Cult of Woke


3 02 2021

As I was formulating this theme in my mind to write a similar article, my friend Tom Trento of The United West sent out his regular email blast with the following article. I had been struggling with the frustration and confusion of why good conservative patriots were calling for, and championing the Qanon rumor that President Trump would declare martial law, and reclaim the White House. There was such a disconnect with that idea, and professing to be a patriot standing up for the Constitution, that I was disappointed in some of my fellow patriots who were obviously not considering the ramifications of such an action by Mr. Trump. This, to me, was playing right into the Leftist mantra about the Cult of Trump, which I wrote my last post about.

I had the privilege of touring Israel with Tom back in 2013. His love of America, Israel, and the Jewish people is unmistakable. He approaches the current situation with a bit more of a theological approach than I did in my previous post. I have included his article here, in total, with his permission.

Tom Trento, Director of The United West


On January 10, 2021, four days after the chaos at the US Capitol, I put these considerations together to encourage the many depressed Trump supporters. Take a look and let me know your thoughts.

If you believe in God, you believe in his operational providence, thus you believe that God had something to do with the unimaginable fall of President Trump in a 24-hour period on January 6, 2021.

Why would God effectively remove President Trump from a leadership position of 75 million people?

Though it is human nature for man to seek leadership from other men, all too often, as Hebrew history instructs, the seeking of leadership results in the “worship” of leadership. Hebrew history also teaches that is a no-no with a “jealous” God.
Though I never bought into the propaganda of the Marxists, that Trump’s followers (Trumpsters) were really a cult. As a student of history (and of cults) I was very concerned that many of my fellow Trump followers lost primary sight of the Constitutional Principals upon which Trump was standing and focused more on the “strong-man” behavior of a guy who could finally kick the ass of the leftists. It felt good to win!
Through the years, particularly as the theft of the election came more into focus, a significant number of furious Trump supporters, focused on (hopefully) physically fighting the Democrats in spite of the President’s calls for peaceful and legal activity. This angry group of Americans blurred the primacy of the Constitution with their hatred for the Marxists.
What about Impeachment, will President Trump get impeached and will that create more chaos with some supporters?

Any objective non-lawyer, through a casual reading of the guiding documents, must conclude, (notwithstanding the political nature of impeachment) that there is NO legal basis for either the application of the 25th Amendment or the initiation of the process of Impeachment. Ironically, ALL OF TRUMP’S SPEECH, before the rioting at the Capitol is fully SETTLED in Federal and Constitutional law. He violated NO law, is legally guilty of NOTHING, as the burden of moral culpability (in a sane world) rests upon the moral agent! Perception, in the hands of hateful leaders, coupled with the assistance of virtually all Big Tech modalities, aided by weak-kneed “friends,” wins the day.

So, is this development something that God willed or allowed? Good question for the theologians, but the result is the same, Trump is done…at least for now, as the moral leader of the 75 million patriotic Americas who simply want to follow the US Constitution.

 Is a retired, non-Tweeting, amazing President, not in direct leadership, good or bad for America?
This is a question of critically important debate. There is much value to the “strongman behavior” of Trump, and that will be missed. Part of his political success in four years of constant opposition, was due to his “take-no-prisoners” style.
Is it possible to confront and defeat the energized Biden Administration and their Marxist collaborators without the combative leadership of President Trump?
On balance, I believe that a program without President Trump in a direct leadership position, if properly administered, will return a clear, unobstructed focus and preoccupation on the FIGHT for the priority of the US Constitution in the next four years of the Harris Administration. The Marxists have very effectively used the  “Theater of Trump,” to obfuscate our cries for Constitutional integrity. Theoretically, with Trump on the sidelines, 75 million “Trumpsters” can become 75 million Patriots telling King Kamala, regarding the Constitution, in the manner of Nancy Pelosi shredding-the-Trump-State-of-the-Union-Speech,  “NOT ON OUR WATCH!”
In 2008 Barack Obama started the fundamental changing of America, for the worst, by violating the US Constitution and developing a BIG GOVERNMENT approach to every problem. Obama sides with Islam over the Judaeo-Christian basis to America, then for political purposes initiates a massive division of races. The now-legendary Tea Party starts in response to Obama’s socialist direction as many Patriots start yelling, “Taxed Enough Already.”
In 2016, the never-elected Donald Trump, in what some call the “Theater of Trump” defeats 17 establishment politicians in an unprecedented victory that was HATED by both Democrats and many Republicans. Miraculously (remember the operational providence of God) against all odds, in spite of unmitigated opposition, President Trump accomplishes more positive CONSTITUTIONAL developments than any President in modern time. In 2020, Deep State, et. al., target Trump for defeat and succeed through fraud, then install a Joke and a Marxist.
Starting 2021, with Kamala in the shadows and Obama 2.0 rejects in the lead, and with control of two branches of Government and full control of the Legacy media, and a perceptive, security context of needing to suppress dangerous “Trumpsters,” a full-court cultural/legal attack against we who still support President Trump will be in full operation by the US Government. This is not good.
So, I ask the question, with Trump now removed (by God?) can the “Trumpsters” properly refocus our civic, raison d’etre on the US CONSTITUTION, where is belongs, especially in this anti-constitutional Harris Administration?

Can we go from “Trumpsters” to Patriots (who still fully stand with our former President) and root our lives, fortunes, honor in the proven history of the Constitution.
Shedding the “Theater of Trump,” as emotionally regretful as that may feel, may just be what the doctor (God) has prescribed in the days ahead. The days before us will be an ongoing fight for the priority of the US Constitution and for that which is right and that which is TRUE!
 May God bless the the USA and President Donald Trump!

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Democratic Socialism

15 06 2019

220px-Brodskiy's_LeninVladimir Lenin was quietly but quick to point out that the only way to establish Socialism is at the end of a gun, via government, a seemingly antithetical method to creating the “globalist, borderless, and equitable “ society that Marxists dream of. The problem is human nature requires authoritarian government in the absence of a self-governing morality, which is usually religious in nature.

As Speaker of the House Robert Winthrop once said, “Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.”

Daniel Webster said, “Whatever makes men good Christians also makes them good citizens.”

Do you think it’s a mere accident that Socialism is moving in to fill the void left by abandoning God and the Bible as the source of moral moorings? Ever ask yourself the question of why “the Greatest Generation” was so great?

They were mostly poor farm kids who grew up in the most economical challenged time in our history, and no, they were not all committed Christians, but they had a moral foundation that was Biblically rooted, most attended religious services at least sometimes, and had those basic civil lessons affirmed at home, school, in government, and society in general.

This “new” brand of “Democratic Socialism” is only new to those who are ignorant of history, and without coercion it will not succeed. Marx knew that, Lenin knew it, and so did Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Che, and Kim.

You want a revolution? Really?

“The end of Socialism is Communism.” – Vladimir Lenin

Question For Bernie: What Happens To Those Who Don’t Want To Join Your Commune?

Identity Politics: What is Truth?

29 01 2018

Identity Politics is the result of abandoning Truth.

When I started writing this commentary, I was going to begin with the premise that Identity Politics was the cause of Moral Equivocation and application of double, or multiple standards, but quickly realized that, no, Identity Politics is the result, not the cause of application of “relative truth”.

Truth cannot be relative, but must be held as absolute. Some philosophers have, for centuries, attempted to blur the lines of Good and Evil by questioning truth, as relative, pragmatic, or even plural. This is nothing new. But societies and civilizations rise and fall on the understanding and application of Truth. Why? Because Truth is the basis for Good and Evil.

Understanding Good and Evil is prerequisite for a civil and just society. Mankind has temporarily run into this understanding occasionally throughout history, but it generally does not tend to hold through for multiple generations.

For 50 years we have toyed with Relativism (Truth is relative to the situation-we called it “situational ethics” back in the ‘70’s), and found that we preferred to embrace Pluralism (wherein everything is true, and all philosophies, cultures, ideologies, and religions are of equal value). Pluralism has castrated the minds of Americans and Europeans (culturally and socially) preventing a thought process based upon the fundamental idea of Truth, which brings the understanding of Good and Evil. If Evil does not exist, then what is Good? Who defines it? If there is no difference then Mother Theresa and Adolph Hitler are equal, and share the same eternity. See where that leads?

It leads the Epicurean, (who is always questioning Truth) Pontius Pilate, to look Jesus Christ Himself in the face and ask, “What is Truth”?
Absent of Truth, then “every man does that which is right in his own eyes.” We then gather with those who share the same “truth” as we, so as to justify our position, and point out how “morally corrupt” our opposition is, based on the false premise that we, do indeed, hold the moral high ground. With no fundamental truths to direct or stay our emotional whims, we have then become victims of our own emotional reaction. The society who does this is ripe for the picking. Either by an outside force, or by an opportunistic individual from within.

By adopting Pluralism, we have tried to embrace everything as of equal value; by embracing everything, we hold on to nothing.

This is not a political commentary. It is a call to repentance.

Without God there is no Truth. No Understanding. No Purpose. NO Future. No Hope. Jesus Christ embodies all this.

And that’s my sermon for today.

But listen to Ben for a few seconds. He’s a bit more concise (Starting at 1:20:53. Video should start there.)

God Chose Israel, America Chose God

14 05 2017

“God Chose Israel. America Chose God.”

These represent the two nations in world history that were founded upon the Word of God.

Israel was chosen by God to receive His Revelation, and to be the “Light”, that “shining City upon a hill” through which the rest of the world would see His Glory. It was not Israel’s choice, to be chosen, but God’s. Therefore, God, YHWH, Addoni, Hashem, is not only committed, but obligated, to the preservation of Israel. When all other nations have fallen, Israel will remain.

There was a time in Israel’s history when the people neglected the things of God and the Judges ruled, and “every man did that which was right in his own eyes”. There were other times of disobedience as well. The consequence to those divergences was God allowing Israel’s enemies to triumph over them for a time. But God was faithful to His Promise, and preserved Israel, which yet thrives today, in the face of his enemies.

America, on the other hand, chose God. Our Founding documents, going back to the Mayflower Compact, reflect that. As a result, America has been richly blessed, and also became that “shining city on a hill.” America became the freest and most benevolent nation the world has ever seen, strong enough to conquer any enemy, but benevolent enough to rebuild them instead, requesting no more ground than was needed to bury our dead.

If then, America has been blessed by choosing God, from the beginning, and benefiting from those same blessings offered Israel, and to any nation which abides by His Word, what happens when America “un-chooses” God?

Since God did not choose America He is under no obligation to preserve her, except by her commitment to Him.

THIS should not only be a sobering thought, but a terrifying proposition, for a nation who has barred God from the public arena, spurned His principles for a prosperous and blessed society, and rejected the holiness of Christ-like living in favor of debauched, licentious, and reprobate lifestyle, or consenting thereto. Where “every man does that which is right in his own eyes”.

Ponder that……

Recall Babylon

14 01 2017
A Great Catastrophe
Mrs. Obama said she had “no hope” now that Trump was elected. Millions of snowflakes are bereft that Hillary did not win the election. Many people are so lost in their grief they’ve had to get therapy, join “safe rooms” and drink hot chocolate while petting puppies to give them solace at the loss of the election. Many more are so angry they’re going to actively join in attempts to sabotage the new President, and a lot of these people represent around 90% of the media, many are in elected positions, many more are un-elected bureaucrats, and some are going to be causing havoc in the streets. Many on social media are lamenting they “no longer have a leader”, refuse to accept the new President as legitimate (failing to understand the electoral system which balances elective power), or simply refuse to accept him as President b/c Hillary lost.
I’ve seen talk of impeachment, even before Trump has been inaugurated. Good luck with that. But I would be perfectly happy with a true conservative, Mike Pence in the Oval Office anyway. You won’t like him.turris_babel_by_athanasius_kircher
For those who are so lost and anxious without a “leader/provider”, if the person in the Oval Office is where you find your confidence, your strength, your security and self worth or identity, you have appropriated your faith hope in a power/figure who can do nothing to make you a better person, improve your standing in your community or provide real sustenance for your children or make them better people when they grow up. The only person who can do that is you.
Maybe it’s time everyone started a little self reliance program and quit waiting for government to “fix it”.
When you place all your hopes and securities in one man, I don’t care who he is, you are following the crowds who empowered every dictator in history.  If your happiness, your self esteem, your security in life, is dependent on that special someone in the White House, you are pathetic.
Time to get on with life. Definitely do not turn a blind eye to government, but face the facts, just like I and millions of fellow conservatives faced the fact that Obama won, not once, but twice. Confession: I flew my flag at half mast after Obama won the second time for 3 days. During that time I still went to work, did my job, and loved my family and friends.  No, I didn’t curl up in a ball and cry, or start planning a rebellion, join a riot, organize a protest at the inauguration, threaten to move to Canada, or tell the world how ashamed I was that America had elected a Marxist.
Even after 4 years of proving that he was facilitating Muslim Brotherhood advancement in our own government, and abroad, had ceased indictments of co-conspirators in the largest Islamic terrorism trial in American history, and castrated our Counter Terrorism operations, I still wasn’t “hopeless”, as Mrs. Obama described herself to Oprah Winfrey.
My Hope is placed in the Christ. Not a man, not a political system. Not even in the American People. No greater mistake can be made than to place our great hope and trust in any single man/woman, all of whom are corrupt, sinful and whose “heart is deceitful and desperately wicked’. I actually heard Mr. Obama referred to during his campaign as “savior”, the great “Hope” (his own campaign poster), and supporters of his celebrating that the gas tank would be full, won’t have to worry about paying their bills, because Obama would take care of them.
Reality Check
We are witnessing the disintegration of America as we have known it. We’ve been divided and subdivided for ease of conquest. We are disunited, angry, and polarized like no time since prior to the Civil War. I believe it is the natural progression of any society who rejects truth, visa vi, Biblical Christianity. We are less educated than indoctrinated, less informed than misinformed, and less circumspect than disrespectful, except of those we find who agree with us.
We have been “Community Organized”. Read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” to understand what that means. To quote Alinsky, the “community organizer is an agitator”, who takes advantage of divisions and differences among people to completely separate them from traditional views, beliefs, or practices which unify society in general, in order to remake that society. It’s Karl Marx with a hint of Vlad Lenin.
How has this happened? While visiting my daughter and her husband who now live in the Dallas Metro area, I made an observation, the truth of which I knew cerebrally, but now realized tangibly. Urbanization.
I grew up in a tiny rural Kansas town some cultures would call a village, of 161 people. That’s inside the city limits in 1976. (The surrounding farmers and ranchers also take part in the community) I knew the population count because my grandmother and I took the census from her dining table. We knew everyone who lived there. Yes, everyone knew your business, but everyone also knew when you needed help. It is still that way; a very strong community who takes care of its elders, celebrates their neighbors joys in life and mourns their sorrows, work together and for each other, and exercises individual liberties to the extent the law will allow, yet knows the true sense of “Community” where all hold dear that sense of responsibility for the common good, but the importance of individualism. It’s not heaven, but it’s closer than Dallas.
I think Fort Worth/Dallas is not unlike most other metropolitan areas, maybe just a little more modern than some I’ve been to, at least in the context I am considering. A combined population of over 2 million people who have no real sense of community. People who live in the city have fewer real friends, are active in far less community events, organizations, services or activities. They volunteer less, don’t know their neighbors, and thus are much less likely to participate in their own community. They have little interest in its success and are focused mostly on their own lives and businesses. There is little perceived responsibility to ones neighbor, block, subdivision or suburb/city. I don’t know if it’s always been this way, but I suspect so. (In my opinion this is why church is important as a focal point of “community”. My little hometown has two.)
Humans possess an innate desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. God placed this intrinsic need within us for our own survival, and more importantly to draw us to Him. Like all God given human desires, when perverted they become destructive, both physically and spiritually.
Where there is little or no sense of community, i.e. big cities, there is still that need to belong. You don’t see gangs roaming the streets of Podunk, USA. You don’t find Union halls in Smallville. Per capita fewer will belong to Kiwanis or Lions in Omaha than in North Platte.  
That’s why racially driven revolutionary organizations do better in Houston than in Lubbock. “Community”, like many terms in our American lexicon, has been redefined to represent those who look like you, or hold the same ideology. The classic sense of community, although still thriving in those rural settings, has for the most part gone by the wayside.
Chicago,the stomping grounds of Mr. Alinsky, as every other major urban center, demands more and larger government providing more and more services, and when those are provided the populous demands more, or requires more. Chicago has not had a Republican Mayor since 1869. In fact, fewer than 25% of America’s largest 100 cities have Republican Mayors, and in the top 10 only 1, San Diego. The truth of statements made by our Founders and Statesmen centuries ago are being proved out today:
As Speaker of the House Robert Winthrop (1847) said, “All societies of men must be governed in some way or other. The less they may have of stringent State Government, the more they must have of individual self-government. The less they rely on public law or physical force, the more they must rely on private moral restraint. Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.”
This, I think, is the crux of the issue. We have thrown off our Judeo-Christian moorings, both individually and socially. It is a vicious cycle. I don’t have the answers, I am just making observations. Perhaps this is the natural evolution of society; a reflection of the spiritual condition of mankind which, when concentrated, reveals the true level of depravity.
Recall Babylon. Perhaps we should be prepared to be scattered.

Who Is Black Lives Matter?

8 08 2016

With Law Enforcement Officers dying in America’s streets, simply for wearing the uniform, we have entered a new era.  While it is reminiscent of the 1960’s-70’s radical revolutionary movement which paralleled, then infiltrated and co-opted a legitimate civil rights movement, this is even more serious, more deadly, and more dangerous than that.  More dangerous in that the radicals have been allowed to infiltrate every institution, and are now in the chief seats of power.  More serious because during the 50’s and 60’s there was legitimate need for civil rights reform in both American society and in government.  More deadly in that the stability of American society has been successfully fragmented over the last 40 years due to multi-culturalism and pluralism, and recently with unchecked immigration policies, and the great “melting pot” of American culture has become a TV dinner, divided, cold, and hardened to critical thinking and introspection.  Particularly, in matters of race relations, the election of our first black President, has resulted in deeper wedges being driven, and some of those by the President himself.  Mind you, it’s not simply because the man happens to have dark skin, but wholly as a result of his ideology which cannot be contained.

For anyone who doubts that ideology is supreme in today’s America, and racism is an over used word which has gotten lost in it’s wreckless and wanton use by demagogues in identity politics, just consider this.  When was the last time anyone in the mainstream media celebrated, or even took seriously, a black (or white for that matter) American man or woman in office or position of influence, who has taken a politically conservative or Christian based moral position on any issue?  Let me name a few: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Ambassador Alan Keyes,  Congressman Lt. Col. Alan West,  Congresswoman Mia Love, Senator Tim Scott, former Congressman J.C. Watts, US Appeals Court Judge Janice Rogers Brown (whom Democrats refused to confirm for 2 years), Professor, author, Thomas Sowell,  Journalist, Professor, author Walter E. Williams, politician and Former Secretary of State Condelleza Rice.   All great conservative Americans of African descent.  Out of the 10 names, I doubt the average person will recognize half of them.  These are all people of great influence due to either elected positions, or hard work and dedication to the betterment of all American society; not just one specific shade of color.  These are the kind of people who, if possible are ignored by media.

Conversely, you will recognize immediately names such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Elijah Cummings, Oprah Winfrey, Louis Farrakhan,  and outlaws like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray.

The origin of Black Lives Matter


#1)  The hashtag # Black Lives Matter movement was co-founded by Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi.  Garza is a Marxist political activist who’s heroes include the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur for her contributions to the “Black Liberation Movement.” Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis  (Communist Party USA and former Black Panther).  Cullors has ties to the 60’s revolutionary terrorist group, Weather Underground, and led 600 Black Lives Matter protesters to Ferguson, MO in 2014 following the death of Michael Brown after he struggle with a police officer trying to take his weapon.  Those protests resulted in 400 arrests, 20 civilian injuries,  37 St. Louis County police officers injured, 12 civilian cars burned, 2 police cruisers burned, and 29 buildings burglarized or vandalized all totaling about $5 Million.


All three BLM founders share a Marxist ideology and work for front groups of the “Freedom Road Socialist Organization” (FRSO), a self proclaimed “revolutionary socialist and Marxist-Leninist organization” which touts itself as a “new Communist movement” with its roots in the
60’s and 70’s revolutionary groups; groups like the League of Revolutionary Struggle, the Revolutionary Union, the Communist Labor Party, the October League, the Communist Workers Party, the Black Workers Congress, just to name a few.  The FRSO website is wide open about its intentions, nothing covert there, and touts Communist revolutionaries including Mao Zedong, arguably the worst mass murderer in history killing 70 million in his takeover of China.

The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement (RAM), is an ANTIFA organization committed to armed conflict, and tribal like enclaves (CHAZ), giving examples of ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) anti-state counter groups; Kurdish tribal community resurgence groups like YPG (People’s Protection Unit) and YPJ (Asayis-Internal Security Force) as a model, which set up secure zones requiring checkpoints for entry. RAM is also directly linked to BLM, and holds up as idols the likes of cop killers like aforementioned Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Russel Shoats, Mumia-Abul Jamal.

The additional list of Revolutionary and Racist groups and individuals that BLM is directly, or indirectly associated with includes Open Society Foundations (George Soros), Tides Foundation, Ford Foundation among a long list of others who pump millions of dollars into BLM.

#2) In BLM’s short history they have inspired riots in several US cities, and protests in many more with provocative chants such as “What do we want? -DEAD COPS!! When do we want it? -NOW!!”, and “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry ’em like Bacon!!”. “No Justice; No Peace”, just to hit the most popular ones. If there is yet any doubt to the revolutionary intent, check this article published on BLM’s website lamenting the death and celebrating the life of Fidel Castro.

#3)  Every generation has its rebels, but these are being well funded by people like George Soros, who has given over $7 Billion to other radical Leftist groups like: ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, aforementioned Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Soujourners, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women, and   Soro’s also funded the protesters in Ferguson, Missouri marching for #BLM, who burned those businesses, rioted and created havoc for the entire city, under the false narrative that Michael Brown was an innocent teenage boy who had his hands up and was gunned down in the street by a white racist cop.  Soros and his Progressive friends would like nothing better than to see massive civil unrest in America’s streets. (Ferguson cop Darren Wilson was cleared by the USDOJ after a full civil rights investigation by AG Eric Holder). However, we cannot allow justification of terrorist activities from these revolutionaries any more than we can allow justification for Islamic terrorism. The desired culmination of these efforts will be bloody anarchy which will end in total and complete martial law, and the people will demand it.

#4) The protest in Dallas was indeed peaceful, up until the killing of 5 police officers and wounding 7 more, yet some of the protesters did, and one even confessed afterward on a call in radio program, that he and others had attempted to provoke police officers by various means of disrespectful behavior.

#5)  Just less than 4 hours before the Dallas shooting, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam (an American black cult version of Islam) had posted a call for blacks to rise up in violence against whites saying, “…don’t let this white man tell you that violence is wrong.” “Every damn thing that he got, he got it by being violent — killing people, raping and robbing and murdering. He’s doing it as we speak, and then he has the nerve to come and tell us that violence and hatred won’t get it. Don’t buy that!…He is worthy to be hated.”

The Next Phase 

BLM has recently formed with 30 other member organizations a new, broader organization of groups, and endorsed by another nearly 40 such groups, to form “The Movement for Black Lives” or “M4BL”, which codified it’s platform in conjunction with the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia (2016).  M4BL‘s platform reads like the Communist Manifesto demanding, among other things:  Reparations, consisting of not just full and free access to all public education facilities including colleges and universities, but make it a “Constitutional Right“, not just for American blacks but for “all undocumented” as well as “formerly and currently incarcerated” and full retroactive forgiveness of all student loans, and a “guaranteed minimal livable income“.

M4BL goes on in their demands to “Divest-Invest“, in which funds for policing/incarceration would be diverted to education/employment programs.  “Economic Justice” which demands “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth” and a Communistic “End of exploitative privatization of natural resources” and demands “democratic control over how resources are preserved“.  Verbatim it reads:

  • “Because land is treated as a commodity, a minority of wealthy corporations and families disproportionately owns land in the U.S. and the resources on top of it. 60 percent of land is privately owned, with the wealthiest half-a-percent owning 35.6 percent of this land and the wealthiest 10 percent owning nearly 80 percent of it.”

The lost little fact among these stats is the United States Government owns/controls over 1/3 of the land mass of the United States.  That would, I think, fall under the category “democratically controlled”, according to the context of the statements hereto.  This demand is right out of the  Communist Manifesto’s 1st plank of abolishing private property ownership.

The M4BL ‘s “End the War on Black People” plank proclaims “We demand an end to the criminalization, incarceration, and killing of our people.”  This entails and end to capital punishment, “ending the use of past criminal history to determine eligibility for housing, education, licenses, voting, loans, employment, and other services and needs.”  It also requires the “repeal of the 1996 crime and immigration bills, an end to all deportations, immigrant detention, and Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) raids, and mandated legal representation in immigration court.”

The Progressive Left has successfully used America’s black citizen’s for years.  The BLM movement was fully embraced by the soft Marxist Barack Obama.  His Marxist/Progressive party successor Hillary Clinton would have continued to use these communities and continue to keep them in the bonds of “social justice”, marching and working on behalf of those slave-masters who benefit from the people’s own labor.  

Every inner city social and economic disaster where the poor and oppressed black (and other minority) Americans are continuing to languish is, and has been run by these very Progressives for 50 years. Democrat run cities have had the highest rate of racial unrest, violence, gang warfare, and economic inequality. They continue to run on promises to solve the racial inequities, social injustices, and police reform relative to brutality and profiling, yet those issues are never fully addressed or resolved. The Bolsheviks are in control here.  This entire movement has been initiated by them. They must have victims in order to perpetrate a movement. Identity politics and class warfare has proven effective. Now, the Fascist group ANTIFA (Supposedly “anti-fascist”) and it’s Anarchist, and Communist allies, have actually taken over an entire section of Seattle, Washington, and declared it a new sovereign nation. The existing city government ceded the area, including the Police Headquarters, to the terrorists, who now run armed patrols the area, checking identifications to prove people “belong there”.

But alas, the answer to this entire problem is not political.  It is not finance, education, or government which holds the answer.  The answer to this problem is spiritual.  Until people, black, white, brown, or otherwise get a grasp on who God is and who we are before him, this problem will not find relief.  To the contrary, the very God has warned us that perilous times shall come.  He also warned that nation who does not live by His standard, the Bible, is doomed to fail.

I agree that our country is more corrupt than we would like to admit. We have sown to the wind; now we shall reap the whirlwind. Nothing short of national revival of Biblical proportions will stay this judgement we have brought upon ourselves.  

But the people will not have it.

Guest Column: Khizr Khan specializes in visa programs accused of selling U.S. citizenship

2 08 2016

UPDATE: HR 569- Special Status for Muslims Bill

7 01 2016

***LATEST UPDATE BELOW as of Sept 10,  2016***
(Scroll down to see latest sponsor update)

Last December I published “Freedom of Speech: The Continued Assault on America’s Most Precious Liberty” which discussed the dangerous aspects of the bill giving special status/protection to one religious group.  I published the entire text of the bill (without the list of sponsors)  in that article- If you have not read it yet, you can see it here —

According to  the House Resolution which will give Muslims special status against “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric” has gained many new co-Sponsors, all Democrats.  This makes 145 co-Sponsors, all Democrats.

The bill is still in Judiciary Committee, which is comprised of 23 Republicans (including Louis Gomhert, Trey Gowdy, and Steve King) and 16 Democrats (including Hank Johnson, who thought the island of Guam would capsize with so many military personnel and equipt, and Sheila Jackson Lee).

Here is a link to the entire text of the bill in pdf itself so you can see the entire list of the original sponsors and download for your own use:

This bill is an American Muslim version of UN Resolution 16/18, a bill pushed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which represents the 56 Islamic nations around the world.  Hillary Clinton stumped for it at Ankara, Turkey, while Sec of State.

HR 569 specifically names Muslims as a special class, worthy of protection from “bigotry or hateful rhetoric”.  “Hateful rhetoric” is a subjective term and can mean anything, including criticism of Islam, and in the Shari’a “bigotry” can be something as simple as rejection of Islam itself, which is an offense to Muslims according to the Sharia, and justifies jihad.  We are seeing the results of this manifested in European countries today.  I do not ever recall a House Resolution which gives special preference to Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or any other religious group.  It is outrageous!

We hear the propaganda from the media on a daily basis about how Muslims are the most persecuted group in America.  The simple fact is, of all religious groups, Jews are still the most victimized.  The FBI reports 62% of anti-Religion hate crimes are against Jews, compared to 11% against Muslims.  While that FBI report is 2012, the latest available in a quick search, the latest data gathered by a media study group shows an uptick in post terror attack of about 17% in the next few weeks, but dropping back to 10% higher a year later.  That would increase the overall anti-Muslim instances to about 12-13% of all anti-religious hate crimes are against Muslims while not changing the 62% against Jews appreciably.

This pro-Muslim bill is most likely being peddled by Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood organization who has had incredible influence on the Democrat Party members and some Republicans.  They have free access to the White House and continue to have “preferred” status at WH events.  CAIR is still listed as a “co-conspirator” in the 2008 terrorist funding trial, where several of its members were convicted and are currently in prison.   The indictments ceased when Mr. Obama took office.

Contact your Representative as well as the House Judiciary Committee members which you will find at this link: .

Tell them to stop HR 569 in Committee.

New Post


LATEST UPDATE as of 9/10/16:  Most recent Additional Co-sponsor:  Garamendi, John [D-CA3] (joined May 23, 2016)

Updated 5/17/2016  NEWEST Additional Co-sponsors are:
Foster, Bill [D-IL11]  Capuano, Michael [D-MA7]  Adams, Alma [D-NC12]  Graham, Gwen [D-FL2]   The Resolution now has 144 cosponsors (144 Democrats, 0 Republicans)

Updated on 4/28/16 -Newest additional Co-sponsors are:  Rep. Pete Aguilar [D-CA31] ,   Rep. Susan Davis [D-CA53] , Rep. Mark DeSaulnier [D-CA11] , Rep. Tulsi Gabbard [D-HI2] . The resolution now has 140 cosponsors (140 Democrats,  0 Republicans).

Updated on 4/22/16:  HR 569 now has 136 Democrat sponsors (No Republicans to date). Latest additions include the following Representatives:  Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick [D-AZ1] , Rep. David Scott [D-GA13],  Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY16] Clarke, Yvette [D-NY9] ,  Hoyer, Steny [D-MD5] , Kind, Ron [D-WI3] , Nolan, Richard [D-MN8] , Levin, Sander [D-MI9] , O’Rourke, Beto [D-TX16] , Visclosky, Peter [D-IN1],   Beatty, Joyce [D-OH3]

Update 2/3/16:  HR 569 now has 125 Democrat sponsors (No Republicans to date) Latest additions include the following Representatives:  Rep. Janice Hahn [D-CA44]Rep. John Lewis [D-GA5],  Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR3] Rep. Nita Lowey [D-NY17] ,  Rep. Sean Maloney [D-NY18],  Rep. Grace Napolitano [D-CA32] , Rep. Donald Norcross [D-NJ1],  Rep. John Sarbanes [D-MD3]< /a>Rep. Jackie Speier [D-CA14]Rep. Timothy Walz [D-MN1].

Update 1/20/16 :  There are now 115 Democrat sponsors on HR 569 (No Republicans to date).  New additions include:  Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]  Rep. Juan Vargas [D-CA51]  Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman [D-NJ12]  Rep. Tony Cárdenas [D-CA29]  Rep. Donald Payne [D-NJ10]  Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL1]   Rep. Nydia Velázquez [D-NY7]  Rep. Elijah Cummings [D-MD7]  Rep. Lois Frankel [D-FL22]  Rep. Kathleen Rice [D-NY4]

Previous additions (1/11/16) include Rep. Suzanne Bonamici [D-OR1] , Rep. Ben Luján [D-NM3] , Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY10] , Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA40] , Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS2] ,  Rep. Chaka Fattah [D-PA2] , Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA18] ,  Rep. Hakeem Jeffries [D-NY8] ,  Rep. Ann Kuster [D-NH2] ,  Rep. Rick Larsen [D-WA2] , Rep. Brenda Lawrence [D-MI14] , Rep. Ted Lieu [D-CA33] ,  Rep. Robert “Bobby” Scott [D-VA3] ,  Jared Huffman, D-CA; Steve Israel, D-CA; Alan Lowenthal, D-CA; Michelle Luian Grisham, D-NM;  James McGovern, D-MA;  Seth Moulton, D-MA; Patrick Murphy, D-FL; Raul Ruiz, D-CA;  Louise Slaughter, D-NY; Adam Smith, D-WA.


Victory for Freedom of Speech

2 11 2015
On Wednesday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals completely reversed a lower court’s decision and ruled in favor of Evangelical Christians who were arrested for disturbing the peace at the 2012 Arab Festival in Dearborn, Michigan.  The Christians had bottles, eggs, and other items hurled at them by Muslims for publicly preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  A short video of this episode can be found here.
During this festival, a group of Muslims approached the Christians and asked to hear about the Gospel. The Christians obliged and began sharing about the Bible, Jesus, and their faith.  Other Muslims became angry and assaulted the Christians for their speech.  The police ended up arresting the Christians, not the Muslims.
The case, Bible Believers v. Wayne County, was brought by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) on behalf of the Christians.
On August 27, 2014, a divided, three-judge panel of the Sixth Circuit dismissed the civil rights lawsuit, finding the violent response of the Muslim hecklers justified the Wayne County sheriffs’ order to the Christians they would be arrested for disorderly conduct if they did not leave the festival area.
Yesterday, the Sixth Circuit ruled in favor of the Christians on every issue, completely reversing the lower court opinion, and directing the court to enter judgment in the Christians’ favor.
In its decision, the Sixth Circuit ruled the County and the two Deputy Chief defendants were liable for violating the Christians’ First Amendment rights to free speech and the free exercise of religion, and for depriving the Christians of the equal protection of the law. The court ruled the individual defendants did not enjoy qualified immunity, and the County was liable as a municipality for the constitutional violations.
In its opinion, the Sixth Circuit stated, in part:
“In a balance between two important interests-free speech on one hand, and the state’s power to maintain the peace on the other-the scale is heavily weighted in favor of the First Amendment. . . . Maintenance of the peace should not be achieved at the expense of the free speech. The freedom to espouse sincerely held religious, political, or philosophical beliefs, especially in the face of hostile opposition, is too important to our democratic institution for it to be abridged simply due to the hostility of reactionary listeners who may be offended by a speaker’s message. If the mere possibility of violence were allowed to dictate whether our views, when spoken aloud, are safeguarded by the Constitution, surely the myriad views that animate our discourse would be reduced to the standardization of ideas by the dominant political or community groups. Democracy cannot survive such a deplorable result.
“When a peaceful speaker, whose message is constitutionally protected, is confronted by a hostile crowd, the state may not silence the speaker as an expedient alternative to containing or snuffing out the lawless behavior of the rioting individuals. Nor can an officer sit idly on the sidelines-watching as the crowd imposes, through violence, a tyrannical majoritarian rule-only later to claim that the speaker’s removal was necessary for his or her own protection.”
In short, this was a complete victory for the Constitution and for all freedom-loving Americans who enjoy the protections of the First Amendment.
The AFLC is first and foremost a public interest litigation firm, which aggressively seeks to advance and defend America’s Judeo-Christian heritage in courts all across our Nation.  The AFLC’s mission is to fight for faith and freedom through litigation, education, and public policy programs.
A short video detailing AFLC’s mission and accomplishments can be seen here.
AFLC is comprised of attorney Robert Muise, a combat veteran Marine Officer and expert in Constitutional law, and attorney David Yerushalmi, one of the nation’s most knowledgeable attorneys on national security, Constitutional law, as well as Sharia (Islamic Law).
AFLC states on their website:  “The strength of our Nation lies in its commitment to a Judeo-Christian heritage and moral foundation and to an enduring faith and trust in God and His Providence. AFLC seeks a return to America’s founding commitment to receive God’s continued blessing to preserve the soul of this great Nation.”
This ruling demonstrates there are still bastions of sanity in the American judicial system where liberty under law still reigns in America, and where judges committed to justice win over the progressives trying to destroy our nation.
Let us celebrate this significant victory today and raise a glass to the courage of the Americans who withstood the attack, the AFLC for its work to defend our liberties, and the Court for doing what it should always do – rule judiciously.
John Guandolo, UTT

The Satanic Alliance: Marxism, Islam and Privileged Hatred

26 10 2015


Islamic Marxism, Islamic Socialism, seems to be a contradiction of terms.

Be NOT Deceived!  THIS has been an allied movement for a long time in the US and for generations around the world!

THIS is why the Progressives/Socialists/Marxists find kindred purpose with the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood groups such as CAIR, MSA, ICNA, ISNA, MPAC, and etc. ad nauseam.  Every “Social Justice” movement in the world has origins and common purpose in the destruction of Capitalism, the United States of America, and Western Society in general.  It is Anti-Christian, not Anti-Religion; Christianity focuses on the rights, liberties and value of the individual!  Individuals do NOT exist in this post-American World; Only the Collective!

Familiarize yourselves with “Sustainable Development”, “Sustainability”, “Sustainable Growth”; it is found in the UN (Marxist from its roots) agenda known as “Agenda 21”.  New buzz words encompassing this belief include, 20/20, 20/30, 20/50, “Smart Growth”, and “Smart Growth Corridors”, all coming to a city council near you!

In the following video, watch for phrases like: “Social Justice”, “Socialist”,  “Justice”.  This phraseology is straight out of the Communist Manifesto!

Pay Attention!  The world has already changed and America is now Ahmerikah!

(More on this subject to come)

2nd clipping from “Revealed Faith of the Founders”

18 09 2015

While America has a plethora of problems, politically, morally, and spiritually, the fundamentals are not among them. It was not always so; America’s virtue was the dominate governing quality of her people and that virtue, according to the Founders, their contemporaries, and observers such as Alexis D’ Tocqueville, was the direct result of an overwhelming and inherent belief in a Creator God who was Supreme Judge of nations and individuals, and as such, every person was accountable for his/her own actions, which not only resulted in self-government, but was the very framework upon which the Founding Fathers hung the Constitution.

The Judeo-Christian ethic, as taught by the Bible, was not only the impetus for the idea that “All men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”, but was considered as absolutely necessary to maintain a free and civil society.

…Cleon Skousen published “Naked Communist” in 1958 wherein he summarized the 45 objectives of Communism within the United States of America as detailed in Congressional reports and writings of ex-Communists. Today every one of those goals has been met. They attack the very heart of the American ideal, Virtue.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch”.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of ‘separation of church and state’.

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a world-wide basis.

30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man”.

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of “the big picture”… [p. 248-49, The Naked Communist, Skousen]

Progressivism, brought into the main arteries of modern culture of America by Saul Alinsky (Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are both disciples), is a barely more subtle approach to raw Communism, and has its roots in Karl Marx, Fredrick Engels, and Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, which was the seed of Communism.

The strategy to accomplish this is expedited by drawing into question the character of the American Founders (29 & 30) and their motives, demoralizing modern Americans and leaving them feeling betrayed by their heroes, believing they have been misled by their parents, teachers, and institutions. Progressivism, while claiming the high moral ground, takes advantage of the human condition, (the fallen nature of Mankind) and focuses entirely on the faults of those they oppose, justifying their own lusts and proclivities, while passing judgement on their enemies.

The Founders, above most, if not all their successors theretofore, were fully aware of this condition and placed their highest priority on keeping government from interfering with the vital task of imparting virtue, and spiritual accountability to Almighty God, to every generation of American, namely through the Judeo-Christian scriptures- the Bible.

Upon this cornerstone rests the entirety of American culture and virtue, and subsequently, the success of the “experiment” of self-government…

Read More…Here

The Revealed Faith of the Founders

16 09 2015

My apologies for neglecting this blog for so long.  I have been working on multiple projects, and one of those is quite finished.  This post is an introduction to the work I’ve been doing on a study of the Founding Fathers.  I will post a few snippets of that study every few days for the next week or so.  -declaration-hero-E

“The necessity for this endeavor is made by attempts to defame the American Founders, their motives, and to mislead, confuse, and dishearten modern Americans, drawing into question our very purpose as a people, and eventually disenfranchise today’s Patriots and American Christians of all stripes.  It is, in effect, an attack against the very foundations of our beloved Country.  “Fundamentally transforming the United States of America” is not a Barack Obama original thought.  It is in line though, with Mrs. Obama’s statement that “we are going to have to change our traditions, change our history”.

These people are simply the blossom on the weed of Progressivism, which sprouted at the turn of the 20th Century as the prevalent ideology of the likes of Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Margaret Sanger, and Jack Reed.”

The entire document can be found in pdf form by simply clicking the page tab at the top of the screen “The Revealed FAith of the Founders”.  Just click the link by the same name, “The Revealed Faith of the Founders”.  Feel free to download the pdf and read the entire study at your convenience.

The Dualistic Dilemma

12 07 2015

Guest Column by Jana Rea

When I was a kid, if I said something about God, people would ask me if I wanted to be a missionary. A neighbor friend once told me I should be a nun. That unsolicited advise puzzled me then, but now I understand it: Relegate the ‘religious’ to a profession so they stay put in a tidy place where ‘normal’ people don’t have to bother with the “Thees, Thy’s and Therefore’s” of dealing with a Presumed Presence from Whom we would rather keep a comfortable distance unless we need something. Let the religious do their bit while the rest of us live in the real world. The Real World. And what, pray tell, is that exactly?

I didn’t know it then but I had been subtly introduced to dualism—the assumed disparity between the seen and the unseen, between faith and reason–a kind of mental construct that assigns categories to our efforts to grasp Reality. Life assumptions—like dualism can go undetected until a conflict, or irony opens them for full view.

Recently I read an article about a movement in Australia to call the world to pray for America. The press release from the National Day of Prayer, Australia read:

“We in Australia believe it is our turn to bless the nation of America and pray for healing for the USA through prayer and fasting according to II Chronicles 7:14. We in Australia are grateful for the protection that America gave Australia and the nations of the free world during World War II.”

About the same time, a friend loaned us a copy of a self-published compilation of Kingdom Stories; The Life and Labors of Rev. G.V. Albertson (Copyright 1935 by Ruth Hill, Boston Ma). A cowboy turn preacher is a fascinating coming-of-age account that gives color and context to the territory days in ‘Bleeding Kansas’ and early settlements in Oklahoma. It is a personal narrative that reveals the hardness of life that forged the characters of our mid western fore bearers. From one chapter, “ Ill shoot the Preacher”, the author writes,

Many of this generation, hearing the gospel from fine cushioned pews, and enjoying most conventional up-to-date services, could scarcely be made to comprehend the hard beginnings of many of our churches a generation ago and particularly of some of the 2200 that have been founded by Sunday School Missionaries on the frontier . . . Good people who had taken homes there had to be most watchful for property and life; . . . all manner of crimes were being enacted. With those who stood for law and order, the Sunday School Missionary under took to build up a church. (p. 68)

While I work with our son on the renovation of a tiny house in East Lawrence, my husband oversees the building of a school in Africa as a volunteer. Continents apart, our very real worlds could not be more different. I order tile from a warehouse; a contractor measures for kitchen cabinets with special compartments for spices, trash and recycle. Meanwhile Ed admires African workers who pat down the hand-mixed pavers into the earth for the classroom floor; a wall shelf is a luxury and an unexpected convenience. The slow and steady work of missionaries is opening new opportunities and casting doubt on the efficacy of witch doctors for relief from sickness or demons. Demons–now there is a worldview indicator word!

Whether on another continent or during an earlier era, what determines this fundamental difference, besides geography and genetics? In these three cases a Judeo/Christian worldview has taken root or is taking effect; the result permeates every aspect of society—family, economy, and the judicial system. Justice in the Wild West was settled in the streets until law and order was established by a Biblical moral code. African villages under the tribal influence of ancestral loyalties and Islamic customs in some places are yielding to the good news of the God of the Bible. Industry replaces dependency so the disinherited wives and children have a livelihood; education is made affordable and opens doors to new futures for the young. America’s foundation was firmly Judeo/Christian. The unprecedented prosperity that resulted propelled prosperity else where, like Australia.

Ironically, it is not the foreign fields at risk now—it is the homeland of America. Our dualism has finally dealt us a dilemma. We have politely excised our religion out of our public square and left chards where once there was a vibrant fountain. Thankfully the mission fields in Africa and Australia and church plants of yesterday are now returning the favor by praying for America. So what does that say of our maturity, our supposed progress? It sounds more like a civilization in its dotage than its vigor. There is something very full circle or ironic about the pairing of these accounts– this frontier account of fledgling churches that became the root system of communities for generations while the fruit of their labor spread into foreign fields now offering solace to our morally bereft nation.

You have to wonder how did we get here. Critical thinking and self-examination are casualties of a culture that prefers delusions for now then simply pass the nonsense on to the next generation as they observe it practiced by us. And practice it we have. And do. Our dualism is so perfected we stay on cue, going from church to club to work to party to home and hearth and never realize how compartmentalized we have become. Split.

What is it if not schizophrenic to assert “In God We Trust” but refuse to acknowledge Him publicly or privately as the Giver of all of our Nation’s bounty? Or refuse to recognize that the Founders were devoutly determined to invoke God’s favor and did everything necessary to set their lives in agreement with His revealed Word. Divorcing sacred from secular by insisting that politics and religion cannot co-exist does not alter reality. It does however reveal the modern fault line in the American mind. However, I do believe that this split in consciousness is amendable. Where there is a will to examine one’s belief systems and make changes where necessary.

Dietrich Bonheoffer wrote, “All things appear as in a distorted mirror, if they are not seen and recognized in God.”

In Jesus Christ the reality of God has entered into the reality of this world. The place where the questions about the reality of God and about the reality of the world are answered at the same time is characterized solely by the name: Jesus Christ. God and the world are enclosed in this name . . . we cannot speak rightly of either God or the world without speaking of Jesus Christ. All concepts of reality that ignore Jesus Christ are abstractions. As long as Christ and the world are conceived as two realms bumping against and repelling each other re, we are left with only the following options. Giving up on reality as a whole, either we place ourselves in one of the two realms, wanting Christ without the world or the world without Christ—and both cases we deceive ourselves . . . There are not two realities, but only one reality, and that is God’s reality revealed in Christ in the reality of the world. Partaking in Christ, we stand at the same time in the reality of God and in the reality of the world the reality of Christ embraces the reality of the world in itself. The world has no reality of its own independent of Gods’ revelation in Christ . . . [T]he theme of two realms, which has dominated the history of the church again and again, is foreign to the New Testament. (Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas, pg469)

Biblical support is easy to find. Colossians 1:15-20.

What governs moral law whether in remote villages, the Old West or ‘progressive’ American cities? Whether codified or not, what places a schematic in place that explains the cause and effect of human behavior within the known universe? The worldview of the inhabitants. But dualism renders it blurry.

It is time as a nation to realize that the foundation of our county and the subsequent buildings upon it are grossly incongruent. Never before has it been as obvious. There is nothing faulty with the foundation. It is brilliant. But over time we have allowed slip shod construction and derelict leaders to occupy prominence, preeminence over our Constitution and our conscience until our national contract is in shreds.

Wherever there is a virtue, there is a counterfeit.

Socialism pretends to correct American individualism with collectivism, which of course has been tried and failed and yet under the current administration has been resurrected with new meanings to our lexicon of trusted words like ‘Hope’ and Transformation, all of which peddle the deranged ideology of Saul Alinsky, exalted to czar status empowering governmental mandates from every agency; all substitutes for what God had in mind:

“Love God with all your heart and strength and mind and your neighbor as yourself.” It has been called the Golden Rule but it is much more than that because it is predicated on self-love. That only happens by first acknowledging God the Creator, Sustainer and Giver of life thus giving Him the proper honor. Then in gratitude we live as stewards of a world we did not make and do not own. Agenda 21 is the pretender of this virtue as it doesn’t recognize the proper created order and seeks to demonize ‘Man’ as the persecutor of the Earth and all the species in it. For sustainability, only an “all- wise world order” would be able to control the evil capitalists who seek profit at the expense of undeveloped counties. The problem is— who gets to make the rules in the New World Order? I hope no one I see on the world stage. No person, because human nature is not trustworthy. Government was instituted to keep human nature in check. The bigger government gets, the more humans can mess it up. It becomes a god and functions like a tyrant. God, not government rights all relationships. Self-governance precedes generosity and ethics.

It has always been about worldview, which asks the big philosophical questions of the individual and society: What is the nature of Reality? (Metaphysics), How can we know it? (Epistemology) How then shall we live? (Ethics) You would think in a university town the residents would have the tools for critical thinking but when slow cooked in the toad water of liberalism, it has fallen prey to a ploy of social justice and redistribution. Of course justice matters. But defining justice is a prerequisite to a workable solution. Muslims and Christians are worldviews apart on definitions of that word. Let’s not pretend.

In an America that is being ‘fundamentally transformed, reduced to the diminished and awkward role of a “Post-America World” player, I have dusted off my textbooks on Western Civilization which is clearly out of vogue as the current President was photographed carrying a book with that title to and from Air Force One—his free ride. Recently published textbooks enhance the view of Islam and minimize Christianity as a persecutor of all things Islamic; our universities are substituting Western Civilization with Middle Eastern Studies. To appeal the Middle Eastern dollars of course and sell our soil and soul! There is nothing more important now than a coherent worldview and to be able to articulate it. Right now we are not a melting pot, we are a cacophony of chaos due to implode.

The Judeo/Christian worldview was fundamental to the shaping of our government. Man, left to himself will corrupt, pervert and mask his intention to do so as long as possible to hold power until tyranny is inevitable. Education cannot redeem– government doesn’t succor the soul. It is not the socialist worldview nor is it the Islamist worldview that founded this country—it was the Biblical worldview.

Not long ago I was asked, “Has the Douglas County Republican Party become too religious? ”

I love the question. A perfectly legitimate one and deserves a well-reasoned answer. But before that, I need to ask questions.

What is meant by the word “religious”? The term usually has connotations of the moralistic. So if by the question they intend to ask, is it proper for a political party to assert that we live in a moral universe? I reply, Yes. And is that assertion necessary to the scope of the Republican Platform? Again I say, Yes.

If by ‘religious’ they are asking, are we promoting one religion over others, I would ask which religion is foundational to our Republic? Is it Hindu, Islam, Rastafarian Atheism, Secularism? None of the above. Only the Judeo/Christian Bible is quoted more than any other source in our founding documents. Judaism gave us the Law; Christianity gives us the only One who was able to keep it, revealing the true nature of God and paid the penalty we deserve. The Founders celebrated this. Allusions and overt references in their writings are unmistakable to the literate. Therefore when George Washington pens words like:

“… Of all the dispositions and habits, which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties move men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked: Where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation deserts the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice? And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. What ever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”

(George Washington excerpted from Farewell Address 1796)

I would ask, are we then being too religious to recall, to recite and to seek to reinstitute them? I think not. In fact I would go so far as to say, we utterly fail without them. John Adams says it better than I:

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

(John Adams, in a letter to the officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts, on October 11, 1798)

The question itself is very revealing about the American mind—it is incredibly dualistic. When we assert a belief but subvert it in word or in practice that mind is divided and integrity is at risk. If faith does not permeate all of life it is infantile at best. The unexamined mind leads to unexamined groupthink and so goes society. The only remedy is the entrance of an objective Truth and the hard work of self-examination for a unity of mind and spirit. But that of course begs the question of a spiritual dimension to our existence.

So I would ask, if the questioner is a Republican by affiliation? If so, how do they ignore the fundamental premises of the Republican Platform? If the questioner is of the Democrat party, then I understand the disassociation from God. It is systemic. Sporting a collage of contradictory worldviews is not open-minded liberalism –it is maniacal schizophrenia. We are way past resuming the integrity of our thought, word and deed as a Nation.  We must exhume rather than resume.

The confusion I have felt for the better part of 8 years is how to invest my life energy, how to live faithfully when every system in our society is teetering toward collapse. I have chosen to stand squarely on the Republican platform admitting no contradiction to my worldview. I have chosen to stand in a political field erstwhile it questions the viability and relevance of faith; I have chosen Christianity while that faith field in practice often dismisses the immediate or ultimate benefit of the political endeavor. I must somehow find those contradictions illogical as did Dietrich Bonheoffer, whose integrity inspires me in these days.

In the meantime, the Judeo Christian worldview is on the public scaffold. Adherents may follow. However, the God of all Time and all nations will not be mocked and laughs at the derision of Man. Psalms 2. He would shepherd the fatherless and the widow at the very end of all time, and draw nearest to the broken-hearted. Psalms 145. Eventually we will no longer see darkly through the dust of dilemmas but clearly when we see Him face to face. II Corinthians 13:12, Psalms 17:15.

Until then, Reality begs for participants.

Thanksgiving Proclamation 1789

26 11 2014

By George Washington, President, 1789

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me to“recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:”

George Washington, via Wikipedia

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the 3rd day of October, A.D. 1789.

washington signat

Dateline: 11/14/14

20 11 2014

Most news stories have a dateline which includes the date, location, and today the news service which first published the story (Reuters, AP, ect.)
Most important is the publishing date and the location.  This story has several locations, but only one eventful date. Well, technically two dates exactly a hundred years apart.

November 14, 2014

Islamic State Dinar design, 2014 via WSJ

This date passed most Americans by with nothing more than a “TGIF”.  But Islam was celebrating.  Just as it did exactly 100 years prior, on November 14, 1914.  First we’ll look at a few “insignificant” stories that (barely) made the news, all on 11/14/14:

Dateline Iraq: Islamic State leader, “Caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announces plans for IS (Islamic State) to begin minting  its own official Dinari coinage in various denominations for use across the newly established, and Sharia governed “Caliphate”.

This announcement came within 24 hours of a speech released by al-Baghdadi, wherein he vowed to press on in establishing the Caliphate and fight “to the last man” in order to fulfill Allah’s directive, calling on Muslims everywhere to join the Jihad.  This following rumors that he had been wounded in a coalition force bombing.

According to this USA Today story, the coins carry the words in Arabic: “The Islamic State / A Caliphate Based on the Doctrine of the Prophet.”  Nothing Islamic about that, Mr. Obama.

Dateline Washington DC:  The United States House of Representatives was re-convened by praises given to Allah in the official opening prayer by a New Jersey Imam, Hamad Ahmad Chebli of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey with these words:

“In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful,” he began. “Praise be to Allah, the cherisher, the sustainer of the world, the most gracious, the most merciful master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship and thine do we seek.”

“Guide us to the safe path,” Chebli continued. “The god of the prophets and the messenger says in the Koran [that] he does not place a responsibility on you greater than you can bear. Everyone will receive the good they have earned and vice versa.”

He then asked that Allah bless and guide Congress. [Courtesy JewsNews]

No, this was not the first time that a Muslim opened Congress in prayer, but it was the first time the name of Allah was invoked, and the first time Quran was quoted in that prayer.  I wonder, when was the last time even a Christian prayer was allowed to invoke the name of Jesus Christ in the US Congress?

Dateline Nigeria:   Boko Haram, the Islamic Terrorist organization who kidnapped 276 schoolgirls from a single town, has now seized control of that town of Chibok, as well as Hong and Gombi as it continues its Jihad to establish Nigeria as an Islamic State.

Dateline Washington:    One hundred and two years ago (1912) the first services were held in Bethlehem Chapel, the first completed portion of the National Cathedral, which incidentally has been the longest construction project in US history, spanning 83 years with the cornerstone laid in the

National Cathedral, Washington DC via Wikipedia

presence of President Theodore Roosevelt (bearing the scripture “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14)  and the final “finial” placed in 1990 in the presence of President George H W Bush.  The National Cathedral quickly became the center of services of prayer, thanksgiving,  memorials and funerals of Presidents and other state dignitaries, as well as national prayer services such as the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks on the US.  It has been designated by the United States Congress as a National House of Prayer.

Friday, November 14, 2014 the National House of Prayer became a mosque.  The administrators rearranged furnishings and laid prayer rugs for the 200 Muslim attendees in a fashion where they faced Mecca and did not have to view any Christian icons or symbols while praying to Allah.  How nice.  I am continuing to wait with bated breath the day when a Christian Pastor is invited into a Mosque to preach the Gospel and pray in the name of Jesus Christ!

The service was officiated by South Africa’s ambassador to the US, and Muslim scholar, Ibrahim Rasool.

Dates are not coincidental when it comes to Islam.  Symbolism of events and dates in history are very important and are used often to make a statement.  Take for instance, this date, 11/14/14.

Dateline Constantinople, Ottoman Empire, November 14, 1914:  The Caliph, Sheikh Ul Islam declares Jihad and urges Muslims to take up arms against the European Allies in World War One in its own alliance with Germany.  When the Caliph Mehmet II entered Constantinople in conquest in 1453, after 3 days of butchery, pillage and destruction, he rode to the Hagia Sophia, the greatest church of Eastern Orthodox Christianity, and halted its defacement.  He immediately called for dedicatory prayers and as the Adhan was echoing off the interior walls of the church, it was transformed into a Mosque, as a sign of conquest.  This has historically been the pattern, especially concerning any church of importance or grandeur, to take possession of and declare it a waqf (Islamic possession), which is forthwith and forever Islamic property.  The Grand Mosque of Mecca (The Kaabah), the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, and the Great Cordoba Mosque are all historical examples of this.

Armenian girls crucified by Turks, 1915

In that Fatwa, or declaration of Jihad, the Turkish Caliph Mehmet Ul Islam, outlined the Quranic rules for jihad which were instructions to “take no friends of the Jews or Christians” and “kill them wherever you find them”, driving the infidels from the Land.

In 1914, Turkey was home to about 2 million Armenian Christians, 1.8 million Greeks, and 750K Assyrian (or Syriac Christians).  By 1923, a million Greeks, 300K Syriac’s, and 1.5 million Armenian Christians had been slaughtered by Turkish and Ottoman Kurdish forces.  Most of the survivors had been displaced, running for their lives, or in deportation pogroms.

Ottoman Interior Minister Mehmet Talat Pasha is on record ordering, “Kill every Armenian man, woman, and child without concern.”

Yet, even today Turkey’s government refuses to recognize the holocaust perpetrated by its early 20th century governments, initiating the bloodiest century in world history.  The Turkish government has banned books discussing the matter and continues its denial, with PM Recip Tayyip Erdogen calling for “an impartial study by historians” as to the fate of the Armenian People during WW1.  Maybe we could loan him a few of our “historians” who have revised our own American History for today’s consumption.

While the Pogroms, the “death marches” and the extermination orders began to be fulfilled in 1915, November 14, 1914 was the date of issuance of this official Fatwa which gave not only official authority, but moral prejudicial purpose according to the tenets of Islam, as directed in the Quran and Hadith composing the legal basis of Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia).   It was modeled after the last words of the Prophet Muhammad himself, “O Lord, perish the Jews and the Christians. They made churches of the graves of their Prophets. Beware, there should be no two faiths in Arabia. (Hadith – Muwatta Imam Malik, p. 371)  Stands to reason that the Turkish Caliph would emulate that Prophet above all Prophets, and seek to eliminate all faiths in Turkey, except Islam.

As far as genocides go, the Armenians don’t get much press.  We all have heard of the Jewish Holocaust.  We’ve heard of the short-lived Rwanda genocide where 800,000 were killed in just a couple of months in 1994.  We know of the “Killing Fields” of Cambodia in the late ’70’s when Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge wiped out over 2 million ethnic minorities and anyone who was a threat to the Communist ideology.  Maybe you’ve even heard of the Ukrainian genocide when Stalin starved or executed 7 million, mostly farmers who refused to “Collectivize” after the Communist Revolution formed the USSR, although he was responsible for several genocides that never made Western attention.

But the Armenian genocide continues to resonate for the United States and other Western nations who are increasingly faced with Islamic infiltration and confrontation.   It is amazing how the Turkish Delegation continues to work effectively in statehouses around the United States, with little or no resistance.  Turkey’s “cold war” on Armenia continues, even though Armenia has been relegated to a small sliver of mostly mountainous country less than 12,000 sq miles sandwiched between Turkey, Iran, and Azerbaijan, with Georgia on the north in a region which was part of the old Soviet Union, and had been unstable for several years following USSR’s dissolution.  Modern Armenia, population 3 million, has good foreign relations with pretty much everyone other than its Turkic neighbors (Turkey and Azerbaijan) who have blockaded the Armenians for 20 years following a hot war, and has a security relationship with Russia for protection against its two hostile neighbors.

Meanwhile, the Turks are busy conducting public relations programs across the United States, working to win the “hearts and minds” of American civil servants at all levels, from local city councils and police and fire departments, to state Legislators, Sheriffs offices, and local FBI offices.  They extend an invitation to an awards dinner, then present the targeted individual or group with some award concerning community relations.  They normally operate through a local Turkish organization such as Raindrop Turkish House or other TCAE (Turqoise Council of American Eurasians) affiliates.  Most, if not all these organizations are associated with Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish Imam who lives in Pennsylvania. They have a growing number of Turkish Charter Schools around the USA, and continue to expand that movement, lobbying state legislators.  Every legislative session these groups will host a “Legislative Reception” where elected officials are enticed with Turkish food, culture and entertainment.  They are then encouraged to join the hosts for a “trip of a lifetime” to their home country of Turkey, usually about 10 days, expenses paid of course.   These Turkish emissaries then continue to bring resolution after resolution into legislatures of many states which either praise Azerbaijan or condemn Armenia, or seek to expand current relations with the Turkish government itself.  Check your state legislature and most likely you’ll find them there.

The Kansas Legislature has dealt with a couple of these resolutions.  The first was a blatant attempt to deceive lawmakers into passing a “Turkish-Kansas Friendship Resolution” which was fraught with false claims of Turkey’s great human rights policies.  That was an embarrassment to our Turkish “friends” in attendance, being refused before it even came to a vote, so the next attempt was to get a Representative to carry a pro-Azerbaijan resolution the next year.

[Now Kansas has a long-standing mutually beneficial relationship with Armenia.  In 2003, The Republic of Armenia signed a bilateral affairs agreement with the U.S. Department of Defense and the state of Kansas establishing the Kansas-Armenia State Partnership Program, which includes services and training in a number of security and strategic defense issues including counter-terrorism.  Armenian troops have also served in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of the international Coalition Forces against Islamic Terrorism.]

Off floor debate and discussion became quite controversial once again, and one Kansas Democrat Representative who had just recently returned from one of those junkets to Azerbaijan and sponsored the resolution was overheard saying of the Armenians, “Those people don’t matter and their land is just desert”!  The Turks and the Azerbaijani’s had done their job well, but the resolution failed to accomplish the desired outcome, prompting two of the same sponsors to bring a pro-Armenian Resolution immediately.

The Armenians are a tough, resilient people.  For centuries they have been the subject of pogroms, genocide, persecution and wars.  They are a Christian culture on the border between atheism and Islam.  They are an ancient people with a proud heritage and an uncertain future in a part of the world where nothing is taken for granted.  Today they face the additional threat of the Islamic State, or the latest Caliphate, who has already targeted Armenians in Iraq and Syria.  American politics notwithstanding, the Armenian people will likely remain when the American people are scattered.

I have attached a short video of one Armenian-American family’s story.  Please take a look and reflect.  The world is not what it seems.  Coincidence, or political statement?

Defining the Enemy: Why the United States Government Can Not Win the “War on Terror”

7 09 2014

ontherise“… If you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle.” –Sun Tzu, The Art of War

A government, nation, or an individual for that matter, who pours their own definition into terms or words is doomed to failure, confusion and isolation in a world where communication is imperative for success on any level. A person cannot say “I have no enemy” and walk peacefully down a path lined with a mob who seeks his death, expecting a leisurely stroll. The Jews learned long ago, when someone says they’re going to kill you, believe them. Likewise, a government cannot long ignore an enemy who has declared war upon that nation, no matter how distant that enemy may seem.

A nation, government, or individual who refuses to recognize an existential threat is either naive, insane, or suicidal. However, this is exactly what the United States Government has been doing for over ten years. Even as far back as 9/11/2001, US government officials and their willing accomplices in the media, have gone out of their way to refuse mention of the enemy that struck us on that fateful day.

Even after 13 years of war operations, in Afghanistan the US has lost 2344 military personnel, and 4486 in Iraq to an undefined enemy. Many of these casualties were the result of “Rules of Engagement” (ROE) which tie the hands of our brave American service members, and resulted in the single largest loss of Special Operations Forces in American military history, the shoot down of Extortion 17, August 6th, 2011, in the Tangi Valley. 30 crew and Spec Ops personnel were on board including 17 Navy SEALS. The father of one of those men, Billy Vaughn wrote “Betrayed”, an expose’ on how faulty ROE’s (which includes all missions approved by Afghan military commanders), among other bad decisions resulted in the tragedy that cost his son Aaron’s team their lives. I highly recommend this book.

We continue to fail to recognize the true enemy; the ideology that not only threatens America, but the rest of Western Civilization. This ideology is diametrically opposed to the values and freedoms that Americans hold dear. It is incompatible with our United States Constitution, nevertheless our government continues to embrace this ideology, yes, even promote it within our own borders.

“The War on Terror”

-President George W. Bush coined that phrase and was reprimanded by followers of this enemy ideology for referring to our military combat operations going into Afghanistan as “this crusade, this war on terror, is going to take a while.” in an unscripted Bush ICWDC AwadCAIR Sept17 statement 5 days after 9-11. The Council on American-Islamic Relations did not like that word “crusade”, and Mr. Bush apologized and never used it again. He also became an apologist for Islam, referring to it as “a peaceful religion” the very next day at the Islamic Center of Washington DC, while CAIR co-founder Nihad Awad looked over the left shoulder of the President. Yes, I will say it. Islam is the enemy of America, Israel, and the entire Western Society as well as all the world!

I am sick to death of everyone from the media, to government officials, to pulpits in America avoiding this controversial statement. Islam has declared war upon all nations, tribes, cultures and governments that do not submit to Islamic leadership and government. This war was declared in the 7th Century as the Islamic hoards swept across Northern Africa up into Spain, and conquering Persia, India, and Afghanistan pressing up into Eastern Europe. It has never been ended.

As you can see in my previous post, the video of the History of Jihad, Islam has been on the offensive pretty much non-stop since Muhammad conquered Mecca in 630 AD. In fact, just about every month or two now, we hear of a new jihad group declaring war on Israel and America. Islam is the arch-enemy of Judaism and Christianity. It is the enemy of paganism, atheism, and Zoroastrianism (think Yezidi people trapped on the mountain). It has conquered, murdered, subjugated, and oppressed people of all other cultures and religions for 14 Centuries. It is relentless, it is cunning. Islam is persistent. Islam is unforgiving. Islam is patient…very patient. But listen, Islam is not “Terror”, as in “the war on terror”. To say “War on Terror” is like saying “War on Blitzkrieg”. Blitzkrieg (blitz) was a tactic employed by the Nazi’s as they rolled through Europe, speedily conquering neighboring states. To declare “war on Terror” would be like Eisenhower deciding to fight only those Nazi forces who are using blitzkrieg to gain control of its victims. Or perhaps deciding that the Allies would only kill the SS troopers and avoid fighting the regular Wehrmacht, after all they were mostly draftees, and didn’t really have a choice in their situation. Utter foolishness! Does anyone remember Dresden, Berlin, Hamburg? But wars were simpler then. The enemy was anyone who aided and abetted, or participated in, the war fighting or subversive capabilities of those who engaged in activities with malice towards the United States of America and/or threatened the safety/security of American citizens and/or our allies.

“Terror” is a tactic

It is a tactic used by an enemy to render its opposition “terrified” and confused, disorganized and willing to “submit” (the very definition of “Islam”) to be ruled by Islam. Islam has learned that Western secular government officials and media drones don’t seriously hold any religious values, beliefs or practices. They understand that Europe and America have been “de-educating” their children for about 3 generations now, replacing the Judeo-Christian ethos with “Pluralism” and “Multiculturalism”. (Pluralism= All beliefs, faiths, ideologies are of equal value; Multiculturalism= No culture is superior and diversity is the modern goal for perfect cultural balance) Of course, Islam is correct in its assessment of the state of Western Culture. We have set ourselves up to be conquered. We are so willing to embrace an ideology/religion that is totally foreign to the American ideal, and so quick to refuse the true roots of everything that made America the strongest, most benevolent, peace-loving country in world history, our Judeo/Christian heritage.

Our government has been influenced in the highest offices by Islamic groups such as CAIR (HAMAS’s American PR organization), Muslim American Society, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Islamic Circle of North America, Islamic Society of America, and the list goes on. These groups are all known Muslim Brotherhood affiliates. The Muslim Brotherhood has been classified as a terrorist organization by Egypt, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. If you haven’t read the “Explanatory Memorandum” that outlines how the Brotherhood plans to take the United States from within, please, by all means click here to read it! (The English translation begins halfway through the document) The Muslim Brotherhood also is known for its desire to re-establish the Caliphate, or “Khilafah”, the Islamic State. This is a common objective among Muslim organizations world wide, not just those “jihad” “terrorist” organizations like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Haqqani, Al Nusra, Islamic Jihad, Abu Sayyaf, PLO, HAMAS, Hezbollah, etc, etc, ad nauseam.

Do you get the picture? For every Muslim apologist in the West who says that Islam is a peaceful religion there are many more who either actively engage in jihad, support it financially (this is where a portion of zaqat alms goes), or know that jihad is a legitimate tenet of Islam and to deny it’s purpose of “warring against non-Muslims…to establish the religion”** of Islam, is to deny Islam itself!! (**Umdat al Salik, Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law [Sharia], o9.0, p. 599).

The Caliphate is that “Islamic State” that I wrote about in 2011 under the title “New Khilafah”. You can visit that article to get a bit of history about the Caliphate and why it is important to Muslims. So you see, ISIS, now known as “Islamic State” has simply put feet to the movement to establish the Caliphate, which has been the goal of Islam since the beginning, and was temporarily suspended right after WW1. ISIS is only one of a myriad of groups, here-to-fore listed, which all hold the same ideology: Islam must rule the world. Now where do you suppose all these freak extremist terrorist groups get their ideology? Well, from the same place that those “peaceful” Islamic supremicist and friendly civic/social groups (CAIR, MPAC, MSA, MAS, ICNA, ISNA, etc.) get theirs… Al Quran (Koran)!! Every one of these groups is made in Islam! Check out this Clarion Project article on Mohamed Elibiary, a Muslim Brotherhood supporter who was appointed to the Dept of Homeland Security Advisory Board by the Obama Administration. Elibiary tweeted that “The Caliphate is inevitable” and touted it as an EU version of an Islamic Union of States.

I am going to quote for you the exact Koranic verses as they appear in the section of “The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law” that are given as justification for jihad to establish the religion of Islam:

(1) “Fighting is prescribed for you” (Koran 2:216) (2) “Slay them wherever you find themn” (Koran 4:89) (3) “Fight the idolators utterly” (Koran 9:36) [Umdat al-Salik, Reliance of the Traveler, p. 599]

Then from the section under the heading “Objectives of Jihad” the same manual goes on to specify what the role of the “Caliph” is:

o.9.8 “The Caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians (N: provided he has first invited them to enter Islam in faith and practice, and if they will not, then invited them to enter the social order of Islam by paying the non-Mulim poll tax (jizya…)-which is the significance of their paying it, not the money itself-while remainging in their ancestral religions) and the war continues until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax. And from o.9.9 “The caliph fights all other peoples until they becom Muslim…”

President Obama and the rest of the stooges may continue to swear that ISIS is an “extremist group” that “does not represent any religion” or speak for any faith, and are not properly following Islamic teachings. Well, both the jihadis and the silent Muslims all around the world disagree with you, sir. These are undeniable doctrines inherent in the Islamic religion/ideology. They are indisputable in their fundamental influence in the entire religion of Islam. Now, I would not say that every Muslim wants ISIS to rule the world, nor would I say that every Muslim is an “Islamist” (one who seeks to propagate the religion by whatever means, peaceful or otherwise. A Muslim who is not an Islamist is in danger of apostacy by the standards of Koran and the Sharia). But every “Islamist” does want Islam to rule the world. And while not every Islamist is a violent Jihadi terrorist, they do share the common objective of Khalifah. And those organizations I listed earlier in this article, both the Jihadi groups and the political/social groups all share that common objective, just as indicated by the Elibiary quote. “The War on Terror” cannot be won. One could just as well declare “war on child abuse” or “war on poverty” (oh, wait, we tried that one-failed), or “war on drugs” (another failed). As long as evil exists in the heart of Man, man will continue to succomb to evil. It is his natural state. Only Jesus Christ can change the heart of man.

“Brother Rachid” is a former Muslim from Morocco who had his heart changed by Christ. He has a message for President Barak Hussein Obama. Please watch.

Islamization in Progress

25 08 2014

Anyone who doubts that Islam is colonizing the United States, Europe, Australia, along with anywhere else it can get a foothold must watch this video about European cities. As the Muslim population approaches 40% in many cities in Belgium, non-Muslim Europeans are finally recognizing that Islam is not present to co-exist, it means to dominate.

England now has 85 Sharia Courts within its borders. There are places in London that British Police do not tread. The startling thing is that not only the British Government has allowed this to happen, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, has backed its role in British Society!

I will be posting a short series of videos here that demonstrate the astounding developments in this Islamic colonization in no uncertain terms.

Click this link for video.

Why Are There No Anti-“ISIS” Rallies?

1 08 2014

I have yet to see any CAIR rallies, or any other Muslims rallying in the cause to separate Islamic State from Islam! Where are the chants: ‘This is not Islam”! or “No! No! Crucifixions! This is not our way!” or maybe “Stop the killing, Stop the Hate, We condemn Islamic State!” Perhaps “From Damascus to the Gulf, Stop beheading, that’s enough!”

Protests in the Hague mark the first time the ISIS Flag has been flow in Europe.

Protests in the Hague mark the first time the ISIS Flag has been flow in Europe.

Why? Why do you not see these rallies across America or Europe? Very simple! Because these methods ARE part and parcel of the propagation and purification of Islam, yes, according to the Prophet, Muhammad! There is no condemnation for the Jihadi who is either killing “infidels” (atheists or pagans) or “apostates” (Muslims who have gone astray), or Jews and Christians who fail to submit to the Islamic State (Caliphate). This is prescribed practice according to “Umdat al-Salik” (The Classic Manuel of Islamic Holy Law, otherwise known as “Shari’a”).

Anti-Israel protest, Miami-via

It is the method by which Muhammad conquered the entire Arabian Peninsula, and followed by ‘The Four Rightly Guided Caliphs” (Abu Bakr, Ummar, Uthman, Ali), a period of conquest that spanned a hundred years which included the Islamic conquest of all the Middle East into South and Central Asia, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal), finally stopped by the armies of Charles Martel in France.
The Third Caliphate split into a civil war which resulted in what we know as Shia and Sunni, a theological/political disagreement over who is the legal successor of Muhammad, and thus began the great schism which we see today, wherein Muslim is allowed to kill Muslim because one group views the other as “Apostate”. The group now known as “Islamic State” is Sunni. The governing majority of Iraq that the United States established is Shia (supported by Iran).

Other Sunni Jihad groups include the Muslim Brotherhood and all its spawn, including HAMAS (Gaza), Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jihad of Palestine, PLO, Fatah, and a myriad of other militant groups around the world including CAIR, MAS, MPAC, MSA, ISNA, ICNA, NAIT among many more in the United States. Yes, CAIR is HAMAS.

Shiite, or Iranian supported terrorists include Hezbollah in Lebanon and lessor known groups such as Mahdi’s Army, Promise Day Brigade.
When these two groups can’t find enough Infidels to kill they will kill each other for Apostacy.

Such is the quality of life lived (or not) under the Islamic State, otherwise known as the Caliphate. It is the prime directive of all good Muslims, the ‘Ummah”, to establish this Caliphate so that “Allah’s Religion Shall Reign Supreme”. If you don’t believe me, ask the next CAIR rally that you see to condemn HAMAS, ISIS (IS), or any other Jihad group. Even Mohamed Elibiary, a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate who tweeted recently that “the Caliphate is inevitable”. Elibiary was one of several Muslim Brotherhood associates who were appointed to the Department of Homeland Security by the Obama Administration after the election of 2008. Elibiary allegedly provided classified documents to media, but DHS Secretary Napolitona did not deem it necessary of disciplinary action.

He also tweeted, “America is an Islamic country”. (For more on Elibiary click here)

Now you know why the United States Government has been “aiding and abetting the enemy”, HAMAS, (designated by the Federal government under the Bush administration, as a “terrorist organization”, so yes they are the enemy!) in its battle with Israel. Now you know why the Administration enacted what amounted to “economic sanctions” on Israel by shutting down all American air carriers for the span of two days under a false pretense of “safety concerns” while these same airlines have been flying in and out of Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan with no such restrictions from the FAA. This also explains Israel’s frustration and distrust in the US Government. (If not for Senator Ted Cruz’s efforts this FAA restriction would have lasted much longer.)

Israel knows if they do not destroy HAMAS once and for all, this war will never end. Former Prime Minister Golda Meir once said, “Israel will have peace when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us.” Current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “If the Arabs lay down their weapons we will have peace. If Israel lay down their weapons there will be no more Israel.”

Truer words were never spoken by man.

As I have written in a prior article, the HAMAS Charter specifically points out that there is no “two state solution” and “the only solution is Jihad”. HAMAS and the PLO cannot abide a Jewish State of Israel, thus the only possibility for peace in the region is a “One State Solution”, that is governed by Israel, to assure the attacks on Israel cease and therefore Israel’s military responses will not be needed against the “Palestinians”. In other words, the threat will be mitigated simply because there is no “safe haven” for the terrorists to organize, re-arm, regroup, and launch attacks from.

Author and former Israeli official Caroline Glick is one of my favorite writers. She has written a book that explains this fully in “One State Solution”. Israel simply cannot allow HAMAS to survive.

As for the United States, it remains to be seen what the American People will do in response to the White House assisted infiltration of the government by the Muslim Brotherhood, and how they will react to the current invasion of our Southern Border, which by CBP (Customs and Border Patrol) reports show that a large percentage of those apprehended are from the Middle East, bearing tattoos in Farsi and Arabic, (speaking those languages), and prayer rugs and Korans.

Benny when you finish with HAMAS we could use a little leadership here in the USA.