American Muslim Brotherhood Organizes New Political Party

5 04 2014

In an effort to motivate and organize the Muslim Ummah in American politics, the Muslim Brotherhood has launched the U. S. Council of Muslim Organizations USCMO in hopes of having a determining impact in US elections.

“‘Muslim voters have the potential to be swing voters in 2016…We are aiming to bring more participation from the Muslim community.”  So said Nihad Awad, Co-founder and Executive Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  CAIR is among several Islamist groups working under the umbrella of the Muslim Brotherhood, recently named a terrorist organization by Egypt who also has recently condemned hundreds of MB members, including former President Mohamed Morsi, to death.

muslim_brotherhood_1 (1)

“Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood

The “Explanatory Memorandum on the Strategic Goal for the [Muslim Brotherhood] in North America” outlines the plan for the Islamic colonization and conquest of the US, a document published in 1991.  Among the USCMO participating organizations found listed among those named as MB organizations or “those of our friends” is not only CAIR, but also Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS) which was founded in ’93, two years after the ‘Memorandum” was published as a result of Muslim Brotherhood in America deciding they should have a public face.

The MAS instigator and self proclaimed co-founder Mohamed Mahdi Akef was the Supreme Guide for the MB International in Egypt from 2002 until Mohamed Badie replaced him in 2012.  (Last July, 2013 both men were arrested along with the other MB leadership, after Morsi was ousted by the Egyptian military.  I could not confirm whether Akef was one of the 528 condemned on March 24th.)  Sheikh Akef’s entire life has been intertwined with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. MAS is actively involved in anti-Semitic propaganda and pro-jihad statements, encouraging Muslims by quoting Quranic statements to avoid friendship with Jews and Christians, “kill them”, and “wage Jihad with the intention of dying as a martyr”.  As with other MB organizations, the prime directive is to establish an Islamic State in the U.S.

This is the next step in the “culture-jihad” delineated in the “Memorandum“.

H/T to and LR!

Read More At Investor’s Business Daily:

The Question of the Decade: Why Does Obama Support the Muslim Brotherhood?

26 08 2013

The following article is written by Kurt Schlichter, writer, lawyer, veteran Army Officer.  First appeared on  

I have included the article here because his title question has been nagging me as well and I agree with every word Kurt wrote here.

Why is Crushing the Muslim Brotherhood a Bad Thing?
By Kurt Schlichter

Here’s a wacky, outside-the-envelope idea that we just might want to give a shot – let’s try defeating our enemies. It’s bound to work out better than protecting and empowering them.

The Egyptian Army is taking tough stand against the Muslim Brotherhood. It is backed up by an Egyptian people who rapidly tired of the Islamofascist freak show a minority of them elected. The Army, while losing many of their own, killed a lot of the insurgent Brothers. For some reason we’re supposed to be upset.

I just can’t work up a lot of caring because a pack of murderous subversives whose declared goal is returning the globe to a permanent state of Seventh Century Bedouin theocracy tried to fight it out with a tough, well-armed and patriotic Egyptian military and got their teeth kicked in.

Let me stake out what, inexplicably, seems to be a minority position here in the United States: I want to see the Muslim Brotherhood decisively and permanently defeated. I don’t care if they surrender or die, as long as they lose.

Maybe I’m just not as attuned to the nuance and subtlety of the situation as our political elite. Maybe I don’t care deeply about freedom like they do, with my two deployments actually defending freedom hardly comparable to their above and beyond the call of duty posturing on talk shows.

Maybe I’m just too simplistic. After all, in my years in the infantry I was taught that you find the enemy, fix him in place and destroy him. As a lawyer, no client ever came to me and asked me to ensure the creep who launched the frivolous lawsuit against him walked out of court happy. I never got into a fight on the playground that ended with a hug.

As unpopular as it is in the rarified circles of our squeamish elitists, defeating our enemies still seems like a pretty good plan. But then I’m not burdened with the doubts so many elitists share about the essential legitimacy of pursuing America’s national interests.

At some level, many of these people feel that we Americans – we Westerners in general – deserve to lose. I don’t share those doubts. Our enemy is evil, plain and simple, and it needs to be beaten.

The Muslim Brotherhood plus the jihadi sociopaths associated with it are most certainly our enemy. How do we know? Because they tell us so.muslim_brotherhood_1 (1)

To View Complete Townhall Article CLICK HERE.

Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood:  “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.”

The Grand Deception: Muslim Brotherhood in America

6 11 2012

I have written numerous articles here about the Islamic invasion of America and the major operative organization in that endeavor, the Muslim Brotherhood.  Furthermore I have published documents such as “The Strategic Goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America”, which was captured by FBI in Virginia and used as evidence in the “U. S Govt. vs Holy Land Foundation” trial of 2008, exposing numerous Islamic groups and organizationsin the USA as terrorist financiers around the world, and a few other articles that I have not authored.  The article below is one such piece from Investors Business Daily.

Steven Emerson

Steven Emerson is possibly the foremost authority on Islamic Jihad in America, and has been at the task of exposing the threat since his first documentary aired on PBS back in 1994.  His subsequent works such as American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us  have been a gold mine for “counter jihad”  patriots and curiosity seekers alike, who desire to learn more about the subject.  Emerson is the Executive Director of the Investigative Project on Terrorism.

This editorial was posted on Investors Business Daily website on November 1.  I have added the bold highlights.  H/T to IBD

Islamofascism: A new documentary exposes the Muslim Brotherhood as a “subversive menace” hiding in plain sight. Forget the Mideast; this group threatens us in our backyard.

In “The Grand Deception,” producer and award-winning journalist Steve Emerson spends 70 minutes documenting how the radical Brotherhood’s tentacles have reached deep inside the U.S. political system over the past few decades.

The footage Emerson obtained of these Islamists speaking candidly behind closed doors is stunning. They may mouth pleasantries to our face, but behind our backs they’re plotting our destruction.  Emerson showed them praying in Congress or breaking bread in the White House as “peace-loving moderates,” then revealed them just days later damning America and calling for violent jihad against us and our allies.

The treachery of Siraj Wahhaj, one of the Brotherhood’s celebrated imams, is most chilling.  At first, we see him humbly giving the invocation before Congress as the first Muslim clergyman to do so.  Within days of that prayer, he’s back at his Brooklyn mosque spewing venomous hatred about America and non-Muslims.

“You know what this country is? It’s a garbage can,” Wahhaj snarls in a sermon to his flock. “It’s filthy.” He prays America “crumbles” and is replaced by Islam. Then he calls for jihad. You see one clip, then the other, and the deceit and duplicity are just breathtaking.

We also see, in another scene, prominent Brotherhood leader Abdurahman Alamoudi — once a White House fixture and State Department goodwill ambassador — publicly denouncing terrorism. “We are against all forms of terrorism,” he claims. In another scene, we see the same man, now safely in front of a group of Muslims, exalting Hamas and Hezbollah.

Then he’s heard at a mosque exhorting the faithful to transform America into “a Muslim country, even if it takes 100 years.” Finally we overhear him grumbling in an FBI wiretap that al-Qaida didn’t kill enough Americans in the African embassy bombings.

Today, Alamoudi is behind bars for plotting terrorism. The U.S. learned he’d been secretly raising funds for al-Qaida only after he’d infiltrated the highest echelons of our government. And only after he’d created the Muslim chaplain corps for the Pentagon that’s still in use.

The documentary exposes a very clever — and insidious — enemy, more so than the communists. It operates, as one interviewed FBI agent describes it, a “tangled web” of front groups and mosques all hiding behind religion and the First Amendment, and all lavishly funded by the Saudi government.

Another agent interviewed on camera recounts how he saw a banner at an Islamic Society of North America event in the Midwest that read: “DEATH TO ISRAEL. DEATH TO AMERICA.” An ISNA official, Sayyid Syeed, is caught on tape saying, “Our job is to change the Constitution of America.”

Agents described the alphabet soup of Brotherhood fronts — including ISNA and CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) — as a “Trojan horse.” Indeed, these groups have been regular guests at the Obama White House, despite being named unindicted terrorist co-conspirators in 2008.

To eradicate this internal threat, a President Romney will have to clean house. He’d also be well-advised to designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, then use RICO statutes to break up its subversive U.S. racket.

Read More At IBD:

The Patience of the Muslim Brotherhood: “Community Organizers”

18 02 2011

As we watch events unfold in the Middle East, more information is coming to light about events leading up to the Revolution in Egypt. While there are many factors to consider, including the obvious that Mubarak was not too concerned with the economic welfare of his country or the Egyptian people, there has been a constant throughout the history of Egypt for over 80 years now. One thing that Mubarak was concerned about was the growing power of an outlaw group which has always had the Egyptian government in its sights.

In 1928 the formation of Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun, or “The Muslim Brotherhood” (MB) began a slow, diligent, and determined move by fundamentalist Muslims to influence governments around the world beginning at its birthplace, Egypt. It’s objective, to revive Islam and call Muslims from Jahiliya, “the condition of ignorance”, and re-assert global power and re-establish the Khalifa, that global Caliphate, which was the high point of Islamic civilization from the 7th Century until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI.
There has been a lot of arguing about what the Ikhwan is and what it is not. I prefer to allow it to identify itself. The creed of the Muslim Brotherhood pretty much says it all: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Anything we add to that mission statement is supplemental.

Another point of clarification could be those who are currently and have been involved in the MB. Besides Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of MB, the chief narrative has come from Seyyid Qutb, author of Milestones, which was intended to be the vanguard document for global Islamic Revival, returning Muslims to a fundamental adherence to the “one true religion of Allah”. Qutb was very disappointed in his fellow Muslims and declared that they had fallen into a state of ignorance not matched since Muhammad himself had pulled the pagan, idolatrous, Arabs out of “jahili” and into the true place of Islam, “Submission” to Allah.

Qutb repeatedly scolds them for succumbing to Western influences of prosperity, nationalism, and capitalism, and reminds them that the collective, that is the “Ummah”, is priority. It is the Muslim’s duty to bring all governments under Islamic control, as one Islamic Nation of Muslims, and in 1965, Seyyid Qutb was executed for sedition against the government of the United Arab Republic of Egypt.

The interesting thing about Egypt is its own Constitution declares in Article Two that Islam is the official religion of the land, and that all laws must be in compliance with Islamic Jurisprudence, i.e. Sharia Law. Ever since Egypt gained its independence from Great Britain, the Islamists have struggled to gain power and hold the government in compliance with their own Constitution.

President Gamal Nassar (1954-1970) allied himself with the Soviets during the Cold War in exchange for military aid and power guarantee. He was brutal to the MB and those not executed were jailed indefinitely. Anwar Sadat succeeded Nassar in 1970 after Nassar died, and began moving away from Soviet allegiance and courted the United States, instituting Western style capitalist economic policy, encouraging foreign and private investment.

In 1973 Sadat tried to recover the Sinai, which Nassar lost in the ’67 war, but was again defeated by Israel. Finally, Anwar Sadat was successful politically in regaining Sinai in exchange for a formal peace treaty with Israel in March 1979. This made him famous in the world scene, winning the Nobel Peace Prize, but also got Egypt ejected from the Arab League of Nations.

The MB had been severely held in check by Sadat, but this treaty with Israel would cost Sadat his life. A MB operative within the Egyptian Army gunned down Sadat and several other Egyptians along with foreign dignitaries from many countries, including the US, during a military review in 1981. Wounded in that attack by MB was one Hosni Mubarak.

In spite of Mubarak’s persecution of the Ikhwan, they have steadily gained power politically and socially across Egypt, making hay with Mubarak’s poor economical policies, until currently at least 20% of the population identify themselves directly with the MB. That’s over 16 million people…

In a short recount of current events concerning MB, recent facts reported by Florida Security Council show that changes within MB’s leadership may have accelerated the events unfolding in Egypt.

Muhammad Badie, a lifelong associate and leader within MB was actually imprisoned with Seyyid Qutb in 1965, and served 9 years of a 15 year sentence before being released. Badie married the daughter of a Brotherhood pioneer named Mohamed Ali Alshenawy, who also served life in prison, avoiding a death sentence given in 1954.

On 10/10/2010 Dr. Muhammad Badie issued a declaration of jihad on the US and Israel. In December the uprising in Tunisia began. January 8th, 2011, Al Ahzar University at Cairo’s Dr. Imad Mustafa issues a statement legalizing “offensive jihad” against all governments which resist Islamic rule, visa vi Sharia law. On 1/16/2011Badie was selected as MB Supreme Spiritual Guide. Within days the first protests began in Cairo. There have been repeated calls by the MB to eliminate Sadat’s treaty and attack Israel.

As we continue to monitor events in the region, Tunisia and Egypt are being joined by Yemen, Jordan, and Bahrain, with Saudi Arabia becoming very concerned. Just today, Friday February 18th, a new face not seen in Egypt for 40 years has emerged from Qatar. MB’s own Yussaf al-Qaradawi makes his return appearance as a new spiritual leader, dubbed Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader, in Egypt. He is much more charismatic than Badie (not replacing Badie as “Supreme Spiritual Guide”) and has the potential of emulating the very charismatic Ayathollah Khomeni of Iran in 1979.

As I have reported last year, Turkey is currently being Islamized, dropping its long standing alliance with Israel, and has been entering talks with Muslim Brotherhood representatives as well.

A new day is indeed dawning in the Islamic world. In a matter of just a few weeks we shall see where all this is leading. Western media is still euphoric; spouting “democracy for everyone!” while misunderstanding that democracy in other Islamic revolutions has led to places like Iran, and Iraq’s Saddam Hussein regime.

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what they are going to enjoy for dinner…One other thing. Keep your eye on Turkey.

Muslim Brotherhood: What You Need to Know

4 02 2011

“Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood

Although I have always posted original material on this site (with the exception of the Flt. 93 Page) I am going to break with that policy concerning this post. The information is invaluable and timely.

A couple of years ago I was privileged to become acquainted with two men who inspired me to begin educating people on the real threat of Islam to America. John Guandolo, former FBI agent, was one of those men. He encouraged me to find the information for myself and cross check it with what I already knew. John is now Vice President, Strategic Planning, for SEG. He has since changed venues and taken a bit more visible role, appearing on many programs continuing to bring needed information to an increasingly curious public.

John recently sent me a link to this document which discusses everything I began to put forth into an article for this site, and with his permission and full blessing I am pleased to bring you this information. It follows in its entirety:

Current Events: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Movement in Egypt 2 February 2011

In light of recent events in Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, and elsewhere, it is important to understand that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is at the root of these events, and is simply following their strategic plan. The Global Islamic Movement (led by the MB) is now seizing power in these countries according to their World Underground Movement Plan (see below). What we are witnessing in Egypt is simple to understand when done so in light of the Brotherhood’s stated objectives, documents, and the writings/speeches of their key leaders.

These are the facts surrounding the events in Egypt that may be helpful in understanding what is actually happening there:

· The Muslim Brotherhood was created in Egypt in 1928 as a global revolutionary Sunni Islamic Movement to re-establish the Global Islamic State (Caliphate) under which Shariah (Islamic Law) is the law of the land
· All authoritative Islamic Law mandates Muslims to wage “Jihad” – only defined in Islamic Law as “warfare against non-Muslims” – until the world is claimed for Islam
· The MB’s Creed is: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.”
· The Muslim Brotherhood has published strategic documents detailing how they infiltrate societies and replace the governmental systems (non-adherent Islamic systems and non-Muslim governments) with Shariah (Islamic Law)
· The MB’s document, “Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan” defines five (5) phases of the MB’s infiltration into a society:
o I. Discreet / Secret establishment of elite leadership
o II. Gradual appearance on the public scene & utilizing various public activities
o III. Escalation phase, prior to conflict/confrontation with rulers, utilizing mass media
o IV. Open public confrontation with the government through political pressure approach
o V. Seizing power to establish the Islamic Nation
· In October 2010, the international leader (Supreme Guide) of the MB, Mohammed Badie, accused Arab & Muslim regimes of not following Islamic Law, and called for Jihad against Israel & the U.S.
· On January 8, 2011, Dr. Imad Mustafa (Al Azhar) issued a fatwa calling for “offensive jihad”
· January 15, 2011: Tunisia in turmoil as the President flees
· January 24, 2011: Protests break out in Egypt
· February 2, 2011: Jordan’s King fires his Cabinet following public protests
· February 2, 2011: Yemen’s President Saleh says he will step down in 2013
· The “unrest” in Egypt is being orchestrated by the Muslim Brotherhood
· Egypt is in Phase 5 of the MB’s Plan
· The Muslim Brotherhood’s overt/violent operation in Egypt seeks to replace the current government with one which will fulfill the MB’s objective – to ensure the full implementation of Shariah (Islamic Law) in Egypt
· In 1980, the Egyptian Constitution was amended to make Shariah (Islamic Law) the primary source of legislation in Egypt, therefore, Egypt is already an Islamic State
· The greatest friction point between the MB and the Mubarak regime has been the regime’s failure to support the full implementation of Islamic Law in Egypt per the Constitution
· Senior U.S. leadership has stated Egyptians “want what we want.” Western media portrays the demonstrators in Egypt as people who want “democracy” and “freedom.” The Egyptians themselves, however, overwhelmingly support Shariah, and many support terrorist organizations (see below)
· A 2010 Pew Research Poll revealed the following about Egyptians views:
o 95% believe Islam should play a “large role in politics”
o 49% believe Islam only plays a “small role” in Egypt today
o 84% believe apostates from Islam should face the death penalty
o 82% believe adulterers should be stoned
o 77% believe thieves should be flogged or have their hands cut off
o 54% believe men and women should be segregated in the work place
o 49% have a favorable opinion of Hamas
o 30% have a favorable opinion of Hizbollah
o 20% have a favorable opinion of Al Qaeda
· The aforementioned poll indicates a vast majority of Egyptians do not, in fact, believe in Western principles of individual liberties, human rights, or governance.
· Egypt is a member of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the second largest international body in the world – the UN is the largest. The OIC member states include all 57 Islamic States in the world, including Egypt
· The OIC officially served the “Cairo Declaration” to the UN in 1993 which specifically defines “Human Rights” as those rights defined by “Shariah”

Critical Linkage: It can be demonstrated that many Muslim advisors to the U.S. government are Muslim Brothers or sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood cause. The most prominent Islamic organizations in the United States, with which the U.S. government outreaches, are all controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. These include hundreds of groups, but specifically all of the Islamic organizations working with the U.S. government including, but not limited to:

o Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
o Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
o Muslim Student Association (MSA)
o Muslim American Society (MAS)
o Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
o Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA)
o North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)
o International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
o Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

This document is meant to put the current events around the world in a new light for those who read it. What we are witnessing may be the overt revolutionary overthrow of governments around the world by the International Muslim Brotherhood and their collaborators. This is the same Muslim Brotherhood advising the U.S. National Leadership and our National Security apparatus on how to respond to the events in Egypt and elsewhere.

This document was prepared by John Guandolo, Vice President, Strategic Planning, SEG

You can also listen to a short interview with John here.

What is the Muslim Brotherhood up to in the United States?

20 10 2010

Take a look. High profile American Islamic groups raise big bucks for terrorist organizations HAMAS, Hezbollah. This video posted on YouTube by jmarkcampbell. H/T jmark

Can a Good Muslim be a Good American?

13 07 2016

I get this question often.  My short answer is “No”.  I will elaborate on this.

On the other hand, can there be a Muslim who is a “good American”?  Yes.  But he is not a “good Muslim”.

A good Muslim, as far as Islam goes, cannot submit himself to the infidel laws of the Constitution of the United States.  He is permitted by the Sharia to obey them, for a time, as he works to overcome them, but he cannot pledge allegiance to laws that Allah did not consent to.

The word “Islam” itself, means “Submission“.  “Muslim” means “one who is submitted” to Allah’s religion, Islam.   The duty of the Muslim, according to the Sharia, is to establish that Sharia (law) “so that Allah’s religion shall reign Supreme”.  I heard a radio advertisement back in 2012, (video version here) when the Kansas Legislature was hearing “American Laws for American Courts“.  It said that “We humans have devised laws

IMG_8604 - Copy - Copy (1280x451)

ICNA Billboard Kansas City, KS 2012

to govern our country, our workplaces, and our homes.  Likewise, the divine laws sent by god to guide humanity to justice and peace are known as the Sharia Laws… Thus Sharia is god’s guidance to establish morality, justice and peace for all.”  (This single statement begs to be dissected but we’ll suffice to say that if your laws of morality, justice and peace don’t cross over into your home, workplace, or your country, you live in chaos.  It sets up a dichotomy of law that doesn’t make any sense.)   Of course, they used the word “god” instead of Allah as a deception, and since “Allah” of the Shariah is not “God” I refuse to capitalize it.

 Now, a self proclaimed “Muslim” may be a good American, and many are.   They are not “Islamist” (meaning they propagate, or promote Islam politically or culturally), and may, or may not, attend mosque.   I refer to these people as “cultural Muslims” (the generally used term is “moderate”)  who may loosely hold to traditional diet and traditions, such as the Ramadan celebration.  Much like non-practicing or non-committed Christians may attend church on Easter or Christmas.   But these ‘Muslim” folks are not committed to the Sharia, and therefore, are disobedient to Allah.  The fundamentalist Muslim refers to these as “takfiri” or one who is outside the authority of Islam, or “disobedient”.  Some schools would even go so far as to classify this as “Riddah“or “apostate”.  The punishment for apostasy can be death, according to Sharia.  The takfir can be beaten or jailed, fined or all three.  This is how Muslim on Muslim violence can be justified.  A Muslim who pledges allegiance to anything but Allah, via Islam and the Sharia, is not a “good Muslim”.

According to Islam and the Sharia, a Muslim cannot be loyal to temporal, or earthly, authorities, or non Islamic alliances.  Islamic scholar and Muslim Brotherhood leader Seyyid Qutb wrote  not even blood relation, family, unless they are Muslim.  One is allowed to temporarily submit himself to an infidel authority but his heart must remain submitted to Islam.  This is known as “taqiyya” or deception.  It is allowed so as to preserve ones self and advance the cause of Islam.  It is a military strategy, a feign, so as to throw the enemy off his guard, infiltrate his number, deceiving the enemy until the Ummah (that Islamic community) is powerful enough to overcome the enemy.  Herein lies the danger of Islamic immigration.   (More on this subject to come)

Therefore, a Muslim cannot be a “good American”, and a “good Muslim” at the same time; that is assuming a “good American” gives his allegiance to the Constitution as the basis to the laws of the land (6th Amendment).  The “good Muslim” cannot do that.

UPDATE: HR 569- Special Status for Muslims Bill

7 01 2016

***LATEST UPDATE BELOW as of Sept 10,  2016***
(Scroll down to see latest sponsor update)

Last December I published “Freedom of Speech: The Continued Assault on America’s Most Precious Liberty” which discussed the dangerous aspects of the bill giving special status/protection to one religious group.  I published the entire text of the bill (without the list of sponsors)  in that article- If you have not read it yet, you can see it here —

According to  the House Resolution which will give Muslims special status against “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric” has gained many new co-Sponsors, all Democrats.  This makes 145 co-Sponsors, all Democrats.

The bill is still in Judiciary Committee, which is comprised of 23 Republicans (including Louis Gomhert, Trey Gowdy, and Steve King) and 16 Democrats (including Hank Johnson, who thought the island of Guam would capsize with so many military personnel and equipt, and Sheila Jackson Lee).

Here is a link to the entire text of the bill in pdf itself so you can see the entire list of the original sponsors and download for your own use:

This bill is an American Muslim version of UN Resolution 16/18, a bill pushed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) which represents the 56 Islamic nations around the world.  Hillary Clinton stumped for it at Ankara, Turkey, while Sec of State.

HR 569 specifically names Muslims as a special class, worthy of protection from “bigotry or hateful rhetoric”.  “Hateful rhetoric” is a subjective term and can mean anything, including criticism of Islam, and in the Shari’a “bigotry” can be something as simple as rejection of Islam itself, which is an offense to Muslims according to the Sharia, and justifies jihad.  We are seeing the results of this manifested in European countries today.  I do not ever recall a House Resolution which gives special preference to Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or any other religious group.  It is outrageous!

We hear the propaganda from the media on a daily basis about how Muslims are the most persecuted group in America.  The simple fact is, of all religious groups, Jews are still the most victimized.  The FBI reports 62% of anti-Religion hate crimes are against Jews, compared to 11% against Muslims.  While that FBI report is 2012, the latest available in a quick search, the latest data gathered by a media study group shows an uptick in post terror attack of about 17% in the next few weeks, but dropping back to 10% higher a year later.  That would increase the overall anti-Muslim instances to about 12-13% of all anti-religious hate crimes are against Muslims while not changing the 62% against Jews appreciably.

This pro-Muslim bill is most likely being peddled by Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim Brotherhood organization who has had incredible influence on the Democrat Party members and some Republicans.  They have free access to the White House and continue to have “preferred” status at WH events.  CAIR is still listed as a “co-conspirator” in the 2008 terrorist funding trial, where several of its members were convicted and are currently in prison.   The indictments ceased when Mr. Obama took office.

Contact your Representative as well as the House Judiciary Committee members which you will find at this link: .

Tell them to stop HR 569 in Committee.

New Post


LATEST UPDATE as of 9/10/16:  Most recent Additional Co-sponsor:  Garamendi, John [D-CA3] (joined May 23, 2016)

Updated 5/17/2016  NEWEST Additional Co-sponsors are:
Foster, Bill [D-IL11]  Capuano, Michael [D-MA7]  Adams, Alma [D-NC12]  Graham, Gwen [D-FL2]   The Resolution now has 144 cosponsors (144 Democrats, 0 Republicans)

Updated on 4/28/16 -Newest additional Co-sponsors are:  Rep. Pete Aguilar [D-CA31] ,   Rep. Susan Davis [D-CA53] , Rep. Mark DeSaulnier [D-CA11] , Rep. Tulsi Gabbard [D-HI2] . The resolution now has 140 cosponsors (140 Democrats,  0 Republicans).

Updated on 4/22/16:  HR 569 now has 136 Democrat sponsors (No Republicans to date). Latest additions include the following Representatives:  Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick [D-AZ1] , Rep. David Scott [D-GA13],  Rep. Eliot Engel [D-NY16] Clarke, Yvette [D-NY9] ,  Hoyer, Steny [D-MD5] , Kind, Ron [D-WI3] , Nolan, Richard [D-MN8] , Levin, Sander [D-MI9] , O’Rourke, Beto [D-TX16] , Visclosky, Peter [D-IN1],   Beatty, Joyce [D-OH3]

Update 2/3/16:  HR 569 now has 125 Democrat sponsors (No Republicans to date) Latest additions include the following Representatives:  Rep. Janice Hahn [D-CA44]Rep. John Lewis [D-GA5],  Rep. Earl Blumenauer [D-OR3] Rep. Nita Lowey [D-NY17] ,  Rep. Sean Maloney [D-NY18],  Rep. Grace Napolitano [D-CA32] , Rep. Donald Norcross [D-NJ1],  Rep. John Sarbanes [D-MD3]< /a>Rep. Jackie Speier [D-CA14]Rep. Timothy Walz [D-MN1].

Update 1/20/16 :  There are now 115 Democrat sponsors on HR 569 (No Republicans to date).  New additions include:  Rep. Joe Courtney [D-CT2]  Rep. Juan Vargas [D-CA51]  Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman [D-NJ12]  Rep. Tony Cárdenas [D-CA29]  Rep. Donald Payne [D-NJ10]  Rep. Bobby Rush [D-IL1]   Rep. Nydia Velázquez [D-NY7]  Rep. Elijah Cummings [D-MD7]  Rep. Lois Frankel [D-FL22]  Rep. Kathleen Rice [D-NY4]

Previous additions (1/11/16) include Rep. Suzanne Bonamici [D-OR1] , Rep. Ben Luján [D-NM3] , Rep. Jerrold Nadler [D-NY10] , Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard [D-CA40] , Rep. Bennie Thompson [D-MS2] ,  Rep. Chaka Fattah [D-PA2] , Rep. Anna Eshoo [D-CA18] ,  Rep. Hakeem Jeffries [D-NY8] ,  Rep. Ann Kuster [D-NH2] ,  Rep. Rick Larsen [D-WA2] , Rep. Brenda Lawrence [D-MI14] , Rep. Ted Lieu [D-CA33] ,  Rep. Robert “Bobby” Scott [D-VA3] ,  Jared Huffman, D-CA; Steve Israel, D-CA; Alan Lowenthal, D-CA; Michelle Luian Grisham, D-NM;  James McGovern, D-MA;  Seth Moulton, D-MA; Patrick Murphy, D-FL; Raul Ruiz, D-CA;  Louise Slaughter, D-NY; Adam Smith, D-WA.


Egypt Sentences Muslim Brothers to ‘Death’

25 03 2014

I’m sure you remember the much championed “Arab Spring”.  At least it was championed by all the Western Media elite and the Obama Administration as a “new birth” for the Arab states in North Africa.  The resulting chaos has been anything but life-giving. Especially for religious minorities in those major majority nations.  In Libya, the “rebels”, with US help, captured and butchered Moamar Ghaddafi, the long time evil dictator who trained and funded terrorists against the West, and claimed responsility for the Lockerbie bombing of PanAm Flt 103 in 1988.  (Now it seems that he lied about that in order to get the west to “lift crippling sanctions to pave the way for lucrative oil deals, some of which were brokered by Tony Blair”, and that the culprit was actually Iran. – The Telegraph)

The removal of Ghaddafi eventually resulted in the loss of four Americans at the Benghazi consulate, including the US Ambassador to Libya.  The conspiracy theories surrounding that whole story continue to swirl as a result of the US Government laying blame at the feet of a small time movie producer who dissed the “prophet” Muhammad.  Were it not for the valiant self-sacrifice of those two former SEAL’s, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, there would have been dozens of dead American foreign service members.

The Obama Administration continued to press Egypt to oust Hosni Mubarak, a man who was no friend to the Muslim Brotherhood.  You see, the Muslim Brotherhood is not new to Egypt. In fact, Egypt is the Ikhwan’s birthplace in 1928.  Hassan al-Banna founded the Brotherhood to bring back the Khilafah (caliphate) which had been outlawed by the new government of Turkey after Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led an effective revolution and became Turkey’s first president in 1922.

The Brotherhood continued to grow in strength and during the time of Nasser’s coup d’etat of 1952 were beginning to create a problem.  By 1954, Nasser had outlawed the Brotherhood and imprisoned thousands in concentration camps.  One of these was Seyyid Qutb, author of Milestones, among many other publications. Qutb is known as one of the most influential Muslim thinkers of modernity.  He has influenced men like Osama bin Ladin, founder of Al Qaida, Ayman Zawahiri of Islamic Jihad, and Anwar al-Awlaki, the American grown terrorist who preached at the Falls Church, VA mosque attended by 3 of the 911 hijackers, and one Nidal Hassan, the Fort Hood jihadi who killed 13 unarmed soldiers in a classroom, and wounded 30 more.

Nassar arrested about 18,000 Muslim Brotherhood members in 1965 under rumors of a planned insurrection and about 38 Brothers were killed, 200 imprisoned, and Seyyid Qutb, along with 2 other Brothers were executed by hanging in 1966.  Nasser died in 1970 and his lieutenant and VP Anwar Sadat took over as President.  Sadat was not as aggressive against the Ikhwan and after he signed the peace treaty with Israel, in which he regained the Sinai, he was assassinated by Islamists within the Egyptian military in 1981.  The assassins acted on a fatwa issued by none other than “The Blind Sheikh” Omar Abdel-Rahman, mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center

bombing. Rahman is also a student of Seyyid Qutb.

When Anwar Sadat was assassinated there were several others killed and over 20 people wounded.  Hosni Mubarak was among the wounded.

Egyptians Protesting Barack Obama and Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi

Egyptians Protesting Barack Obama and Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi

The fate of Egypt is in the hands of who ever can keep in power.  History has shown that little more matters in Northern Africa.  As has been the case for the last century, the West’s interests in the region, and those citizens of those countries who do not adhere to a Muslim Brotherhood’s ideology, aka Sharia law, are at the mercy of the power holders.  When the American President calls upon a people to support the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization who believes that Sharia Law must be the governing authority, and then assists the MB in gaining power, he must bear responsibility for the consequences.  Those consequences include Coptic Christians, as well as Jews, who have been terrorized, killed, beaten and burned out by the consenting voices of the Muslim Brotherhood government (Morsi).   Obama owns that.

Egypt has officially declared the Muslim Brotherhood to be a “terrorist organization”.  On March 24, 2014, the new Egyptian government which took down the short-lived Muslim Brotherhood government after it terrorized its own minority citizens, tried 1200 Brotherhood members.  528 have been found guilty of murder and have been sentenced to death.  The remainder have yet to be sentenced.  Time will reveal whether Egypt will actually carry out the sentences, but it sure looks as if the country has had a belly full of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have even gone so far as to declare Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization!

Yet the Obama administration not only continues to voice support for the MB in Egypt, it has ongoing domestic relations with many Muslim Brotherhood organizations, and their members, in the United States.  Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR), Muslim Students Assn (MSA), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), (and the list goes on!) all Muslim Brotherhood sanctioned Islamist activist groups working inside the United States with one goal:  Islamizing the United States of America.  This is not simply a loose accusation-it is a proven fact supported by the Muslim Brotherhood’s own “Strategic Plan for Islam in North America”.  (Yes, it’s in Arabic but if you scroll down to page 16 you get the English translation)

Under Nasser, Egypt was an ally to the USSR.  Sadat opened up to Western alliances and was an important ally to the US during the cold war era, and contributed to the security of Israel.  Now, after a perceived betrayal by the United States under Mr. Obama, Russia is once again at the forefront of Egypt’s allied partners.  What a pity that Vladimer Putin was handed the opportunity to take the high moral road in both Egypt and Syria, where hesitation from the US resulted in Al-Qaida and it’s allies to basically wrench the uprising against another evil dictator, Bashir Assad, out of control of forces friendly to the United States.  This has led to a sadly impotent foreign policy which is of no practical use concerning The Crimea and yet to be seen aggression by Russia.   Turkey is now the next one who appears to be falling under Putin’s spell, as a result of a lack of trust or confidence in America, and has already been taken from the inside by the Islamist movement.  There will be more to come on this for sure!

I will be keenly interested in Obama’s response to this death sentence and condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood… or lack thereof.  Stay tuned…


Wafa Sultan, Ex-Muslima debates Sheik Omar Bakri Muhammad

21 05 2012

The Sheik unequivocally defines Sharia Law and the Islamic world view.  He does not hesitate to point out the relationship between Dar al-Islam (House of Islam) and Dar al-Harb (House of War or non-Muslim lands),  “The relationship between us is either a pact of belief in Allah, or a peace treaty, or war.”  He goes on to define that peace treaty as a Dhimmi pact, where non-Muslims do not have equal rights with Muslims, because Allah has given the Muslim more rights and greater respect than the Khaffir (Non-Muslim).  Educated in Quran and Sharia since age of 5, Sheik Omar Bakri Muhammad holds several degrees from Islamic Universities in Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and is certainly an Islamic scholar by anyone’s standard.

Wafa Sultan, a medical doctor, who studied University of Alleppo, Syria, rejected her native religion of Islam when Muslim Brotherhood assassins riddled her professor with bullets in front of her.  A secularist, she now is a leading critic of Islam and was listed by Time magazine among the worlds 100 most influential people in 2006.  She has been quoted as saying, “The trouble with Islam is deeply rooted in its teachings.”   Watch this 8 minute video and understand the Islamic world view.

Spies, Lies, and Blinded Eyes

27 01 2017

The Roots of Revolution

Creed of the Muslim Brotherhood

“Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; muslim_brotherhood_1 (1)and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.”

A paradigm shift is underway in the United States Government.  The 20 plus year influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on government policy and America’s foreign relations concerning Islam will, most likely, be minimalized or at least go dormant for a few years.  It will not go away.

I have written profusely about the Muslim Brotherhood for the last 7 years on this site.  Since the beginning, I have stressed the general point that the Muslim Brotherhood doesn’t care who the President of the United States is, as long as they are allowed access to the White House and Capital Hill.

This relationship began during the Clinton administration, grew immensely during the Bush administration, and reached its highest influence under Barack Hussein Obama, who purged all United States government departments of any linkage of terrorism, or subversive activities, to Islam.  This became crystal clear after the release of the report on the Fort Hood jihadi attack when Major Nidal Hassan went active on November 5, 2009, shooting 43 fellow soldiers, killing 13.  He had printed “Soldier of Allah” on his business cards.  Witnesses said he was yelling “Allahu Akbar” while systematically shooting unarmed personnel, until confronted by a female MP Officer who put 3 rounds of 9mm into him, stopping the attack and paralyzing Hassan from the waist down.

Allah must be pleased that his glorious jihadi was thwarted by a lowly woman…

Hassan was never charged with “terrorism” by the US Army.  In fact, from what I’ve seen, officially the US Army has a hard time even mouthing the words “Islamic Terrorism”.  Hassan was convicted of 13 counts of pre-meditated murder, and 32 counts of attempted murder, and currently awaits execution at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.  The report classified the attack as “workplace violence” and no mention of Islam, Jihad, Terrorism, or Muslim was included in the document.

In spite of Hassan’s own actions and concerns voiced by Army personnel for months leading up to the attack, Army officers and their superiors were either not allowed to take action, or were ignored, because of political correctness and the influence of Muslim Brotherhood groups in the United States.


In 1928 the formation of Al Ikhwan Al Muslimun, or “The Muslim Brotherhood” (MB) began a slow, diligent, and determined move by fundamentalist Muslims to influence governments around the world beginning at its birthplace, Egypt. It’s objective, to revive Islam and call Muslims from Jahiliya, “the condition of ignorance”, and re-assert global power and re-establish the Khalifa, that global Caliphate, which was the high point of Islamic civilization from the 7th Century until the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI.
There has been a lot of arguing about what the Ikhwan is and what it is not. I prefer to allow it to identify itself. The creed of the Muslim Brotherhood pretty much says it all: “Allah is our goal; the Messenger is our guide; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our means; and martyrdom in the way of Allah is our inspiration.” Anything we add to that mission statement is supplemental.

Another point of clarification could be those who are currently and have been involved in the Brotherhood. Besides Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of MB, the chief narrative has come from Seyyid Qutb, author of Milestones, which was intended to be the vanguard document for global Islamic Revival, returning Muslims to a fundamental adherence to the “one true religion of Allah”. Qutb was very disappointed in his fellow Muslims and declared that they had fallen into a state of ignorance not matched since Muhammad himself had pulled the pagan, idolatrous, Arabs out of “jahili” and into the true place of Islam, “Submission” to Allah.

Qutb repeatedly scolds them for succumbing to Western influences of prosperity, nationalism, and capitalism, and reminds them that the collective, that is the “Ummah”, is priority. It is the Muslim’s duty to bring all governments under Islamic control, as one Islamic Nation of Muslims, and in 1965, Seyyid Qutb was executed for sedition against the government of the United Arab Republic of Egypt.  (The Brotherhood had been an outlaw organization ever since, until the United States government backed them in overthrowing the government in “The Arab Spring” of 2011-2012.)

Unholy Alliance

islaminternThe philosophy of “Collectivism” has been a very attractive attribute of Islam to Socialists, Communists, and Progressives everywhere.  This is, at least one of the two apparent reasons for the consent, even the infatuation, of the American Leftists with the Muslim community, and Islam in general.  The “Collectivist” aspect of Islam has brought Socialists and Islam together since the Bolsheviks in Czarist Russia.  A more modern version of this is “Red Shiism”, which was a Marxist/Islamic ideology in Iran leading up to the 1979 Iranian revolution when it was overpowered by the “Black Shiism” of Ayatollah Khomeini.

The Shari’a, that is the legal system which gives Islam its power, is the skeleton and the muscular mechanism upon which hangs the skin that is the façade of “religion”.  You see, Islam is a socio-political ideology with its own jurisprudence.  The directive of the Shari’a, which emanates from the Quran and the Hadith, is a “One World Order” wherein Islam “reigns supreme” (Sura 2:193).  This world conquest is achieved by Jihad, “Holy War” which, as in all warfare, consists of various aspects, or tactics.

Asymmetrical Warfare

Combat is only one aspect of war.  Islam is no stranger to violent actions of Jihad, but has become very adept at other aspects, such as psychological, political, and litigious, and propaganda warfare tactics.  One such tactic deployed by Islam is deception, known as “Taqiyya”.  It allows, even directs Muslims to lie in order to advance Islam.  The most effective jihad in America has been waged in these latter terms.  Islam learned quickly that Americans don’t like it when you blow up people and knock their buildings down.  But they will readily accept a slick talking, soft spoken guy in a business suit who smiles and shakes their hand, and speaks of things like “tolerance” and “peace” and “social justice”, all the while bemoaning the victimology of Muslims as a minority and advocating for civil rights.  (What self-respecting liberal could resist that, right?)

In the Shari’a “peace” can only exist under Islamic rule, where everyone else is “submitted” (the literal meaning of “Islam”).  “Tolerance” is not in the Shari’a lexicon, and will only exist when those being tolerated, Christians, Jews, etc., are properly subjugated.  (Incidentally, the Shari’a does not tolerate atheism, homosexuality, transgenders, adultery, or fornication (all sex outside marriage).  These deserve the same fate as an apostate-one who leaves Islam- which is death, usually by beheading.  This is why Iranian President Ahmadinejad told the UN a few years ago that Iran does not have homosexuals.  They are hung on the public squares.

Every “Social Justice” movement in the world has origins and common purpose in the destruction of Capitalism, the United States of America, and Western Society in general.  It is Marxism which is Anti-Christian, NOT Anti-Religion; Christianity focuses on the rights, liberties and value of the individual!  This is the sole reason for the success and freedom provided by America for so long.

Individuals do not exist in this post-American World; Only the Collective! (Always remember this!!)

This is the main reason for the weird, and seemingly contradictory alliance, between the radical Left and Islam.  One such scenario was recently played out when a Shari’a promoting Muslima, Linda Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York, and an Obama White House “Champion of Change”, was one of four lead organizers of the Women’s March protesting the election of Donald Trump.  Ms. Sarsour, who was also a delegate to the DNC, recently spoke at the 15th annual convention of two Muslim Brotherhood organizations, the Muslim American Society MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) in December.  While there she paused for a photo-op with a Hamas operative Salah Sarsour, who spent time in an Israeli jail for his terror related activities.

This is only the latest example of many where Shari’a promoting Muslims have joined with Leftist organizations, which welcome their support with open arms, to advance the common cause of “social justice”.  It truly represents the principle behind the old Arab proverb, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.   And this is the second reason for the alliance; they have a common enemy.  Sadly, if this is played out to its logical end, the Leftists will ultimately either be converted to Islam, submit as second class citizens (dhimmi) or die.

An Explanatory Memorandum…

…On the General Strategic Goal for the Group.  This document, written in the late 80’s and published in 1991 was found in a FBI raid in 2004 of a mosque leader’s sub-basement.  It lays out the plan for the Ikhwan in North America, specifically, the United States, and from section “One”… establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is”.  Did you catch that reference to Islamic State?  (This is known as Khalifa in Arabic; or “Caliphate”).

The document places major focus on “Settlement”, which can also read “Colonization”.  Section “Three” paragraph 4 reads:

“Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America: The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack…”  (Emphasis added)

It can be demonstrated that many Muslim advisers to the U.S. government are Muslim Brothers or sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood cause. The most prominent Islamic organizations in the United States, with which the U.S. government outreaches, are all controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. These include hundreds of groups, but specifically all of the Islamic organizations working with the U.S. government including, but not limited to:

  • Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) –Also listed as an “un-indicted co-conspirator” in the Holy Land Foundation trial of 2008, the largest terror funding trial in US history.
  • Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) –Un-indicted Co-conspirator, HLF trial.
  • Muslim Student Association (MSA) –The oldest MB organization in the US, founded 1963.
  • Muslim American Society (MAS)
  • Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
  • Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA)
  • North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) –Un-indicted Co-conspirator, HLF trial –Owns nearly all Mosque and real property.
  • International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)
  • Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)

5 individuals were convicted in 2008 of funneling $12 million to Hamas.  The “Un-indicted Co-conspirator” status is still valid, and exists because the Obama Administration ceased all indictments as soon as he took office in 2009.  There are 300 individuals and additional groups which remain on this list.

What’s the Prognosis?  So asked an old friend.

While the evidence is copious and unmistakable, the United States government has, up until now, completely failed in its role to “Protect and Defend” not only the American people, but the Constitution as well.  There must be no equivocation by mealy-mouthed politicians and bureaucrats when dealing with a foreign ideology which is sworn to subvert the American government, it’s Constitution (Article 6) and conquer its citizens bringing them into subjugation under a tyrannical system posing as a “religion”.  Let there be no doubt; this is the final objective of Islam where ever it is found.  Where there are Shari’a compliant Muslims, there you will find this ideology.  You see, Islam doesn’t care if you convert or not.  But you will submit to the Shari’a.

While the evidence is copious, so then also is the number of those adherents who are doing their duty as laid out in the “Memorandum”.  They are highly organized and dedicated; driven, not by emotions, media, or self interests, or even a single leader, but by an ideology which does not accept defeat, and is very, very patient.

Today’s American People on the other hand are not.  They are polarized, uneducated and ripe; a result of “globalization” and “multi-culturalism” which has left Americans clueless to what America is.  We don’t know our own narrative.  (See previous posts on this point)

Couple all this with the massive crowds who are motivated in opposition of a new President, and those radical Leftists who have been at war with the establishment for several years now, advocating killing cops, burning properties, and targeting people based on their skin color, and you have the makings of a bona fide revolution.  The Left has been looking for this for years, the Jihadi’s live for it, and the emotional crowds will follow along like Vladimir Lenin said they would.  He called them “useful idiots”.  Revolutions get messy.  They are never simple, nor are the lines clear.  The hoards will get out of hand and atrocities happen quickly.

The Remedy?

It may be too late.  A change in the White House is a good start, but Congress is going to have to come along side.  A moratorium on “refugees” from countries that have trained, propagated, and funded the civilization jihad, as well as terrorist activities around the world, is another necessary step.  But the first thing that needs to happen is to classify the Muslim Brotherhood and it’s affiliates as terrorist organizations.  Secondly, the DOJ must begin indictments on that long list of individuals and organizations listed in the aforementioned document.  These subversive groups, MSA, CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, NAIT, and all the rest must be denied access to the government, and all educational institutions in the USA.  Until now, representatives from these Brotherhood groups have been allowed free and unrestricted access to the White House and Cabinet offices, Universities across the country, even have had members appointed to Dept of Homeland Security committees.

As a result, training manuals for the FBI and other security departments have been purged of anything tying any terrorist act to Islam.  Former DHS founding member and intelligence expert Phillip Haney experienced this when he was ordered by his superiors to purge over 700 pages of documentation from the DHS data base making that connection.  His book, “See Something, Say Nothing”, is a tell all, whistleblowing expose in which he explains the process that resulted in redacting information that would have been available on the Boston Bomber brothers and the San Bernardino shooters, possible allowing them to be stopped before their jihad.

What sovereign country continues, no, expedites importation of an ideology which has repeatedly and unabashedly declared war on it, even giving its followers access to the highest positions of power in the land, and in addition to that, turns over editing of security manuals and classified information, policy making, and textbooks for its own school children?  How would the Japanese Empire, the National Socialists (Nazi) of Germany, and militant Communism (at least during the Cold War) have been stopped if these policies were in place then?!


Last Saturday when the newly elected President attended the traditional “multi-faith” services at the National Cathedral, there were two Imam’s who offered prayers.  The first, Mohamed Magid, former president of ISNA, which as revealed previously, the US government has named as a Muslim Brotherhood front group, and is the current lmam of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) mosque complex in Northern Virginia, one of the most Sharia-adherent and jihadist in the country.  The video of this speech has been widely distributed, wherein Mr. Trump is obviously unhappy, and Mrs. Trump is quite upset, to the point that the President thought she was leaving.

The second Islamic prayer was offered by Sajid Tarar, a Pakistani native and naturalized US citizen who created a group known as “Muslims for Trump”, and gave the closing prayer at the RNC convention last summer.  His prayer was the very prayer that is spoken in Arabic by every Muslim who prays in Mosque, known as Al-Fatihah (Exordium).  It is the first Sura of the Quran and all prayer is invalid without it.  It goes like this:  Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe, The Compassionate, the Merciful, Sovereign of the Day of Judgement!  You alone we worship, and to You alone we turn for help. Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, Not of those who have incurred Your wrath, Nor of those who have gone astray.”

First of all, the Shari’a, literally translated, means “the straight path”.

Furthermore,  Islamic scholars and commentaries interpret the three groups of people at the end as: “those favored” – Muslims,  “those who have incurred your wrath”- Jews, “those who have gone astray”- Christians.  Since this was spoken in Arabic, few who were in attendance knew what was being said, and wouldn’t have caught the full meaning anyway.

The Republicans were proud to push to the media that they had “Muslims for Trump” in support back during the Convention.

Just a word to the wise.  Be ye warned:  Do not ever forget “Asymmetrical Warfare”.

Recall Babylon

14 01 2017
A Great Catastrophe
Mrs. Obama said she had “no hope” now that Trump was elected. Millions of snowflakes are bereft that Hillary did not win the election. Many people are so lost in their grief they’ve had to get therapy, join “safe rooms” and drink hot chocolate while petting puppies to give them solace at the loss of the election. Many more are so angry they’re going to actively join in attempts to sabotage the new President, and a lot of these people represent around 90% of the media, many are in elected positions, many more are un-elected bureaucrats, and some are going to be causing havoc in the streets. Many on social media are lamenting they “no longer have a leader”, refuse to accept the new President as legitimate (failing to understand the electoral system which balances elective power), or simply refuse to accept him as President b/c Hillary lost.
I’ve seen talk of impeachment, even before Trump has been inaugurated. Good luck with that. But I would be perfectly happy with a true conservative, Mike Pence in the Oval Office anyway. You won’t like him.turris_babel_by_athanasius_kircher
For those who are so lost and anxious without a “leader/provider”, if the person in the Oval Office is where you find your confidence, your strength, your security and self worth or identity, you have appropriated your faith hope in a power/figure who can do nothing to make you a better person, improve your standing in your community or provide real sustenance for your children or make them better people when they grow up. The only person who can do that is you.
Maybe it’s time everyone started a little self reliance program and quit waiting for government to “fix it”.
When you place all your hopes and securities in one man, I don’t care who he is, you are following the crowds who empowered every dictator in history.  If your happiness, your self esteem, your security in life, is dependent on that special someone in the White House, you are pathetic.
Time to get on with life. Definitely do not turn a blind eye to government, but face the facts, just like I and millions of fellow conservatives faced the fact that Obama won, not once, but twice. Confession: I flew my flag at half mast after Obama won the second time for 3 days. During that time I still went to work, did my job, and loved my family and friends.  No, I didn’t curl up in a ball and cry, or start planning a rebellion, join a riot, organize a protest at the inauguration, threaten to move to Canada, or tell the world how ashamed I was that America had elected a Marxist.
Even after 4 years of proving that he was facilitating Muslim Brotherhood advancement in our own government, and abroad, had ceased indictments of co-conspirators in the largest Islamic terrorism trial in American history, and castrated our Counter Terrorism operations, I still wasn’t “hopeless”, as Mrs. Obama described herself to Oprah Winfrey.
My Hope is placed in the Christ. Not a man, not a political system. Not even in the American People. No greater mistake can be made than to place our great hope and trust in any single man/woman, all of whom are corrupt, sinful and whose “heart is deceitful and desperately wicked’. I actually heard Mr. Obama referred to during his campaign as “savior”, the great “Hope” (his own campaign poster), and supporters of his celebrating that the gas tank would be full, won’t have to worry about paying their bills, because Obama would take care of them.
Reality Check
We are witnessing the disintegration of America as we have known it. We’ve been divided and subdivided for ease of conquest. We are disunited, angry, and polarized like no time since prior to the Civil War. I believe it is the natural progression of any society who rejects truth, visa vi, Biblical Christianity. We are less educated than indoctrinated, less informed than misinformed, and less circumspect than disrespectful, except of those we find who agree with us.
We have been “Community Organized”. Read Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” to understand what that means. To quote Alinsky, the “community organizer is an agitator”, who takes advantage of divisions and differences among people to completely separate them from traditional views, beliefs, or practices which unify society in general, in order to remake that society. It’s Karl Marx with a hint of Vlad Lenin.
How has this happened? While visiting my daughter and her husband who now live in the Dallas Metro area, I made an observation, the truth of which I knew cerebrally, but now realized tangibly. Urbanization.
I grew up in a tiny rural Kansas town some cultures would call a village, of 161 people. That’s inside the city limits in 1976. (The surrounding farmers and ranchers also take part in the community) I knew the population count because my grandmother and I took the census from her dining table. We knew everyone who lived there. Yes, everyone knew your business, but everyone also knew when you needed help. It is still that way; a very strong community who takes care of its elders, celebrates their neighbors joys in life and mourns their sorrows, work together and for each other, and exercises individual liberties to the extent the law will allow, yet knows the true sense of “Community” where all hold dear that sense of responsibility for the common good, but the importance of individualism. It’s not heaven, but it’s closer than Dallas.
I think Fort Worth/Dallas is not unlike most other metropolitan areas, maybe just a little more modern than some I’ve been to, at least in the context I am considering. A combined population of over 2 million people who have no real sense of community. People who live in the city have fewer real friends, are active in far less community events, organizations, services or activities. They volunteer less, don’t know their neighbors, and thus are much less likely to participate in their own community. They have little interest in its success and are focused mostly on their own lives and businesses. There is little perceived responsibility to ones neighbor, block, subdivision or suburb/city. I don’t know if it’s always been this way, but I suspect so. (In my opinion this is why church is important as a focal point of “community”. My little hometown has two.)
Humans possess an innate desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. God placed this intrinsic need within us for our own survival, and more importantly to draw us to Him. Like all God given human desires, when perverted they become destructive, both physically and spiritually.
Where there is little or no sense of community, i.e. big cities, there is still that need to belong. You don’t see gangs roaming the streets of Podunk, USA. You don’t find Union halls in Smallville. Per capita fewer will belong to Kiwanis or Lions in Omaha than in North Platte.  
That’s why racially driven revolutionary organizations do better in Houston than in Lubbock. “Community”, like many terms in our American lexicon, has been redefined to represent those who look like you, or hold the same ideology. The classic sense of community, although still thriving in those rural settings, has for the most part gone by the wayside.
Chicago,the stomping grounds of Mr. Alinsky, as every other major urban center, demands more and larger government providing more and more services, and when those are provided the populous demands more, or requires more. Chicago has not had a Republican Mayor since 1869. In fact, fewer than 25% of America’s largest 100 cities have Republican Mayors, and in the top 10 only 1, San Diego. The truth of statements made by our Founders and Statesmen centuries ago are being proved out today:
As Speaker of the House Robert Winthrop (1847) said, “All societies of men must be governed in some way or other. The less they may have of stringent State Government, the more they must have of individual self-government. The less they rely on public law or physical force, the more they must rely on private moral restraint. Men, in a word, must necessarily be controlled, either by a power within them, or by a power without them; either by the Word of God, or by the strong arm of man; either by the Bible, or by the bayonet.”
This, I think, is the crux of the issue. We have thrown off our Judeo-Christian moorings, both individually and socially. It is a vicious cycle. I don’t have the answers, I am just making observations. Perhaps this is the natural evolution of society; a reflection of the spiritual condition of mankind which, when concentrated, reveals the true level of depravity.
Recall Babylon. Perhaps we should be prepared to be scattered.

3 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Islam

18 12 2015

Many Americans still are confused about Islam, thanks to propaganda from Muslim Brotherhood organizations like CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, ICNA, Muslim Students Assn, etc.

This video says in 9 minutes what I’ve been saying the last 9 years.  Take a look!

The Satanic Alliance: Marxism, Islam and Privileged Hatred

26 10 2015


Islamic Marxism, Islamic Socialism, seems to be a contradiction of terms.

Be NOT Deceived!  THIS has been an allied movement for a long time in the US and for generations around the world!

THIS is why the Progressives/Socialists/Marxists find kindred purpose with the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood groups such as CAIR, MSA, ICNA, ISNA, MPAC, and etc. ad nauseam.  Every “Social Justice” movement in the world has origins and common purpose in the destruction of Capitalism, the United States of America, and Western Society in general.  It is Anti-Christian, not Anti-Religion; Christianity focuses on the rights, liberties and value of the individual!  Individuals do NOT exist in this post-American World; Only the Collective!

Familiarize yourselves with “Sustainable Development”, “Sustainability”, “Sustainable Growth”; it is found in the UN (Marxist from its roots) agenda known as “Agenda 21”.  New buzz words encompassing this belief include, 20/20, 20/30, 20/50, “Smart Growth”, and “Smart Growth Corridors”, all coming to a city council near you!

In the following video, watch for phrases like: “Social Justice”, “Socialist”,  “Justice”.  This phraseology is straight out of the Communist Manifesto!

Pay Attention!  The world has already changed and America is now Ahmerikah!

(More on this subject to come)

Nancy Pelosi Fundraising with HAMAS tied CAIR for Democrats

3 11 2012

You won’t be seeing this “undercover” photo on mainstream media outlets like the one of Romney at an exclusive high dollar fundraiser.  This Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee event cost a minimum of $5000 per person up to and over $30,000 per couple.  (View the invitation here)

Visible in the photo are Nancy with Nihad Awad (foreground), the co-Founder of the HAMAS benefactor Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).  This Islamist and terrorist funding organization was named “unindicted co-conspirator” in the largest terrorist funding trial in American history.  Why are they still “unindicted”?  One Barak Hussein Obama became President of the United States and shut down the machine pursuing these terrorist affiliated groups in the United States.  In fact, by now, CAIR has been successful in re-defining the United States government policy in almost every facet of national security and policy.

They are quite effective at fundraising and funneling lots of money, so no surprise that CAIR plays a major part in campaign efforts by the Democratic National Committee and its subsidiaries.  It should also come as no surprise that these Islamist groups like CAIR, MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council), Muslim Students Association (MSA) and a plethora of other Muslim Brotherhood front groups have taken such an active role in the election of Democrat candidates all across America.  I have previously written about the like-minded philosophies between these Islamist groups and the DNC in my article “Social Justice”  .  Take a look at it to understand why Muslims vote Democrat!

In this article on The Daily Caller, Awad is quoted in an Arabic Al-Jazeera TV interview while discussing the Democratic Platform accepted at the 2012 DNC Convention as, “an indication that the Democratic Party’s political platform with regard to the Middle East is developing.” Particularly concerning the Party policy towards Israel.

The Fundraiser held last May, is one of many held to raise money to oppose such candidates as Rep. Col. Allen West and Rep. Michelle Bachman. The DNC, with the help of Muslim Brotherhood funding, have pumped millions into trying to unseat these good conservative Congressmen/women who understand the threat to National Security that these Islamist organizations pose.   Read more:

The Obama Campaign recently lost its Muslim Outreach coordinator, Mazen Asbahi, who resigned under the cloud of ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.  Not to worry though, as he is still working for the Obama camp and appeared at an American Muslim Democratic Caucus  (AMDC)luncheon to verify that he is still “110% ” behind Obama and is still actively serving in Muslim Outreach for the campaign.  The AMDC issued a press release saying the DNC has given its blessing to the Caucus which is devoted to bringing the Islamic community into political activism.  [Source: Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report]

Hat tip to The Daily Caller & Jihad Watch.

Khilafah Conference 2012 in Chicago

7 06 2012

UPDATE: According to this article on the Daily Herald the Khilafah Conference was moved at the last minute.  After many calls and controversy, the “Meadows Club” which was to host the event, backed out.  The conference will now be held in Hickory Hills.  I find it extraordinary that Hizb ut-Tahrir is not on the Secretary of State’s list of  foreign terrorist organizations in light of the information I quoted below that Morocco has banned it as a “saboteur organization”.—Original article below:

In a previous article entitled “New Khilafah”  I explained how Islam is moving toward its “One World Government”,  and some history on the last Caliphate.  The Muslim Brotherhood was established in 1928 to restore that institution, and in 1953 another organization, Hizb ut-Tahrir was begun with that same objective.  We saw the “Arab Spring” unfold last year and the resulting move to re-establishing of Sharia in those formerly authoritarian or dictatorial governments is under way.  The move to unite the Islamic nation states continues to progress, and with Israel as the common nemesis, the fuel of hatred will not cease to advance the movement.  The Muslim Brotherhood continues to consolidate power in these areas, and has been following its planned strategy of “Culture Jihad” throughout the West, particularly in the United States. This document, “An Explanatory Memorandum on the Strategic Goal for the Group [MB] in North America”  which defines this plan was seized by the FBI from a Virginia mosque and entered in as evidence in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial of 2008.  The memorandum outlines a “settlement” strategy which is intended to “eliminate and destroy the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands, and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated…” (p.7).

Image credit: Wikipedia

Hizb ut-Tahrir (Party of Liberation)  has gone so far as to criticize the Muslim Brotherhood’s political party in Egypt, “The Freedom and Justice Party”,  for being too moderate in the process in Egypt.  That’s a remarkable critique considering the calls from Egypt’s Brotherhood to void the peace treaty with Israel.

Hizb ut-Tahrir has been banned as a “saboteur group” in Morocco, and has gained new attention there just this week.  The following is an excerpt from Magharebia  a North African news website:

Hizb ut-Tahrir is a banned international Islamic party advocating the change of a “corrupt” society and turning it into an Islamic society. The party also embraces the Islamic call and jihad in hopes of realising the dream of a caliphate and the establishment of an Islamic state governed by the principle of halal and haram according to party supporters’ understanding.

Richid Elmounasafi, an analyst specialised in terrorism-related criminology, told Magharebia that “in its principles and major goals, Hizb ut-Tahrir is similar to many of the cells that were previously dismantled, such as the Ansar al-Mehdi cell led by Sheikh Hassan Khattab which was dismantled in August 2006 and which had the major goal of undermining the existing regime to establish the Islamic caliphate state.”

Nonetheless, Hizb ut-Tahrir will hold its 2012 America Khilafah Conference just outside Chicago at Rolling Meadows, IL on June 17th.  You can view their promotional trailer below.  Happy Father’s Day, America.  H/T Act! for America

See YouTube Trailer here

Kansas Governor signs American Laws for American Courts Bill

26 05 2012

Friday afternoon, May 25, Governor Sam Brownback took a proactive step to secure Constitutional rights for all Kansans.  A bill that has been in process for about two years finally came to rest on the Governor’s desk after passing both houses of the Kansas Legislature in mid May.

The hardest fought battle was in the Senate after Committee leadership failed several attempts to stonewall and block the progression of the bill.   This law was actually dead three times during the process. Each attempt to stop it was met by a series of courageous individuals who stepped up and carried it on in the face of opposition from tenured committee leadership and media critics.  In a previous post, Kansas Passes American Laws for American Courts I detailed some of that process.

American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) underscores the American ideal of “all equal before the Law”. It is the reinforcing of the promises of government to guard and protect the individual rights and freedoms as granted under the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Kansas regardless of country or culture of origin, race, or religion.  It gives statutory direction to the Courts, which at times, without such laws to refer to, may use arbitrary means to reach a decision.

The HAMAS linked CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations), a Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, had mounted its expected attack on Kansas.  They mounted a national campaign for Muslims to contact Governor Brownback and tell him to veto the bill.

What hasn’t made the news, to my knowledge, is that this bill has been endorsed by the American Islamic Leadership Coalition, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, President and Founder of American Islamic Forum for Democracy, and has been examined and ruled as Constitutional by the Congressional Research Service. Unlike the Oklahoma ballot initiative of  2010, it has yet to be challenged in court in any state where ALAC has become law.

Since the Legislature had adjourned (sine die) prior to the end of the usual waiting period, the Governor had to sign SB 79 in order for it to become law.  That might have been the more politically expedient action for him to take; allow it to expire without his signature.

Nonetheless, in spite of the mis-information, and sensationalist and even international campaign waged by CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, along with some uninformed citizens to marginalize the bill, proponents of the bill, the Governor and the overwhelming majority of the Kansas Legislature and Kansas citizens, the Governor chose to step up and make a public statement for individual liberties for every citizen, regardless of gender, religion, or cultural background.  Brownback will, no doubt, receive a tongue lashing from the media, left wingers everywhere, and pro-Islamist groups around the country and the globe.  He is not a newcomer to politics and to coin a phrase, that took some guts.

CAIR’s call to action lambasted the Kansas Legislature, and Kansas citizens, as Islamophobic, Muslim hating bigots, and that this law will forbid free exercise of Islamic religious beliefs.

Well, if your free exercise of your religious beliefs goes contrary to the Constitution, and existing Kansas and American Law, then I suppose that would apply.  Things like polygamy, slavery, inequity in legal status, stoning, suppression of the rights of other individuals (Muslim or non-Muslim), misogyny, yes, these things are contrary to our laws.

It’s sort of like driving the wrong way on a one way street.  It’s against the law, no matter who you are, or why you do it! Now if you get caught you can’t hide behind your religion, no matter what it is.

If your religious beliefs lead you to action that is legal under American or Kansas Law, such as your choice of diet, abstaining from alcohol or tobacco, pray 5 times a day (not blocking traffic), adhere to a dress code,  go to church on Sunday, synagogue on Saturday, mosque on Friday, or any other religious expression which complies with the law,  and does not infringe on the rights of others, knock yourself out!

Cult of Trump

24 01 2021

Dear Katie Couric, Joy Beehar, Hoopie Goldberg, Chuck Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, Squad, CNN, MSNBC, and any other master dipstick to whom it needs to be explained:

I keep hearing the term “Cult of Trump”, “brainwashed followers”, etc in referring to 74 million people who voted for President Donald Trump.

Now hear this!

My beliefs were my beliefs before Donald Trump ever considered entering politics!

Get that?

I did not suddenly adopt political views in line with Mr. Trump’s that preferred smaller government, America first foreign policies, pro life, lower taxes, less government control and regulation, fair equitable and free trade agreements, holding our trade partners and allies to their commitments, tighter border security, pro law enforcement, pro military readiness, pro Israel, pro Middle East peace agreements, tax policies that keep American jobs and money at home.

My belief in Jesus Christ had nothing to do with the sudden appearance of Trump. My love of the Bible and the US Constitution was neither boosted nor abated by the arrival of Donald Trump in the White House. I did not love my fellow humans any more or less due to the presence of Trump.

But here is what I have learned.

I have learned that Progressive Leftists project their own psychosis onto their opponents as well as their friends. I have watched as you swoon over a smooth talking charismatic Leftist who apologized for America as he walked through the Middle East kicking over fire pits and threw gasoline on them. I watched as you winked at me while he invited Muslim Brotherhood members into the White House, and met with and encouraged Marxist organizers who were inciting riots and burning major US cities.

In fact, I may even concede that two terms of a Marxist sympathizing, Saul Alinsky protege who refused to secure our National borders against thousands of invaders, while calling me a racist, did steel my resolve to support any candidate over his own handpicked successor who would continue these anti-American policies.

I am fed up with your fear mongering, slanderous accusations against me.

You call for “unity”. Well I’ve watched you long enough to understand your language. To you call for “unity” means your opposition submits. I will not submit.

You have become the American Taliban. You are systematically shutting down dissenting opinions in media, in Academia, and in politics. That began 8 years ago. Your “cancel culture” is worse than any fascist policy you’ve ever accused America of. I wonder, do you know what you are doing, and if so, YOU have advanced beyond the worst caricature of Donald Trump that you have ever imagined.

Donald Trump did not create me. I did not create Donald Trump. You, yes YOU, created Donald Trump. And you created him in your own image.

Stop the madness.

If you want to see the oppressor, the ideologue, the provocateur, look in the mirror.

Kansas Legislators Treated to “vacation of a lifetime” by Turkish Advocate Group.

15 10 2016

Over the last several years Kansas Legislators have been among some 6000 American officials and civic leaders treated to expense paid vacations by Turks seeking to gain political favors.

Kansas Legislators among guests of Turkey in 2010:  Rep. Sidney Carlin (center), Rep. Joan Pottorf (4th from r.), Rep. Nile Dillmore (2nd from r.)

Kansas Legislators among guests of Turkey in 2010: Rep. Sidney Carlin (center), Rep. Joan Pottorf (4th from r.), Rep. Nile Dillmore (2nd from r.) Also pictured is Dr. Selahattin Aydin, TCAE (Photo credit, Raindrop Turkish House, Kansas City, Ks.)

According to Sophia Pandya & Nancy Gallagher in their 2012 book “The Gulen Hizmet Movement and Its Transnational Activities”,   “To date more than 6000 Americans have traveled to Turkey at the invitation of Hizmet institutes and have returned to support the activities of the Turkish immigrant circles.”

The typical Gulenist trip is 9-10 days.  The costs reported run from $3400-$9,000.[1] If the average trip runs $5000, Turkish/Gulen organizations have already invested over $30 Million in American politicians from the local, to state, and national levels.  This doesn’t count campaign contributions from these organizations, or individuals within those into the hundreds of thousands of dollars.[2]

This begs the question, “What is Turkey’s interest, or the interest of Gulen organizations in Kansas, the United States, and other Western nations?”  No other foreign national delegation or organization has been so aggressive or shown such interest in Kansas officials.

Consider the following possible answers:

  • Winning the hearts and minds of American officials to favor Turkey friendly legislation
  • Charter Schools – Gain more charters in more states (Already 151 Turkish run charter schools in 26 states) worth millions in taxpayer funding and contracts for foreign based companies.
  • Improved perception of Islam through “Interfaith Dialog” (Another Fethullah Gulen founded institution) by American politicians.  Islam calls it “dawah”, their version of “missionary work”. Gulenists refer to it as “Hizmet”.
  • Advancement of the Islamic settlement strategy outlined in the “Explanatory Memorandum on the Strategic Goal for the [Muslim Brotherhood] in North America”, 1991. (Exhibit 003-0085, US vs. Holy Land Foundation, July, 2007) [3]

Turkish Politics and Kansas Ties

The Turkish Friendship Network Resolution (HR6013) offered on Mar 7, 2012, stated many wonderful things about how Turkey shared the United States interests in “cherishing the universal values of freedom, democracy and human rights…and has demonstrated…tolerance of others in the secular and religious venues…”. These statements are misleading if not blatantly false.  Turkey has faced a number of issues which has kept it out of the European Union, not the least of which is human rights issues, including freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. Furthermore, Turkish journalists have been jailed for speaking out against the current government, which has become increasingly “Islamized” in recent years.[4]

The resolution (6013) began by speaking of Turkey as a “secular…republic“, which, while for the previous 70-80 years it was indeed a secular government, balanced by a secular military which enforced that secularist state, in 2002 an Islamist sympathizing party known as AKP (Justice and Development Party) gained a majority of seats in Parliament, and still holds the majority as well as the Presidency and Prime Ministry.

On Feb. 22, 2010, 49 Turkish Military Officers were arrested, preempting military action that had historically kept the government of Turkey balanced in opposition to Islamists, sending a new message that this government will not tolerate opposition from civilian or military dissidents.  (See this article in Foreign Policy Magazine by Turkish writer Sonar Cagaptay.[5])

The Constitution of The Republic of Turkey may be secular in letter but the government itself is no longer secular in practice.[6]   Researcher Bingul Durbas, PhD researcher for the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, says that “honor killings” in Turkey have risen 14 fold since 2002.[7]

An article by Steven Elwart (The Gulen Movement)[8]gives a good summary of Gulen’s activities in the US revealing that Gulen groups in America such as Raindrop House, have strong ties to AKP politicians in Turkey, and most if not all those Parliament members attending the Turkic-(your state) receptions held in many American cities belong to AKP (Justice and Development Party-a decidedly Islamist majority party in Turkey’s government).

Of late the Turks seem more interested in promoting Azerbaijan than Turkey, perhaps due to a lot of attention Turkey has been getting in the media, concerning not only the Islamization of the government, and it’s slow and tepid response against ISIS, but its own continued human rights violations[9]  that run smack in the face of the “Friendship Resolutions” that are peddled in state houses around the country and are becoming less likely to be received.  It may also run parallel to the Fethullah Gulen’s fallout with the Turkish government [10]  recently, over accusations of “bugging” of government offices resulting in many of his followers in Turkey being arrested, interrogated or imprisoned along with any other journalists who had been criticizing the Erdogen government.

More recently, the alleged “coup” in Turkey has been laid at the feet of Gulen as President Recip Tayyip Erdogen continues his purge of Gulen followers.   The interesting thing is that while the Turkish Delegation in America won’t criticize the Turkish government, they remain in full allegiance to Fethullah Gulen, who owns some 20 media outlets and at least 300 schools inside Turkey, and over 1,000 worldwide.  These institutions inside Turkey have been banned since Erdogen’s purge began.  The “coup” attempt led to 240 deaths in July of 2016.  Since then, Erdogen’s Islamist government has fired 100,000 people and jailed 32,000 in an effort to root out Gulen supporters accused of sedition.  The “coup” has been a prime opportunity for Erdogen to eliminate his chief rival’s support system and consolidate his own power base.  (The two basically want the same thing, a caliphate, but Erdogen felt threatened by Gulen’s huge support mechanism and popularity, so he had to be rendered a non-threat.  If there is to be a caliphate absorbing post-Assad Syria, Iraq, and whatever else comes together, Erdogen wants to be the Sultan.  Swirling allegations of Gulen being used by CIA[13] to effect a change in the attitudes of the students, particularly in Central and Southern Asia may also be fueling Erdogen’s aggressive actions toward Gulen’s massive network.)  Erdogen has also begun to attack Gulen schools around the world as terror cells, and has, once again appealed to President Obama to extradite Gulen.  He has filed a formal complaint with the Texas Education Agency against Harmony Public Schools, and asked education officials in California and Texas to investigate any schools tied to the Gulen organizations.

The Gulen School network, known as Hizmet (Service), has flourished in the United States
since Gulen’s arrival in 1999.  Names like Harmony Public Schools, Horizon Academy, Frontier, Daisy, Magnolia, and a plethora of other unimposing, monikers take in the Hizmet schools.  The largest, Harmony, has over 45 charter schools in the state of Texas alone.  So far, there are none in Kansas, although they are in Missouri, Oklahoma, and Colorado.


Fethullah Gulen

These charters are publicly funded with tax dollars, and have been subject to FBI investigations, continuous audits, and several school closures due to illegal mishandling of funds. Contracts to build schools usually go through Cosmos Foundation and are awarded to Turkish construction companies.  In the two year period from 2009 to 2011, six charter school contracts worth over $50 million were given to a new company called TDM and one other.  TDM was only one month old when awarded its first charter school contract worth over $8 million.[12]

Besides the huge contracts going to foreign companies, faculty is being brought in from Turkey on H1B1 visas, because the administrators claim there are no qualified American teachers.  Thousands of Turkish teachers have been rotated through this program, some whose English is unintelligible, as revealed in a CBS 60 Minutes segment by Leslie Stahl in 2012[14].  This particular individual was hired to teach English.  This appears to be a money maker for the Hizmet as well, since the Turkish teachers, well paid, are required to give large percentages of their salaries back to the organization [Sometimes 40-50%].  (State auditors in Ohio found that a number of schools had “illegally expended” public funding to pay legal, immigration, and air-travel fees for nonemployees and retained teachers who lacked proper licenses. Audited records from the Horizon Science Academy in Cincinnati in May 2009 also say that “for the period of time under audit, 47 percent (nine of 19) of the school’s teachers were not properly licensed.”)[11]

Gulen network groups like Raindrop Turkish House and Turquoise Council of American Eurasions (TCAE) continue their public relations campaign on the local and state level throughout the United States.  Award dinners and breakfasts will continue to be held to stroke public servants from the city council to the fire department, from the local library to the university deans.  They will continue to walk the halls of the Capital building in Topeka and other states, shaking hands and politicking legislators, winning friends who will carry resolutions, which may eventually lead to binding legislation allowing Harmony or Horizon to build their first charter school in Kansas.  Several Kansas Legislators including Sidney Carlin, Joan Pottorf, Niles Dilmore, James Todd, Chris Steineger, Vern Swanson, and Tom Moxley have already seen the tour of Turkey compliments of their hosts led by Sellahattin Aydin, a regular at Topeka.  Unlike other tours though, the legislators had to pay their own airfare, which would have constituted a “gift” illegal to elected officials.

Kansas Watchdog published an article on May 11, 2010 entitled “Ethics: Legislators cannot pay for Turkey trips with campaign funds”.

                “The Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission in a special teleconference meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon ruled that Kansas legislators could not use their campaign accounts to pay a $1300 portion for a trip to Turkey organized by the Turquoise Council of Americans and Eurasians.
“The Commission could not find a connection between the trip, which was largely for site [sic] seeing, and a legislator’s duties as an elected official.” [1]

[All other expenses inside Turkey were paid by the TCAE, Institute for Interfaith Dialog, and/or affiliates.]

Besides the FBI investigations into the school network, these organizations have been subject to media investigations, including USA Today’s most recent release[15], revealing Congressional ethics violations and irregularities in reporting Congressional travel expenses for those members who took advantage of the offers of travel.

Ultimately, according to some scholars, the Gulen movement is about more than just teaching children.  “The main purpose right now”,  says Dr. Hakan Yavuz, a Turkish-born assistant professor at the University of Utah’s Middle East Center, “is to show the positive side of Islam and to make Americans sympathize with Islam.” [12]












Freedom of Speech – The Continued Assault on America’s Most Precious Liberty

31 12 2015

ontheriseHouse Resolution 569 was introduced into the United States House of Representatives on December 17, 2015.  It will be part of the legislation reviewed by Congress in 2016.  Just to give you a peek at the language included, here is the introduction, right off the top of the bill:

“Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.”

Well, I think “violence” against anyone is already condemned and considered a crime under existing legislation across the land.  “Bigotry and hateful rhetoric” has been the target of lawsuits, city ordinances, statutory law, and social pressure for generations now.  So why do we need more legislation on the books condemning these behaviors and crimes against anyone?  Of any religion? Race? Creed?

The U. S. Dept of Justice defines “hate crimes” as:  “the violence of intolerance and bigotry, intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.”  41 states and the District of Columbia have laws against “hate crimes” on their books.  These gist of these laws is that the penalty for committing a crime against a random victim is not as bad as for a crime against someone who has been targeted for one of the above reasons, which presupposes then the victim of a “hate crime” is hurt more than your average run of the mill victim.  Seriously, an assault victim bleeds just as much whether the perp has chosen them because of a “hate” reason or an economic one, or for for whatever reason.  A murder victim is just as dead whether chosen for the color of their skin or for the car they were driving, or the money in their pocket.  Dead is dead, and the murderer is still a murderer and will spend the rest of their miserable lives in prison or be executed.  As you can tell, I struggle with the logic of “hate crimes”.

Be that as it may, the fact remains there are plenty of laws on the books that address the issue for all victimized people, regardless of race, religion, etc.

But the point of this bill is this:  Muslims are a special class of people, worthy of much higher standards of protection than, say, Jews, Christians, or Buddhists, Sikhs, or atheists.

Rep. Don Beyer, 8th Dist VA. Via Wikipedia

So where does this idea come from?  Well, I can tell you this much.  It wasn’t the brainchild of Virginia Representative Don Beyer (D), sponsor of HR 569, who just happens to represent Virginia’s 8th Congressional District, which just happens to include the city of Falls Church, which just happens to be the location of the Dar al Hijra Islamic Center.  This is the mosque, you may remember, where several of the Sept 11th hijackers attended, where Anwar al-Alawki was the Imam (before he fled to Yemen where a US drone took him out), and Major Nidal Hassan attended prior to his Jihad on Fort Hood.  Dar al-Hijra just happens to be the mosque co-founded by Ismail Elbarasse, whose basement was a storage hold for a plethora of documents seized by the FBI in 2004, among which was the document known as the “Explanatory Memorandum for the Strategic Goal for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America”.  This was one of the documents entered as evidence in the largest terrorism funding trial in US history.  The mosque itself appears to have a long history of Islamic extremist  and terrorist ties.

But, yet, even so, the Dar al-Hijra (“Land of Migration“) mosque is not the origin of HR 569.

HR 569 is but a mirror image of UN Resolution 16/18, which was formerly known as the “Defamation of Religion”, or more accurately “The International Blasphemy” law.   The goal specifically in HR 569 is to stop any criticism of Islam or anyone or anything Islamic.  This has been the steady mantra in the Islamic groups ever since President Obama stated in the UN General Assembly “The future must not belong to those who would slander the prophet of Islam.”

Muslims encourage stifling of free speech

Muslims encourage stifling of free speech

That statement was like blood in the water for sharks.  It followed the White House propaganda line concerning the Benghazi affair where Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans were murdered by Islamic Terrorists.  Muslim groups in the UN as well as around the country called for illegalizing criticism of Islam.  The Islamic Society of Greater Kansas City posted a link on its own website to a petition for a “law against insulting one’s religion”.

Obama was echoed by the likes of Pakistani President Zardari who said, “The international community must not become silent observers and should criminalize such acts that destroy the peace of the world and endanger world security by misusing freedom of expression.”  In other words, violence on the part of Muslims around the world must be expected when someone criticizes Islam or the prophet Muhammad, and it is the critic’s responsibility, not the violent Muslim’s.

That same chorus was joined by the newly elected Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi of Egypt, and then Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said it was time to put an end to the protection of Islamophobia masquerading as the freedom to speak freely.  Turkey’s President Erdogen called Islamophobia “a crime against humanity”.

These officials were inside the UN in New York promoting their speech killing rhetoric while outside on the street and around the nation protestors were echoing the same thing, demanding the criminalization of free speech.  Secretary of State Hillary Clinton co-chaired an international conference in 2011, applauding the adoption of UN Resolution 16/18, and promised to apply pressure at home in the United States to suppress Islamophobia.

UN Resolution 16/18 is the work of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the largest special interest group in the world and second largest governance body compared to the UN itself.  OIC, funded largely by Saudi Arabia, represents 56 (Syria was 57) Islamic states throughout the world in their common interest of advancing the cause of Islam, which includes establishing the Sharia worldwide.  OIC has been a subject of previous posts on this blog. For more information on OIC click here.  The term “Islamophobia” was coined by OIC and propagated by CAIR, and has become part of the lexicon used to silence critics of Islam.  (OIC’s inferred definition of “Islamophobia” does not mean ‘fear of Islam‘ as the word suggests; rather ‘critical of, unaccepting or hostile to Islam in any way‘.)

Obviously then, the OIC, by way of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), is behind HR 569.

CAIR was at the forefront immediately following the recent San Bernardino jihad (which left 14 dead and 22 wounded) and, according to Investors Business Daily, “running interference” between investigators and witnesses and suspects”.

“As medics were still removing bodies from the mass shooting, CAIR rushed to assemble a bizarre press conference, letting the media ask questions of Farook’s brother-in-law before the FBI had a crack at him.” – (H/T IBD read more here)

CAIR remains on the FBI’s “bad boy list”, and has been denied delisting by Federal Court as an ‘unindicted co-conspirator’ in the largest terror funding trial in US history in 2008 – Un-indicted because the current administration suspended all previous indictments concerning that trial.  CAIR is a Muslim Brotherhood organization and has been proven to have direct connections to HAMAS.

CAIR was  proactive and led the narrative in the San Bernardino jihad about the concern of “backlash” against Muslims.  Less than 2 days later, the US Atty General was leading the charge on CAIR’s behalf stating her greatest fear was not terrorist attacks, but retaliatory acts of violence against Muslims.  She went on, while addressing a Muslim gathering, to include “rhetoric and bigoted actions” in her list of prosecutions under way.

CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood and all its affiliates are having great success formulating or perpetuating the narrative.  Something tells me that “rhetorical terrorism” is a term that will be used by more than those spoiled little socialistic college students on college campus’ this fall.  While they’ve been looking for a “safe space” from “impactful” words, the Islamists have been working to outlaw them.

Stephen Coughlin, expert in Sharia and Islamic terrorism, and past consultant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Daily Caller this:

“Over the last few years, major left-wing and Islamists organizations have been working diligently to reframe free speech in an oppositional narrative that distinguishes sanctioned speech, designated free speech, from hate speech in a long-term campaign to brand nonconforming speech as hate speech that is at first to be ridiculed and then criminalized”. (Read more Daily Caller)

Read that again.  Major Coughlin has summarized the entire Progressive playbook into one paragraph.

HR 569 in the US Congress has little chance of passing even if it gets out of Judicial Committee.  And it’s a resolution, not statute (Not that resolutions are not important and formative).  However, the really scary thing is it does have 82 Co-Sponsors, all Democrats.  82.  [UPDATED 2/3/16:  HR569 now has 125 Democrat co-sponsors.  For more updated info see here.]

You can download the entirety of HR 569 here complete with sponsors names, or see the text below.  It’s not long and I promise it will raise your blood pressure!

RESOLUTION Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States. HRES 569– Whereas the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes and rhetoric have faced physical, verbal, and emotional abuse because they were Muslim or believed to be Muslim;

-Whereas the constitutional right to freedom of religious practice is a cherished United States value and violence or hate speech towards any United States community based on faith is in contravention of the Nation’s founding principles;

-Whereas there are millions of Muslims in the United States, a community made up of many diverse beliefs and cultures, and both immigrants and native-born citizens;

-Whereas this Muslim community is recognized as having made innumerable contributions to the cultural and economic fabric and well-being of United States society;

-Whereas hateful and intolerant acts against Muslims are contrary to the United States values of acceptance, welcoming, and fellowship with those of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;

-Whereas these acts affect not only the individual victims but also their families, communities, and the entire group whose faith or beliefs were the motivation for the act;

-Whereas Muslim women who wear hijabs, headscarves, or other religious articles of clothing have been disproportionately targeted because of their religious clothing, articles, or observances; and

-Whereas the rise of hateful and anti-Muslim speech, violence, and cultural ignorance plays into the false narrative spread by terrorist groups of Western hatred of Islam, and can encourage certain individuals to react in extreme and violent ways:

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives—  expresses its condolences for the victims of anti-Muslim hate crimes; (2) steadfastly confirms its dedication to the rights and dignity of all its citizens of all faiths, beliefs, and cultures;
(3) denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim;
(4) recognizes that the United States Muslim 12 community has made countless positive contributions to United States society;
(5) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all United States citizens, including Muslims in the United States, should be protected and preserved;
(6) urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes; and
(7) reaffirms the inalienable right of every citizen to live without fear and intimidation, and to practice their freedom of faith.

Well…isn’t that special…?  I’m not even gonna unpack that sucker!!!

***For Updates on HR 569 click here.***