To Define the Enemy You Must Know Him

11 11 2010

No other war in history has been met by such an imbecilic response as the Jihad America finds itself in. In order to survive a nation must be willing to identify and then subsequently meet the enemy on the battlefield using tactics that are effective enough to thwart the enemy attack. Unless and until the enemy is identified there is no hope for victory. Just ask Thomas Jefferson, who so often is hailed as owning a Koran. He read it in order to know and understand the enemy he was facing in the “Barbary Pirates” who were ravaging trade ships in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic coasts of Spain and Africa. Then he sent the Marines to the “Shores of Tripoli”. Jefferson did not try to negotiate with the “Musselmen” (then popular term for “Muslim”). He met them according to their own terms. No more piracy from that source for many years.

Colonel Allen West defines the enemy in this video while the rest of the panel would rather be para-sailing. Check it out:

(Courtesy of The Hudson Institute’s Reclaim American Liberty Conference)



4 responses

11 11 2010

Thanks for the post. We know the enemy, the A$$HATS in Washington, as most leaders in the west are in a state of denial that if left unchecked will destroy us.
Your friend,
Bob A.

11 11 2010
Islam. | Boudica BPI Weblog

[…] H/T to ingrafted. […]

11 11 2010

posted the video with a H/T back. Keep posting.
Bob A.

12 11 2010

If the a$$hats in power would just take a page from Congressman-elect West or Thomas Jefferson, we’d be so much better off. They refuse to see and that is a detriment to the country.

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